Podcast FAQ

podcast disclaimer template

by Ms. Hermina Kunde Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is an opinion disclaimer in a podcast?

Podcasts also come with opinion disclaimers. Here is a very carefully worded disclaimer from the owner of EM Basic, a blog and podcast that discusses what he calls "a boot camp guide to emergency medicine": Over at The Survival Podcast, host Jack Spirko uses one catchy phrase throughout his disclaimer page -- "one man's opinion."

What does the FCC’s disclaimer on podcasts mean?

The FCC’s disclaimer clearly explains to users that the podcast exists to offer guidance, not provide a strict interpretation of FCC policy. The Fox News disclaimer is a good example of how a news website can benefit from the discussion created by user-generated content, but still distance itself from the views expressed.

What are some examples of opinion disclaimers on Twitter?

For example, some suggested opinion disclaimers on Twitter (or anywhere else where there's a character limit) are: "Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer" "My Tweets are my own" "My opinions are my own"

What are disclaimers and how do I use them?

Disclaimers are a good way to address specific points regarding liability that fall outside your Terms & Conditions agreement. Here is a list of disclaimer examples that you can use for your website or mobile app. 1. FAQ: Disclaimers 2. "Views expressed" disclaimer 3. "No responsibility" disclaimer 4. "Past performance" disclaimer 5.


How do you write a disclaimer for a podcast?

Podcast disclaimers should include a statement around the primary purpose of the podcast being to educate. Further, it should state that the podcast does not constitute advice or services.

How do you write a disclaimer statement?

Disclaimers should be clear, concise, and general. So they should be easy to write. Just specify the limits of your professional responsibility or liability. You can also use a disclaimer generator tool or template to start.

What should I say as a disclaimer?

"[The author] assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness..."

What is a standard disclaimer?

Warranty disclaimers prevent you from being bound by faults and defects. No responsibility disclaimers limit your liability for damages. Views expressed disclaimers allow you to distance yourself from others' opinions. Investment disclaimers state that you take no responsibility for how others act on your advice.

Can I write my own disclaimer?

Luckily, you can learn how to write a legal disclaimer for your business on your own. A legal disclaimer is a statement intended to protect the services, information, and property (both physical and intellectual) of your business or organization.

Can I copy someone else disclaimer?

Yes, you can copy someone else's disclaimer. However, other sites' disclaimers will not be specific to your activities. This can expose your site to legal liabilities if your copy-and-pasted disclaimer doesn't include the correct information.

What is a good copyright disclaimer?

The copyright disclaimer typically has four parts: the copyright symbol, the year of the page's publication, the name of the website's owner, and a statement reserving the rights of the site's owners to the site's content. The last part is optional, although it's encouraged for clarity and completeness.

How do you write a copyright disclaimer example?

How to write a copyright disclaimerthe copyright symbol (©);Your name as author and your website's name. It can also be the name of an organization, a business, or a corporate name;a current year or year range;a statement of ownership (“All Rights Reserved”).

Is a disclaimer legal?

The truth is the majority of disclaimers are invalid so you should not let a disclaimer stop you from pursuing a claim. Disclaimers are designed to make you aware of foreseeable risks of injury.

How do you write a fair use disclaimer?

How do you write a fair use disclaimer?State that your site contains original content that may not be authorized for use by the creator.Explain that you're legally using original content under the fair use principles.Cite or link to Section 107 of the Copyright Act.

What is Do not copy disclaimer?

You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of copyrighted material without the prior written permission from Epiq Systems, Inc.

How do you say you don't own copyright?

"No copyright intended." "I do not own the music in this video/rights to this music."

How do you write a fair use disclaimer?

How do you write a fair use disclaimer?State that your site contains original content that may not be authorized for use by the creator.Explain that you're legally using original content under the fair use principles.Cite or link to Section 107 of the Copyright Act.

What is a good copyright disclaimer?

The copyright disclaimer typically has four parts: the copyright symbol, the year of the page's publication, the name of the website's owner, and a statement reserving the rights of the site's owners to the site's content. The last part is optional, although it's encouraged for clarity and completeness.

How do you write a confidentiality disclaimer?

The content of this message is confidential. If you have received it by mistake, please inform us by an email reply and then delete the message. It is forbidden to copy, forward, or in any way reveal the contents of this message to anyone. The integrity and security of this email cannot be guaranteed over the Internet.

How do you use disclaimer in a sentence?

Examples of 'disclaimer' in a sentence disclaimerThey also had to sign a disclaimer saying that they would not put his information to use. ... She said she was coerced by an officer into signing a disclaimer saying she would not take her complaint further. ... That's why we issue a disclaimer with our referrals.More items...

What is the representation of a podcast?

Representation. Any views or opinions represented on the podcast are personal and belong solely to the Creator and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the Creator may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity unless explicitly stated.

Is the creator of the podcast responsible for any errors or omissions?

While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained on the podcast is correct, the Creator is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information on the podcast is provided “as is”, with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event will the Creator be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information on the podcast, or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Information on the podcast is for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide any type of professional advice. Please seek professional assistance should you require it.

What is a disclaimer for affiliate marketing?

The disclaimer makes it clear that you aren't responsible for anyone who uses your advice and has adverse consequences. If you engage in affiliate marketing, the FTC and many third parties require you to post a disclaimer informing the public that you use affiliate links.

Where to put disclaimer on website?

Others choose to place the disclaimer text directly on webpages or directly in the website footer. You can include disclaimers in your Terms and Conditions agreement. Note that legally-required disclaimers like affiliate disclaimers must be displayed as close to the affiliate links as possible.

Why is it important to have an email disclaimer?

While it hasn't been determined whether having an "email" disclaimer actually helps you avoid liability in a court of law , having the "email" disclaimer in place does come with some general benefits. These benefits include: Informing the recipients of your email of confidentiality, potential computer viruses and more.

Why should you use disclaimers?

You should use disclaimers because they help limit your legal liability and keep your users informed. In some circumstances, you should use disclaimers because they're legally required. For example, if you operate a blog that gives financial advice, having a "Use at Your Own Risk" disclaimer can help limit your liability in the event ...

How does Stockopedia work?

Stockopedia has a very robust "investment" disclaimer section with a lot of sections relating directly to the issue of investment advice: 1 First, users are presented with a " Do Your Own Research " section where they're encouraged to "do their own research." Users are told that the content on Stockopedia is " intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only " and that they should " take independent financial advice from a professional " and " independently research and verify " information. 2 The next section titled " No Investment Advice " lets users know that the website is " a financial data and news portal, discussion forum and content aggregator " as well as an " educational forum for analysing, learning and discussing general and generic information. " It is " not a broker/dealer " nor an investment advisor" and the site-operators or authors have " no access to non-public information about publicly traded companies. " 3 Then, users are told that " this is not a place for the giving or receiving of financial advice, advice concerning investment decisions or tax or legal advice. "

What is the error and omissions disclaimer?

The "errors and omissions" disclaimer is commonly found on blogs and websites, and works to let users know that if there are any errors in the material, or omission of information that turns out to be material, the site-owner/author isn't to be held liable for damages that arise out of them.

What is a past performance disclaimer?

A "past performance" disclaimer informs people that past performance doesn't guarantee future results. The "past performance" disclaimer is seen commonly in investment and other financial markets where there are unpredictable and ever-changing results and outcomes. Nordea includes a "past performance" disclaimer:

Does EM Basic accept advertising?

Advertising policy: At the present time, the EM Basic blog, website, and podcast does not accept any advertising money. If this changes, this will be spelled out directly via a post to the blog/website and the podcast. Copyright information: In the spirit of Free and Open Access Medical Education ...

Is it a good idea to talk to your employer about your podcast?

Employer/General Disclaimer: You probably aren’t blogging/podcasting to represent your employer and you should spell that out to make sure people understand that and you protect your current employment. Of course, it’s also a good idea to talk to your employer about your blogging/podcasting ahead of time as well. I take this one step further by including a verbal disclaimer in each of my podcasts but that is probably overkill.

Is a disclaimer legal advice?

First- a disclaimer on the disclaimer. This is not legal advice. I had a practicing US attorney review my disclaimer and he thought it was on solid ground legally. This being said- no disclaimer can be 100% protective against all legal actions and there is always a way around any type of disclaimer. I also can’t attest to how this disclaimer would play outside of the US legal system. However, any lawyer would agree that having a disclaimer is always a good idea.

Is a podcast HIPPA compliant?

Privacy notice: This website, blog, and podcast are all HIPPA compliant. While you may give your email address to subscribe to the website posts or to post information on the website/blog, I will never share your email address or contact information with any third parties without your explicit permission.

Where to put disclaimer on website?

Put your disclaimer where users can easily find it. You can put your disclaimer or disclaimers on a separate page, then link to that page in your website menu, website footer, or impressum page if you have one. You should also put your disclaimers on relevant content.

What is a copyright disclaimer?

A copyright disclaimer protects original content against user theft. It explains that you own your website and everything on it — and that there are legal repercussions for using your work without permission.

Why is a confidentiality disclaimer important?

A confidentiality disclaimer states who the message is for, why the recipient should not forward it to others, and who they should contact if they receive the message by mistake.

Why do you need a fair use disclaimer?

If your site or app uses content from other sources, you need to include a fair use disclaimer to prevent your business from being accused of copyright infringement. Under the principle of fair use, copyrighted works can be used in certain circumstances without the permission of the copyright owner.

What is warranty disclaimer?

Warranty disclaimers explain that sellers and service providers are not bound by any implied promises about their products in the event of failures or defects.

What is no responsibility disclaimer?

No Responsibility Disclaimer: No responsibility disclaimers inform users that you are not responsible for the actions they take based on content found on your website.

What is investment disclaimer?

Investment disclaimers state that you take no responsibility for how others act on your advice. No guarantee disclaimers explain the limits of your products or services. The benefit of all disclaimers, no matter the industry, is to safeguard your business interests.

What is an opinion disclaimer?

Like other disclaimers, an opinion disclaimer is designed to limit (or totally eliminate) legal liability. Opinion disclaimers are used in two different ways: The first way is when an individual wants to distance his opinions from those of his employer, his professional organizations, any groups he volunteers with, etc.

Why can't federal employees use their professional titles outside of work?

This is because it may make it look like the government is endorsing things when it really isn't.

Does the Unconservatory have an opinion disclaimer?

Over at the Unconservatory, they're careful to use an opinion disclaimer that addresses all of the authors that publish articles on their website, along with each person who posts a comment in their forum:

Is Angie's List a consumer review site?

Angie's List is another popular consumer review website, and they've created an opinion disclaimer in their Service Provider's User Agreement that's similar to Yelp's:

Who is the host of Essential Boomer?

On The Essential Boomer podcast, host Jim Jensen brings in various guests for interviews. Since he probably doesn't share every single opinion that every single guest has, he needs to word his opinion disclaimer a certain way.

Do you need to understand opinion disclaimers?

Whether you run a busy blog, love sharing your thoughts on social media or have to do a big presentation for work, you should understand the ins and outs of opinion disclaimers. Otherwise, you could end up in some hot water!

Can you disable comments on your blog?

Simply disabling comments on your blog won't eliminate the problem. Even if someone can't comment on what you've written, they might still get angry enough to screenshot it, tell your boss about it, or do something else that causes you a lot of stress and aggravation.

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