Podcast FAQ

podcast for beginners

by Dominic Reynolds Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The 7 best English podcasts for beginners

  • Learn English Podcast from the British Council. The Learn English Podcast is excellent for beginners. It is aimed at...
  • Voice of America: Learning English. If you want to learn American English, then Voice of America: Learning English might...
  • 6-Minute English from the BBC. Are you short on time? 6-Minute English fits into even...

Top 5: Podcasts for beginners
  1. 5. “ The Daily”
  2. 4. “ This American Life”
  3. 3. “ 99% Invisible”
  4. 2. “ Revisionist History”
  5. 1. “ You're Wrong About”
Apr 1, 2021

Full Answer

How do you start a podcast as a beginner?

  • Set a definite date and time for publishing
  • Have one evergreen recorded podcast (As a backup plan)
  • Mention Website link at the start & end of Show notes
  • Use an animated video overlay and publish your podcast on YouTube.
  • Connect with best minds in your industry by inviting them to be a guest on your podcast show.

What do you need to know about starting a podcast?

Step #7: Prepare and make a recording

  • Preparing a plan. The first thing that you need to do is to figure out a plan for your content. ...
  • Creating an episode script. Podcasters often do not agree on the process of writing a script for a podcast. ...
  • Recording equipment. To record a high-quality podcast, you require the best podcast recording equipment. ...
  • Recording and editing software. ...
  • Getting music. ...

How to start a podcast step-by-step?

How To Start A Podcast In 6 Steps

  • Planning my podcast: Choose a topic, format, and name
  • Setting up my podcast: Purchase equipment and software
  • Recording my first podcast episode: Learn script writing techniques and step-by-step recording tutorial
  • Editing and producing my first podcast episode: Follow step-by-step editing tutorials and tips

More items...

How do you start a podcast?

Way before you ever get into the actual production and technical work, figure out what your podcast will be about. Also, choose an appropriate title, topic, and format right at the start. Each episode of your show will be a separate audio file that can be made available in various formats.


How does a beginner start a podcast?

Table of ContentsChoose a Podcast Topic You Can Commit To.Pick Your Podcast Name.Write a Compelling Podcast Description.Decide on Your Podcast Format.Get Your Podcast Artwork and Music Created.Purchase Your Podcast Equipment and Test Your Podcasting Software.Choose Your Podcast Hosting Service.More items...

What are the 5 steps to start a podcast?

Five step podcasting plan:Structure your show.Frame your episodes with an intro and outro.Decide on including an interview.Practice hosting skills.Upload your podcast to the internet.

Can just anyone start a podcast?

Anyone can start a podcast. You just have to record your episodes and publish them online. However, turning your podcast show into a successful business is altogether a different story.

What skills do you need to start a podcast?

9 Skills Podcasters Need To MasterAudience and niche. ... Speaking skills. ... Listen with empathy and address your listeners' pain points. ... Use voice to convey emotion. ... Time management and flexibility. ... Organization and tasks delegation. ... Grow your audience. ... Craft interview questions.More items...•

What equipment is needed for a podcast?

For a conventional podcast, you need at a minimum a microphone, headphones, a computer, recording and mixing software, and internet access.

How much money do podcasts make?

Assume you're a podcaster and you do the following each month: 1.00% of your audience purchases through your link, earning you $15 for each sale. 0.05% of your audience buys an online course per month for $99. You release about four episodes of your podcast each month.

How long does it take for a podcast to make money?

Relying on the experience of Marc Clair, a podcast host, and producer, it may take as long as 18 months before you start seeing results. That's if you produce a show weekly. In his words, things can be faster than stated if you have luck, a marketing budget, and irresistible content.

How do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Does podcasting take a lot of time?

Just to begin, Podcasting can take as much time as you allow it. The range of podcasting styles, formats and production quality is as wide as the number of podcasts there are out there in the world. There are people out there who spend weeks producing just one 20 minute episode.

How do you start a podcast with no audience?

20 step guide for starting a podcast with no existing audiencePick an idea (ideation)Create a listener persona (marketing)Pick an angle for your show (ideation)Define your brand idea (marketing)Choose your recording gear.Draft or script coherent c.a. 5 episodes.Record your episodes and cut your material.More items...

How do I practice podcasting?

10 Best Practices Every New Podcaster Needs to KnowBe realistic about time. ... Create a consistent publishing schedule. ... Do a few trial runs first. ... Invest in quality microphones. ... Be prepared to edit and add production value. ... Do your homework on iTunes. ... Make sure you're passionate about your topic. ... Promote, promote, promote.More items...

How much does it cost to start a podcast?

In fact, if you already have a computer and you're operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars.

How to make a podcast on Apple?

Step 2: Log in to Apple Podcasts Connect. Using your Apple ID, log in at podcastsconnect.apple.com.

How to sync podcast with blog?

Embedding audio is perhaps the best way to sync your podcast with your blog content. Many top blogs use their podcast as an additional blog post, adding the audio directly into the body of the post and providing either a full transcript of the podcast or a list of topics and resources covered in the podcast.

How often do podcasts post?

Forty percent of the Top 25 podcasts with a regular posting schedule publish once per week. The next most common frequency is twice per week. Of the Top 25, only three podcasts did not have a discernible schedule to their posting. It seems that some publishing rhythm is preferred over no rhythm.

How long does it take to get approved for a podcast?

Apple will give you a confirmation message, letting you know that there may be a review process for your podcast. This is typically within 24 to 48 hours but can take up to five days. You will receive an email letting you know if you’re approved. Three to five days after that, people can begin searching and finding your podcast in the Apple Podcasts app.

How many hosts should I have on a podcast?

I listen to a lot of podcasts and the most typical format is 2 or 3 hosts and sometimes one guest.

Is podcasting more crowded than blogging?

Michael Wolf, chief analyst of NextMarket Insights (and a notable podcaster), sees podcasting as a less crowded content channel than blogging. It has deeper engagement, as listeners tend to stay tuned in longer than with blog content.

How to be a good podcaster?

Inform, Educate & Entertain. While you are sharing your hard-earned knowledge, be a good educator and entertainer. Keep your audience interest in mind while recording, and you will be creating only high-quality content. Another thing that has always worked out for most of the podcaster is to entertain.

What is the most popular mic for podcasts?

When it comes to mic, Blue Yeti is the most popular choice among podcaster. The directionality feature of Yeti ensures that you could set it up for various situations such as: When you are recording solo, when you are recording with a guest or even when you are recording in a group.

How many podcasts can I record in one sitting?

Now, it’s time for you to record your first podcast show. I would normally record 3-4 podcasts in one sitting. A lot of users like to record only one podcast a day, which is fine as long as you are following your podcast publishing schedule.

What is Garageband for podcasts?

Garageband: Garageband is a free iOS software that could be used on Mac, iPhone, and iPad as a DAW (digital audio workstation). The software is easy to use and you can easily edit your audio files to add intro/outro, add sound effects and do a bunch of other things to create an outstanding podcast show.

Is podcast marketing effective?

Be it promoting your own product, service or any other option, podcast marketing is becoming effective for many brands.

Is podcasting growing?

Statistically speaking, podcasting is growing by leaps and bounds as it is the most intimate way to consume content. From a financial perspective, 51% of monthly active podcast listeners in the U.S. have an annual household income of at least $75,000 compared to 38% of the general population. As this is a growing content platform, it means it’s ...

How long should a podcast be?

Determine the podcast length. You need to respect your audience’s time and set a reasonable episode length that is consistent throughout the series. Twenty minutes is generally the ideal episode length for a podcast, as most people listen to podcasts while commuting to and from work.

Why do people start podcasts?

There are so many reasons for starting a podcast! Some of those reasons are to grow your business, connect with people in your niche, create a relationship with your audience, and self-fulfillment. As of January 2020, there are over 1 million podcasts available, with over 30 million podcast episodes to listen to.

What is a podcast host?

The podcast host is the intermediary between your podcast and your audience. After providing the description and posting the relevant artwork, the podcast is published on the hosting service. You will receive your podcast’s RSS feed link from the host.

Why do podcasts need to be pre-planned?

Every podcast must be pre-planned with a tailored approach to make sure that the quality remains consistent throughout the entire show.

How to make your podcast visible?

To make your podcast visible in the digital space, you need to sign up with a hosting company. These are platforms that store your files and provide access to your listeners so that they can download and subscribe to your podcast.

What is a personal trainer's podcast called?

For example, a personal trainer’s podcast could be called ‘The Fitness Podcast, ’ which perfectly highlights the niche of the podcast. But you must avoid using long names because you will be saying the name quite often in your podcast.

What are the different types of podcasts?

The structure of your podcast is critical. Here are a few podcast formats to choose from: 1 Interview style – This is the most popular format these days as each episode introduces the listener to exciting and inspirational people from a specific niche. The format is generally unscripted and free-flowing and requires minimum editing. 2 News and current events show – This format focuses on sports, politics, technology, or any other hot topic that lets you provide non-stop fresh content to your listeners. 3 Multi-host show – A podcast with more than two people creates intrigue and can be highly entertaining with a conversational tone. There will be less pressure on you since the responsibility of presenting great content to your audience is divided among all hosts. 4 Solo style – In these podcasts, you can tell a story in each episode that is relevant to the topic of your podcast. It could be in any tone as long as the content is educational or motivational. By occasionally inviting a guest on the show, you can entice the audience and engage them in your podcast.

How to start a podcast?

To start with, create a content calendar for your podcast. A content calendar will help you sort out content ideas and the production schedule. You can break down the podcasting process into smaller tasks like planning, writing the script, recording, editing, artwork creation and publishing.

What is a podcast?

Podcasts are an immersive and intimate form of content that makes them more engaging. Being a podcaster, you are likely to strike a deeper connection with your listeners – more than what you might achieve by starting a blog, for instance.

What format is a podcast?

Podcast audio files are in the mp3 format. Once the audio file is ready, upload the audio onto a podcasting host service. It will then create a podcast RSS feed and notify your listeners every time you upload a podcast. You can also distribute your podcast to directories such as Spotify and iTunes for broader reach.

What are the different types of podcasts?

Here’s a look at some podcast formats you can explore: 1 Solo-casts - single person runs the show in the monologue format (e.g. The Gist) 2 Interview - conduct one-on-one interviews with guests (e.g. The Tim Ferris Show) 3 Panel Show - consists of a host and several guests having a discussion (e.g. The Beancast) 4 Fiction Storytelling - involves narration of fictional stories (e.g. Welcome to Nightvale) 5 Non-fiction Storytelling - involves non-fictional narratives (e.g. Serial) 6 Comedy - podcasts centered around comedy (e.g. WTF with Marc Maron) 7 Conversational/Co-hosted - hosted by two people (e.g. Happier with Gretchen Rubin) 8 Educational and Informative - podcasts that aim to educate (e.g. 99% Invisible)

What is podcasting on a computer?

Podcasts refer to a series of audio files on specific topics that listeners can download onto a computer, laptop, or mobile device. Mainly, it’s blogging – in the audio format. From music and pop culture to relationship and entrepreneurship – they can be based on a variety of topics.

Why do podcasts need more storage space?

Moreover, as you gain more listeners and produce more episodes , you will need more storage space, which is a crucial feature of podcast hosting sites.

Why are podcasts a winner?

In this aspect, podcasts are a winner because 69% of consumers use smartphones to listen to podcasts. 4. Increased Visibility. Creating and publishing podcasts gives you exposure on an entirely different platform like podcast directories, thereby giving you access to a new set of audience.

Mechanics of listening to a podcast

1. Pick up your phone or other device and search for the podcast application by putting podcast in the search bar.

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What is a podcast page?

Podcastpage is a website builder and hosting all-in-one made specifically for podcasts. Kind of like Wix but designed for the needs podcasters. No coding is necessary. You just choose one of their themes, customize to your liking, and optionally integrate email marketing or Google Analytics.

Is it easier to start a podcast with a co-host?

It can be much easier to start podcasting if you have a co-host. You will naturally have a more engaging conversation if you both share your points of view on a topic . It can also be helpful to have someone to keep things on track. Plus, you can split additional tasks of editing, promoting, and more.

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