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mr chazz podcast

by Brielle Bailey Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The worried Parent

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The super involved parent

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis cing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullam corper mattis.

Supporting Subheading

Repellat nulla pretium molestias laoreet. Urna fugiat sem metus, cum diamlorem dolorum, consectetur.

Supporting Subheading

Repellat nulla pretium molestias laoreet. Urna fugiat sem metus, cum diamlorem dolorum, consectetur.

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It's hard to change course when you're not behind the wheel. Start with what you can control, your thoughts, your emotions, your choices.

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Sometimes the logical solution doesn't solve the real problem. Let's talk about ways we can slow things down to really understand what's going on.

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Essential Takeaways

  1. Mr. Chazz’s career in education began as a Montessori teacher. As his skills grew, other teachers began asking him for suggestions, ideas, and advice. He realized that he could make an even greater...
  2. During the pandemic, he saw the challenges families and parents were facing, so he turned to social media to offer his support. Today, he has more than 150,000 followers on multiple plat…
  1. Mr. Chazz’s career in education began as a Montessori teacher. As his skills grew, other teachers began asking him for suggestions, ideas, and advice. He realized that he could make an even greater...
  2. During the pandemic, he saw the challenges families and parents were facing, so he turned to social media to offer his support. Today, he has more than 150,000 followers on multiple platforms.
  3. Mr. Chazz describes his vision for the world in three words: “See, Guide, and Trust.” He wants to empower adults to truly see children, more effectively guide them, and trust that children are doin...
  4. “Don’t be a perfectionist; be an ‘improvenist’,” is Mr. Chazz’s most important piece of advice. …

Important Links

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Show Outline

  1. :34 What is Conscious Discipline?
  2. 1:11 Introduction of special guest Mr. Chazz
  3. 2:07 Join Dr. Becky Bailey in conversation with Mr. Chazz
  4. 2:59 Mr. Chazz’s background in education
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