Podcast FAQ

podcast content ideas

by Prof. Chelsie Graham Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  1. Make It Personal Talk about a personal story or experience. ...
  2. Be Topical Many successful podcast formats are about what’s currently happening in their particular niche. ...
  3. Interviews Don’t see everybody as just competition who can’t help you in any way. ...
  4. How To Guides Create some useful how-to guides on topics and tasks which people generally find difficult or boring. ...
  5. Everyday Life Look around you when you go out. Did something funny or unusual happen that you can talk about? ...
  6. Ask Your Audience

Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.
  • Learning a new skill. ...
  • Events/groups. ...
  • Book reviews and summaries. ...
  • Book recommendations. ...
  • Sports. ...
  • People who know nothing about sports. ...
  • Location-based. ...
  • Time-based.
May 18, 2022

How to come up with good podcast ideas?

  • Write out a list of words that reflect your brand, personality, team etc. ...
  • Look at competition in the space and see if there's a common theme. ...
  • Think about the emotion you want to evoke with your business name
  • Ask yourself: If I had to describe my business in one word, what would it be?

How to create content for your podcast?

How to garner partners and sponsors for your content stream or podcast

  • Build Your Audience. It might seem harsh, but you’re unlikely to garner sponsorship immediately if you’re starting out. ...
  • Do Your Research. Content creators will often assume sponsors will reach out to them to initiate a partnership. ...
  • Demonstrate Professionalism. ...
  • Conclusion. ...

What are good ideas for a podcast?

Tips for Keeping Your Podcast Interesting

  • Have fun with your episode titles. One of the first impressions listeners will form of your podcast is based on your episode titles. ...
  • Storytelling. Don’t use a monotone voice. ...
  • Lively conversation. The best was to make sure the conversation stays interesting is to be prepared. ...
  • Involve your listeners. This will help you gain loyal listeners. ...
  • Be yourself. ...

How to come up with great content ideas?

We’ll cover the following topics:

  • How to source inspiration directly from your readers
  • How to get great topic ideas from your social media channels
  • Useful tools you may already be using, but not as effectively
  • How to overcome writer’s block


What are some good podcast topics?

According to Statista's 2021 reports, the top 5 podcast topics include comedy, news, true crime, sport, and health/fitness.

How do I come up with a podcast content?

How To Create Interesting Podcast EpisodesTalk about things you're interested in. ... Focus on your target audience. ... Tell lots of stories. ... Help your audience take the next step. ... Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ... Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ... Invite unique experts onto your show.More items...•

What are 5 elements of a podcast?

5 elements of a good podcastFocus on a central idea.Play to an audience.Regular schedules.Show structure.Authenticity.

What should I start a podcast about?

The first thing everyone is going to ask when you start promoting your podcast is, “What is it about?” You need to be crystal clear on the focus of your show if you hope to grow a loyal fan base. You'll want to choose a topic that you already have some knowledge of and/or interest in.

What makes a bad podcast?

Bad audio quality. Too many ad reads or annoying/irrelevant ad reads. Lack of preparation or planning.

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

What makes a podcast successful?

A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

What are 3 reasons podcasts are so popular?

Why are podcasts so popular now?Podcasts allow for multitasking.Listening to a podcast is an easy way to catch up on the latest news and events.Podcast are entertaining.Podcast adaptations will grow in numbers.Smart speakers will push the boundaries of podcasting.More items...•

What should my first podcast say?

How to structure your intro episodeAddress your audience, welcome them to the show.Introduce yourself as the host of the show. Include your name. ... Mention what inspired you to start your podcast. ... Talk about the release schedule. ... Explain the podcast's structure. ... Say goodbye and share where people can find more:

What are the top 5 things to know before starting a podcast?

Know the 'What' and 'Why' from the Beginning. ... Focus on the Value You Bring to Your Audience. ... You Don't Need to Spend a Fortune—But You DO Need a Quality Setup. ... Podcasting Takes a LOT of Planning and Organization. ... Plan to Manage Your Web Presence. ... You'll Get Bad Feedback. ... It's Not Easy to Make Money as a Podcaster.

How does a beginner start a podcast?

Table of ContentsChoose a Podcast Topic You Can Commit To.Pick Your Podcast Name.Write a Compelling Podcast Description.Decide on Your Podcast Format.Get Your Podcast Artwork and Music Created.Purchase Your Podcast Equipment and Test Your Podcasting Software.Choose Your Podcast Hosting Service.More items...

How to find a good podcast idea

To start brainstorming podcast ideas, you should consider your voice and what interests you. Also, think about your audience and the kind of conversation you’d like to have with a listener.

Which podcast types are the most popular?

As you’re coming up with good topics for podcasts, another consideration is which formats work the best:

20 podcast ideas

Ask listeners to write and send you questions before the show, then answer them in a podcast. You can even broadcast your Q&A live every once in a while to promote your show. To keep up this format long-term, try asking one deep question and answering it for every episode.

What is a podcast idea?

The idea is for the host to create a product for a customer while sharing the process live. The product is finished and delivered at the end of the episode. This is a unique podcast format and could work for products like a website, painting, or a logo.

Why are podcasts important?

Podcasts are a great way people could practice a new language while commuting to work or doing house chores. There is tremendous untapped potential in this niche, and it is only getting bigger in this connected world.

What are segments in podcasts?

Segments are parts of a podcast episode. A typical episode will already consist of an intro, main topic, and outro. By incorporating and mixing new segments, you can breathe new life into your show and make your podcast more interesting.

What is a top x list?

Top x lists are a prevalent format for blog posts and vlogs. But this format could work well for podcasts too. Make a top 5 or 10 list of things within your niche.

Is it a mistake to do a podcast?

It would be a mistake to do a podcast about something you have no interest or knowledge in. Not only will it be more difficult to provide value to an audience, but you also run the risk of giving up if it is not something you are truly passionate about.

1. Local news

Sometimes you don’t need to look further than local news events. Think of it as a type of news roundup. While it’s a pretty straightforward podcast idea, the trick is to keep it balanced. You don’t want to focus too much on issues facing locals at the expense of exciting happenings taking place and vice versa.

2. Global news and politics

If you’re not interested in keeping it local, you can expand your content to international news headlines that have dominated the week. You can also offer political commentary. In fact, one of the top-earning creators on Patreon, Chapo Trap House, is an American political podcast.

3. Product reviews

Creating a product review is one of the top ideas for blog posts and can just as easily be turned into a regular segment on your podcast. Listeners love it as it helps them with their purchasing decisions.

4. Listicles

If you like the idea of product reviews but don’t want to limit yourself to only one or two items at a time, you create Top 10 lists instead. People love listicles. Counting down to number one creates suspense which will help to motivate your subscribers to listen to the very end of each episode.

5. True crime

The top Patreon creator is True Crime Obsessed, a podcast that takes a look at true crime documentaries. Considering that true crime events have all the elements for a great story, the appeal behind this genre makes sense.

6. Music

Whether you want to zoom in on an individual artist or explore a specific genre, you’ll have more than enough content. If you’re always searching for someone to share your enthusiasm for musicals, this can be the answer. In addition to discussing your new music discoveries, you can also try to interview emerging musicians to jazz things up.

7. Books

Instead of making your focus music, you can follow a similar approach to the one discussed in the previous point and explore books. You can, for instance, share curated reading lists or personal favorite reads.

How To Generate Podcast Content Ideas Quickly

Start with a notebook or a spreadsheet, whichever works best for you. Then, follow the prompts I list out in this episode to help you generate as many podcast content ideas as you can as quickly as you can:

Still stuck?

In my mini course “ Podcast Prep Party ” I’ve included bonus lessons with even more prompts to help you generate engaging podcast content ideas to fill up that content calendar quickly. Get instant access here!

How to make a podcast?

1. Behind the scenes of an industry. Try making a podcast that explores the unknown side of something you’re familiar with, whether it’s the movie industry (or even the making of a particular TV show), the publishing industry, or the goings-on at a particular Silicon Valley startup. 2. Take your listeners on a journey.

What to do when you're a budding standup comedian?

People love to laugh! If you’re a budding standup, put your comedy chops to use with a new podcast. Invite different guests to try your jokes on, or discuss current events with a comedic twist.

Who is the host of the Rideshare Guy podcast?

Create a podcast specifically designed to entertain Uber drivers. Take a leaf out of The Rideshare Guy Podcast host Harry Campbell ’s book and interview delivery drivers and ask them for their best industry tips.

How to make a podcast?

1. Talk about things you’re interested in. This may sound obvious but choosing a topic you like talking about is the cornerstone of podcasting. It not only helps you produce engaging content but it also is a key factor in consistently creating new episodes for your audience to enjoy.

How to start a podcast based on a topic?

It’s better to start a new podcast based on a topic you like than commit to something that bores you. 2. Focus on your target audience. You can’t make a podcast that pleases everyone.

What is actionable content in podcasts?

Actionable content explains how your listeners can do something, not just what they should do or why. It gives them practical directions that can be applied in real life to satisfy a need.

Why is it important to have engaging podcasts?

The biggest reason to focus on producing compelling podcast episodes are their ability to help you build a loyal fan base. These listeners tune in to your show every week, help it succeed by leaving positive reviews, and sharing your content with friends.

How to keep yourself on track?

To keep yourself on track, follow your script or notes, at least loosely. If you catch yourself going down the wrong path, reign the conversation back to your plan. That isn’t to say all tangents are bad but make sure you’re not eroding the value of the episode by regularly including irrelevant anecdotes.

Can you get a little audience participation on a podcast?

Podcasting may be a one-way medium, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a little audience participation. Ask open ended questions and explain how your audience’s answers will be featured in future episodes. Direct them to a central place to collect their responses like in the comment section of your podcast’s website or across your social media channels.

Can you make a podcast that pleases everyone?

You can’t make a podcast that pleases everyone. It’s best to narrow your focus to a specific listener avatar who will get the most value from your content. For inspiration, research topic options in a variety of places like relevant forums or online groups that are related to your target audience.

What can you do with a podcast?

But, with the right podcast content, what you can do is connect deeply with people who are looking for the information you’re talking about. These are people who identify with your voice and your message. They are much more involved emotionally when they hear your voice in a podcast, rather than reading that very same information in a blog post.

What is the hardest thing to do when creating a podcast?

When creating a podcast, the most difficult thing for most people is coming up with good podcast content on a consistent schedule. You can have a great voice, lots of followers and listeners and bags of confidence, but without the content to accompany it, your podcasts will fail. Your podcast won’t deeply connect with everyone that listens to it. ...

Why do people listen to podcasts?

Podcasts connect with your audience more than text. A podcast episode can be enjoyed whenever your prospect has some free time or is on the move. This means that person listens to your podcast when he or she has intentionally created the time to do so.

What is a successful podcast?

Many successful podcast formats are about what’s currently happening in their particular niche. Read the news and create podcast content about topics that are relevant to you and your audience. Use your own opinion to either promote your viewpoints or back up your opinions on what’s new.

Can you interview people on a podcast?

That way, you both get exposure to new audiences. You can even interview your friends, family or local celebrities in your podcast. Bringing somebody else into the mix, even if it’s not anybody famous, can make your audio recordings more interesting. 4.

Is it hard to stay on track with a podcast?

Without a solid plan for your next podcast, it’s difficult to stay on track. You don’t want your listeners to lose interest half way through the podcast. Also, since you will be creating a series of recordings, the most important thing is that people come back for the next one.

Can you connect with everyone on a podcast?

Your podcast won’t deeply connect with everyone that listens to it. Some people will listen to one of your podcast episodes for a couple of minutes, then tune off and never return. That’s OK. You can’t please all of the people all of the time. But, with the right podcast content, what you can do is connect deeply with people who are looking for ...

First things first

It’s just as important to get your introductory content right as it is to figure out what you’ll talk about in the future.

Example Show Topics

Once your listeners understand who you are, who will benefit from what you offer, and the key concept from your first episode, you want to continue offering guidance with each subsequent show.

How to Get More Podcast Content Ideas

After the first handful of shows, the best way I’ve found to come up with new podcast content ideas is by asking yourself three things:

A Word About Planning Ahead

We’ve all heard of content calendars that plan out what you’ll release and when for months at a time.

101 Podcast Topic Ideas

Starting your process to think up podcast ideas can feel intimidating, but don’t worry; you have a lot of options. Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.

How to Find Topics for a Podcast

Ultimately, your content ideas won't get far without a solid understanding of your target audience and what they want to hear. And how well your ideas land once you choose them is heavily dependent on getting this step right.

Keep the Podcast Episode Ideas Coming

Now you have a ton of podcast ideas to get you started and the steps you need to keep the good ideas flowing.


Podcast Content Ideas

Podcast Segment Ideas

  • Segments are parts of a podcast episode. A typical episode will already consist of an intro, main topic, and outro. By incorporating and mixing new segments, you can breathe new life into your show and make your podcast more interesting. Below, we have listed some segment ideas to explore and incorporate into your episodes.
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Untapped Niche Ideas

  • We have covered podcast episode ideas and segments. Now we will list more general niches that remain relatively untapped. The niches and topics below have relatively little competition and a lot of potential for those getting started today.
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Format & Name

  • Coming up with a name for your podcast is the next step. There are mainly three main types of podcast names: 1. Personal Names 2. Creative Names 3. Descriptive Names Read more about how to come up with a great podcast name here: How to Name a Podcast – An In-Depth Guide You also want to figure out your show’s ideal format. Use your target audience as your starting p…
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in Conclusion

  • We hope you got some inspiration from the podcast ideas above. You might have struggled to find a topic for your podcast, or you want to breathe new life into your show by switching formats. Whatever the case might be, once you have a good idea, you will have to execute it. Below are some articles to help you get your podcast up and running in no time: 1. How To Start a Podcast…
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