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podcast best practices

by Prof. Josh Wuckert Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Podcast Best Practices: Planning and Preparing Your Episodes

  • Creating a Podcast Calendar. When planning your podcast, the first step is brainstorming a list of topics and possible podcast guests that fit your overall theme.
  • Keyword Research and SEO Optimization. With your list of topics for each episode, you can research related keywords and select a focus keyword for each episode.
  • Creating Outlines. Once you have your focus keyword for each podcast episode, it is best practice to create an outline for the podcast.
  • Preparing for Interviews. If you plan to have a guest on your show, it’s important to research who might be a good guest and ask them if they would be ...

10 Best Practices Every New Podcaster Needs to Know
  1. Be realistic about time. ...
  2. Create a consistent publishing schedule. ...
  3. Do a few trial runs first. ...
  4. Invest in quality microphones. ...
  5. Be prepared to edit and add production value. ...
  6. Do your homework on iTunes. ...
  7. Make sure you're passionate about your topic. ...
  8. Promote, promote, promote.

What are some best practices for starting a podcast?

Podcast Best Practices: Creating an Intro and Outro. The intro of any podcast sets the stage. Your intro will either grab your listener’s attention or lose it. Your outro should always wrap up the podcast and leave a call to action. Keep reading to discover the podcast best practices for creating an intro and outro. The Intro

What are the best productivity podcasts?

  • Workplace communication
  • Productivity tools
  • Time management
  • Professional constraints
  • Barriers to success
  • …and more

What are the best personal development podcasts?

  • Inspire Nation by Michael Sandler and Jessica Lee
  • Living Inspired by John O’Leary
  • Pursuit With Purpose by Melyssa Griffin
  • The Lively Show by Jess Lively
  • The Happy Hour by Jamie Ivey
  • Earn Your Happy by Lori Harder

What are the Best Business Podcasts?

We named Aack Cast the best podcast of 2021, and the project was a favorite among ... and building a life against constant disappointment in the entertainment business. Now in its third season, Dead Eyes continues to draw admiration.


What makes a good podcast good?

1. Talk about things you're interested in. This may sound obvious but choosing a topic you like talking about is the cornerstone of podcasting. It not only helps you produce engaging content but it also is a key factor in consistently creating new episodes for your audience to enjoy.

What are the top 5 things to know before starting a podcast?

Know the 'What' and 'Why' from the Beginning. ... Focus on the Value You Bring to Your Audience. ... You Don't Need to Spend a Fortune—But You DO Need a Quality Setup. ... Podcasting Takes a LOT of Planning and Organization. ... Plan to Manage Your Web Presence. ... You'll Get Bad Feedback. ... It's Not Easy to Make Money as a Podcaster.

What are the five considerations when producing podcasts?

Here are five considerations to take into account when evaluating if a podcast is right for your brand:Audience: Find Your Focus. Audiences consume content differently. ... Format: Develop a Consistent Approach. ... Material: Curate Compelling Content. ... Frequency: Commit to a Cadence. ... Distribution & Access: Build Your Strategy.

What are the rules of a podcast?

Kirk's Eight Rules of Effective PodcastingHave something to say. ... Be prepared. ... Be short and simple. ... Be clear. ... Be yourself. ... Be unique. ... Provide detailed program notes. ... Don't stick in music just to fill time, or to punctuate your show.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

What do all podcasts have in common?

5 elements of a good podcastFocus on a central idea.Play to an audience.Regular schedules.Show structure.Authenticity.

What makes a podcast stand out?

Engaging with your listeners is the best way to make your podcast stand out. It provides priceless insights to the audience. It gives them a chance to overcome their pains and struggles. Thus, making you more relatable to them.

How do you structure a podcast?

The Three Act Podcast StructureAct 1: Setup. In the first act of the episode, your goal is to establish a setting, introduce the characters and their relationships, and build the world they live in. ... Act 2: Confrontation. The second act is the part of the story that raises the stakes. ... Act 3: Resolution.

What makes a podcast engaging?

Your podcast's concept is like a movie or TV show's tagline — it summarizes what your show is about and, ultimately, persuades an audience to start listening. That's why it's crucial to differentiate your podcast with a unique concept. The better the concept, the easier it'll be to attract first-time listeners.

What podcasts can't do?

If you're thinking of starting a podcast, here are a few mistakes I'd recommend avoiding:Spending too much money. ... Believing LibSyn is the only hosting option. ... Not respecting your niche. ... Not using a subtitle. ... Not actively collaborating with other podcasting hosts. ... Having unrealistic expectations. ... Inconsistency.

Is it legal to read books on a podcast?

For example, if you take a Creative Commons licensed book and read it aloud as part of your podcast, your podcast must then be licensed under a Creative Commons license that contains the same license elements (such as Attribution, ShareAlike etc.)

Can you say anything on a podcast?

So, generally speaking, you should avoid including anyone else's material into your podcast unless you have explicit written permission. You may think that using a line or 2 from a song is Fair Use, but those lines could be considered "substantial" to the work, meaning you are engaging in copyright infringement.

1. Create the content your audience is looking for

It’s easier to create the content an existing audience is looking for rather than finding an audience for the content you want to create.

2. Have guests on your show

Interviewing guests is a way to change the pace, tone, and perspective of your podcast. But it’s also a great strategy to share your podcast’s message with new audiences.

3. Create shareworthy social media assets

You’ve done all the hard work to create great content that your audience is looking for. Don’t fall one step short by not creating interesting assets to share on social media.

4. Participate in online communities

Facebook, Discourse, Discord, WhatsApp groups are all fantastic ways to stay connected with other members of your audience in between episodes.

5. Encourage audience feedback and reviews

Tools like Speakpipe, or even a Google Voice number are a great way to encourage your listeners to actively participate in a show. Prompt them to call in with questions or their take on a topic. Use the calls to create unique episodes and increase audience engagement at the same time.

6. Grow an email list

Offering a free course, lead magnet, or content not available elsewhere is one way to encourage listeners to sign up for an email list.

7. Publish regularly

This doesn’t mean you have to publish episodes every week, but whatever it is, stick with it. Every week, every other week (probably not less often than that), or even twice a week is all fine.

What are the best practices for podcasting?

Podcast Best Practices: Understanding the Specifics. Having a podcast theme and name is great, but you need to take the time to sit down and iron out the specifics as well. By simply deciding on the format, length, and posting schedule of your podcast, you are increasing its probability of success.

How long should a podcast be?

When deciding length, remember there is no optimal length for a podcast episode. Some podcasts are 30 minutes long while others last for two hours. The length of your podcast should be as long or short as it needs to be—and no longer.

Why is podcasting important?

Unfiltered authenticity develops trust, which is why podcasting is one of the fastest ways to connect with your ideal buyers and foster brand loyalty. However, it’s important to remember that low-quality podcasts can drive your listeners away. Knowing and following podcast best practices is a great way to ensure the quality of your podcast, leading to more opportunities for relationship growth.

Why do podcasts matter?

Podcasts allow your ideal buyers to stay connected to your brand. Consistently providing valuable content to your audience will create regular touchpoints with your business. By inviting experts in your field on your podcast and asking for listener feedback regularly, your listeners will see the continued value you provide. Publishing a podcast weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly can help develop trust and brand loyalty, giving you more opportunities to promote your business.

How to create a podcast mission?

To create your podcast mission, consider where you would like your podcast to be in the future. Write down what needs to happen for you to get there. Next, brainstorm a list of values that mean the most to you and your business. Once you’ve created your list, narrow it down to your three core values.

How much is the podcast audience growing?

According to Nielson, the total U.S. podcast audience is growing at a compound average growth rate of 20 percent. A number of companies and organizations have decided to utilize this growing platform, however, many aren’t producing high-quality podcasts. ...

Why is it important to create a podcast?

While creating a podcast can be simple, using these podcast best practices will ensure your podcast performs well and provides incredible value. Taking the time to create a high-quality podcast will increase the likelihood of your ideal listener finding you , and will, hopefully, result in more customers.

What is podcast engagement?

Engagement – work to engage your audience to get more loyal and returning listeners. Podcasting best practices are a set of guides we have listed out and developed to help creators of podcast shows to have immediately a better starting position when working on shows.

What is the first impression of a podcast?

Part 1. The first impression – make each episode a statement about the quality of your show. The first part of our podcasting best practices focuses on the fact that you should plan a level of consistency and quality in all your episodes. The goal here is that as your show grows in time in a number of episodes some new users won’t start listening ...

What is post content?

Post Content. Part 1. The first impression make each episode a statement about the quality of your show. Part 2. Episode structure – leverage familiar elements for higher engagement. Part 3. Data-driven decisions – use data to deliver better value. Part 4.

What is a regular listener?

Regular podcast listeners are a very focused audience. A lot of them listen to entire episodes until the end. You want to provide them with a little glimpse of what is coming in the next episode.

Podcast Best Practices – Is There A Magic Formula?

When it comes to producing high-quality podcast episodes, there’s no magic formula. To unlock growth and build an engaged audience, you need to focus on delivering value-driven content.

Follow Our Proven Podcasting Formula

Get the book that helps you finally start the perfect business podcast...

Create a memorable podcast name and optimize titles

To create a memorable podcast name, you should try to strike a balance between creativity and authenticity. In an audio library, the podcast name should stand out from the crowd and offer a sense of what genre your content comes under.

Utilize welcome and send-off phrases to build audience trust

Try your best to address listeners in a memorable way. This will help to establish a sense of familiarity.

Cross-sell other podcast episodes and related content

Once you’ve recorded a few episodes and have built up a back catalog of content, you can begin recommending specific episodes to listeners that explore specific topics and questions.

Consistently schedule and publish new podcast episodes

Consistency in releasing new podcast episodes is critical to your success. If you want to build an engaged audience, you need to ensure loyal listeners know exactly when you’re releasing new episodes.

Engage in marketing and promotion efforts

After taking the time to record and edit podcast episodes, it’s vital that you engage in marketing and promotion efforts. While it’s easy to search through streaming services for podcasts, you cannot rely on organic discovery on these platforms to build an audience.

How to make a podcast?

1. Be realistic about time . Creating and maintaining a quality podcast takes TLC. It also takes time—something working professionals definitely need to take into account before launching a podcast. Prepping content, recording, editing, and posting can eat up a whole lot more time than you might think.

How to get your podcast out there?

Getting your podcast out there on a regular basis is hugely important to building a listener base. Create a schedule that you can realistically stick to—and then stick to it! Whether that’s monthly, weekly or bi-weekly. Give your listeners something they can rely on.

What happens if you don't talk about something on a podcast?

If you’re not talking about something you love on your podcast, it will quickly fall by the wayside. It also won’t spark much listener interest. Have fun with it. Like anything else, your passion and enthusiasm will show through.

1. Make a Podcast Marketing Plan

The first and maybe most important podcast marketing best practice is to create a plan. It should be a playbook consisting of everything you use to promote your show.

3. Identify Your Target Audience

You’d be surprised at how many podcasters fail to accurately identify their target audience. (It’s another reason why a lot of shows have dumb names.)

4. Design Eye-Catching Cover Art

The fourth podcast marketing best practice is to create scroll-stopping cover art.

5. Use a Modern Hosting Service

As in a website that hosts your podcast — not the human host of the show.

6. Create a Dedicated Podcast Page

In order for your podcast to be easily found, it should have one of three things:

7. Release Episodes Regularly

One thing that’s bound to turn your listeners away is an irregular publishing cadence. Your fans want to know that they can depend on a new episode every month, every week, or every day.

8. Splinter Your Content

The next podcast marketing best practice involves repurposing your interviews into insightful, shareable pieces — aka, content splintering.


Part 2. Episode Structure – Leverage Familiar Elements For Higher Engagement

If you keep the consistent similar structure of your podcast episode you will create a professional impression. Those elements which will build familiarity, structure, and trust don’t have to be extensively long. It is important for them to be there as a sign of quality and dedication. This is one of the podcasting best practices that c…
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Part 3. Data-Driven Decisions – Use Data to Deliver Better Value

  • From analyzing data you will know which episodes were most popular with your audience. Figure out then was it due to great title, episode length, research you have done, etc. Podcasting best practices require you to fully understand what creates a successful episode. Then you will simply be able to replicate it.
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Part 5. Marketing – Extend Beyond Podcasts in Search of A New Audience

  • People often hope that a show will just grow and be popular on its own. Sometimes it happens. But if you want to control your success you need to make an active marketing efforts to grow your show. This is especially important if you want to monetize your show sooner rather than later. Implement those podcasting best practices and you will see the results.
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in Conclusion

  • We discussed 7 key areas of podcasting best practices in this guide: 1. The first impression– invite a new user to your show, think that each episode is an introduction of a new listener to your world, 2. Episode structure– built familiarity within each episode, try to make each episode feel like a part of a bigger show, 3. Data-driven decisions– a...
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