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podcast bio examples

by Stephen Toy Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Bios Podcasts

  • Bio Eats World. Biology is breaking out of the lab and clinic—and into our daily lives. ...
  • Bio-Entrepreneur. ...
  • The Bio Report. ...
  • Kota iRadio Network. ...
  • SOUND KHARMA®. ...
  • Living Beyond 120. ...
  • Pasquale Podcast. ...
  • My Daily Mindset. ...
  • Behind the Bio. ...
  • Core Awareness Podcasts. ...

More items...

Full Answer

How do I write a description for my podcast?

When writing the description for your podcast, you should aim to achieve these three things: Explain your podcast clearly. Make sure a potential listener understands what to expect from an episode of your show when they listen, and avoid vague language. People should understand the topic of your podcast as soon as they read your show summary.

What makes a good podcast description?

The best podcast descriptions are written for humans. They are clear, succinct, self-explanatory, and they avoid unnecessary repetition. While there’s no maximum podcast description length (Apple allows up to 4,000 characters), they won’t display everything you pack in there.

What are some of the best examples of bio examples?

Audra Simpson Another great bio example on the professional website is from Audra Simpson, an Anthropology professor from Columbia University. Here is the bio that she uses on the University website.

Is my podcast description included in my RSS feed?

Furthermore, your podcast description is included in your RSS feed. Anyone who displays your podcast (like the big podcast directories) will publish your description as well. Sadly, many podcasters write their description as an afterthought.


How do you write a podcast bio?

The Perfect Podcast Bio Template.The Intro. Sentence number one, the intro. ... The Social Proof. The second sentence is all about your social proof, or in other words, what makes you an authority on the topic you're going to be interviewed on. ... The Promise.

What is a good podcast description?

The best podcast descriptions are written for humans. They are clear, succinct, self-explanatory, and they avoid unnecessary repetition. While there's no maximum podcast description length (Apple allows up to 4,000 characters), they won't display everything you pack in there.

How long should a podcast BIO be?

three to five sentencesThese bios are short, three to five sentences max, and highlight important things about you that establish your expertise as a creator.

How do you write a podcast bio on Instagram?

7 Tips to Market Your Podcast on InstagramCraft a Bio That is On-Brand. The first place to start is right in your bio. ... Take a Classic Selfie. ... Create An Audio Story Highlight. ... Feature A Quote From Your Guest. ... Post An Audio Snippet. ... Creative A Visually Appealing Feed. ... Follow Other Podcasters and Influencers.

How do you introduce yourself in a podcast?

Here are five possibilities on how to introduce yourself on a podcast or panelist interview.Start with how long you have been doing something. ... Begin with your current title and area of expertise. ... Begin with prestige. ... Go for approachable or understated. ... Focus on the thing you're selling.

How do you write a podcast intro?

A great podcast intro should show new listeners who you are, what your podcast is about, and why they should listen. But, at the same time, it needs to engage your existing audience. The best podcast intros are unique to each episode and include a teaser of content from later in the show to hook listeners.

How long is too long for a podcast?

But the general theory of podcast episode lengths is simple. If you have 40 minutes of good, on-topic content, and your episode lasts 1 hour, then it's too long. If If you have 40 minutes of good, on-topic content, and your episode lasts 20 minutes, then it's too short.

What is the average life of a podcast?

The average podcast lifespan of 174 days is based on shows that were indexable in November 2018.

What is the average time for a podcast?

The average length of a podcast is 36 minutes. However, that figure was calculated in December 2019. So, chances are high that the average podcast length is now less, with trends indicating that shorter podcasts are more popular. One of the reasons for shorter podcasts is not just about listener time.

How do I promote my podcast?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

Is Instagram good for podcasts?

With 1 billion active monthly users, Instagram is a great tool to grow your podcast audience. But not if the people you're trying to reach aren't on there. Let's refer to our podcast avatar. As outlined in this great article by The Podcast Host, your podcast avatar is your idealized listener.

How do podcasts get Instagram followers?

1:1012:53How to Promote your Podcast on Instagram | Get more listeners!YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAbout what works well what generates engagement how to grow a podcast. And how to keep people's.MoreAbout what works well what generates engagement how to grow a podcast. And how to keep people's. Attention. So that they want to recommend it to their friends.

Landing Podcast interviews

This article is a follow-on from the last one where I talked about creating a One Sheet for landing podcast interviews on other shows. The bio is a hugely important piece of the puzzle in your outreach efforts, not just on the One Sheet but, most importantly, within the interviews you’ll score.

How a Podcast Bio Differs From Other Bio Types

So … the podcast bio. How does it differ from a normal bio, you might ask. Well I’m glad you did, because it has one important differentiation between any other bio you might already have: it’s designed to be read out loud by someone instead of just read, and that right there makes the world of difference.

The Perfect Podcast Bio TEmplate

Okay, let’s dig into creating a bio that works. We’re looking to create something that’s three sentences long, five max. And I do mean 3-5 sentences, not 3-5 extremely long run-on sentences that suddenly mean you’ve got half a page of text. If you’re using a run-on sentence then drop one of the shorter ones to compensate.

1. The Intro

Sentence number one, the intro. There’s a couple of things your intro can do, it can share what you do and who you do it for. Or it can provide a little insight into who you are, where you are, and how you look at the world.

2. The Social Proof

The second sentence is all about your social proof, or in other words, what makes you an authority on the topic you’re going to be interviewed on. I could use: Tors ditched her career at the BBC in favour of finding her own way towards financial freedom.

3. The Promise

When it comes to the final sentence, the promise, ideally, you want to have the topic and a lead magnet in mind because it should prime listeners for the call to action you’ll get at the end of the interview, which really means that what you’re talking about in your bio relates to your lead magnet and the topic you’re going to be talking about in the interview.

Putting Your Podcast Bio Together

Let’s say my lead magnet’s going to be my Five Steps to Profitable Podcasting Roadmap, you can grab yours above by the way, just in case you haven’t already. So Roadmap as the lead magnet, I’m talking about how to start a podcast for your business as the interview, my bio could therefore be:

What is a podcast description?

A podcast description is a brief blurb of text that describes your show. You can use it to tell listeners anything you want, which makes it a powerful tool to convince people to listen. Think of your podcast description like the synopsis on the back of a book or inside the jacket. It’s the second thing people read after the title.

How to edit a podcast on Castos?

Once you log into your dashboard, click the “Settings” link under the show you want to edit. (With Castos, you can create unlimited shows .) Click “Settings” to edit the podcast description. In the settings, expand the “Feed Details” tab. The second field, just below the podcast tile field, is for your podcast description.

How long does it take for Castos to update podcasts?

The podcast directories will update within 24 to 48 hours. So if you haven’t given your podcast description the consideration it deserves, you still can! Adding or updating a description in Castos is as simple as it gets! Once you log into your dashboard, click the “Settings” link under the show you want to edit.

Where is the podcast description on Stitcher?

A podcast description on Stitcher appears in the sidebar beneath the “About This Show” heading. On the mobile app, users must click the information icon to pull up a window with the description.

Where is the podcast description on Google Podcasts?

On Google Podcasts, the podcast description is beneath the title and “subscribe” button, above the episode list. Notice how it cuts off at 100 characters, so make sure to front-load your important information.

Do podcasts publish their description?

Anyone who displays your podcast (like the big podcast directories) will publish your description as well. Sadly, many podcasters write their description as an afterthought. They only think about it when they come across a big empty text field that requires something.

Do you have to submit a description to your podcast?

You’ll have to submit a description to your host when you upload your first episode. The host will stick that description into your RSS feed so podcast directories and apps can grab it. This means your description is dynamic. You can change it any time simply by updating the content you give to your host.

What is a Podcast Description?

A podcast show description or show summary describes your podcast to a potential audience member. Simply put, it explains the topic of your show and what a listener can expect to hear when they press play on one of your episodes.

Why A Great Podcast Description Is Important

Any movie lover knows how much the text on a Netflix blurb matters when trying to choose something new to watch. A podcast description works in a similar way - it gives potential listeners a peek at what to expect from your podcast before tuning in.

Where Does a Podcast Description Appear?

The description for your podcast will be created inside the media host you use for your show. Once you've written the description for your show, that description will show up in your podcast RSS feed for directories (think Spotify or Stitcher) to pick up your show for wider distribution.

What Makes A Podcast Description Good?

What’s the secret to a good podcast description? Short, catchy, and to the point. When writing the description for your podcast, you should aim to achieve these three things:

What Goes in a Podcast Description?

Keep the following ideas in mind when writing the description for your show, so you write a great podcast description that'll help you gain new listeners:

How To Write A Podcast Show Summary with Examples

Now that we've gone over what you should include in your podcast summary, we'll explain how you should put it all together to create a description that is brief, engaging, and informative. It's simple to write a great podcast description when you break it down into three sentences with each sentence having a clear goal:

Who hosts the Bioverge podcast?

The Bioverge Podcast, hosted by healthcare investor Neil Littman, focuses on the intersection of bio + tech, and the entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders who are transforming healthcare to bring science fiction to life.

Who hosts the ultimate bio hack?

The Ultimate Bio-Hack For Women, hosted by Dr. Brandy Victory, is a podcast for high-achieving women who are looking to hack their way into better performance, upleveling their productivity, optimizing vitality, mood and mindset, all from the perspective of being a woman. Men cannot come close to knowing how to tell us to hack our hormones, health, cellulite and lives. Your ultimate hack comes from being turned on and tapping your magic. Dr. Brandy shares the art, science and magic of being ...

Who is Steve from Specific Carbohydrate Diet?

#212 Steve is an engineer who developed the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to help combat the incredible digestion issues he had since he was 13 years old. Then, he ordered his first supplements and started his first diet, but by 23 he was crying daily in bloating pain. The panic attacks, depression, and constipation were threatening his “successful” l…

Who is Dakota the filmmaker?

Dakota considers himself a religious traveler who explores the taboo and nature of human expression. He essentially is a documentary filmmaker who travels around the world to the strangest possible nooks and crannies on this plant, spending time with some of the most fascinating individuals – from hindus and christians, to cannibals and satanists, …

Is Kurt Baker a fan of power pop?

If you're a fan of the power-pop genre, you're almost certainly also a fan of Kurt Baker. Over the past dozen years, the singer and songwriter has released a bunch of great records under his own name (and using the "Kurt Baker Combo" and "Kurt Baker Band" project names as well). He has also toured regularly, earned a spot on Steven Van Zandt's Wick…

Where is the description of a podcast written?

Your podcast description is written inside your media host – the place your show essentially “lives”. This'll be done when a podcaster is creating their show, prior to submitting it to the listening directories, where people will find and subscribe to it.

How to write a podcast description?

Writing a Great Podcast Description 1 Your podcast description is also known as your podcast summary, or show summary 2 You write this inside your media hosting account, and it appears in all the directories your podcast is listed in. For example, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc 3 Podcast descriptions are very important when listeners are weighing up whether or not to hit play 4 You should write about who your podcast is for, why they should listen, and what they can expect 5 If you're unhappy with your current show summary, the good news is that you can edit it at any time 6 Read on to find out more

Does Apple search for podcasts?

When listeners type a topic into these apps, Apple is only searching podcast names, episode titles, and author/artist names. It isn't going to scan your podcast description, or individual episode shownotes. Overcast is another very popular listening app.

What should be the first two words of a bio?

If your readers don't remember anything else about your bio, make sure they remember your name. For that reason, it's a good idea for your first and last name to be the first two words of your professional bio.

What is the first sentence of Mouzon's bio?

I gravitated towards Mouzon's bio from the first sentence: "I'm obsessed with leveling the playing field." Mouzon effectively grips the reader's attention with this introduction, and then dives into some of her impressive accomplishments — including a brand that's now sold at Urban Outfitters and Target.

Is a professional bio a good thing?

To be fair, in certain contexts, your professional bio does need to be more formal, like Mr. Erickson's up there. But in many cases, writing a readable bio — even conversational — is a really good thing. That means dropping that traditional format of listing your accomplishments like a robot and cramming as much professional-sounding jargon in there as you can.

Is Instagram a good platform to write a bio?

Instagram is a notoriously difficult platform on which to write a good bio. Similar to Twitter, you simply don't have room for a professional bio that includes everything about you. And because Instagram is primarily a mobile app, many viewers are reading about you passively on their mobile device.

Is a professional bio different from a persuasive copy?

When it all comes down to it, your professional bio is no different than any other piece of persuasive copy — no matter where it lives. One of the most common mistakes people make is thinking of it as its own beast, separate from other pieces of writing. If you think about it that way, you're far more likely to write something painfully uninteresting.

What is a bio on social media?

In reality, your bio is valuable social media real estate that welcomes users to your profile, creates a first impression of your brand, conveys key information about your business, and turns profile visitors into followers and followers into customers.

How to make a good Instagram bio?

Before we get into how to make the best Instagram bio, let’s take a look at the elements that make up this part of your profile. 1. Profile photo. Your profile photo is one of the first things people will notice in your Instagram bio. Make sure you use a photo that: is easy to recognize and of high quality.

How many characters should be in Instagram bio?

In your Instagram bio, you can include a short description, contact information, emojis, and more, provided you keep it under 150 characters. Your bio can include one external link, hashtags, and a username, which you can customize separately from your handle (i.e., @user).

What is Blume's bio?

Blume ’s Instagram bio is concise, witty, and targeted at women, showing them where they can buy product in-store. Also, Blume expresses its visual aesthetic with on-brand colors and style. The Linkin.bio link sends people to a page where they can also shop online.

Why do you put a call to action in your bio?

CTAs significantly increase the likelihood users will take the action you’re describing, because they explain exactly what to do and how to do it.

Does Poo-Pourri have a bio?

Unsurprisingly, Poo-Pourri has one of those funny Instagram bios featuring the poo emoji right in its profile name—but there’s more to it than that. The voice conveyed in the copy is completely on brand, matching the humor of its overall brand voice. A simple Linkin.bio link takes users to a page where they can learn more about and purchase products featured on Instagram.

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