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podcast description generator

by Ricardo Hayes IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to generate free podcast episode titles?

Podcast episode title generator is a free tool that generates catchy and SEO friendly titles based on your keyword or topic. To start, enter a one or two words keyword / topic in the space below and click "Get Titles". Our podcast title maker will generate 5 random titles containing your keyword.

What is a description for a podcast?

Simply put, it explains the topic of your show and what a listener can expect to hear when they press play on one of your episodes. With an interesting description, you’ll have an easier time attracting new listeners, so it's important to put some thought into creating it!

Is there an AI powered podcast name generator?

We launched AI-Powered Podcast Name Generator trained on 600K+ podcasts! Trained on 600k+ podcast names & descriptions. Generate your podcast name ideas now. For free. Or this "Weekly conversations with the chess world's best players and educators about their lives, careers, and best practices." How to come up with a podcast name?

How does the podcast title Maker work?

Our podcast title maker will generate 5 random titles containing your keyword. Running a successful podcast take lots time and energy. Make sure to spend a little extra effort on creating a catchy episode title that makes people want to click through and listen.


How do you come up with a podcast description?

What Makes A Podcast Description Good?Explain your podcast clearly. ... Make your podcast summary easily searchable. ... Be concise. ... First Sentence - Start by relating to your audience! ... Second Sentence - Your second sentence should introduce the hosts, the format of your show, and how often you release content.More items...•

What makes a good podcast description?

The job of a podcast description is to summarise your podcast in a short, concise and effective way. You need to make sure you're getting the most across with as little as possible, kind of like a Tweet (240 characters, by the way). Whether that means 2 lines or 2 paragraphs is up to you.

How do you write a good show description?

Why should people listen to your show?Your show description. This is the blurb that explains what your show, as a whole, is about. ... Your episode description. ... Use questions. ... Don't forget to get tone into your writing. ... Make use of keywords. ... Share your episode highlights.

How do you write a podcast bio?

The Perfect Podcast Bio Template.The Intro. Sentence number one, the intro. ... The Social Proof. The second sentence is all about your social proof, or in other words, what makes you an authority on the topic you're going to be interviewed on. ... The Promise.

How long should a podcast episode description be?

You may only have a few seconds to grab someone's attention when they're scrolling through podcast episodes. That means you have to pack a lot of value into a small space. Jared Silverman, a copywriter at Spotify, recommends limiting your podcast descriptions to two or three sentences.

How many words should a podcast description have?

You should keep your podcast description between 600 and 900 characters, or 120-170 words. Some hosting services allow 4,000 character-long show descriptions, but that's much too long for an effective podcast description.

How long can a podcast description be?

4,000 characterThere's no specific rule for how long a podcast description should be, but shorter descriptions between 400 and 600 characters tend to work best. Most podcast hosting services like Captivate actually have a 4,000 character limit on podcast descriptions. Remember: Your description is just the bait.

How do you introduce yourself in a podcast?

Here are five possibilities on how to introduce yourself on a podcast or panelist interview.Start with how long you have been doing something. ... Begin with your current title and area of expertise. ... Begin with prestige. ... Go for approachable or understated. ... Focus on the thing you're selling.

What is a podcast brief?

A brief helps you put the vision for your podcast down in writing. It contains short, high-level summaries of what matters most about your show. Think of it as your podcast's North Star — it should make a compelling case for why the audience should listen and what they'll get out of it.

What should a short bio include?

It's a good idea to include:Your name.Your current job title.Your company name or personal brand statement.Your hometown.Your alma mater.Your personal and professional goals.A relevant achievement or accomplishment.Your hobbies.More items...•

How do I write a short biography about myself?

How to write a short bioIntroduce yourself.State your company or brand name.Explain your professional role.Include professional achievements.Discuss your passions and values.Mention your personal interests.

How do you write an About Me Bio?

How to write a personal bioIntroduce yourself. Start your bio with a brief introduction that shows who you are. ... Keep it concise. Start with a word count in mind. ... Use third person. It may feel strange or even challenging to write about yourself. ... Write strategically. ... Include your contact information. ... Edit thoroughly.

What are the elements of a good podcast?

8 Key Elements Of A Great PodcastChoose A Central Idea. ... Establish An Identity. ... Cater To The Needs Of Your Audience. ... Follow A Regular Schedule And Structure. ... Maintain Authenticity. ... Right Audio Conditions. ... Professional Podcasting Hardware And Software. ... Proper Editing.

How long can a podcast description be?

4,000 characterThere's no specific rule for how long a podcast description should be, but shorter descriptions between 400 and 600 characters tend to work best. Most podcast hosting services like Captivate actually have a 4,000 character limit on podcast descriptions. Remember: Your description is just the bait.

What makes a good podcast cover?

5 Do's When Designing Your Podcast Cover ArtBe Clear What Your Podcast Is About. First up is being clear about what your podcast is about. ... Think About Your Audience. ... Think Carefully About Using Either A Photo Or Drawing. ... Think About Where Else Your Logo or Artwork Will Be Used. ... Think Carefully About Style.

What should a good podcast have?

10 Characteristics of a Great Podcast HostEngage Your Audience in Conversation. ... Know Your Subject Matter. ... Avoid Information Overload. ... Understand Your Audience. ... Seek Out The Best Guests. ... Prepare For Every Interview. ... Set Your Guests At Ease. ... Encourage Respectful Debates.More items...•

What is a Podcast Description?

A podcast show description or show summary describes your podcast to a potential audience member. Simply put, it explains the topic of your show and what a listener can expect to hear when they press play on one of your episodes.

Why A Great Podcast Description Is Important

Any movie lover knows how much the text on a Netflix blurb matters when trying to choose something new to watch. A podcast description works in a similar way - it gives potential listeners a peek at what to expect from your podcast before tuning in.

Where Does a Podcast Description Appear?

The description for your podcast will be created inside the media host you use for your show. Once you've written the description for your show, that description will show up in your podcast RSS feed for directories (think Spotify or Stitcher) to pick up your show for wider distribution.

What Makes A Podcast Description Good?

What’s the secret to a good podcast description? Short, catchy, and to the point. When writing the description for your podcast, you should aim to achieve these three things:

What Goes in a Podcast Description?

Keep the following ideas in mind when writing the description for your show, so you write a great podcast description that'll help you gain new listeners:

How To Write A Podcast Show Summary with Examples

Now that we've gone over what you should include in your podcast summary, we'll explain how you should put it all together to create a description that is brief, engaging, and informative. It's simple to write a great podcast description when you break it down into three sentences with each sentence having a clear goal:

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How to write a podcast description?

Writing a Great Podcast Description 1 Your podcast description is also known as your podcast summary, or show summary 2 You write this inside your media hosting account, and it appears in all the directories your podcast is listed in. For example, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc 3 Podcast descriptions are very important when listeners are weighing up whether or not to hit play 4 You should write about who your podcast is for, why they should listen, and what they can expect 5 If you're unhappy with your current show summary, the good news is that you can edit it at any time 6 Read on to find out more

Where is the description of a podcast written?

Your podcast description is written inside your media host – the place your show essentially “lives”. This'll be done when a podcaster is creating their show, prior to submitting it to the listening directories, where people will find and subscribe to it.

Does Apple search for podcasts?

When listeners type a topic into these apps, Apple is only searching podcast names, episode titles, and author/artist names. It isn't going to scan your podcast description, or individual episode shownotes. Overcast is another very popular listening app.

Generated podcast names

Or this "Weekly conversations with the chess world's best players and educators about their lives, careers, and best practices."

Topic of your show

The name of your podcast revolves around the topic of your show. It can be plain or playful depending on your tone but it should always be clear what the podcast is about.

Target audience

Is there a popular jargon or phrase within your target audience? Think about it. You can use that to come up with a catchy title for your podcast.

Keyword Research

SEO is one of the most powerful ways to make your podcast more searchable. Research keywords in your niche and build your podcast name around those.

1. Make it short and punchy

This doesn’t have to be the time to get too clever or funny. Sometimes keeping it simple and getting straight to the point is your best bet. It obviously depends on the tone and topic of your show though, keep that in mind.

2. Use a common phrase or a pun

This relates a lot to your target audience. Is there a common phrase in your niche? You could use that for the name of your show. A lot of podcasts also use puns. It might be a bit harder to come up with a good one but you could potentially strike gold.

3. Make it searchable

SEO plays a massive part in the searchability of your show so keep that in mind while crafting your name. Research relevant keywords in your niche and try to include at least 1 in your podcast name.

What are some examples of podcasts?

Some examples of this can be seen in popular podcasts like: 1 Dissect – Dissect is a music podcast whose host breaks down the musical theory and inspirations behind popular music. A typical episode length is 45 mins to an hour, using the word ‘Dissect’ conveys a show that is in-depth and provides well thoughtout ideas. 2 This Week in Tech – A much more straight forward podcast name, this show lets audiences know exactly what they can expect and what it’s about. 3 Murder Minute – With a typical length of 30 minutes, this podcast is made for audiences on a short commute or wanting a quick fix of true crime drama.

Why is the podcast called Philosophy Podcast?

This is a philosophy podcast that is to bring philosophical ideas to bigger audience. The punctuation in the name is important as philosophy is traditionally a very dry subject and the name, punctuated with an exclamation mark shows that there is a lighter passionate side to this podcast.

What is a pod save America?

Pod Save America is a News podcast that addresses current political stories in the US. The name plays on the phrase ‘God Save America’, the play on words hints at it’s satirical nature whilst also showing they are discussing serious topics.

Can you use a pseudonym on a podcast?

Your name will henceforth always have the tag with your podcast, which can compromise your privacy at any time. On the other hand, using a pseudonym saves you from that but opens up newer problems. Listeners often do not take these podcasts seriously, making it imperative for creators to have a fanbase.

Do you have to change the name of your podcast?

Similarly, there might be situations where you need to change the name of your podcast. Under such circumstances, it is crucial to not lose on your audience base and retain them. The best idea is to always come clear and explain the need for the change to your listener. This helps the podcast gain more traffic.

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