Podcast FAQ

nicole sachs podcast

by Dr. Jesus Nolan PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Who is Nicole Sachs LCSW?

Health & Wellness Podcasts Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, and psychotherapist who has dedicated her life and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain and conditions. She is the author of The Meaning of Truth, and the online course: FREEDOM FROM CHRONIC PAIN.

What is journalspeak by Nicole Sachs?

Nicole Sachs is a speaker, author, podcaster and psychotherapist. She worked with Dr Sarno and founded JournalSpeak, which was pivotal in my recovery. A weekly podcast hosted by Nicole Sachs, delivering TMS recovery insight, journaling help, real-time healing and success stories from her followers.

What did Nicole Sarno do for me?

She worked with Dr Sarno and founded JournalSpeak, which was pivotal in my recovery. I found Dr Sarno 's work before I found Nicole's, but she showed me the door into how to heal.


Who is Nicole Sachs?

Nicole Sachs, LCSW. Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, and psychotherapist who has dedicated her life and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain and conditions. She is the author of The Meaning of Truth, and the online course: FREEDOM FROM CHRONIC PAIN.

Who is Janette Barber?

Anyone who knows my story from the beginning has heard the name Janette Barber. Janette was Rosie O'Donnell's producer in the 90's, when Rosie's show was topping the ratings. She was al…

Who is Dani from Journalspeak?

Dani is my best friend and trusted sister, and also - as life would have it - a person who needed JournalSpeak really badly. Born highly sensitive and raised with a great deal of childhood trauma, Dani found herself with many TMS symptoms that ranged from irritating to scary.

What did Rachelle suffer from?

Rachelle suffered immensely with the symptoms of dizziness and tinnitus. I hear from many people around the world about their struggles with these life-stopping symptoms, and Rachelle was no different. Her journey was a scary, painful, and frustrating one, but once she found this work it all turned around. Join us for an uplifting and insightful conversation about these challenging conditions, and be inspired to know that Rachelle is happy and well! XOXO n. GET 50% OFF ONE YEAR OF THE...

How does every moment manifest?

Every moment is an opportunity to manifest fear and stress, or peace and presence. We just don't always know how to do this, as we are stuck in the small boxes of our own perception. This can be further exacerbated by fear and frustration, depending on the situation and our mindset. So much of this predicament can be transformed in the power of the pause, and the reframing of our mindset from fear to curiosity. Today we talk about the ways in which you can harness your own ability to find...

Do we seek out relationships?

We all do it , and most of it is unconscious. We "seek" out relationships - friendships and love relationships - that mirror unresolved ones from childhood. Sometimes people treat us with neglect, abuse, shaming, gaslighting, judgement. Sometimes they are overidentified with us, enmeshed, codependent. Whatever we are used to (but also were hurt by) tends to be what we unconsciously seek in order to try and "do it right" this time. This process is one that can rule us until we wake up to it....

Nicole sachs, LCSW

Nicole Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, podcaster and psychotherapist who has dedicated her work and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain, symptoms, syndromes and conditions. She is a faculty instructor at the OMEGA Institute, 1440 Multiversity, The Art of Living Retreat Center and more.


I am more than that. I am a mother, a partner, a really good friend, a saver and a fixer. I am really needy sometimes. I am vulnerable and raw, then embarrassed that I let myself be seen. I am strong and stubborn more than necessary. I’m so in love with love, it has hurt me. I’m so in love with love, it has saved me. I try too hard.

Forever grateful to Nicole

I will be eternally grateful to her, and much of this website's content will be about her teachings or lessons related to her approach to TMS recovery. Like most people that get into mind-body medicine, she herself suffered greatly from TMS.

My two interviews on her podcast The Cure for Chronic Pain

I had the honour of being interviewed on her podcast a while back when I first recovered, which I still get nervous thinking about but I'm glad I did it, even just to thank her directly, it was worth it.

Who is Nicole Sachs?

Nicole Sachs is a speaker, author, podcaster and psychotherapist. She worked with Dr Sarno and founded JournalSpeak, which was pivotal in my recovery.

Who hosts the TMS podcast?

A weekly podcast hosted by Nicole Sachs, delivering TMS recovery insight, journaling help, real-time healing and success stories from her followers.

How to write a stress list?

Then in those three lists, you outline all the things you can think of that occupy stressful or hurtful space in your mind.

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