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podcast difficult conversations

by Prof. Koby Nitzsche Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What are the 4 D's of difficult conversation?

Here are the four “D's” that can derail your conversation: Denial: The other person rejects the information you're putting forward, claims it is untrue, or completely shuts down. Deflection: The other person changes the subject. “I can't believe you're telling me this.

What are the 3 types of difficult conversations?

3 Kinds of Difficult ConversationsThe “What Happened?” conversation. There is usually disagreement about what happened or what should happen. ... The “Feelings” conversation. ... The “Identity” conversation.

What are some difficult conversation topics?

The 3 Best Deep Conversation TopicsWhat is your biggest day-to-day challenge? ... Do you find your work challenging and interesting? ... How often do you set goals for yourself? ... What kind of goals do you have for the next year? ... When have you given up on something?

How do you diffuse difficult conversations?

Stay away from starting sentences with “you.” Hear the other person out first. Don't apologize, but acknowledge that there is a problem. Ask questions for clarity, and be sure that you understand all the facts before you proceed with a resolution. If you need to clear the falsehood, do so concisely.

What are some deep conversations?

Deep Conversation Topics and questionsWhere's your life headed?How do you think you will die?What are the highest and lowest points of your life?What is holding you back from being the person you want to be?How have your strengths help you to succeed? ... What are your biggest goals for your life? ... Who are you really?More items...

How do you stay calm in a difficult conversation?

How to stay calm during a difficult conversation at workFocus on your breath. If you've ever done meditation, you'll know how powerful mindful breathing is. ... Know your triggers. ... Check-in with your attitude. ... Questions to ask. ... Focus on your toes. ... Take a break. ... Drink water. ... Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.More items...

How do you broach a difficult conversation?

Here are six tips to help you get a difficult conversation off on the right foot.Listen up. ... Be clear about how you feel and what you want. ... Look at the issue from their perspective. ... If things aren't going to plan, take a break. ... Agree to disagree. ... Look after yourself.

What are the 5 words that could diffuse any situation?

These five simple words - "What else could this mean?" help to open up new dialogue....What else could this mean?New perspectives.New possibilities.New explanations.

How do you communicate without confrontation?

Here are four crucial communication skills and steps that will help you manage a difficult conversation without detrimental confrontation.1) Speak directly with the other person.2) Soften the conversation during difficult conversations.3) Be a good listener.4) Be solution-focused.

How do you defuse a volatile situation?

Three Leadership Steps to Defuse Tense SituationsStep 1: Empathize. Listen, and then show that you've heard by recapping how it looks from the team members' point of view. ... Step 2: Offer support. Demonstrate commitment to lending a helping hand if the situation gets worse. ... Step 3: Invoke higher principles.

What are the three conversations?

The three conversations: how it worksConversation 1: initial contact. “How can I connect you to things that will help you get on with your life – based on your assets, strengths and those of your family and neighbourhood? ... Conversation 2: when people are at risk. ... Conversation 3: when long-term support is needed.

What is a difficult conversation at work?

Workplace situations in which a difficult conversation is necessary include: Delivering news about redundancies. Asking for a promotion or pay rise. Addressing poor performance.

How do you have a hard conversation with a friend?

8 tips for difficult conversations with friendsPlan ahead. Plan what you want to say ahead of time. ... Consider timing. Pick a good time. ... Take breaks. ... Talk about feelings. ... Set expectations. ... Pace yourself. ... Listen. ... Stay calm.

Why is a third party sometimes helpful in a difficult conversation?

Sometimes a third party can help facilitate difficult conversations. Talking it through with your coach can help decipher the underlying components of a difficult conversation. With a coach, you can examine your assumptions, your emotions and your personal identity.

An inquiry via email

In response to last month’s Executive Coaching Tip, I got the following email from a guy named Guy:

Five steps to follow

I’m sorry this is happening, Guy. I’m encouraged that I don’t hear you wanting to make her stop or change her—a good thing since we can’t change anyone but ourselves.

Put it all together

So when you put #3, 4 and 5 together, it will sound something like this:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9