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podcast introduction example

by Serena Stokes Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Good Podcast Intro Examples

  • Joe Rogan Experience. Joe Rogan is arguably the king of the aforementioned chat show/interview genre. ...
  • Stuff you Should Know. Being a variety podcast, the hosts of Stuff you Should Know dedicate a bit more time to establish the topic of the show.
  • Song Exploder. ...
  • Criminal podcast. ...

“Hey everybody, this is _______ from _______ and you're listening to the _______ podcast, the show that [explain the purpose of your show] for people who love _______. Today, we're talking about _______ with [guest name], who [explain why your guest is an expert on the topic].3 days ago

Full Answer

How to incorporate a podcast?

What makes a space hygge for you is always an individual judgement, but there are themes and approaches that are common. Hygge might be sitting by your lit fireplace rereading your favorite book or sipping wine on your sofa while listening to your favorite tunes or podcast. It’s your interpretation of feeling at home.

How to create a podcast intro and outro?

➡️ Record solo or with guests in the app, or upload your own audio. 🤖 Alitu will automatically clean up your audio, so you sound crisp and clean. ➡️ Set your default intro and outro. One time. Consistency on tap. ➡️ Easily highlight any mistakes or silences you want to remove. ➡️ Build your episode with a simple drag and drop editor.

What is the best free podcast?

Rundown of the show:

  • Top 25 players that might work for the Steelers in free agency
  • First 25 players (out of 50 I’m keen to see) to watch at the Combine with 324 players invited.
  • Player profile - Chad Muma out of Wyoming

How to convert article into audio podcast?

Trinity Audio allows you to:

  • One-click convert and add a player to all of your blog posts
  • Select where you’d want to place the player
  • Select your default gender voice
  • Choose your preferred language
  • Add a post excerpt into the audio player


How do you introduce a podcast example?

Introduce Your Podcast. Say your podcast's name, your name, podcast topic and value, episode title and topic, and date if needed. Introducing your podcast will ensure that all of your listeners know your podcast's name, your name, and podcast and episode information.

How do I introduce my first podcast episode?

How to structure your intro episodeAddress your audience, welcome them to the show.Introduce yourself as the host of the show. Include your name. ... Mention what inspired you to start your podcast. ... Talk about the release schedule. ... Explain the podcast's structure. ... Say goodbye and share where people can find more:

Should a podcast have an intro?

If you don't impress people quickly, you'll fail to capture new listeners and grow your podcast. A great podcast intro, along with your cover art, makes a promise to your listeners. It explains the podcast's purpose, introduces the speaker, and helps the listener understand the value they'll receive by listening.

How long is a podcast intro?

between 15 and 30 secondsThe typical podcast opening lasts between 15 and 30 seconds, so you need to make a quick first impression. Music is hands down the best way to draw people in and align their emotions with the content of your podcast.

How do you start a podcast script?

The easiest intro to script follows this basic setup: “Welcome to [podcast name], the show that [brief podcast pitch or tagline]. I'm [host name] and today we're talking about [episode topic] with [guest name]. We also have a surprise guest for you at the end of the show, so make sure you listen all the way through.”

How do you write a podcast hook?

10 Ways to Hook Your Listeners With a Good Podcast IntroWrite All Your Ideas Down. ... Set the Tone for Your Show. ... Avoid too Much Information in Your Podcast Intro. ... Hook Listeners with Music. ... Briefly Mention Your Title & What You'll Discuss. ... Read Out Your Podcast Intro. ... Paint a Mental Image. ... Discuss Relatable Content.More items...•

How long should a podcast intro episode be?

between 15-30 secondsMost experts agree that you keep your intros as short as possible which is typically between 15-30 seconds. 15-30 seconds may not seem like much time, but you want to get listeners to the actual episode as quickly as possible.

How long should an intro be for a podcast?

While how much time this may be will differ slightly from podcast to podcast, 2-4 minutes is a good amount of time to spend on an intro. A fast intro can be off-putting to viewers who are tuning in for the first time so ensure that you have a moderate pace to ease listeners into the beginning of the show.

What is the importance of music in a podcast intro?

Podcast Intro Music and How it Should Shape Your Intro Script. Music is a vital asset to your intro. A jingle will help in establishing the show’s name to the listener in a way that is pleasing to hear. Having this repeat at the start of your podcast goes a long way in creating a distinction between your work and others.

How does music affect podcasts?

Music goes a long way in setting the tone in a podcast. It’s no secret that music can affect mood (listen to any movie soundtrack for example), and understanding the tone of your show and picking your music accordingly adds to the production value significantly.

Why is it important to have a good intro?

The Importance of a Good Intro. It is a fact that consumers today are quicker to judge than ever before. In a world of fast-paced sensory overload, people are quick to judge and quicker to turn off if they hear something they don’t like. This shift in mindset places incredible importance on a podcast’s introduction.

Why is podcast unique?

Remember, Your Podcast is unique just because of YOU. Your voice is different than anyone else. So it would be best if you tapped into that. Your intro will help people to keep up to date. Talk about some current relevant news that people in your audience might be aware of or interested in.

What does the music do in an intro and outro?

The music of your intro and outro sets the mood and familiarizes your listeners with your show. It is a great way to put them in the right frame of mind to listen to your episode.

What is a branded podcast?

A category of podcasting that has been gaining traction lately is the branded podcast. Branded podcasts are a fantastic way for brands to publish valuable content that markets a product and attracts loyal subscribers, yet engages with them in a deeper capacity than a standard TV or radio ad does.

What is Goldspotters podcast?

Buckle up for a new episode of Goldspotters, the one and only podcast made to teach rising artists like you how to pave your way in the modern music industry. Whether you’re a singer, songwriter, rapper, producer, or influencer, you’re sure to pick up tidbits of actionable advice when you listen to Goldspotters.

What Is A Podcast Intro?

A podcast intro is an introduction for your first episode, and it will generally include all of these elements:

How To Start A Podcast: What Makes A Good Podcast Intro?

A lot has been written about what makes for a good introduction online. Some of the articles we have seen explain four elements you need to include when introducing yourself or your topic to make it stick.

How To Craft A Podcast Intro That Works For You

Now that we know what an effective podcast intro looks like, it's time to craft one ourselves. Here are the steps you need to follow when designing a solid opening:

The benefits of including music in your podcast intro

Including music in your podcast intro has numerous benefits. Here are some reasons why:

Top 10 Places To Find Podcast Intro Music

Finding your favorite song on Google and including it in your podcast intro would have been great, but copyright laws prevent that. Fortunately, there are many other options available. Here are ten sites that offer royalty-free audio files for download.

How To Choose A Good Podcast Intro Music?

Choosing a good podcast intro music-free for your podcast intro is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make as a podcaster. Below I'm going to share my thoughts on what makes a good podcast intro music. This guide includes tips from my experience working with clients over the years.


How do I make sure I don't bore my audience when introducing myself or my guests?

What should a podcast intro be?

A great podcast intro should show new listeners who you are, what your podcast is about, and why they should listen. But, at the same time, it needs to engage your existing audience. The best podcast intros are unique to each episode and include a teaser of content from later in the show to hook listeners. They often include on-brand music ...

What is the purpose of a call to action in a podcast intro?

Adding a call to action to your podcast intro isn’t essential, but it is a good way to remind listeners to follow your show or to sign up with your sponsor. Having said that, it is important to optimize the CTA in your podcast intro to make sure it doesn’t put listeners off. Make it short and snappy.

How effective is a travel podcast?

Being a travel podcast, this is a highly effective way to hook the target audience of travel fans. When using music or sound effects in your intro, remember they should complement your podcast rather than overshadowing it. Make sure your added sound: Fits your brand & sets the mood.

Do podcasts have a cookie policy?

Cookie policy. Short answer: it depends on the length of your podcast episode. Shows with established listeners will always be able to get away with longer intros, as their loyal fans will continue listening no matter what, but it’s important to get the length right if you’re starting a podcast.

Why do you need to select the music for your podcast intro?

This is because it’s best to edit your voice over segments to fit the music that you’ve chosen.

How long should an intro be?

Your intro should move at a quick pace, roughly 20-30 seconds in length. Don’t let it overstay it’s welcome. #2. The music is too loud. Using theme music can be an excellent complement to the voice-over portion of your intro, but too often, the music is mixed incorrectly and ends up being too loud. Music files typically have a higher loudness ...

What is Music Radio Creative?

Music Radio Creative has an excellent website that lets you play samples from different voice-over talent, allowing you to find the perfect voice and style that will fit your podcast.

Can you use heavy metal guitar solos in a podcast?

If you have a podcast about homeschooling kids, it’s probably not best to choose a heavy metal guitar solo as the background music of your podcast intro.

Do you need a voice actor to read your podcast intro?

While it’s certainly not required, getting a voice actor to read your podcast intro can take it to a whole other level.

What are the two types of podcast descriptions?

Podcast Description. There are two types of descriptions that come into play for podcasts, the Show Description and the Episode Description. Here we are talking solely about the Show Description because it must be done before your podcast ever launches.

What does it mean when someone tunes in to your podcast?

When someone tunes in to your podcast, they are either a new listener hoping to learn what the show is all about, or a return fan who expects to hear the common jingle that confirms why they keep listening to your podcast.

What should the description of a show focus on?

The description should focus on your listener and their desires. Just like in your show intro, you want to give a brief overview of what listeners can get from the show, who the show is targeted to, and who the hosts are. If it is possible to show personality in writing, this is the place.

Who is the host of All About Cakes?

Join the conversation with your host, 10 time Cake Master Chef, Johnny Smith.

11 potential elements of a podcast opening

Podcast name —how else will people know what podcast they're listening to?


In the following examples, listen for how each host uses some of the above eleven elements.

Need personalized podcasting help?

I no longer offer one-on-one consulting outside of Podcasters' Society, but request a consultant here and I'll connect you with someone I trust to help you launch or improve your podcast.


This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship and may receive compensation from your actions through such links. However, I don't let that corrupt my perspective and I don't recommend only affiliates.

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