Podcast FAQ

podcast domain_7e mode

by Ms. Catalina Langworth MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the best domain name for a podcast?

Here a few tips and suggestions for choosing a domain name for your podcast: There isn’t a .podcast extension at this time and others are hard to remember. You could use a .fm TLD (top-level domain) as those are becoming more popular with podcasters and podcast companies.

What domain should I use for my clean-comedy podcast?

Maybe you could use the .info for your podcast if it fits. My friend Michael Prince (and previous guest on the Ramen Noodle™ clean-comedy podcast) has the Too Much Information Podcast. Although his domain, tmipodcast.com, is already great, he could have possibly acquired toomuch.info (if it wasn’t already squatted).

Should your podcast’s website be at the best podcast website?

Or maybe you don’t want your podcast’s website to be at thebestpodcast.libsyn.com but instead be at thebestpodcast.com. That second version is much easier to remember or share, and you’re not promoting another company (that you’re already paying, by the way) in the process.

How do I host a podcast on Namecheap?

You can also get website hosting through them as well. You’ll need to go in and change your DNS settings at Namecheap to point to your podcast hosting company (if your website is set up there) or you will need to point it your website hosting company.


Why is it important to have a separate website for a podcast?

The most important thing about a podcast site is that it has a memorable, easy-to-spell domain name. When you tell listeners to go to the website, they must pass the radio test. After all, a podcast is basically a form of recorded radio!

Who is Andrew from Domain Name Wire?

Andrew is the founder and editor of Domain Name Wire, a publication that has been covering domain names since 2005. He has personally written over 10,000 posts covering domain name sales, policy, and strategies for domain name owners. Andrew has been quoted in stories about domain names in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times and Fortune. More articles written by Andrew.

About Podcast Domain Names

Choosing a strong and descriptive domain name for your podcast related project can make all the difference.

Visibility to potential listeners plus search engineers

Choosing a strong and descriptive domain name for your podcast related project can make all the difference.

Is it better to put podcast at the end or short?

It might be difficult to keep it short if you add the “podcast” at the end but the shorter, the better. Fewer words are easier to say and remember. Don’t pigeonhole yourself. Be mindful of how narrow your domain name is.

Does Bluehost give free domains?

If you plan on purchasing WordPress hosting, many of them will offer a free domain name during the process. Bluehost is a popular web hosting company that will give you a free domain name when you sign up for a hosting package.

How to set up a custom domain on Transistor?

Step 1: Go to "Website" settings for your show. Log in to your Transistor dashboard. Select your show, and then click on "Website" in the menu. Step 2: type in the custom domain you'd like to use. Under the section "Set your custom domain" type in the domain you'd like to use.

Can you use podcast.yourdomain.com?

Many people use a subdomain like podcast.yourdomain.com. However, you can also use www.yourdomain.com . If you'd like to use a naked domain (without the www), yourdomain.com read below. Step 3: go to your domain registrar to update DNS settings.

Does Alias support a domain?

This is where the ALIAS record comes in. Unfortunately, not all domain registrars support ALIAS records, but many do: If your registrar does support ALIAS records, you're going to want to point the host @ to domains.transistor.fm. It may take a few minutes for it to take effect, depending on the TTL value you set.

Does Cloudflare have a CDN?

Cloudflare acts a bit differently when setting up your custom domain since it also offers a CDN and SSL along with DNS. If you're having problems getting your podcast website to work, you can read more about Cloudflare and Transistor. Send My Feedback. Cancel.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is simply another name for the web address of any website. For example, Google’s domain name is google.com and Amazon use amazon.co.uk in the UK. A domain name is like the front door address for a website. Domains can have different extensions, such as .org or .net, and some are country specific, such as .co.uk.

Is it possible to have a non-.com domain?

But, finding a short, memorable domain is also very valuable, so it can pay off in the long run. It’s perfectly possible to make a non-.com domain rank well, and there are thousands of examples of this, so if you can think of a great domain with a different extension, then go for it.

Can I buy a domain name with hosting?

So, when you’re signing up with Bluehost or Hostgator, you can choose a domain name and buy it along with your hosting.

1. Get your own domain, even if it just forwards

Many people will try to save money by using free services like WordPress.com or Blogspot to host their websites. This is fine, but it’s only $10–$12 a year to register your own domain. So even if it’s only forwarding to myawesomepodcast. wordpress.com, having your own myawesomepodcast.com will work so much better.

2. KISS (Keep it short and simple)

Yes, “KISS” usually stands for “keep it simple, stupid,” but you’re smart people! Although it’s not crucial that your domain be just a few letters, the shorter and simpler it is, the easier to understand.

3. Get the .com unless alternatives fit

Although it has no affect on your search-engine ranking, a .com top-level domain (TLD) is still the best choice. People seem to default to typing “.com” on a web address. There are certainly exceptions when the alternative TLD is part of your branding. GSPN.tv streams live video during recording sessions, and they have several TV-related podcasts.

4. Make it easy to spell and understand

It can be really cute to have the Gr8Andr0idP0dcast as a YouTube screen name, it’s not easy to tell people or even to retype since zeros can look like uppercase O’s and vice versa. Just imagine speaking your domain, “G R the number 8 android-with-a-zero-instead-of-an-o-because-I’m-cute … .”

5. Beware forming new words

It’s okay to invent a new word, if it’s easy enough to spell, but I’m referring to words that you didn’t intend to write. Most of the time, these new words could be offensive (strange how that works). Abbreviating the above example would return SFXPodcast. At a glance, the uppercase F could look like an uppercase E—you can see where it goes.

6. Use your domain for your email address

Again, your domain is part of your branding, so why not use it for your email address, too? It doesn’t have to be a separate account, it could simply forward all of your email to the same account (like your personal Gmail). Then setup Gmail to use that account to “send from” so it will be selectable when you write an email.

I can register domains for you

As I shared in the show, I am a domain reseller, so I can register a domain for you for $12 a year. This comes with domain forwarding and email forwarding. Contact me if you’re interested and I’ll personally take care of it for you.

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