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podcast description examples

by Ahmed Zboncak Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

4 Examples of Good Podcast Descriptions

  1. Royally Obsessed. This is Royally Obsessed, the podcast that discusses all things Royals! Roberta Fiorito and Rachel...
  2. MOOD with Lauren Elizabeth. She’s honest, hilarious, and isn’t afraid to keep it real. Each episode Lauren dives into...
  3. I Could Murder A Podcast. Join g ood pals Tom and Ben as they make weekly deep...

Full Answer

How to create a simple podcast?

  • Install Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin to your WordPress site and link it to your podcast hosting provider.
  • From your WordPress dashboard, go to the “Podcast” plugin. ...
  • Inside the plugin’s “Settings” under “Feed Details”, include details about your podcast to finish creating the RSS feed. ...

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What is the best format for a podcast?

Harmony in your head: the five best podcasts for music obsessives

  • Switched on Pop. When Switched on Pop began back in 2014, it helped to cement and spread the “poptimism” movement within music criticism, arguing for chart-toppers to be afforded the ...
  • Hit Parade. ...
  • Bandsplain. ...
  • Song Exploder. ...
  • Popcast. ...

What can you put on a podcast?

There are a few solutions to get licensed music for a podcast:

  • You can use free samples under the Creative Commons license.
  • You can license inexpensive samples on dedicated sites (we recommend this choice for simplicity, speed (you have your track in a few minutes), and very low cost – check recommended ...
  • If you have music experience, you can compose and record your own samples,

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How to tell if a podcast is popular?

The 3 main factors:

  • Are you an expert in your field?
  • Do you love giving to others?
  • Do you communicate well?


What is a good description for a podcast?

The job of a podcast description is to summarise your podcast in a short, concise and effective way. You need to make sure you're getting the most across with as little as possible, kind of like a Tweet (240 characters, by the way). Whether that means 2 lines or 2 paragraphs is up to you.

How do you write an episode description for a podcast?

A podcast episode description (or just podcast description) is a short bit of text that tells listeners what to expect when they play your episode....Do:Include keywords (guest names, locations, topics) to enrich your description.Keep it concise (three sentences, max)Ensure your title and description work well together.

What is a podcast brief?

A brief helps you put the vision for your podcast down in writing. It contains short, high-level summaries of what matters most about your show. Think of it as your podcast's North Star — it should make a compelling case for why the audience should listen and what they'll get out of it.

How many characters is a podcast description?

The mean average show description is 243 characters. The median show description is 163 characters.

How do you write a podcast bio?

The one question you need to be asking for a kickass podcast bio....The Perfect Podcast Bio Template.The Intro. Sentence number one, the intro. ... The Social Proof. The second sentence is all about your social proof, or in other words, what makes you an authority on the topic you're going to be interviewed on. ... The Promise.

How long should my podcast description be?

You should keep your podcast description between 600 and 900 characters, or 120-170 words. Some hosting services allow 4,000 character-long show descriptions, but that's much too long for an effective podcast description.

How do you write a podcast intro?

A great podcast intro should show new listeners who you are, what your podcast is about, and why they should listen. But, at the same time, it needs to engage your existing audience. The best podcast intros are unique to each episode and include a teaser of content from later in the show to hook listeners.

How do you introduce yourself in a podcast?

Here are five possibilities on how to introduce yourself on a podcast or panelist interview.Start with how long you have been doing something. ... Begin with your current title and area of expertise. ... Begin with prestige. ... Go for approachable or understated. ... Focus on the thing you're selling.

How do you write a good episode description?

What to Include in Your Podcast DescriptionsSummary of the Episode. Dedicate a sentence or two on quickly and clearly describing what the episode actually is and what topics you cover. ... Bios and Relevant Links for Guests. ... Questions You Answer in the Episode. ... Links to Relevant Resources. ... Calls to Action.

How long should a podcast episode summary be?

Give a quick summary of your guests. Keep it to less than 75 words. Don't give away any of the juicy information (like how they solved their big problem) so the reader must still listen to the episode. Link to their websites, social media profiles, books for sale, and whatever else helps promote them.

What Is a Podcast Description?

It’s simple enough. A podcast description describes your show, what it’s about, and who it’s for. It gives people a flavour of what to expect.

Why Are Podcast Descriptions Important?

As mentioned previously, podcast descriptions are one of the first things that the potential listener will see, besides your artwork and title. If done well, they can persuade readers to become listeners. If done badly, they’ll probably scroll on. No pressure, right?

Where Does a Podcast Description Go?

Your podcast description sits inside your show’s profile on all major podcast listening platforms. And whether that’s Spotify, Stitcher, Google, or Apple Podcasts, it’ll typically be at the top of the page, in close proximity to your latest episodes.

5 Things to Include in Your Podcast Description

Now that we’ve got the what, why, and where out of the way, it’s time to think about what you should actually include in your podcast description. Descriptions shouldn’t be painfully long. Try to make them as concise as possible. With that in mind, here are 5 things that are generally good to include.

5 Great Podcast Description Examples

To help you get a better idea of what “good” looks like, we’ve picked out 5 podcast description examples you can take inspiration from. Think about how you could apply some of these creative elements to your own show when drafting your own description.

Why is it Important to Get the Podcast Description Right?

It’s important to nail your podcast description because it plays a big role in whether or not someone listens to your show. In fact, you can see how much it matters to people when they’re deciding what to listen to.

Where Do I Post My Podcast Description?

As you start to record episodes and create your show’s branding, you’ll probably have a podcast hosting service in mind.

Where Does My Podcast Description Show Up?

Your podcast description shows up on whichever podcast directories you syndicate to. Here’s how the major podcast directories display podcast descriptions:

How Long Should My Podcast Description Be?

You should keep your podcast description between 600 and 900 characters, or 120-170 words. Some hosting services allow 4,000 character-long show descriptions, but that’s much too long for an effective podcast description.

How Do You Write a Podcast Description?

Writing a podcast description can be tricky, even if it’s for your own show. You want to say enough to get people interested but not so much that you overwhelm them — it’s a balance.

Podcast Show Description Template

Now you know all of the elements that go into a good podcast description. If you’re still struggling to get started, try out this template:

Podcast Show Description vs. Show Notes

It’s easy for new podcasters to get the podcast show description and show notes confused. (That’s why Sweet Fish has started calling show notes “episode previews” instead.)

What is a Podcast Description?

A podcast show description or show summary describes your podcast to a potential audience member. Simply put, it explains the topic of your show and what a listener can expect to hear when they press play on one of your episodes.

Why A Great Podcast Description Is Important

Any movie lover knows how much the text on a Netflix blurb matters when trying to choose something new to watch. A podcast description works in a similar way - it gives potential listeners a peek at what to expect from your podcast before tuning in.

Where Does a Podcast Description Appear?

The description for your podcast will be created inside the media host you use for your show. Once you've written the description for your show, that description will show up in your podcast RSS feed for directories (think Spotify or Stitcher) to pick up your show for wider distribution.

What Makes A Podcast Description Good?

What’s the secret to a good podcast description? Short, catchy, and to the point. When writing the description for your podcast, you should aim to achieve these three things:

What Goes in a Podcast Description?

Keep the following ideas in mind when writing the description for your show, so you write a great podcast description that'll help you gain new listeners:

How To Write A Podcast Show Summary with Examples

Now that we've gone over what you should include in your podcast summary, we'll explain how you should put it all together to create a description that is brief, engaging, and informative. It's simple to write a great podcast description when you break it down into three sentences with each sentence having a clear goal:

How to write a podcast description?

Writing a Great Podcast Description 1 Your podcast description is also known as your podcast summary, or show summary 2 You write this inside your media hosting account, and it appears in all the directories your podcast is listed in. For example, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc 3 Podcast descriptions are very important when listeners are weighing up whether or not to hit play 4 You should write about who your podcast is for, why they should listen, and what they can expect 5 If you're unhappy with your current show summary, the good news is that you can edit it at any time 6 Read on to find out more

Where is the description of a podcast written?

Your podcast description is written inside your media host – the place your show essentially “lives”. This'll be done when a podcaster is creating their show, prior to submitting it to the listening directories, where people will find and subscribe to it.

Does Apple search for podcasts?

When listeners type a topic into these apps, Apple is only searching podcast names, episode titles, and author/artist names. It isn't going to scan your podcast description, or individual episode shownotes. Overcast is another very popular listening app.

How to Write the Ultimate Podcast Description (Two Templates Included!)

Don't know how to write a GREAT description for your podcast episode? This post will show you how...

What Is A Podcast Description?

To understand what podcast description is, you need first to answer the question, what is a podcast? A podcast cannot be defined with a single podcast episode but the podcast show as a whole. Podcast description is often confused as podcast show notes, but show notes are just the text that subtitles each podcast episode.

Why Do You Need A Podcast Description?

Podcast description is an integral part of a podcast show as it gives a little insight into what potential listeners should expect from your show. However, it is not essential for search engine optimization as it will just stuff your podcast summary with unnecessary keywords.

Where Does Your Podcast Description Go?

Podcast shows are usually situated in the media host, ready before you submit them to the podcast directories where people will find and listen to them. Not many people put many thoughts into podcast descriptions; most write it as an afterthought to have something in the empty box.

How To Write A Podcast Description

We already know what podcast description is and why it is crucial to have it on your podcast show. Here we talk about tips for writing an excellent podcast description.

Podcast Description Templates

There are several templates you can use for your podcast description. We have seen the creation of thousands of podcast episodes and have come to determine what we believe to be the best possible structure for these.

Examples Of Podcast Description Templates For Your Podcast

Now we can put these pieces together to see how a podcast description looks. You can change the details of the below template and use the structure to build the best podcast description for your podcast show.

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Our FREE Spreaker course covers everything starting with defining your podcast to successfully launching all the way to fully monetizing your catalog. Also, did we mention that it’s 100% Free? What are you waiting for?

What is a Podcast Description?

A podcast description is a text that accompanies your show when it appears on podcatchers. It serves as your description of the entire show, not the individual episodes. Podcasters typically use this space to introduce themselves and the topics they will be covering as concisely and creatively as possible.

Where Do You Write a Podcast Description?

While your podcast description will show up on directories like Apple Podcasts or Spotify, you’ll actually write and store it with your podcast host. You can think of your podcast host as the permanent address of your show.

Why Podcast Descriptions Matter

A podcast description is where you’ll convert scrollers to listeners. In a recent survey by The Podcast Host, listeners answered that a podcast description was the most critical component of considering a new show.

How Long Should a Podcast Description Be?

There’s no magic answer to how short or long a podcast description should be. The goal is to convey what your show is about, so you should aim to accomplish that without being too wordy.

Driving Search Traffic With Your Description

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of driving more traffic to your website based on what people are typing in on search engines like Google. SEO can also be used for your podcast, and you can certainly use your podcast description to boost your visibility online.

How to Write a Podcast Description

Writing a podcast description falls between writing the inside jacket summary of a hardcover book and a Netflix film summary. It shouldn’t be too long, but it should give enough information that entices your audience enough for them to listen to a podcast episode. To get all the crucial info out, there are a few things that you should consider:

What is a branded podcast?

A category of podcasting that has been gaining traction lately is the branded podcast. Branded podcasts are a fantastic way for brands to publish valuable content that markets a product and attracts loyal subscribers, yet engages with them in a deeper capacity than a standard TV or radio ad does.

What is Goldspotters podcast?

Buckle up for a new episode of Goldspotters, the one and only podcast made to teach rising artists like you how to pave your way in the modern music industry. Whether you’re a singer, songwriter, rapper, producer, or influencer, you’re sure to pick up tidbits of actionable advice when you listen to Goldspotters.

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