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nurse practitioner podcast

by Earl Franecki DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the best nurse practitioner?

“Bloating is NOT normal and can, of times, be a sign of digestive imbalances, food intolerances or maybe related to where you are in your menstrual cycle, or even be related to overall constipation,” nurse practitioner Cynthia Thurlow tells u

Would I make a good nurse practitioner?

  • The first nurse practitioners were family practitioners
  • The first nurse practitioner program was started in 2001
  • A nurse practitioner derives the legal right to practice from federal law
  • NP practice is not regulated by the Department of Health and Human Services

What are the opportunities for a nurse practitioner?

The Top 20 Career Path Options for Nurse Practitioners

  1. Cardiac Nurse Practitioner. Cardiac NPs provide care to patients who have either acute or chronic diseases related to the heart.
  2. Emergency Nurse Practitioner. Emergency NPs administer care to acutely ill or injured patients of all ages. ...
  3. Orthopedic Nurse Practitioner. ...
  4. Oncology Nurse Practitioner. ...
  5. Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner. ...

More items...

Was becoming a nurse practitioner difficult?

Unfortunately they won’t give you forever. My own doctors only do a perfunctory listen to my heart and lungs. So becoming a nurse practitioner is only part of the problem, being a nurse practitioner is the difficult thing. Once you have it down pat then it becomes the most enjoyable thing you can do as a nurse.


Is nurse practitioner a stressful job?

Nurse practitioners stress level can be very high. They deal with sick or injured patients on a regular basis and are responsible for patients' treatment plans. This is a huge responsibility for the nurse, and in some cases, a patient cannot be treated or saved creating further emotional stress.

Is a nurse practitioner as good as seeing a doctor?

Essentially, a nurse practitioner can do everything a doctor can do, although they are not able to perform surgical procedures. Doctors may, on average, complete more specialized training as well, although nurse practitioners complete extensive education and training programs as well.

Which nurse practitioner is most in demand?

Family practice and psychiatric nurse practitioners are two of the most in-demand specialties, but the other ten are also in need. And while I listed 12 specialties above, there are so many other opportunities for nurse practitioners to pursue if they desire to leave a positive impact on healthcare in today's world.

Which NP specialty is easiest?

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Once again, this is a single population focus specialty with a primary care focus, not acute or critical care, making it one of the easiest nurse practitioner specialties to get accepted into.

Is a PA higher than a NP?

Is NP higher than PA? Neither profession ranks "higher" than the other. Both occupations work in the healthcare field, but with different qualifications, educational backgrounds, and responsibilities. They also work in different specialties.

What can a MD do that a NP Cannot?

For NPs who work in restricted states, they cannot prescribe, diagnose, or treat patients without physician oversight. Doctors are able to prescribe, diagnose, and treat patients in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.

How old are most nurse practitioners?

In 2020, the median base salary for full-time NPs was $110,000. The majority of full-time NPs (59.4%) see three or more patients per hour. NPs have been in practice an average of 11 years. The average age of NPs is 49 years.

Where do NP get paid the most?

The five states with the highest average annual salary for nurse practitioners are:California, at $133,780;Alaska, at $122,880;Massachusetts, at $122,740;New Jersey, at $122,100; and.New York, at $120,970.

What state pays NPs the most?

California1. California According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, California is the highest paying state for nurse practitioners.

What is the hardest NP specialty?

Critical Care Nurse Practitioner Possibly one of the most difficult nurse practitioner specialties, a critical care nurse practitioner has to learn to deal with life and death situations daily due to treating the most acutely ill or traumatized patients.

What is the least stressful NP specialty?

WHAT ARE THE LEAST STRESSFUL NURSE PRACTITIONER JOBS?School Nurse Practitioner. ... Medical Writer. ... Nurse Educator. ... Clinic Nurse Practitioner. ... Public Health NP. ... Clinical Research NP. ... Weight Loss Clinic NP. ... Nurse Informatics.More items...

What's the hardest type of nursing?

What Are the Hardest Nursing Specialties?Oncology. There's no surprise that this one is near the top of the list. ... Hospice. ... Medical-Surgical. ... Geriatric Care. ... Emergency Room. ... Psychiatry. ... Correctional Nursing. ... Home Health.

All Episodes

Use the links below to enjoy this podcast on any of the platforms listed. Be sure to subscribe, share with your colleagues and check back each month for new conversations with NPs and health care leaders from across the nation.

Are You Not Yet a Member? Join AANP

Being a part of AANP is more than just a membership — it’s a real opportunity to make a measurable difference in the strength of your profession and the health of this country. When you join AANP, you are joining a movement — a vibrant, professional community of NPs more than 120,000 strong.

American Family Physician Podcast

This is one of the big go-tos for nurse practitioners, nurses, doctors — anyone who is practicing family medicine.

Primary Care RAP (Paid)

This podcast is one of the top podcasts for primary care professionals. It covers everything from pediatric fevers to medical racism. Each episode is:

Public Health on Call

You can’t separate healthcare and medicine from our communities and public health conditions.

The Nurse Practitioner Podcast

Looking for content that’s dialed into precisely what nurse practitioners are dealing with? The Nurse Practitioner Podcast is the official podcast of The Nurse Practitioner journal.

Real World NP

Weekly podcast episodes covering clinical topics, case studies, and role transition challenges for new nurse practitioners in primary care-- hosted by yours truly. You know this is a shameless plug, right? But for real, I honestly am so excited that we can offer this to nurse practitioners.

Peds in a Pod

Peds is a big topic for NPs — in fact, pediatrics is one of our most frequently requested topics. (We’re working towards covering it, we promise!)


If you work in primary care, geriatric and palliative care are ~going~ to be part of your landscape. And because the number of people over age 55 grew by 27% between 2010-2020, maximizing your scope of practice for these specialties is just straight up pragmatic.

What is the British Medical Journal podcast?

British Medical Journal. The British Medical Journal produces a large collection of podcasts categorized by topic and specialty. The British Journal of Sports Medicine, for example, covers topics like “Ankle Sprain Management and Chronic Instability” while the Gut series covers topics such as “Gut Microbiome and Liver Diseases”.

How long are the episodes of Family Physician?

The American Academy of Family Physicians releases two new episodes each month covering a wealth of primary care information. Each episode contains a collection of primary care topics in segments anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes in length.

Featured Online Programs

Johns Hopkins Medicine Podcasts – This is a podcast that describes some of the top medical stories of the week. This is designed for people who want to be as informed as possible regarding their healthcare.

Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

Whether you’re looking to get your pre-licensure degree or taking the next step in your career, the education you need could be more affordable than you think. Find the right nursing program for you.

What is the nurse practitioner podcast?

1. The Nurse Practitioner Podcast. This is a major podcast from The Nurse Practitioner Journal that focuses on every aspect related to the profession. The entries are short, sweet, and pretty informative. You can listen to it on Google Podcasts or download the episodes directly on their website, no payment required.

Who is the host of Good Nurse Bad Nurse?

Its host, Tina Vinsant (along with her various co-hosts) showcases one good and one bad case study on every episode.

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