Podcast FAQ

michio kaku podcast

by Danny Wuckert Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Who is Science Fantastic's Michio Kaku?

Dr. Michio Kaku is the host of Science Fantastic. He also is one of the world's leading experts in theoretical physics, and according to New York Magazine, one of the “10 Smartest People in New York.”

Where can I listen to Dr Kaku?

Dr. Kaku hosts a weekly science radio program that airs on over 100 commercial radio stations nationwide and also online worldwide. SCIENCE FANTASTIC airs live for three hours every Saturday. The show accepts listener calls. Call in and talk to Dr. Kaku on national radio!

What is God equation by Michio Kaku about?

KAKU ON COLBERT: THE GOD EQUATION Inspired by Albert Einstein at a young age, Michio Kaku has spent most of his life seeking out a universal “Theory of Everything” or so-called “God Equation,” the subject of Kaku ‘s latest bestselling book, THE GOD EQUATION: The Quest for a Theory of Everything.

What are the prerequisites to study physics with Dr Kaku?

Prerequisites: None, except a healthy imagination. Credits: 3; Online lectures held on Tues & Thurs @ 2pm to 3:15 pm, then Dr. Kaku hosts a live online Q&A session via Zoom. Required reading: Dr. Kaku’s Physics of the Impossible and Hyperspace. One midterm and final.

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Does Michio Kaku have a podcast?

Theoretical Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku | Podcast | American Masters | PBS.

How much does Michio Kaku make?

Michio Kaku net worth: Michio Kaku is an American futurist and theoretical physicist who has a net worth of $5 million. Michio Kaku was born in San Jose, California in January 1947.

Did Michio Kaku win a Nobel Prize?

Michio Kaku loses superstring Nobel bet, algorithm helps you avoid the hot Sun, how potato snacks get their puff. Physicists are known to have an occasional flutter – especially when it comes to the possible discovery of new physics.

What did Michio Kaku invent?

string field theoryHe co-founded string field theory, a subset of string theory. String field theory uses the mathematics of fields to explain string theory. More evidence and a better understanding of string theory may one day allow us to travel between universes and into new dimensions, potentially even making time travel possible.

What is the American Masters podcast?

The American Masters Podcast features new interviews with contemporary artists and cultural figures, along with previously unreleased material from the American Masters series’ 30+ years of award-winning documentary films for PBS. Powered by PRX. Subscribe now!

Who is the host of the show "If we can understand it, so can you"?

Deciphering science and technology in an entertaining, amusing and accessible way. If we can understand it, so can you. Hosted by Lynn Ware Peek and John Wells.

Who is the host of Science Fantastic?

1#N#Science Fantastic with Dr. Kaku. Dr. Michio Kaku is the host of Science Fantastic. He also is one of the world's leading experts in theoretical physics, and according to New York Magazine, one of the “10 Smartest People in New York.”. Listeners from all walks of life tune in to hear Dr. Kaku discuss today's hottest and most relevant ...

Who is Michio Kaku?

Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist who was inspired as a young child to search for the 'theory of everything.' Kaku co-founded the string field theory, which he believes may be the answer to the long quest to understand our universe. Kaku details the history of this search in his new book, "The God Equation." Mori Rothman reports. PBS NewsHour …

What is the American Masters podcast?

The American Masters Podcast features new interviews with contemporary artists and cultural figures, along with previously unreleased material from the American Masters series’ 30+ years of award-winning documentary films for PBS. Powered by PRX. Subscribe now!

Who is Finn Lau?

Ambassador to the U.N., discusses her efforts to bring the world's attention back to Syria. Finn Lau, an exiled Hong Kong pro-democracy activist, and Wu'er Kaixi, a Chinese dissident, talk about the Hong Kong police's attempt to block commemorative gatherings on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Hari Sr…

Who is Daniel Kahneman?

Daniel Kahneman is a celebrated psychologist, economist, Nobel Prize winner, and author of the much-lauded Thinking, Fast and Slow and his latest, Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment. What We Discuss with Daniel Kahneman: Why we don’t always produce the same results when faced with the same facts on two different occasions. How noise -- in this context…

How to Academy?

How To Academy is an organisation for people who think big. From Nobel laureates to Pulitzer Prize winners, we invite the world’s most influential voices to London to share new ideas for changing ourselves, our communities, and the world.

Who is Michio Kaku?

Physicist/Futurist, Dr. Michio Kaku, author of the new bestselling book, THE GOD EQUATION: The Quest for a Theory of Everything called the successful flight NASA ‘s “Wright Brothers Moment on Mars.”. He appeared on CNN ‘s Early Start to discuss the groundbreaking achievement and its historic significance for human advancement.

Who is Kaku on Fox Business?

NASA has selected two new missions aimed at understanding how the planet Venus became an inferno-like world when it has so many other Earth-like characteristics. Bestselling author and theoretical physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku appeared on FOX Business to explain how the wealth of information hidden on Venus might help ...

Who is the scientist behind the Fast Radio Bursts?

Physicist and futurist, Dr. Michio Kaku joins Shepard Smith on FOX NEWS at the forefront of the findings to explore the possibilities. WATCH NOW!

Who is the author of String Field Theory?

Inspired since youth to search for a Theory of Everything, bestselling author and theoretical physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku co-founded String Field Theory, which he believes may be the answer to fully understanding our universe.

What is physics 332?

Physics of Science Fiction (Physics 332) is a new course which Professor Michio Kaku will be teaching this Fall Semester exclusively for students at The City College of New York (CCNY). It applies physics to explain some of most sensational themes found in science fiction.

Exploration: 01.17.22

This is the Exploration with Dr. Michio Kaku tape for the week of Jan. 17, 2022.

Exploration - State of The World

Dr Michio Kaku speaks with Lester Brown on the topic of the state of the world.

Exploration - Biotech & State of The World - 03.18.20

Michio Kaku speaks with Dr. Robert Lanza on the topic of Biotech and Lester Brown on the topic of State of The World.

Exploration - Black Holes & Time Travel

Host Dr. Michio Kaku speaks with Dr. Fulvia Melia on the topic of Black Holes and Dr. Richard Gott on the topic of Time Travel.

Exploration - Religion & Science

Dr. Michio Kaku speaks with Dr. Daniel Dennet & Steven Pinker on the topics of Religion & Science .

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