Podcast FAQ

podcast intro script

by Dr. Erin Hartmann I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A typical podcast intro script usually consists of:

  • A welcome portion where you let your listeners know the name of your podcast. Welcome to the MRC Podcast! This is the...
  • Welcome to the MRC Podcast!
  • This is the MRC Podcast …
  • Hello and welcome to the MRC Podcast …
  • You’re listening to the MRC Podcast…
  • It’s time for the MRC Podcast!
  • A portion where you let your listeners kno...
  • With your host…
  • And now, your host…
  • Here’s your host…

“Hey everybody, this is _______ from _______ and you're listening to the _______ podcast, the show that [explain the purpose of your show] for people who love _______. Today, we're talking about _______ with [guest name], who [explain why your guest is an expert on the topic].

Full Answer

What should be included in a podcast intro script?

A typical podcast intro script usually consists of: A welcome portion where you let your listeners know the name of your podcast. Welcome to the MRC Podcast! This is the MRC Podcast … Hello and welcome to the MRC Podcast … You’re listening to the MRC Podcast…

How long should a podcast script be?

The length and detail of your podcast script will vary based on your style. Some podcasters choose to write out every word that they plan to say, while others jot down a few bullet points to keep themselves on track while they freewheel the recording. It’s a good idea to use a podcast script template that stays consistent from episode to episode.

How do you write a guest introduction for a podcast?

Guest introduction: Include your guest's basic bio, including accomplishments, title, and experience. Call to action: Give your listeners one thing to do like subscribe your show, sign up for a newsletter, or join a give away.

Why do podcasters use scripts instead of episodes?

These scripts don't take a lot of time to make, and for some podcasters, they provide just enough structure to get an episode off the ground. A loose episode structure also makes for easier editing since the "mistakes" naturally fit with the style of your show.


How do I introduce my first podcast?

Podcast Intros: 10 Tips to Get Your Listeners HookedIntroduce Your Podcast.Start With a Question. ... Set the Tone for Your Podcast. ... Choose the Right Music. ... Create a Tagline. ... Write Your Intro Beforehand. ... Mention a Website or Call to Action. ... Include Disclaimers When Needed. ... More items...•

How do you start a podcast script?

The easiest intro to script follows this basic setup: “Welcome to [podcast name], the show that [brief podcast pitch or tagline]. I'm [host name] and today we're talking about [episode topic] with [guest name]. We also have a surprise guest for you at the end of the show, so make sure you listen all the way through.”

What do you say in your first podcast episode?

How to structure your intro episodeAddress your audience, welcome them to the show.Introduce yourself as the host of the show. Include your name. ... Mention what inspired you to start your podcast. ... Talk about the release schedule. ... Explain the podcast's structure. ... Say goodbye and share where people can find more:

How do you write a podcast script example?

How to Write a Podcast ScriptPodcast Intro (Including Music) If you've listened to many podcasts, you know that most of them have the same introduction each time. ... Welcome / Guest Introduction. Next, if your podcast interviews guests, you'll need to introduce them. ... Message from a Sponsor. ... Segue. ... Outro and Call to Action.

Do you read script for podcast?

Scripting your podcast episodes isn't a good idea But reading from a script on your podcast immediately distances you from your audience. Why? Because you're more focused on the page than you are on them.

What is podcast example?

A radio program distributed exclusively over the Internet and listened to on people's iPods is an example of a podcast. (iPOD broadCAST) An audio broadcast for playback in the computer or mobile device.

Engaging Scripts for a Podcast Intro

Don’t know what to put in your podcast intro? Aside from music that perfectly captures the mood of your podcast, a well-written script is also a must! We have samples below to inspire you to create yours! A typical podcast intro script usually consists of:

About The Author

I’m Andrea, Head of Content Creation at Music Radio Creative! This includes looking after our social media accounts, creating blog posts, and anything else under the sun! Nowadays, I spend my time as the overall manager and coordinator of an expat family of 5 from the Philippines, currently living in the jungles of Brunei.

Podcasts and Their Popularity

Podcasts have taken off in the past few years. With a podcast out there to cover most any topic, it’s where many people are going to learn about something, to be entertained, and to get a handle on the current world issues. Brandastic shares some information about the popularity of podcasts in 2020, including these statistics:

Reaching Your Audience

So much of the success of your podcast depends on reaching the right audience. You could have an amazing podcast, but if you don’t reach the audience who wants it, well, no one will listen. Maybe you don’t even know what you want your podcast to be about, you just know you have something to offer.

Creating a fabulous podcast intro script

So now we know we have to create a fabulous podcast intro script. One thing you need to do is think about the length of your intro. Most intros are either 15-seconds, 30-seconds, or a minute long. You really don’t want any longer than that.

Details, details, details

Sure, it may be tough to add detail in a 27-word script, but give it a go. Remember, many of your listeners know at least a little about what you’re going to talk about, so don’t be afraid to use some detail.

Podcast Intro Scripts for multiple hosts

Hosting a podcast with a buddy is fun for many reasons. For one, you don’t have to do all of the talking! Another is that you can create a great dynamic banter. You can also pose questions to one another, and bring in each other’s insight and experience. That’s why people like to bring in guest hosts, too.

Podcast intro script goals

Pop Up Podcasting offers us some great tips for setting your podcast intro script goals. When you have goals, you have a better idea of what it takes for successful scripts. Three main goals that you should probably have for your intro are:

Using a voice actor for your podcast intro script

Some podcasters like to use a voice actor for their intro. If this is you, think about what type of voice you’d like. Do you want the actor’s voice to be similar to yours or completely different? Maybe you want it to exemplify the announcer’s voice, or be something spooky for a paranormal podcast.

How long should an intro be for a podcast?

While how much time this may be will differ slightly from podcast to podcast, 2-4 minutes is a good amount of time to spend on an intro. A fast intro can be off-putting to viewers who are tuning in for the first time so ensure that you have a moderate pace to ease listeners into the beginning of the show.

What is the importance of music in a podcast intro?

Podcast Intro Music and How it Should Shape Your Intro Script. Music is a vital asset to your intro. A jingle will help in establishing the show’s name to the listener in a way that is pleasing to hear. Having this repeat at the start of your podcast goes a long way in creating a distinction between your work and others.

How does music affect podcasts?

Music goes a long way in setting the tone in a podcast. It’s no secret that music can affect mood (listen to any movie soundtrack for example), and understanding the tone of your show and picking your music accordingly adds to the production value significantly.

Why is it important to have a good intro?

The Importance of a Good Intro. It is a fact that consumers today are quicker to judge than ever before. In a world of fast-paced sensory overload, people are quick to judge and quicker to turn off if they hear something they don’t like. This shift in mindset places incredible importance on a podcast’s introduction.

Who is the king of chat show?

Joe Rogan is arguably the king of the aforementioned chat show/interview genre. And it is no surprise that his intro reflects this. He makes use of a jingle and graphic logo to reiterate the show’s name, and his introduction is straight in with a conversational feel.

What should a podcast intro be?

A great podcast intro should show new listeners who you are, what your podcast is about, and why they should listen. But, at the same time, it needs to engage your existing audience. The best podcast intros are unique to each episode and include a teaser of content from later in the show to hook listeners. They often include on-brand music ...

What is the purpose of a call to action in a podcast intro?

Adding a call to action to your podcast intro isn’t essential, but it is a good way to remind listeners to follow your show or to sign up with your sponsor. Having said that, it is important to optimize the CTA in your podcast intro to make sure it doesn’t put listeners off. Make it short and snappy.

How effective is a travel podcast?

Being a travel podcast, this is a highly effective way to hook the target audience of travel fans. When using music or sound effects in your intro, remember they should complement your podcast rather than overshadowing it. Make sure your added sound: Fits your brand & sets the mood.

Do podcasts have a cookie policy?

Cookie policy. Short answer: it depends on the length of your podcast episode. Shows with established listeners will always be able to get away with longer intros, as their loyal fans will continue listening no matter what, but it’s important to get the length right if you’re starting a podcast.

Do podcasts have intros?

Honestly, there are some great podcasts that break all the rules and create an intro that is nothing like this. They may not even use an intro at all. But for those who are looking for the basics, a great podcast intro script will feature the following elements, welcome, show information, and host introduction.

Where is the Pro Voice Guy podcast?

Live from the Pro Voice Guy Studios in San Antonio, Texas, this is the Pro Voice Guy Podcast, a show about helping your podcast sound great. Please welcome your host, Will Rice.

Podcast Intro Examples

When you script an intro it doesn’t have to go into all the detail. You’re simply giving yourself a framework to speak within.

So how do you accomplish all of this? Script out your podcast intro

Write out what you want to say so you have a framework of what you’re talking about.

Why do podcasts need scripts?

No matter your show's style or format, script writing allows creativity to flourish by keeping show hosts focussed, and it frees up brain space so you can deliver your message more effectively. While the word "script" might conjure up ideas of stilted word-for-word reading, your own podcast script can be as structured or casual as you decide.

What is the importance of podcast scripts?

Podcast scripts and outlines are an essential part of creating a successful podcast. The best, tightest, most captivating shows usually don't wing their episodes; the creators put in hard work on the front end so things run smoothly.

Why are podcasts so successful?

But the truth is, creativity needs structure to thrive, and the top podcasts are successful because of good preparation and quality scripting. Think of a script as an outline for your podcast, a fully customizable skeleton of your share that makes it tight, clear, and primed for success. It's helpful to choose a podcast script style ...

How to stay on track in script writing?

To stay on track, organize your outline in order of the story you're trying to tell. Under each heading, you can include relevant key points, supporting data, and anecdotes. If you choose this script style, stay conversational, and try not to read your notes verbatim.

What is script writing?

Scripts are a fully-customizable skeleton of your episode and a styling tool that helps create the overall feel of your show, as well as keep it flowing, natural-sounding, and free of excessive rambling or pauses . No matter your show's style or format, script writing allows creativity to flourish by keeping show hosts focussed, ...

Why do we need a verbatim script?

The structure of a verbatim script allows hosts to be confident they are thoroughly communicating all their content and adds a professional feel to the episode. But just because you have a script doesn't mean you can't veer from it now and then.

How long is a podcast?

Most podcasts cover a lot of information in one 45 minute episode, so your listeners will likely appreciate if you reiterate the key points. You can use this section to make announcements, give a teaser for your next episode, or share resources available in your show notes to help listeners.

What is the most intimidating part of starting a podcast?

Podcasting. One of the most intimidating aspects of starting a podcast is writing the podcast script. After all, you’re probably getting into podcasting because you like to talk, not write, right? But as all seasoned podcasters know, producing a podcast without a script is a lot like starting a road trip without GPS.

What is a podcast script?

A podcast script is basically a roadmap for your episode — and you can decide how many details you need to make it from point A to Z. A well-done script gives structure, direction, and conciseness to your podcast episode. Having an outline and a written direction for your show can help you feel more at ease and focus on the here and now, ...

What is a bullet point outline for podcasts?

Many podcasters simply create a bullet-point outline for their episodes. They may have years of experience under their belt, or they may just be really good at talking eloquently off- the-cuff. Either way, minimalist hosts may need a template as simple as this one:

Why do podcasts need scripts?

While creating a podcast script can have a varying process depending on your format and preferred style, the fact remains: a script will help you create an organized, structured, and efficient podcast recording.

What do podcast sponsors do?

Some podcast sponsors send word-for-word scripts that you simply need to read, then insert into your podcast episode. Other sponsors simply give you a set of talking points that you and your co-host are expected to discuss in a way that matches your show’s style.

What is the most popular podcast format?

The most popular podcast format is the conversational/interview show. Audiences love the easy-going nature of conversations, where listeners feel that they’re simply sitting in on a talk between friends (whether the content is comedic, educational, or simply friendly banter).

What is a segue in podcasts?

Segue. Since your episode will likely have several different components, it’s important to plan out your transitions to make the podcast flow naturally and cohesively. You can approach these transitions (or segues) in several ways, including with a jingle, sound effect, or a spoken phrase.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9