What happened to your own backyard podcast Instagram?
The creator of popular podcast “Your Own Backyard,” which follows the disappearance of Cal Poly student Kristin Smart, removed the social media pages for the podcast after being called to testify in the preliminary hearing for the men accused in her murder.
What is your own backyard podcast about?
A man from North Carolina vows to keep the Flores family on their toes, and accidentally finds a new way to get their backyard searched in the process. If Kristin Smart is dead, where did her body end up? Chris follows a trail left by a lost piece of evidence, and retraces Paul Flores' movements in the years after.
How many episodes are there of your own backyard podcast?
nine episodesThrough the following nine episodes, listeners learn about important figures who had an impact on the case and try to follow the trail of twisting clues to find the truth of what happened to Kristin.
Who is Paul Flores?
Paul Flores, 45, is accused of murdering 19-year-old Smart after an off-campus party in May 1996, while 81-year-old Ruben Flores is accused of helping hide her body, which has never been found. The two men were arrested in April 2021. The podcast's popularity has been a large part of Flores' defense.
Has Kristin Smart been found?
While Smart's body has never been found, she was legally declared dead in 2002. “We continue to support the family of Kristin Smart as we work toward justice,” San Luis Obispo County Dist.
Who is Susan Flores?
Paul and Ruben Flores were arrested and charged with crimes in connection to the 1996 disappearance and suspected murder of Kristin Smart. Susan Flores, mother of Paul Flores, and her boyfriend are accused of relocating the remains of missing Cal Poly student Kristin Smart in an amended lawsuit filed by Smart's family.
Who Killed Kristin Smart podcast?
Paul Flores at a preliminary hearing in San Luis Obispo County on Aug. 3, 2021. Kristin Smart's alleged killer Paul Flores is scheduled to begin his murder trial for her decades-old disappearance next April 25, a California judge said Wednesday.
What happened to up and vanished?
While season 2 of Up and Vanished went on an unannounced hiatus late 2019, host Payne Lindsey has stated that he's continued to investigate the case and has been documenting the whole time. In 2021, Up and Vanished began a third season dedicated to the disappearance of Ashley Loring HeavyRunner.
What happened Kristin Smart?
Kristin Denise Smart (born February 20, 1977–declared legally dead May 25, 2002) was an American woman who is presumed to have been abducted, raped, and murdered at the end of her freshman year on the campus of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly).
Where is Paul Flores now?
The trial for the two men is currently scheduled to start on April 25, 2022. The motion is expected to be heard on January 21. Paul Flores has remained in custody at the San Luis Obispo County Jail without bail since his arrest.
What happened with Paul Flores?
Flores was arrested in April 2021 at his San Pedro home, nearly 25 years after Smart vanished. The 19-year-old was last seen walking with him near residence halls after attending a party in the early hours of May 25, 1996. Both were Cal Poly students at the time.
Where is the Kristin Smart case?
After deciding there was enough evidence to try Paul Flores on charges of killing Smart during a rape or attempted rape in his dorm room, a San Luis Obispo judge ordered the trial be moved 126 miles north to Monterey County to ensure a fair trial for the father and son.
Health & Wellness Podcasts
In My Backyard is an open conversation about children and mental health. Psychological and emotional distress amongst children doesn’t spare any family or any community – we all know a child who is struggling, whether that child tells us or not.
Revisiting Our Conversation with Dr. Bruce Perry – Trauma and The Brain
For those who missed it, we are happy to re-release Episode 7 of In My backyard, a conversation with Dr. Perry of the Child Trauma Academy. Dr. Perry chats with us about the neuro-sequential model of the brain, explaining how trauma impacts the brain and what we can all do to be trauma-informed. We are […]