Impacting The World Through Community with Etienne de Bruin, Founder of 7CTOs & Co-Founder of Elevate150
Today we’re talking to Etienne de Bruin, Founder of the 7CTOs Community, and Co-founder of the Elevate150 Community; and we discuss the impact you can have on the world by working through communities, how to use the ontological method to coach others, and tips for taking care of yourself so you can best serve others. All of this right here, right now, on the Modern CTO Podcast! To learn more about Elevate150, check out the community at https://elevate150.com To learn more about 7CTOs, check out the community at https://7ctos.com.
Why Are You Still Spinning Up Your Own Environments? with Tommy McClung, Co-Founder & CEO at Release
Today we’re talking to Tommy McClung, Co-Founder & CEO of Release.
Helping Paralyzed People Walk with Achilleas Dorotheou, Head of Human Motion & Control at Parker Hannifin
Today we’re talking to Achilleas Dorotheou, Head of Human Motion at Parker Hannifin. And we discuss how Achilleas and his team are building exoskeletons that help paralyzed people walk.
Building Your Personal Brand with John Mediana, Founder & CEO of Executive Brand Growth
Today we’re talking to John Mediana, Founder & CEO of Executive Brand Growth. And we discuss why marketers ruin everything.
Data-Driven Engineering Management with Bryan Helmkamp, Founder & CEO of Code Climate
Today we’re talking to Bryan Helmkamp, Founder and CEO of Code Climate. And we discuss how to implement data-driven engineering management with Code Climate. The impact that adopting a data-driven approach has on every level of the engineering organization, and how to think about creating a product that is a tool vs.
Effective Relationship Management with Lacey Teal, former Relationship Manager at ServiceRocket
Today we’re talking with Lacey Teal, former Relationship Manager at ServiceRocket. And we discuss how she helped bridge the gap between ServiceRocket and the businesses they partner with.
Our Story
When talking with CTOs, the same stories and lessons kept coming up over and over. So, Joel decided to write the Modern CTO book. As Joel outlined the book, he involved a number of CTOs he had close relationships with. The conversations were engaging, intelligent and fun. He didn’t want them to stop. Keep reading
In the book Joel covers what he learned in his role as a CTO from ground floor, as a single developer building “something cool”, to the CTO of a multi-million dollar company. The book has been edited, formatted, and is now for sale on Amazon. Buy the Modern CTO Book.
Featured Topic: LeaderBits.io
A trend emerged when speaking with CTOs all over the world everyday. We need to take action on what we’ve learned versus forgetting. We need a way to make it fun to improve as leaders.
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Who is the CTO of Spot?
Today we’re talking to Kevin McGrath, the CTO at Spot. And we discuss how Spot saves their clients 80-90% on their cloud compute bills. The concept of data gravity and how to conquer it, and how to design career paths that include growth without necessarily moving into management. All of this right here, right now, on the ModernCTO Podcast! To learn more about Spot, check them out at https://spot.io
Who is the CIO of Right Networks?
Today we’re talking to Jim Walsh, the CIO of Right Networks. And we discuss how to make sure your security strategy is always evolving and up to date. How Jim’s company has utilized ITProTV to upskill their workforce, and what digital transformation looks like for accounting functions All of this right here, right now, on the ModernCTO Podcast! To learn more about Right Networks, check them out at https://www.rightnetworks.com To learn more about ITProTV, check them out at...
What is the podcast Let's Talk People and Tech?
Let's talk people & tech | cto.coffee. Frankfurt (Oder), Brandenburg, Germany Host Benjamin Reitzammer is a Freelance CTO and Developer. It is a podcast about people in technology. The podcast features short conversations where they talk about the people side of technology and developing software.
What is a code story podcast?
Their stories. In a tech startup, how do you get from an idea on the back of a napkin to a fully functioning product? Code Story is a podcast featuring tech leaders, reflecting the roads they travelled and the products they created. On the show, we interview tech visionaries, digging into the critical moments of what it takes to change an industry, and build (and lead) a team that has your back. Hosted by Noah Labhart, this show is a window into the digital startup world. Frequency 2 episodes / week , Average Episode Length 29 min Podcast codestory.co#N#Domain Authority 31 ⓘ ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.8M ⓘ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact