What is the wind podcast?
A podcast from Fil Corbitt, formerly of Van Sounds and The City from USA Today. The Wind is a podcast about listening.
What are the best sailing podcasts on Apple?
On the Wind Sailing on Apple Podcasts The definitive podcast about sailing. Professional sailors Andy Schell, August Sandberg & Emma Garschagen interview sailors from around the world to discover what motivates, scares & inspires them.
What is “on the wind?
“ Captivating conversations with an at-ease flavor whether with US Senators, tall ship captains, old salts, technical experts or simply us regular folks who love sailing. On The Wind is the evolution of 59º North, and is, quite simply, long-form conversations with sailors from around the world.
What is the on the Wing podcast?
Welcome to the On the Wing Podcast with Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever. On the Wing is your destination for conversations about upland bird hunting, wildlife habitat, public lands, bird dogs, wild game cooking and epic adventures in search of pheasants, quail and grouse.

What is on the wind?
On The Wind is the evolution of 59º North, and is, quite simply, long-form conversations with sailors from around the world. 'On the Wind' (formerly called '59 Degrees North') is informal chats with people from around the world of sailing - tall ship captains, Cape Horners, sailing authors, Volvo Ocean Race skippers, yacht designers, family cruisers, Arctic adventurers and more. Plus the occasional rant on ocean safety or narrative stories about crossing big oceans in small sailboats. Our aim is to define what creates success in the sailing world and figure out how to accomplish dreams on the high seas.
Who is the most accomplished sailor on the show?
Dee Caffari is perhaps the most accomplished sailor I've ever had on the show, and she's easily the most inspiring. Dee has sailed around the world a full 6 times, 3 of them solo and nonstop, and most recently as skipper of the Turn the Tide on Plastic Volvo campaign.
Who is Don McIntyre?
#302. Don McIntyre is a lifelong adventurer and sailor, and founder of the Golden Globe Race and Ocean Globe Race, which we will be participating in on ICEBEAR in 2023! Andy & Don talked all things adventure. This is an all-timer, so don’t miss it!