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mother teresa podcast

by Kellen Douglas DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is life like inside Mother Teresa’s private order?

But some found that life inside this fiercely private religious order was not what they’d imagined. Former sisters who worked closely with Mother Teresa describe her bold vision and devotion to charity and prayer.

What did Mother Teresa's Sisters say about her?

Former sisters who worked closely with Mother Teresa describe her bold vision and devotion to charity and prayer. But they also share stories of suffering and forbidden love, abuse and betrayal.

Who is Mother Teresa?

Albanian Roman Catholic nun and founder of the Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997) at a hospice for the destitute and dying in Kolkata (Calcutta), India, 1969. (Terry Fincher/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Was Mother Teresa a complete and total fraud?

And as long as you don't do any research whatsoever into what she was doing for many decades, that narrative can still ring true for you. But if you spend, say, 10 minutes reading some of the things Mother Teresa was involved with back in the day, I believe you will come to the accurate conclusion that she was a complete and total fraud.


How many episodes are there in the Sisters of the Poor podcast?

Hosted by Erika Lantz, the 10-episode iHeartRadio Original podcast series takes listeners behind the walls of the fiercely private order where sisters took vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, and ‘wholehearted and free service to the poorest of the poor.’.

When will the turning Sisters Who Left be released?

Produced by Rococo Punch and iHeartMedia, THE TURNING: The Sisters Who Left will launch on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 with new episodes available weekly on iHeartRadio and all major podcast listening platforms. THE TURNING: The Sisters Who Left is distributed by the iHeartPodcast Network.

Who is Erika Lantz?

Erika Lantz is the host and senior producer of The Turning. Previously, she worked at PRX, WBUR, APM, and Snap Judgment. She co-produced We Share the Same Sky, a narrative series about the Holocaust that HuffPost called one of the top 9 podcasts of 2019. Her work has aired on All Things Considered, Here & Now, and the CBC, among others. Erika taught audio production at the Transom Story Workshop and once led a podcast workshop in Armenia. She aims for musicality and emotional depth in her work, and her reporting has won national awards, including a National Edward R. Murrow Award and the Society of Professional Journalists’ Sigma Delta Chi Award for feature reporting.

Where is Mother Teresa's tomb?

Nuns of Missionaries of Charity, the order founded by Mother Teresa, join in a mass and read a special prayer in preparation to her canonization, beside her tomb in Kolkata, India, Tuesday, March 15, 2016.

What is the new podcast series The Turning?

Rococo Punch and iHeartMedia have announced a new podcast series, The Turning: The Sisters Who Left, which explores the lives of several women who joined and later departed from the order of Mother Teresa.

When will the turning sisters who left be released?

Produced by Rococo Punch and iHeartMedia, The Turning: The Sisters Who Left will premiere on Tuesday, May 18th, with new episodes available weekly on iHeartRadio and all major podcast listening platforms. The Turning: The Sisters Who Left | iHeartRadio. 10.

How many episodes are there in the Sisters of the Order?

Hosted by Erika Lantz, the 10-episode podcast series features interviews with former members of the closely guarded order, where sisters took vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, and “wholehearted and free service to the poorest of the poor.”.

Who was Mother Teresa?

Albanian Roman Catholic nun and founder of the Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997) at a hospice for the destitute and dying in Kolkata (Calcutta), India, 1969. (Terry Fincher/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

What was Mother Teresa most moved by?

While, as Lantz put it in "The Turning," one would anticipate that the scriptural passages that would have most impacted Mother Teresa would have centered on Jesus' interactions with the poor, sick and hungry, she was perhaps most moved by how his pain catalyzed his holiness.

What did Lantz say about Mother Teresa?

Many of the women with whom Lantz spoke, even if they had left the order, said that the reverence towards Mother Teresa was absolutely warranted. "She was so close to God and you knew it when she was there," one said. But life within the order Mother Teresa had created was hard.

Why were nuns allowed to pray together?

This was to encourage chastity, a virtue that, as Lantz found out in her reporting, Mother Teresa was strict about maintaining, almost to the point of paranoia.

How many episodes of The Turning podcast?

It was enough to make some fantasize about escaping — and some did. Through "The Turning," a new 10-episode podcast by Rococo Punch and iHeartMedia, producer and host Erika Lantz tells their stories. "I really am interested in stories that don't have a clear right and wrong," Lantz told Salon in an interview.

Who is Mary Johnson?

As is revealed early in "The Turning," the sisters would frequently engage in self-flagellation. Mary Johnson, a former nun and author of " An Unquenchable Thirst " — who also spoke with Salon back in 2013 about her experiences in the order — joined the Missionaries of Charity when she was 19 after seeing Mother Teresa on the cover of TIME Magazine.

What do MC sisters do?

MC sisters take strict vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, and wholehearted and free service to the poorest of the poor. As aspirants, they start to learn the rules of this closed society, one that contains secret ceremonies and countless rituals. For additional content and information, follow the ... Read more.

Why do sisters detach from their human relationships?

They’re not supposed to get close to anyone. They’re supposed to detach from their human relationships so that they can focus on God. They live a vow of chastity to the extreme. But even in the convent, secret love emerges, and two sisters begin a forbidden relationship.

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