Podcast FAQ

podcast about camping

by Henry Ruecker Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do you camp a podcast?

25 Best Camping PodcastsThe Camping Show.The Camping & Off Road Radio Show Podcast.Super Good Camping Podcast.Campfire Conversation | Summer Camp Podcast.RV Miles Podcast.The Camping Crew.StressLess Camping Podcast.Conker Camping.More items...•

What do you listen to while hiking?

The 5 Best Podcasts for Long-Distance HikersThe Dirtbag Diaries. Getting psyched about nature by listening to other people's adventures will only enhance your hiking experience. ... Strangers. ... Hardcore History. ... The Joe Rogan Experience. ... Snap Judgement.

Why listen to podcasts?

Learn new things about your interests or hobbies. The podcast isn't only entertaining content, but also educational. Discover a podcast about business or marketing, learn a new language, and there other unlimited opportunities.

Are podcasts Good for you?

A 2016 study out of UC Berkeley concluded that listening to narrative stories (much like podcasts) can stimulate multiple parts of your brain — so whether it's that adrenaline rush you get from true crime podcasts or a comedy podcast that boosts your endorphins, there's truly something out there for everyone.

Can you listen to music while hiking?

If you enjoy listening to music while you're hiking, try to monitor how loud it is. When approaching other hikers, turn it down, so that you're not creating noise pollution. Particularly, please refrain from carrying and blaring portable speakers in the woods.

How do you read trail markers?

How to Read Trail Blazes (paint or affixed markers)A single rectangle of paint or single marker means you are on the trail. ... Two rectangles with the higher one to the right means go right. ... Two rectangles with the higher one to the left means go left.More items...•

What do podcasts do to your brain?

In fact, studies show that the brain is more active while listening to podcasts than when watching television. This is because podcasts require listeners to use their imagination rather than spoonfeeding consumers with visual accompaniment.

What are the disadvantages of podcasts?

The list of the disadvantages of podcasting is time consuming, not searchable, accessibility problems and limited audience. Podcast consumes a lot of time especially if the file is larger. It is not usually easy to search in podcasting.

What are some good podcast topics?

100+ Podcast Topic ideasBehind the scenes of an industry. ... Take your listeners on a journey - Personal podcast ideas. ... Clueless newbie & Podcast ideas for beginners. ... Tell the same story from different points of view - Podcast story ideas. ... Documentary. ... Deep dives. ... A day in the life of... ... Mystery theme.More items...•

Is it good to listen to podcasts before bed?

Smith is one of many people who say listening to books or podcasts, rather than music, helps them fall asleep and get better rest. Listening to someone's voice narrating an audiobook or talking on a podcast can be an effective sleep aid, experts say.

Why do I fall asleep podcasting?

Lindsay points out: "When you are in bed listening to a podcast, you are giving your brain mixed messages – you are doing it because you are in bed and want to sleep, however, your brain is actively trying to stay awake so that it can listen to the interesting podcast.

Why are podcasts so addictive?

The language in podcasts is as a rule seldom very tangled—producers work hard to never leave listeners feeling disoriented, at least not for long or without dramatic effect—and if you temporarily zone out during an episode, there is no obstacle you have to surmount before you can proceed, because the podcast keeps ...

How do you listen to music while backpacking?

If you're going to listen to music while hiking, be respectful of others, and use headphones. Playing music through portable speakers or phones around others is a big no-no in the hiking and backpacking community. Blaring music on the trail is noise pollution and fellow hikers might just resent you for it.

Is it safe to hike with earbuds?

Obstructing your ability to hear your surroundings on a hike is not the safest bet. The sensory deprivation that results from headphone or earbud robs you of auditory cues to dangers while hiking. For your safety on the trail, be fully aware of your surroundings.

What is camp adulthood?

Camp Adulthood is the Millennial art of living like a trash bag while still managing to pay for your own s**t and being interesting AF. Camp Adulthood is doing very big and scary things, like having a baby or buying a house or taking care of an ailing parent or starting a business, while still not being sure where your checkbook is (or even how to write a check). Camp Adulthood is Tinder and Facebook and Instagram, but also Encyclopedia Britannica and Oregon Trail and John Hughes movies. But ...

What is valuetainment channel?

Valuetainment is referred to as the best channel for entrepreneurs with weekly How To's, Motivation and interviews with unique individuals. About PBD: During the Iranian Revolution of 1978, Patrick's family had to escape to survive and ended up living at a refugee camp in Erlangen, Germany.

What is options boot camp?

Options Boot Camp is designed to help get you into peak options trading shape by teaching you options trading inside and out, basic to complex. Listeners can even submit their own options questions to be answered on the show.

What is RV podcast?

This is an RV podcast that will be valuable to listen to if you’re interested in RV lifestyles and are tempted to purchase your own RV. It offers listeners perspective and insight into what the lifestyle is all about.

Why is listening to podcasts important?

Listening to your favorite camping or outdoor podcast can be a great way to relax after a busy day, but it can also become a valuable resource when you want to increase your knowledge and skills before your next great adventure.

What is Happy Camper Radio Show?

It will also help you in a variety of ways, such as when it comes to how to choose the best new camping gear and the perfect location where you should pitch your tent.#N#You can happily tune into the Happy Camper Radio Show with your kids – the show ’s committed to being family-friendly at all times and they avoid sensitive issues.

Is camping stressful?

While we know that camping can fight stress, such as by helping us sleep better and boosting our mood, sometimes camping itself is stressful – especially if you’re new to it and not sure where to go camping for the best time.

Who created the RV podcast?

Created by prolific RV lifestyle writers Russ and Tina DeMaris, Your RV Podcast covers all things RVing, from toilet repairs to driving tips to RV club news. Their podcast is an excellent resource for learning the more technical side of owning and maintaining a RV.

Why are podcasts so popular?

Podcasts are great because they’re: Short. Usually less than one hour long. Topic-specific. Search iTunes or Stitcher for whatever subject rocks your world – like RVing! Cost nothing, or close to it. Don’t hog bandwidth. You can save your data allowance for other things.

Why don't you need a house in an RV?

It’s not the destination, but the journey. It’s exploring the world. You don’t need a house because when you travel, you’re home. That’s RV LIFE.

Who is the author of "So You Want to Be a RVer"?

Exploring and examining the RVing lifestyle. This weekly podcast is produced full-time RVers John and Kathy Huggins, authors of “ So You Want to Be a RVer ” and “ So You Want to Be a Workamper .”

Do RVers have podcasts?

Through the years, many RVers have started their own podcasts about RVing but only a handful of them have staying power. Those that stick around after a dozen episodes are usually created by experienced talk show hosts from the radio industry, so you know they’re going to be worth listening to.

What is stressless camping podcast?

With road trips, RV tips, RV hacks, destinations, deals and ways to make the journey easier Peggy and Tony Barthel's weekly campfire chat, along with their guests, is a great way to enjoy some StressLess Camping.

Who is the spokesperson for Death Valley?

This week we learn about Death Valley with Park Spokesperson Abby Wines. Abby shares tips on how to best enjoy the park, and offers some natural and human history. Abby offers ideas on making the most of a short stay in the Park.

What is the largest RV show in the US?

The largest RV event in the US is the Quartzsite Sports, Vacation and RV show and we talk with organizer Kimmy King about the history, happenings and plans for the event. It is an absolute must-do event and we’re talking how it went and what to expect in 2022.

Who is the girl camper podcast?

Girl Camper Podcast. “Janine Pettit is a lifelong lover of camping who hosts Girl Camper, broadcast every Tuesday with topics ranging from practical tips on overcoming fear to inspirational interviews with women who have made the leap.”.

How many podcasts are there for RVs?

Podcasts allow anyone to broadcast their own “radio” show over the internet. With over 630,000 podcasts available for download, “Today, we’re living in the Golden Age of Podcasts,” proclaimed a 2019 CBS news article.

What is Beyond the Wheel podcast?

“ Beyond the Wheel is a podcast about the people and ideas that make RVing great. Kenny & Sean have put this podcast together to reach out to people in the RV industry to get a better understanding of how products and services are created. Every day there are more and more people joining the RV community and with that the demand for certain features and luxuries has increased. Our goal is not only to share these new products and services, but also to understand how they came about and what did it take to get them to the market.”

What are some good podcast apps?

Other feature-rich paid podcast apps include Castbox, Stitcher, SoundCloud, iHeartRadio and Overcast.

What is the podcast "Living Outside the Box" about?

“ Living Outside The Box is a podcast and community devoted to sharing ideas for living more simply and on our own terms. Hosts Kayla and J.R. Cox have decided to make choices in their lives in an effort to live on their own terms. This includes living a full time RV traveling life, homeschooling their children, and Kayla choosing to lose over 80 pounds by intermittent fasting and eating anything she wanted.”

What is the ultimate recreational activity for you and your family?

“From selecting new gear, to deciding where to pitch your tent, camping is the ultimate recreational activity for you and your family. Join Happy Camper Radio as we sit around the campfire and discuss the latest in outdoor equipment and camping techniques. “

What is RV Miles podcast?

“ The RV Miles podcast is weekly show for RV and outdoor enthusiasts! Join us as we take you across the country to discover great destinations. On the way, we’ll cover tips and tricks, campground reviews, gear to make life on the road easier, and the latest industry news.”

How long are the Camp Kids podcast episodes?

Most of their episodes are around 25 minutes long, and they’re highly rated on iTunes (a perfect 5-star rating from nearly 400 reviews). 2. Camp Kids Family Podcast. There are only 18 episodes of this fairly new addition on the camping podcast scene. Still, they’re 18 quality listens.

How long are RV Navigator podcasts?

In 2005 they became some of the first camping podcasters on the scene when they launched RV Navigator. Episodes are anywhere from 35 minutes to just over an hour long and they’re released bi-monthly. Recent topics addressed include RV servicing, RV generators and what it’s like to camp in our nation’s chaotic capital.

What is Skip Huber's podcast about?

Since 2015 Skip Huber has been sharing his camping (and other) experiences with Happy Camper Radio listeners who tune in for his weekly podcast about camping. His audience doesn’t just include RVers so expect topics to range from when should you replace your sleeping bag to grilling with charcoal vs. gas and even what to do if you lose your keys. Huber’s advice is practical and his anecdotes are doled out with a sense of humor. Each episode is around 30 minutes. He even encourages listeners to call in with their own questions which he’ll hopefully answer in a future episode. Call (404) 537-CAMP.

How many listeners does RV Miles have?

Now on its 107th episode, RV Miles Podcast has plenty of past episodes to keep you busy on a long driving day. With 60,000 monthly listeners, it’s one of the most popular RV podcasts. One reviewer writes how every time he listens to an episode about a destination he feels like he’s taken the same trip with RV Miles’ hosts, Jason and Abby Epperson, and their three young boys. Episodes, which are usually an hour long, are released weekly and include everything from fun facts and brain teasers to entertaining husband and wife banter and important product reviews. The most recent episode includes Jason’s thoughts on a certain surge protector.

What is RV small talk?

RV Small Talk. What’s neat about RV Small Talk is that it offers the perspective of an RV dealer. That’s because this relatively new podcast is produced by Princess Craft, an RV dealership in Texas. As its name suggests, RV Small Talk normally sticks to talking about truck campers and lightweight trailers.

What is RV Atlas podcast?

The RV Atlas. The funny thing about this insanely popular podcast is that it was founded in 2014 by a husband and wife who had pretty much just learned the difference between a travel trailer and a motorhome. These days, however, Stephanie and Jeremy Puglisi can easily be considered experts.

Who is the RV Entrepreneur?

The RV Entrepreneur with Heath Padgett. Heath Padgett created this podcast for anyone and everyone looking to downsize and work from the road. In the past few years he’s produced nearly 200 episodes (ranging from 6-70 minutes long).

1. Backpacking Light Podcast

Laramie, Wyoming, US The Backpacking Light Podcast explores the technology, gear, skills, and philosophy of backcountry wilderness travel through stories, interviews, and investigative reports. backpackinglight.com/podcast 26.2K ⋅ 21.5K ⋅ 17K ⋅ 2 episodes / month ⋅ Avg Length 46 min View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

2. Backpacker Radio

Denver, Colorado, US From the Appalachian Trail to the Pacific Crest and everything in between. Backpacker Radio is a show all about the wonderful world that is thru-hiking and long-distance backpacking. Co-hosts, Zach Davis and Juliana Chauncey muse on the backpacking life and the latest from the trail every other week.

3. Backpacking & Blisters

Castle Rock, Colorado, US A podcast for newbies to grizzled veterans of the trail. Each weekly themed episode is a combination of trail-related information, stories, and humor. backpacking.podbean.com 764 ⋅ 22 ⋅ 3 episodes / month ⋅ Avg Length 57 min View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

4. Trust The Trail Podcast

Georgia, US Scott & Ariane have been guiding outdoor hiking treks for years. Follow their funny yet educational stories and experiences as they share 'everything outdoors'. From backpacking the Appalachian Trail to the Pacific Crest Trail. You never know who they will meet along the way. If you embrace Mother Nature, this show is for you.

5. The Backpacking Podcast

Nicholasville, Kentucky, US A podcast all about backpacking; tips, tricks, gear, and locations. There will also be a little bit of humor and, hopefully, a little inspiration. anchor.fm/backpackingpodcast 1 episode / week ⋅ Avg Length 60 min ⋅ Jan 2020 View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

6. n2backpacking

US These are hiking and backpacking podcasts produced by BirdShooter as part of the N2Backpacking podcast series. Stay tuned to listen to the latest updates. n2backpacking.com/category/p.. 206 ⋅ 187 ⋅ 56 ⋅ 7 episodes / year ⋅ Avg Length 66 min View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

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