What happened to Mischelle Lawless and how did she die?
In November 1992, Mischelle Lawless was found by passersbys deceased in her car with the headlights on and vehicle still running. Police have spent decades trying to piece together what happened to Mischelle that night. Who would she have pulled over for? Where was she headed?
When will the lawless files release new episodes?
The Lawless Files launched its trailer on Nov. 8, the anniversary of Mischelle Lawless's murder. New episodes will be released on Nov. 15 to supporters of the Lawless Files. Interested in becoming a supporter? Learn more. Subscribe & Support.
Who was the State's star witness in the Mischelle Lawless case?
Crider was questioned for hours by Sheriff Bill Ferrell and became the state's star witness. Crider took the stand. She said she told the court, "I believed it was Josh." Also on the stand was Mark Abbott, the man who had reported seeing Mischelle Lawless in her car the night of her murder.
Who is lawless files host Bob Miller?
Meet podcast host and author Bob Miller along with other Lawless Files team members and learn what drives them to continue digging into this case. Learn more about the upcoming release of podcast host Bob Miller's new book, Lawless.

A story of murder, injustice and secrets
Angela Mischelle Lawless, a 19 year-old college nursing student, stopped on the side of an exit ramp of a Missouri interstate after midnight on Nov. 8, 1992. She was less than a mile from her home. She rolled her window halfway down, then exited her car in her sock feet.
Case Notes
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Witnesses still alive today have information that may be useful in solving Mischelle's case. If you're one of them, we'd like to hear from you – no matter how big or small you think the information may be. You can use Case Tips form on this website to share.
About Us
Meet podcast host and author Bob Miller along with other Lawless Files team members and learn what drives them to continue digging into this case.
Lawless, the Book
Learn more about the upcoming release of podcast host Bob Miller's new book, Lawless. Plus, get details on how you can access it early.
When was Mischelle Lawless found?
If you want you can contact Josh on Twitter and Facebook. In November 1992 , Mischelle Lawless was found by passersby deceased in her car with the headlights on and vehicle still running. Police have spent decades trying to piece together what happened to Mischelle that night.
Who was the man who killed Angela?
UPDATE: Josh Kezer , the man who was wrongfully convicted of Angela’s murder and then later declared actually innocent, reached out to us to discuss the case. If you are familiar with the case details you can skip to 52:20 just to hear his interview.
This episode explores some creative reimbursement collections by Bill Ferrell; the firing of a drug task force officer who testified at Josh Kezer's hearing; and new testimony by Chantelle Crider.
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