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million bazillion podcast

by Vita Williamson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Kids & Family Podcasts

This is a podcast about money for kids and their families from Marketplace, in collaboration with “Brains On!” Co-hosts Jed Kim and Bridget Bodnar answer the awkward, uncomfortable and sometimes surprising questions that kids have about money.

Why are jobs so important?

Having a job is how we earn money to pay for the things we need. Money is important but it’s not the only reason people work. This week we’re going out to the pizzeria, where we’ll learn how every job is connected to lots of other jobs — and how those connections keep our economy running.

What is the stock market?

Companies need money to grow, and there’s a way for them to get it: the stock market. They can sell a little piece of their company, called a share or stock, to regular people. If the company grows, those people get to keep some of the money it makes.

Why is our money green?

This week we’re tracking down answers to a bunch of your questions about why money looks the way it does. A lot of you were curious about stuff like why American money is green, why other countries have more colorful currency, and who decides whose picture goes on each bill.

The history of banks

When banks first started thousands of years ago, they were known as places to borrow money, not to keep your own money safe. Through loans, they’d provide funding to farmers or traders to help them with a project — like building a fence or traveling to another country.

Taxes pay for the things we care about

Back in Robin Hood’s day, tax-collecting sheriffs forced people to pay money to a king, who decided how those taxes were spent. These days our tax system works a bit differently. We get to vote for people who’ll spend that money on things we care about — like schools and libraries, health care for elderly people, police, parks, sewers and so on.

Jed and Bridget need your help!

Hey, Million Bazillionaires! Jed and Bridget are hard at work on season two of our show. But to get it over the finish line, we need a favor (or two)! Kids, we need your money questions! You can send them to us, with a grown-up’s help, here.

Episode 6: Secrets for starting a business

Do you feel like your kids are always trying to find ways to make money? Maybe it’s through chores or maybe they’re negotiating an allowance for something else, like their good grades! Let’s face it — kids are entrepreneurs in the making.

Episode 5: Saving money is really hard to do

We’re always talking about saving, and we try to make it easy for your kids to save with Round Ups, savings goals and Parent-Paid Interest. But we know saving money is pretty hard to do — even for grownups! In episode 5 of Million Bazillion, we learn WHY it’s hard.

Episode 4: Ads are there for a reason – to sell you stuff

Parents and kids see (and hear!) ads all the time, but how do they make us want to buy things? This week’s episode of Million Bazillion answers questions all about advertising so your kids can learn how to spot an ad and decide if they’ll buy after seeing it.

Episode 3: The price of pizza

It’s every kid’s favorite day: Pizza day. In this episode, Million Bazillion breaks down the idea of costs by looking at all the things that go into making a pizza. It’s more than gooey cheese and tangy red sauce — it’s a whole operation. To get kids thinking about costs, wants vs.

Episode 2: Negotiation is a super important skill

Kids negotiate all the time. Just ask your kids how they ended up with a brownie for lunch instead of the PB&J you packed. Chances are, you’ve had your fair share of negotiations with your kids over chores, allowance, screen time or even what movie to watch.

Episode 1: Where did money come from?

In episode 1, we learn about bartering and gift economies to see how people used to pay for things before bills and coins. Greenlight is all about managing money digitally, but back in the day, things were really different. This episode takes us on a ride into history to hear how this thing called “money” all got started.

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