Podcast FAQ

podcast format template

by Lia Welch Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What makes a good podcast script template?

It’s a good idea to use a podcast script template that stays consistent from episode to episode. It might have some flexibility to accommodate each episode’s needs, but the basics will stay the same. That way, your audience will know what to expect. Let’s break down the main components of a good podcast script below.

What is the best format for a podcast?

Fully scripted format (often used for non-fictional, storytelling, and theater podcasts) This podcast script example is time-consuming, but it can also lead to a stellar podcast. While writing is very important with this format, so are the reading skills of your podcast host and guests.

Where can I find a podcast cover template?

Canva has a wide array of podcast cover templates for different types of genres. All you have to do is browse our selection and pick. To make a podcast cover art, you need to identify what your podcast is all about. Is it a true-crime podcast, a slice-of-life podcast, a talk show, a podcast for a specific show, or a whole genre?

How do you plan an episode of a podcast?

Use this template to map out your concept and episode format, define the audience, plan distribution, and more before you get started. Get a birdseye view of everything that goes into planning an episode—ideas, inspiration, research, and outline. Organize your research in one place and see everything side-by-side.


Is there a template script for podcast?

The simplest intro template looks like this: “Welcome to [podcast name], where we discuss [podcast topic or tagline]. I'm [host name], and with me is [co-host name]. Today, we'll be talking about [episode topic] with our special guest, [guest name].

How do you structure a podcast?

How to Plan Podcast Episode Structure in 10 Easy StepsPlan for the length of your episodes.Have a theme for an episode.Use three-acts for engaging podcast episode structure.Plan podcast episode pacing.Introduction, back sell and greet the audience.Raise some early questions you want to address.More items...

How do you layout a podcast script?

If you want to script your podcast in more detail, you can organize it similarly to this:Topic 1 Header (Duration) Main Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Data/Reference. Case Study/Example/Anecdote. ... Segue.Topic 2 Header (Duration) Main Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Data/Reference.

What are the three types of podcast formats?

Read on to learn all about podcast formats and which one is the ideal fit for your next show.Narrative-style podcast. Narrative-style podcasts tell the stories — stories of people, businesses, or brands. ... Solo Podcast. ... Co-hosted podcast. ... 1:1 interview podcast. ... Panel podcast.

What podcast format is most popular?

Interview1. Interview. Probably the most popular podcast format, the interview is pretty much exactly what it sounds like - an interview. Usually there is one host that's interviewing one guest but there can also be multiple hosts or multiple guests on the episode.

How do you storyboard a podcast?

Creating a Narrative Podcast: A Step-By-Step GuideStep 1: Develop the podcast season's focus and episode topics. ... Step 2: Write a detailed storyboard for each episode. ... Step 2.5: Start keeping track of your production cycle. ... Step 4: Write the first episode script. ... Step 8: Add music and FX, and normalize the podcast audio.

What is a podcast format?

What is a Podcast Format? Podcast formats are ways to organize your show's content. They are delivery methods that give your podcast a structure. The right format will keep your content organized and make it accessible to your listeners. Without a strong format, your show will seem disjointed and messy.

What makes a good podcast script?

Use delivery notes Another trick every good podcast script includes are delivery notes. These are notes within your script that indicate pauses, emphasis, laughs, sighs, and other dramatic effects. These elements breathe life into your podcast script so it feels natural.

How do you format a podcast script in Google Docs?

1:262:42Script Formatting in Google Docs - Short and Simple - 2019 - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd hit enter after that now it auto capitalizes to the sunstone line just hit control Z one time.MoreAnd hit enter after that now it auto capitalizes to the sunstone line just hit control Z one time. And that gets back to normal then you should have only one space.

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

What are five considerations when making podcasts?

Here are five considerations to take into account when evaluating if a podcast is right for your brand:Audience: Find Your Focus. Audiences consume content differently. ... Format: Develop a Consistent Approach. ... Material: Curate Compelling Content. ... Frequency: Commit to a Cadence. ... Distribution & Access: Build Your Strategy.

How long is a podcast?

Most podcasts cover a lot of information in one 45 minute episode, so your listeners will likely appreciate if you reiterate the key points. You can use this section to make announcements, give a teaser for your next episode, or share resources available in your show notes to help listeners.

What is the importance of podcast scripts?

Podcast scripts and outlines are an essential part of creating a successful podcast. The best, tightest, most captivating shows usually don't wing their episodes; the creators put in hard work on the front end so things run smoothly.

Why are podcasts so successful?

But the truth is, creativity needs structure to thrive, and the top podcasts are successful because of good preparation and quality scripting. Think of a script as an outline for your podcast, a fully customizable skeleton of your share that makes it tight, clear, and primed for success. It's helpful to choose a podcast script style ...

Why do podcasts need scripts?

No matter your show's style or format, script writing allows creativity to flourish by keeping show hosts focussed, and it frees up brain space so you can deliver your message more effectively. While the word "script" might conjure up ideas of stilted word-for-word reading, your own podcast script can be as structured or casual as you decide.

What is a detailed episode outline?

Detailed episode outlines are a great in-between option for hosts who want more structure than bullet points can offer, but don't feel the need, or have the time, for a word-for-word script.

Can you use a verbatim script for a podcast?

Verbatim scripts can be a bit daunting , but a word-for-word draft can be beneficial and even necessary for the right podcast. This podcast format is best for audio dramas, solo show podcasts, and any host who prefers to read a script.

Why is it important to have a good podcast format?

The right format will keep your content organized and make it accessible to your listeners. Without a strong format, your show will seem disjointed and messy. Podcast formats also create consistency for your listeners. When you stick to a format, your listeners will know what to expect when they open each new episode.

How many stories can you tell on a podcast?

You can tell one story per episode or span your story across an entire series. Or you could simply report the news. This is an excellent podcast format for listeners who like to learn more about our world. You have the opportunity to expose people to new ideas, concepts, and events.

What is repurposing content?

Repurposing content is when you take content that already exists and transform it in a way to get more value out of it. You might add to it, split it up, or transpose it to a new medium. Some bloggers simply take existing written content and repurpose it into a podcast for an audio experience.

What is panel podcast?

A panel podcast is similar to an interview podcast, but with more people. Each episode has a single host and a group of guests. For your listener, it feels like overhearing an organic conversation between friends.

How to make your show better?

You’ll constantly look for ways to make your show better, produce better content, and engage with your audience. You’ll care enough to put in the extra effort to land that tough guest, explain that complex topic, or boost your show’s production value. Don’t choose a format that’s completely out of your wheelhouse.

How long does it take to talk on a podcast?

It’s a lot of talking. Speaking for 30 to 45 minutes is tiring. And that’s only if you record it perfectly the first time. Realistically, you’ll talk for an hour or more for each episode.

Who is on the Gabfest podcast?

Stephen Colbert says “Everybody should listen to the Slate Political Gabfest.” The Gabfest, featuring Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz , is the kind of informal and irreverent discussion Washington journalists have after hours over drinks.

How to Start a Podcast Template

Use this template to map out your concept and episode format, define the audience, plan distribution, and more before you get started.

Episode Plan Template

Get a birdseye view of everything that goes into planning an episode—ideas, inspiration, research, and outline.

Episode Research Template

Organize your research in one place and see everything side-by-side. When you do this, new ideas and perspectives start to emerge naturally.

Episode Outline Template

This outline template is perfect for organizing your talking points, sequence and preparing to record. It's just like your wall of index cards, but portable.

Episode Script Template

If you prefer to reference a script as you record, use this template to map out the timing, sequence of talking points, and narration before you hit the studio.

Podcast Schedule Template

Once you've published a few episodes, you'll need a way to manage your workflow. This template will allow you to structure your process in a way that works for you.

How to make a podcast?

Brainstorm Podcast Topics: Make a list of subjects that you’re both passionate and knowledgeable about, take a look at what’s already out there, and determine how your podcast will function as an extension of your content strategy. 2.

What is a podcast script?

Podcast Script (Template) 1. Opening: A quick musical jingle or your brand’s sonic logo. 2. Introduction: A monologue-style intro outlining your guests and what you plan to talk about on your show. 3.

What is a topic break in podcasts?

These topic breaks are typically described as bumpers or sweepers, giving your listeners the time they might need to digest the content you just presented. Since each podcast is inherently different, each show should have its own themes, topics, and lengths to set episodes apart from each other.

What should the first segment of a podcast be?

The first segment should be the most interesting in order to sustain listeners’ attention. This segment should appeal to the entire audience. Broad content is encouraged to serve the majority. News and current events related to your podcast subject matter are often of interest to an entire audience.

What are the two voice over styles for podcasts?

There are two voice over styles for recording your podcast that you should keep in mind when writing your podcast script. These include polished and freestyle: 1. Polished Podcasting Scripts. A polished, professional- sounding podcast, is similar to what you might hear in a newscast or documentary.

What is freestyle podcast?

Freestyle is an ad lib, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants recording style that can be an unpredictable and engaging voice. This style may work best for podcasts with a high energy or witty host or when there is more than one host on the podcast, highlighting their dialogue skills and spontaneity.

When will podcasts be released in 2021?

February 9, 2021. It may seem like everybody is launching a podcast nowadays, but that doesn’t mean that each new podcast you hear about just materializes out of thin air. In fact, behind every good podcast is a whole lot of podcast planning. So, if you’ve ever wondered how to start a podcast of your own, you’re in luck.

What is the most popular podcast format?

The most popular podcast format is the conversational/interview show. Audiences love the easy-going nature of conversations, where listeners feel that they’re simply sitting in on a talk between friends (whether the content is comedic, educational, or simply friendly banter).

What is a good intro for a podcast?

A good intro will be short, welcoming, and include some type of theme music or jingle.

What is the most intimidating part of starting a podcast?

Podcasting. One of the most intimidating aspects of starting a podcast is writing the podcast script. After all, you’re probably getting into podcasting because you like to talk, not write, right? But as all seasoned podcasters know, producing a podcast without a script is a lot like starting a road trip without GPS.

What is a podcast script?

A podcast script is basically a roadmap for your episode — and you can decide how many details you need to make it from point A to Z. A well-done script gives structure, direction, and conciseness to your podcast episode. Having an outline and a written direction for your show can help you feel more at ease and focus on the here and now, ...

What is a bullet point outline for podcasts?

Many podcasters simply create a bullet-point outline for their episodes. They may have years of experience under their belt, or they may just be really good at talking eloquently off- the-cuff. Either way, minimalist hosts may need a template as simple as this one:

Why do podcasts need scripts?

While creating a podcast script can have a varying process depending on your format and preferred style, the fact remains: a script will help you create an organized, structured, and efficient podcast recording.

What do podcast sponsors do?

Some podcast sponsors send word-for-word scripts that you simply need to read, then insert into your podcast episode. Other sponsors simply give you a set of talking points that you and your co-host are expected to discuss in a way that matches your show’s style.

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