Podcast FAQ

paul kirtley podcast

by Adell O'Keefe Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who is Paul Kirtley?

Paul Kirtley is an award winning bushcraft instructor, canoe leader and outdoor guide. He owns and runs Frontier Bushcraft, a leading provider of bushcraft training and wilderness adventure travel. Paul writes the top-ranked blog on the net covering bushcraft, survival skills and outdoor life at http://paulkirtley.co.uk This podcast is designed to help you get more from your outdoor life, deepen your bushcraft practice and hone your survival knowledge. Paul shares interviews, discussions, advice, tips & tricks as well as the occasional contest or give-away. Paul regularly hosts other outdoor experts as guests on his podcast so you get a wide range of in-depth outdoor know-how that will enhance your camping, hiking, canoeing, backpacking, snow-shoeing, ski touring, expedition skills, navigation, camp craft, carving, woodcraft, fire-lighting, tracking, tree and plant identification, use of cutting tools and choice of outdoor clothing and equipment.

Who is Bruce Zawalsky?

Bruce Zawalsky is a professional wilderness survival instructor and author, with over 25 years of experience as an outdoor educator. He teaches survival courses, wildlife and bear awareness courses as well as wilderness navigation. Here in Podcast 48, Bruce talks with me about all these subjects and more, which have much wider application than just in his native Canada....

Who was the instructor at the 1995 Survival Instructors Conference?

In 1995 Lars Fält organised a seminal survival instructors conference in northern Sweden. Tom Lutyens and Mors Kochanski were among the instructors. Johan Skullman was one of the students. Here they discuss the importance of that event....

Who is Paul Kirtley?

Paul Kirtley is an award winning bushcraft instructor, canoe leader and outdoor guide. He owns and runs Frontier Bushcraft, a leading provider of bushcraft training and wilderness adventure travel. Paul writes the top-ranked blog on the net covering bushcraft, survival skills and outdoor life at http://paulkirtley.co.uk This podcast is designed to help you get more from your outdoor life, deepen your bushcraft practice and hone your survival knowledge. Paul shares interviews, discussions, advice, tips & tricks as well as the occasional contest or give-away. Paul regularly hosts other outdoor experts as guests on his podcast so you get a wide range of in-depth outdoor know-how that will enhance your camping, hiking, canoeing, backpacking, snow-shoeing, ski touring, expedition skills, navigation, camp craft, carving, woodcraft, fire-lighting, tracking, tree and plant identification, use of cutting tools and choice of outdoor clothing and equipment.

Who is Bruce Zawalsky?

Bruce Zawalsky is a professional wilderness survival instructor and author, with over 25 years of experience as an outdoor educator. He teaches survival courses, wildlife and bear awareness courses as well as wilderness navigation. Here in Podcast 48, Bruce talks with me about all these subjects and more, which have much wider application than just in his native Canada....

Who was the instructor at the 1995 Survival Instructors Conference?

In 1995 Lars Fält organised a seminal survival instructors conference in northern Sweden. Tom Lutyens and Mors Kochanski were among the instructors. Johan Skullman was one of the students. Here they discuss the importance of that event....

Ideas For Extending Your Bushcraft Year Through The Autumn

Autumn brings golden leaf hues, low sun angles, casting long shadows in the afternoon, cold, crisp air as night falls, and Orion coming into view above the horizon, as the skies darken. In my book, these are all aspects of the season to be savoured, positive reasons to be outside, not inside and, yes, even camping.

Building Connections With Nature Through Wilderness Skills

Here’s my main stage presentation from the August 2021 Great Outdoors Festival in the U.K. The aim of this presentation was to explore some commonly held beliefs and accepted wisdom, and see how these concepts fit together, or don’t.

PK Podcast 53: Theresa Emmerich Kamper On Traditional Tanning

Theresa Emmerich Kamper, PhD, Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Exeter and author of Determining Prehistoric Skin Processing Technologies, has over 25 years of experience in prehistoric skin tanning and clothing construction.

Axe Sharpening – What, Why and How To Do It

How to sharpen an axe? Having a good answer to this question is something that should concern anyone who carries or uses an axe. In principle sharpening an axe is not particularly difficult, although there is an additional consideration over the technique that works for sharpening many knives.

Whisky, Water & Wilderness Axe Skills – Kevin Callan Interviews Me About My New Book

Kevin Callan, The Happy Camper, asked me to join him on one of his Whisky Fireside Chat series of video interviews. As usual it was fun chatting with Kevin and along the way, we covered a lot. The jumping-off point for the conversation is the publication of my book Wilderness Axe Skills and Campcraft…

PK Podcast 52: John Boe On PTSD, Finding Solace In Nature And A New Career In Bushcraft Instruction

John Boe is a British military veteran with PTSD. In this podcast episode we have a candid discussion about John’s condition, how it manifested itself and how he came to realise he found solace in time spent in nature, especially in the woods.

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