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podcast conversation topics

by Prof. Otho Christiansen Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

25 Original Podcast Topics You Should Try

  1. Your favorite topic. The first podcast idea is also the most obvious. ...
  2. Your trial and errors. If you’re someone who loves to try new things and push yourself out of your comfort zone, why not document your trial and errors.
  3. Small town news. ...
  4. He said, she said. ...
  5. That one horrible boss or job. ...
  6. Behind the scenes of influencers. ...
  7. Hypothetically speaking. ...

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Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.
  • Learning a new skill. ...
  • Events/groups. ...
  • Book reviews and summaries. ...
  • Book recommendations. ...
  • Sports. ...
  • People who know nothing about sports. ...
  • Location-based. ...
  • Time-based.
May 18, 2022

Full Answer

What are some good podcast topics?

  • A Good Podcast Topic Idea Is Related To Your Business
  • Solves One Specific Problem
  • Is A Topic You’re Passionate About
  • Already Has An Audience
  • Has A Unique Angle

What are the most interesting conversation topics?

improving your conversation and social skills. Walk around in public, and you will always hear people talking about movies, TV shows and books. For some reason, people love talking about stories and the characters inside them they feel like they know. There’s always new ones coming out, so the topic never really gets stale.

What to talk about on a podcast?

  • Talk about your favourite topic
  • Share your trial and errors
  • Share small town news
  • He said, she said
  • Talk about that one horrible boss or job
  • Give a peak behind the scenes of influencers
  • Hypothetically speaking
  • As seen on TV
  • Run an advice column
  • Narrate yourself doing something

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How to choose a podcast topic?

Summary: Choosing Podcast Topics

  • You need to think about why you want to podcast. ...
  • You have to weigh up your podcast ideas, and decide on your overall podcast topic – that's the general subject matter your show is built around.
  • Even if your goal is to market a product or service, you still need to be interested or passionate about your chosen topic.

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What are some good topics for podcasts?

24 Podcast topic ideas to start with todaySpeak about some cool countries or cities.Tell biographical facts about famous people.Do book or film reviews.Make a coaching podcast and teach your audience something.Start series of interviews with intriguing guests.Tell about your daily chores.More items...•

What are the most popular podcast topics?

As of May 2020, the most popular shows on Apple Podcasts have a few common topic threads: talk shows, true crime, and investigative journalism. Knowing these podcast ideas are already popular with large audiences, you may be tempted to jump right into one of these topics.

How do I pick a podcast topic?

How To Find Good Podcast TopicsStart with your interests and hobbies. It's important that you choose a podcast topic that you're genuinely interested in; otherwise, your audience will be able to sense your disinterest. ... Evaluate your goals. ... Establish a focus. ... Consider planning for guests. ... Decide what sets you apart.

What should I podcast about?

100+ Podcast Topic ideasBehind the scenes of an industry. ... Take your listeners on a journey - Personal podcast ideas. ... Clueless newbie & Podcast ideas for beginners. ... Tell the same story from different points of view - Podcast story ideas. ... Documentary. ... Deep dives. ... A day in the life of... ... Mystery theme.More items...•

What makes a podcast fun?

1. Talk about things you're interested in. This may sound obvious but choosing a topic you like talking about is the cornerstone of podcasting. It not only helps you produce engaging content but it also is a key factor in consistently creating new episodes for your audience to enjoy.

What do you talk about on a solo podcast?

To make a successful solo podcast episode, consider these 6 key ideas:Come up with a list of potential topics.Create an episode outline.Begin the episode with a hook.Share a unique POV (point-of-view).Recap the episode.Use the right tools.

What questions do you ask on a podcast?

What are three movies you'd recommend to my audience and why? What are three other podcasts you'd recommend to my audience and why? What's one question you wish I'd asked you, and how would you have answered? Where can listeners find you online?

What do you say in a podcast?

The easiest intro to script follows this basic setup: “Welcome to [podcast name], the show that [brief podcast pitch or tagline]. I'm [host name] and today we're talking about [episode topic] with [guest name]. We also have a surprise guest for you at the end of the show, so make sure you listen all the way through.”

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

What makes a podcast successful?

Keep the topic simple. A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

What is a podcast show?

Podcast for specific places or people. This could be a podcast show designed for specific places like the gym, the salon, or an eatery. You can also make a podcast for particular groups like parents or teachers to talk about their challenges. 2. Talk about books and movies as a critic.

What is a preparation podcast?

A preparation podcast. A preparation podcast describing how you or people, in general, prepare for any type of event. It could be preparing for dinner, a big business meeting, an event, a birthday, or any of your daily activities. 12. A point of view podcast.

What is a podcast about your neighbors?

A podcast where you talk about your experiences with your neighbors. You could include events you’ve attended with them and how the neighborhood has changed in your time living there.

Why do people start podcasts?

Podcasting is not about what you like but what your audience likes. The reason you want to start a podcast is to get people to listen to you, either by solving their problems, helping them overcome a challenge, appealing to one of their passions or improving their knowledge and skill base.

How to talk about movies and books?

You can add a twist by talking about movies and books before watching and reading them, talk about your expectations. 3. Talk about podcasting.

When will podcasts be released in 2021?

April 8, 2021. As a seasoned podcaster or a podcast newbie, it is often tricky and challenging to come up with podcast ideas. Before launching your show, you have to think about what it will be focused on. Several factors influence this, and you must get them right as they could determine how successful your show will be.

Can you make a podcast for specific times?

Time-specific podcasts. You can make a podcast for specific times like the night time. A sleep-aid podcast will help send people to sleep. You can also create an energetic podcast for the morning time. There is also scope to make podcasts for different seasons. 5.

What is the least popular podcast genre?

Storytelling/drama. Despite the popularity of shows like Serial, scripted drama is still the least popular podcast genre. Keep in mind narrative storytelling typically requires heavy production, but the options in this category are endless if you're for a little extra post-production.

What age group listens to podcasts?

Entreprenuer & Soloprenenuership. Millennials ages 18-34 listen to podcasts more than any other group, and nearly 30% of millennials have a small business or side gig . If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, podcasts are an excellent way to reach like-minded people and share your expertise.

What does it mean to be a podcaster?

Podcasting in the education space can mean anything from teaching your listeners a skill or educating them about a cause for which you're passionate. Whichever direction you go, remember to scout out the competition and find ways to set yourself apart.

Is fitness a popular genre in 2021?

Health and fitness is a popular genre in 2021 and will likely stay that way. Standing out in this category might take some imagination, but it's doable with the right approach.

Do podcast hosts have to be experts?

Expert interviews. As a podcast host, you don't have to be the expert or guru of your topic. As long as you're a good interviewer and have a genuine interest in your topic, you'll have something of value to offer your audience.

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Final Thoughts

Podcasts are a fantastic way to hear the stories of our lives and worlds from the ground level. With these podcasts, people can listen to everything straight from the source. They are unfiltered and authentic.

What is Dylan Marron's podcast about?

Dylan Marron’s podcast is built on a high-wire premise: What if you reached out to someone who called you something horrible (online, but not always) and you tried to have an actual, honest conversation about it? The very idea has a certain cringe-y quality to it, particularly given the current state of the world, but Marron’s social-experiment-meets-performance-art piece poses a rebuttal, asking listeners to follow through to see what happens if you really committed to the process. A genuine human connection isn’t always struck, but the attempt matters, and Conversations With People Who Hate Me is an unorthodox reminder of that.

Who hosts another round?

Another Round. Despite its relatively brief life, Another Round had one of the best runs in podcasting history. Hosted by Heben Nigatu and Tracy Clayton, the beloved BuzzFeed podcast used its energetic, segment-driven conversational format — Pew! Pew!

What is the Combat Jack Show?

The Combat Jack Show was Ossé’s second great marker of influence — the podcast, which he started in 2010, became his primary platform for facilitating discourse on hip-hop history, culture, race, and beyond.

Is Joe Rogan a controversial podcast?

The Joe Rogan Experience. Likely ( and understandably) a controversial entry for some, it is nevertheless a historically notable one. The Joe Rogan Experience is thought to be one of the most successful podcasts currently in operation, and increasingly, one of the more culturally consequential. A conversation show that’s fully committed to ...

Is Bill Simmons a podcaster?

Regardless of your opinion on the famed sports columnist — and there are many opinions out there, it seems — The Bill Simmons Podcast is a crucial fix ture in the podcast ecosystem. As an extension of its predecessor, The BS Report, Simmons’s current show is one of the most complete attempts to adapt all the effective parts of talk radio into the more controlled context of podcasting. More broadly, though, The BS Podcast also serves as the flagship show of the Ringer’s ever-expanding audio operations, one of the more interesting and innovative podcast creators in the business.

Is podcasting still radio?

The wide universe of podcasting is much more than simply “ radio on the internet ” … but, you know, in many ways it is still radio on the internet. So many of the early-era podcasts that found success did so because they inherited (and in many cases, perfected) some of traditional talk radio’s core strengths.

What is a podcast audience?

Podcast audiences, generally a well-educated set, tend to want longer format, authentic conversations, and other high-quality audio offerings. Key word: authentic. Imagine a podcast audience’s sensitivity-meter as being set to “high alert” when it comes to being sold stuff.

What is podcasting in studio?

Though it might not feel like it when you are recording in studio – a podcast is a dialogue with an audience. Audiences are made up of complex human beings with tastes, opinions, and feelings. Finding a way to acknowledge the presence of your audience inside the conversation is key to making them feel engaged.

What is the deepest well of story?

1. Get personal. One of the deepest wells of story we possess as human beings is our family history. It doesn’t matter if a guest’s grandfather was a puffed-up lord, an escaped convict, or a ditch-digger – what matters is the way that guest relates to and re-tells the stories about that ancestor.

19 Interesting Conversation Starting Topics

Conversation starters are the best way to get to know someone you know nothing about. They're meant to help you get to know who you're talking to and make you both feel comfortable with each other. So, what are the interesting topics, you ask?

18 Best Interesting Conversation Topics

The following are our best interesting conversation topics and they have the potential to bring about an engrossing and unique conversation, especially if you have your own experiences and knowledge about them.

11 Interesting and Funny Conversation Topics

Everyone loves to laugh and having a list of funny questions to ask will make you the funny guy. These 11 interesting and funny conversation topics can start things off on the right foot.

18 Interesting, but Deep Conversation Topics

Occasionally you'll find the conversation drift towards deep conversation topics. That's a good thing!

15 Interesting Conversation Topics with a Girl

Talking to a girl can be daunting, especially if you like her. Unless you have questions to ask a girl in your mind, you'll be left watching the ice in your glass melt, awkwardly awaiting the check.

Downloadable and Printable List of Interesting Conversation Topics

Here is a downloadable and printable list of interesting conversation topics (right click the image and select Save Image As...):

More Interesting Conversation Topics

Looking for more interesting, fun, and different conversation topics? We've got you covered:


25 Podcast Topics About “News”

  • Sick of the same three news channels, more and more people turn to podcasts as their primary news source. “News” is a broad subject, containing everything from new movies to natural disasters. Politics in the news is an exceptionally touchy subject right now. Recent events like the election and the capital insurrection have democrats and republicans at each other’s throats. Po…
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25 Podcast Topics About “Domestic life.”

  • Since everyone has been home for almost a whole year, the minute details of domestic life are becoming more and more critical. Listeners are going to want to hear about things that they deal with around their own homes. Kids, food, crafting; it’s all domestic life. Great starting subjects for domestic life podcasts are things like cooking, gardening, sewing, and baking. The home can be …
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25 Podcast Topics About “Society and Culture.”

  • Another broad subject, society, and culture focus more on people and the stories they are trying to tell. Society is our communities, and culture is our personalities. Society and culture can be about the food you eat, the place your families come from, your neighborhood, and everything in between. Many of us have learned about our culture from the...
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Final Thoughts

  • Podcasts are a fantastic way to hear the stories of our lives and worlds from the ground level. With these podcasts, people can listen to everything straight from the source. They are unfiltered and authentic. It can be hard to make yourself seen in the form of media that is growing in popularity by the minute. How can you possibly stand out in a sea of podcasts? Quality contentt…
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