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oprah eckhart tolle podcast

by Mrs. Joyce Marvin V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the Eckhart Tolle podcast?

Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life.

Why did Oprah listen to Eckhart Tolle?

Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose. Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle.

What is power of now by Eckhart Tolle?

Eckhart Tolle: Power of Now and A New Earth are two of the most spiritually transformative books of our time. DOWNLOAD, convert to MP3, and listen at your leisure. Oprah Winfrey and spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle present the 10-part series Oprah & Eckhart Tolle: A New Earth in 2008.

How many episodes are in Oprah and Eckhart Tolle a new Earth?

Oprah Winfrey and spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle present the 10-part series Oprah & Eckhart Tolle: A New Earth in 2008.


What is Eckhart Tolle's purpose?

Our job is to align with what he calls the “Is-ness” of the present moment, release excessive thinking and refrain from reacting to the external conditions of our lives. We accept whatever is happening in the here and now. Eckhart says our true purpose is to awaken to who we are beyond our three dimensional form. There is more to each of us than the person, our personality and our personal history. The path to leading a truly satisfying life lies beyond… it’s what Eckhart calls timeless consciousness.

What does Eckhart Tolle say about death?

Eckhart Tolle delves into a topic that is taboo for many of us…and that is the subject of Death. In the Western world, Eckhart says denial and the fear of death has prevailed for centuries. However, due to the pandemic, collectively we’ve been forced to confront death on a scale we haven’t seen since the last century. Eckhart says Death has much to teach us. And he also gives us hope. There is more to the larger workings of the Universe than is visible to the eye. He says there is a much deeper dimension to who we are…one that never dies. If we can get in touch with that transcendent aspect of ourselves, our fear of death will ultimately disappear.

What does Eckhart say about the power of stillness?

He emphasizes the importance of tending to one’s state of consciousness and getting the ego out of the way, so the power of stillness and presence can shine through . He says only then can we truly be of service to others.

What does Eckhart say about consciousness?

Eckhart talks with a live audience about the new consciousness he sees emerging around the world. He says one of life’s great mysteries is that the universe is conscious. While scientists struggle to define it and we can’t see it under a microscope, consciousness exists. Eckhart says we are living proof of that and we have a role to play. He quotes an ancient aphorism: “_You are the light of the world_.” He says what that means is we are the light of consciousness manifesting in the world.

What does Eckhart say about awakening?

Eckhart talks to a live audience. He says most of us are going through a transition in consciousness which he calls awakening. He sees that as the next stage of human evolution. There have been rare periods in history when collective awareness made great leaps forward. Eckhart sees a similar shift happening now. He says we must continue with our practice, release our inner turmoil and align ourselves with the inevitable now.

What does Eckhart say about the world?

Even if we get everything on our wish-list: wealth, fame, a life of ease, we feel unsatisfied. But Eckhart says the world is not here to make us happy. It’s here to help us evolve. He says whatever our situation is, we can surrender to life’s challenges and awaken right where we are.

What does Eckhart say about being aware?

Eckhart talks with a live audience about the process of becoming aware. When challenges arise, he says go with it. Learn to accept each moment as if we had chosen it. He explains that if you do this, what at first looks like an obstacle then becomes an opening into transcendence.

Who is Eckhart Tolle?

Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life.

What is Eckhart Tolle's talk about Stillness?

Eckhart Tolle begins his talk joking with a live audience about a video game reviewed in the New York Times called Stillness. He laughs and wonders if his work is having an impact on mainstream culture after all. He says one thing is certain, the world is definitely growing in awareness.

What does Eckhart say about consciousness?

Eckhart talks with a live audience about his belief that we are meant to bring consciousness to this world. To do that, we must keep the pathways clear. We rise above thought, not fall below it, which is what happens when we use substances like alcohol and drugs. Once we become free of that, Eckhart says we realize the essence behind the personality… which is pure presence.

What does Eckhart say about awakening?

Eckhart talks to a live audience. He says most of us are going through a transition in consciousness which he calls awakening. He sees that as the next stage of human evolution. There have been rare periods in history when collective awareness made great leaps forward. Eckhart sees a similar shift happening now. He says we must continue with our practice, release our inner turmoil and align ourselves with the inevitable now.

What is Eckhart Tolle's wisdom?

Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.

What does Eckhart say about being aware?

Eckhart talks with a live audience about the process of becoming aware. When challenges arise, he says go with it. Learn to accept each moment as if we had chosen it. He explains that if you do this, what at first looks like an obstacle then becomes an opening into transcendence.

What does Eckhart say about presence?

Eckhart talks with a live audience about freeing oneself from the mind to find presence. He says, we must become aware of the harmful thoughts that hold us hostage. Life’s crises need not drag us into unconsciousness. We can stay alert, and let the rough times take us to a deeper state of awareness. Eckhart says while the path to presence is narrow, it ultimately leads to life.

Who is Eckhart Tolle?

Oprah Winfrey and one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time, Eckhart Tolle, present their 10-part series on Eckhart’s ground-breaking book, “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.” These insightful and uplifting podcast conversations give you a chapter-by-chapter ...

What episode does Eckhart Tolle talk about the New Earth?

In this final episode, which focuses on Chapter 10 of “A New Earth,” Oprah and one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time, Eckhart Tolle, discuss how to bring your newfound consciousness into your everyday life. Eckhart also answers ...

What is Eckhart Tolle's horizontal and vertical?

Eckhart Tolle discusses two of his key concepts which he calls the horizontal and the vertical. They could also be called the everyday and the transcendent. Eckhart describes the horizontal as the place of everyday life: our egos, identification with ...

What does Eckhart Tolle say about our tendency to manufacture stories?

Eckhart Tolle talks with a live audience about our tendency to manufacture stories...about ourselves and others; our desperate need to be right and to make others wrong. Eckhart says having a story actually strengthens the ego and keeps us stuck. ...

What is Eckhart Tolle's book about?

Eckhart Tolle talks with a live audience about the importance of living in the now. Drawing on ideas from his best-selling book, The Power of Now, Eckhart encourages participants not to linger on past mistakes, but to learn from them ...

What does Eckhart say about fear?

Eckhart addresses topics like surrendering the ego, what to do with anger and how to confront our fears. Eckhart says fear arises when we become drawn into negative thinking and project it into the future. He goes on to say ...

Who is Eckhart's audience?

Eckhart answers questions from a live audience including healthcare professionals: doctors, nurses, and therapists. They ask questions about how to deal with the expectations of their patients who yearn for healing and wholeness. He emphasizes the importance of tending to ...

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