Podcast FAQ

podcast how to make money

by Ubaldo Eichmann Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • 1 Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from your podcast. ...
  • #2 Sponsorships and Advertising. When you become a podcaster, one of the most important things to do is find sponsors. ...
  • #3 Courses. Many podcasters create their online courses to teach their podcast audience something new. They tend to be similar to the podcast topics but more in-depth.
  • #4 Services. People will always need the help of a professional when they are tackling something new. ...
  • #6 Crowdfunding and Donations. Crowdfunding is the act of raising funds through small contributions from a large number of people over the internet.
  • #7 Premium Content. Premium content is a great way to allow only your inner circle audience to get to your most valuable episodes.
  • #8 Events. Events are a great way to make money from your podcast because it’s an opportunity for you and your audience to meet each other.
  • #9 Physical Products. Physical products like merch T-shirts or mugs can be a great way to make money with your podcast if you have a large audience.
  • #10 Books. Having a book out is one of the best ways to make money from your own podcast because it can be sold forever.

How Do Podcasts Make Money?
  1. Sponsorships. Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. ...
  2. Direct support including premium content. Direct support is when you simply ask your fans to send you money to support your show. ...
  3. Affiliate sales. ...
  4. Complementary products.

Full Answer

What to do when your podcast Make Money?

How Do Podcasts Make Money?: 10 Ways to Monetize

  1. Offer Courses. Offering educational courses or something to do with your passion and hobby is one of the best and topmost ways to make money from podcasts.
  2. Provide Services. Providing various services is also possible through podcasts. ...
  3. Sponsors and Advertising. ...
  4. Consulting. ...
  5. Crowdfunding. ...
  6. Premium Content. ...
  7. Events. ...
  8. Merchandise. ...
  9. Books. ...
  10. Public Speaking. ...

How do I monetize my podcasts?

Ways to Monetize a Podcast

  1. Traditional Advertising and Sponsorships. This is by far the easiest method of monetizing a podcast because it requires minimal effort on your part.
  2. Join an advertising network. If you feel daunted by the idea of finding your own sponsor for your podcast, then you might prefer the idea of enlisting the services ...
  3. Sell Subscriptions To Your Podcast. ...

More items...

How many listeners does a podcast need to make money?

If your new episode gets, within 7 days of its release:

  • more than 26 downloads, you're in the top 50% of podcasts.
  • more than 72 downloads, you're in the top 25% of podcasts.
  • more than 231 downloads, you're in the top 10% of podcasts.
  • more than 539 downloads, you're in the top 5% of podcasts.
  • more than 3062 downloads, you're in the top 1% of podcasts.

How to make more money from your channel or podcast?

Course Summary

  • 38 in-depth lessons
  • 36 video tutorials
  • 2 text guides
  • 2 action-prompting tasks
  • 47.35 minutes of video tutorials


How much money can you make from a podcast?

As an estimate, if your podcast has about 10,000 downloads per episode, you can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales.

How many views do you need to make money on a podcast?

You usually need a larger audience of at least 5K or 10K listeners per month to work with them. One of the largest ad networks is Midroll, another popular network is Authentic, and many of the podcast hosting companies have their own networks as well.

Can you earn money in podcast?

Podcasts make money when they have multiple income streams The most profitable independent podcasts use multiple revenue streams to create a steady flow of income as they focus their attention on growing their audience.

How do you start a podcast and make money?

Steps to Start a PodcastDecide why you want to start a podcast.Choose a podcast topic, theme, and name.Select a podcast format and structure.Create podcast branding.Set up your podcast equipment.Find the best podcast recording software.Prepare for your first few podcast episodes.More items...•

Does Spotify pay you for podcasts?

The short answer is: No. Spotify does not pay for podcasts, but fret not! We have good news for you: There are many ways to monetize a Spotify podcast. You can make money on your podcasts through sponsorships, affiliate programs, ads, coaching, and more.

Do podcasts on Spotify make money?

Commissions From Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is another primary avenue for earning money on Spotify podcasts. You quote a unique link in your podcast through which your listeners can purchase products. The seller pays you commissions on purchases customers make through your link.

How much does it cost to start a podcast?

In fact, if you already have a computer and you're operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars.

How do I become a podcaster?

Table of ContentsChoose a Podcast Topic You Can Commit To.Pick Your Podcast Name.Write a Compelling Podcast Description.Decide on Your Podcast Format.Get Your Podcast Artwork and Music Created.Purchase Your Podcast Equipment and Test Your Podcasting Software.Choose Your Podcast Hosting Service.More items...

How long does it take for a podcast to make money?

Relying on the experience of Marc Clair, a podcast host, and producer, it may take as long as 18 months before you start seeing results. That's if you produce a show weekly. In his words, things can be faster than stated if you have luck, a marketing budget, and irresistible content.

How do free podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How hard is it to start a podcast?

Starting a podcast isn't difficult, but there are a number of steps you'll need to go through in order to get it launched. In this podcasting tutorial, we'll walk you through every step of the process: Choosing a topic & name. Show and episode format.

What makes a podcast successful?

A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

How much money do you need to start a podcast?

A good podcast microphone can be purchased for around $100. If you’re not planning on doing too much mixing, you can use free audio editing softw...

How much money can you make from a podcast?

The amount of money you make from a podcast can vary greatly, depending on the size of your audience, the number of monetization channels you have,...

How do people make money from podcasts?

The best way for new podcasters to make money is to use different monetization methods, which can run in the background while you work on building...

Can you make money podcasting on YouTube?

Yes, but it’s best to diversify and make your podcast available on other platforms in order to expand the scope of your attainable audience. That b...

What equipment do you need to make money podcasting?

Podcasting requires microphones for each podcaster and audio-editing software to edit and export your podcast. You may also benefit from a conferen...

What is the best thing about advertising networks?

The best thing about advertising networks is that you have the opportunity to grow. When you first start out, you'll have little control over rates, but, as you gain popularity, you'll be able to charge more for advertising slots. Crowdfunding.

Is affiliate marketing good for podcasts?

The same goes for unique discount codes that people can use at checkout. All things considered, affiliate marketing is a great way to keep the money trickling in with minimal additional work.

How much did podcast ads cost in 2018?

Ever listened to a show that took a quick break to run an ad? There’s a good reason. According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, marketers spent $479 million on podcast ads in 2018.

How much money did Joe Rogan make from his podcast?

According to Forbes, the stand-up comic earned $30 million from his show in 2019. But this wasn’t an overnight success story.

Why do advertisers like to air spots on podcasts?

Sponsors and advertisers love to air spots on podcasts because they usually have highly engaged audiences. More than half of podcast audiences listen to a full episode of a show—and 41% of listeners will play through most of an episode. This means the majority of listeners will actually listen to an ad!

Why is affiliate marketing important for podcasts?

Affiliate marketing is a smart place to start for new podcasters because you don’t have to pitch anyone or set up deals with a sponsor. You just have to sign up with a company who runs a program.

How many affiliate offers does Jenna have?

Jenna only shares five affiliate offers with her audience over the course of a year. They just happen to be products that she loves—that is the key to affiliate marketing. (Just make sure you disclose any affiliate links with your audience. For legal reasons and to make sure you’re building trust with your listeners!)

What do content creators worry about?

Many content creators worry about feeling sales-y or bugging their audience members. We’ve all been there. Don’t worry, if you focus on sharing incredible content with your people, you’ll naturally open the door to recommending your own products.

Do you have to sell on the show?

You don’t have to sell directly on the show . If you’re a service provider, you can offer a free 15-minute consultation where people can book a call with you. Just make sure to set up a special link so that you can track who comes in from your show!

1. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based form of marketing where a business offers rewards to affiliates who are able to successfully bring customers to them. Affiliate marketing is a great way for any creator to monetize their content.

2. Sell custom merchandise to fans

Give your fans the opportunity to show their support for your podcast by selling custom merchandise like t-shirts, stickers, posters, mugs, tote bags, journals, and more.

3. Offer tiered memberships through Patreon

Patreon is a very popular platform for monetizing podcasts because it allows fans (called “patrons”) to offer support in regular monthly payments. Creators can sort subscription options into different “tiers,” with each tier receiving different benefits.

4. Host live podcasts and collect tips

Hosting a live in-person event can be a great way to make extra money as a podcaster, but finding gigs is tricky for new podcasts. Live venues may allow you to perform, but unless your podcast is big enough to bring a lot of business, they’re less likely to pay you to perform.

5. Write and self-publish a book for your fans

Like authors, podcast hosts are typically viewed as being a voice of authority on a particular subject, making the transition from podcast host to writer almost seamless. Perhaps that’s why so many popular podcasts have been spun off into books written by their creators.

6. Join a podcast advertising network

A podcast advertising network is a platform that connects brands and podcasts that have a shared target audience, acting as liaisons for brands looking to advertise to podcast listeners.

Podcasts make money when they have multiple income streams

The most profitable independent podcasts use multiple revenue streams to create a steady flow of income as they focus their attention on growing their audience.

1. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is essentially getting paid to refer listeners to another company’s product. Where do you find those partners? The most efficient way is to go through a network like Amazon, Buzzsprout or Podcorn.

2. Sponsorships

Popular podcasts will draw the attention of advertisers that will pay you to plug their products in ads that air during your show. (Sponsorships are one way people make money on TikTok, too.) Sponsors typically pay $18 to $25 for every thousand monthly downloads, also referred to as CPM.

3. Donations

Get financial support directly from your listeners through one-time and monthly donations.

4. Merchandise

Have a logo and an audience loyal enough to wear their support on their sleeve (or coffee mug)? Then you can make money with branded merchandise. But you’ll also need an e-commerce store, someone to make your products and a place to store your inventory.

Create A Community

Podcasting is a powerful medium because it cultivates feelings of intimacy between a podcast host and their audience. When people listen to a podcast, they feel like they know the host and are in the room with them.

Choose the Right Hosting Platform

There are many hosting platforms available on the market, however, not many of them allow hosts to use programmatic ads from the beginning like Spreaker does. This is a huge benefit to any podcaster looking to make money from their content, so be mindful of this when selecting your podcast hosting platform.

1. Programmatic Advertising

Using the most simple explanation, programmatic advertising refers to the marketplace where the automatic buying and selling of podcast advertisements occur. At Spreaker, for example, we have our own programmatic marketplace, which is full of advertisers that are ready and willing to automatically deliver target ads on your podcast.

2. Sponsorships

Since there are different reasons that one might want to monetize their podcast, one thing that is important to know before we carry on is that you don’t need an enormous audience to land a podcast sponsor. However, you need to know what you’re offering to a potential podcast sponsor and what they can bring to you.

3. Affiliate Marketing

So how do podcasts make money with affiliate marketing? Oh let us tell you the ways. Affiliate marketing is a way to make money selling other products and services. You get a commission on anyone who signs up for a service/product under your unique link.

5. Selling Courses

This option goes hand-in-hand with coaching because you can use prior coaching experiences to create a course if you find you don’t have enough time in your day to provide for all your one-on-one customers.

6. Sell a Service

This option is a level up from coaching because you’ll be doing part of the work for the client. To illustrate, let’s say you’re an expert in the CBD industry and you offer consulting services but one of your clients would love for you to write for their blog. Maybe you start freelance writing on the side as a service.

What Is A Podcast?

Before you know how to make money podcasting, you need to know what podcast actually is! In simple terms, audio broadcasting in any online platform is called a podcast.

How Do Podcasters Make Money?

There are several ways to make money podcasting in 2022. And believe it or not, podcasting has already become one of the best ways to make extra money this year, even if you do it on a part-time basis.

What Are The Highest-Earning Podcasts That You Can Follow?

Many people have already asked me how to make money podcasting this year. Trust me; podcasting is one of the six-figure-generating business ideas you can try this year.

How To Get More Listeners To Your Podcast?

There are several ways to make money with podcasting. But you do need a large audience base and a steady monthly listener to generate a handsome monthly income.

18 Ways To Make Money Podcasting In 2022

Although there are several ways to make money from podcasting, not every avenue is equally rewarding. So, our editorial team has tested several methods to filter the legit earning methods for you!

How Much Can You Make From Podcasting?

Most budding podcasters and podcast enthusiasts primarily have just one question in their mind, and that is how much money you can make podcasting.


Yes, Spotify does have its own monetization platform where credible podcasters can submit their creations to get membership benefits.

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About This Article

This article was co-authored by Emily Schmitt. Emily Schmitt is a Technology Writer for wikiHow. Emily is a tech and social media enthusiast who has written dozens of articles on popular apps and services. Emily has experience as an editor of the Davidsonian, the on-campus newspaper at Davidson College.


Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing or performance marketing is where you get a commission when you refer people to other companies. You will typically earn money when someone makes a purchase. Affiliate marketing works best when you promote products or services that you use or are familiar with, so you can authentically promote them. …
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Sponsors & Advertising

  • Advertising and sponsorships are probably the first things you think of when looking for ways to make money from podcasting. There are several different podcast ad networks that can connect you with advertisers. They do all the work of finding advertisers, negotiating rates, getting the script, and more. You usually need a larger audience of at least 5K or 10K listeners per month to …
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  • Many popular podcasters create their own online courses to teach similar content to what they talk about on their podcast. Online coursesare a great way to teach something in an easy-to-follow way where someone can get a specific result once they’ve completed it. It helps to have an email list so you can let your audience know about your course both on your podcast and throug…
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  • You can offer services that tie in with the content on your podcast. I used to analyze and critique online ads on a podcast and the service I offered was Google AdWords and Facebook Ads management. By showing that I knew what I was an expert on the topic, people knew that they would get expert-level ad management. This made it much easier to get clients without having t…
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Coaching & Consulting

  • Coaching & Consulting is somewhat similar to offering a service, but you usually don’t do the work for them. Instead, you help or guide them on how to improve. Common industries that have a lot of consultants and coaches are fitness, diet, business, and teaching, but I’m sure there are consultants in every industry.
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Crowdfunding & Donations

  • You can ask for donations to help support you and your podcast. More entertainment-focused podcasts would be a good fit to monetize in this way. A common platform for accepting donations is Patreon. They make it really easy to offer additional content or bonuses depending on the amount of money people support you with. They even give you the ability to have a separ…
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Premium Content

  • Premium content can really be anything you want, but some of the common ways podcasters offer premium content are with: 1. Additional interviews 2. Behind-the-scenes content 3. Ad-free RSS feed 4. Early-access RSS feed 5. Q&A with the hosts Have fun coming up unique ways to deliver additional value to your community for a few dollars per month. The Daily Wireis a podca…
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  • Hosting events is not only a great way to make money, but bring together your best fans and bring them even more value. One example I heard of from Pat Flynn was the Walker Stalkerconference. It was started by a podcast that talked about The Walking Dead TV show. They do events all over the world and even get the actors involved. That sounds awesome! Another example from Sam …
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Physical Products

  • Physical products are things like t-shirts, mugs, and other swag. The Generation Why Podcast offers a ton of different products, plus premium content, and a very active Patreon page. You can use a site like Teespringto make sure you get enough sales before they get printed – that way you don’t get stuck with a bunch of products.
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