Past & Present: Adelina 'Nina' Otero-Warren Achieved A Number Of 'Firsts'
March 17, 2021 • Adelina "Nina" Otero-Warren was a woman's suffragist, educator, politician, and was the "first Latina" in a number of political roles, including running for Congress.
Past & Present: The 1830 Removal Act
June 2, 2020 • During President Andrew Jackson's 1829 inaugural address, he proposed removal of the Native Americans living in the Southeast, mainly the Cherokee, Choctaw, Muskogee Creek, Chickasaw, and Seminole nations. A year later, on May 30, 1830, he signed the Removal Act.
Past & Present: What Government Cooperation Can Do In Times Of Trouble
March 31, 2020 • On March 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt proposed to Congress a full-scale works program that would provide work of "definite, practical value, not only through prevention of great present financial loss but also as a means of creating future national wealth." Ten days later, on March 31, Congress approved the Emergency Conservation Works Act.
Past & Present: The Great War's Mark On Wichita
March 3, 2020 • The Great War, World War I, left its mark on Wichita in a number of ways. We especially see this in the landscape of College Hill and Crown Heights.
Past & Present: Early Protests At Germantown
February 18, 2020 • While most Americans place the abolitionist movement in the 19th century, the first North American protest against enslavement took place on February 18, 1688, in Germantown, Pennsylvania.
Past & Present: Trump's Actions & Beliefs Are Scary
February 4, 2020 • Only three American presidents have suffered the indignity of being impeached: Andrew Johnson in 1867; Bill Clinton in 1998; and now Donald Trump.
Past & Present: How A Kansas Governor Helped Shape South America
January 21, 2020 • A map of South America shows an island at the bottom of the continent. The La Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego faces the rough passage around the horn and is divided in half. The east half belongs to Argentina and the west is part of Chile.
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About Past Present Podcast
Hi Everyone! This is Niki, Natalia, and Neil - the co-hosts of Past Present, the podcast where we look at American culture and politics today through the lens of history, and turn hindsight into foresight.
Journey to Redemption
The cast and crew of Colonial Williamsburg’s groundbreaking program Journey to Redemption join to talk about how the piece was developed and why it’s so important to be having conversations surrounding racism and the history of slavery in our nation. Learn more
The Organized Piano
John Watson, Curator of Musical Instruments and Conservator of Instruments, discusses the Foundation’s organized piano, which first belonged to the St. George Tucker family.
Founding Feuds
Paul Aron, Director of Publications for Colonial Williamsburg, joins to discuss his new book “Founding Feuds: The Rivalries, Clashes, and Conflicts that Forged a Nation.” In this podcast, Paul delves into some of the most infamous feuds of the 18th and 19th centuries that included some very famous names such as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton..
The Return of the Cherokee
Each year, Colonial Williamsburg hosts Return of the Cherokee. This special event draws hundreds to observe Cherokee culture as it was in the 18th century when members would come to Williamsburg for trade, diplomacy, or even education.
The Black Petticoat Society Talks Colonial Williamsburg
The Black Petticoat Society, a TURN: Washington’s Spies fan group, interviewed Past and Present host Rachel West for their TURN-related podcast. The group discussed Colonial Williamsburg’s role as Philadelphia on the hit AMC show as well as other initiatives across the Foundation.