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phoebe's fall podcast

by Lamont Frami Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What happened to Phoebe's foot?

But on that night, Phoebe died the most horrific death. She had plunged 40 metres, feet first, down the garbage chute. She survived the fall. But the garbage compactor at the bottom had virtually severed her right foot.

How did Phoebe Handsjuk die?

Phoebe's Fall on Apple Podcasts A major investigation by The Age newsroom in Melbourne, Australia, into the death of Phoebe Handsjuk, who was found at the bottom of a garbage chute in a luxury apartment building.

What happened to Phoebe Hovey?

She lived 12 storeys above with her boyfriend Antony Hampel, a son of Melbourne's legal establishment. But on that night, Phoebe died the most horrific death. She had plunged 40 metres, feet first, down the garbage chute. She survived the fall.

What was in Phoebe's pocket?

The mysterious phone number and a list of strange things in Phoebe's case. Phone number of mystery person on a piece of paper in her pocket. Not handed to police for seven months Record showing a call from Ant to Phoebe's Nokia phone on day she died connected for 13 seconds.


Who was Phoebe's father?

Coincidental phone call made to Phoebe's father, Len Handsjuk, on the night Phoebe died. Unexplained call from, then back to, a Perth number on the night Phoebe died. Record showing a call from Ant to Phoebe's Nokia phone on day she died connected for 13 seconds.

Who is Phoebe's boyfriend?

Long-time friend of Phoebe 's boyfriend Ant Hampel who grew close to Phoebe.

Why did Phoebe die?

Coroner who ruled that Phoebe accidently killed herself in a sleepwalking state due to combination of alcohol and sleeping pill Stilnox.

How old was Phoebe Handsjuk?

Phoebe Handsjuk was 24. Complex and beautiful. She lived 12 storeys above with her boyfriend Antony Hampel, a son of Melbourne's legal establishment.

How long did Phoebe and her boyfriend live together?

Phoebe's boyfriend of 18 months. Lived together in Balencea apartment for just over 12 months. Cleared by Coroner of any involvement.

Can an ambulance officer touch Phoebe's body?

Ambulance officer not allowed to touch Phoebe's body. At least one of three potential crime scenes not properly secured. Not all blood found in apartment DNA tested. Blood on door of refuse room not DNA tested. No CCTV recovered on night of death and hard drive of CCTV later went missing.

Did Phoebe survive the fall?

She survived the fall. But the garbage compactor at the bottom had virtually severed her right foot. Phoebe bled out in the dark, alone, her jeans around her knees.

Phoebe's Fall

A major investigation by The Age newsroom in Melbourne, Australia, into the death of Phoebe Handsjuk, who was found at the bottom of a garbage chute in a luxury apartment building.

16 clip s in playlist

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