Podcast FAQ

podcast on education

by Brody Schmeler Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How podcasts are used in education?

Podcasting is a significant resource which teachers can use to teach and learn a language. It is an alternative method of learning which can help to improve your listening skills. Most of producers of podcasts are educators who use this technology to communicate with their students outside the traditional class.

How do you become a teacher podcast?

"How to Become a Teacher" is a mini-series within NEA's School Me Podcast that taps the expertise of early career and seasoned educators to help Aspiring Educators and those considering a career in education feel prepared for the journey to the classroom.

Can a teacher have a podcast?

Teachers can use podcasts in their classrooms, for professional learning, or to explore their own interests.

How do teachers use podcast in teaching?

Podcasts can be used to: provide information in a fun and entertaining way (thus, increasing student engagement) extend student learning with critical links between content areas. synthesize student learning through podcast creation and.

Why are podcasts useful?

Podcasts aren't only good entertainment, but also great education. The time you'd normally spend doing those mindless chores or exercising can be used to help you prepare for the next phase of your career. There are a ton of shows out there that teach you about specific fields of study and career paths.

Why should teachers use podcasts?

Just the act of listening to a good narrative helps your students become better learners. Podcasts are a screen-free, movement-enabling, ear-stimulating and eye-opening way to deliver content. Whether you are in-person, remote, hybrid, flipped or blended, podcasts can enhance your teaching in meaningful ways.

How do you teach the top?

You need to use high challenge questioning strategies that get students to think hard and to develop good, in-depth answers. As I say in the Great Lessons: Probing post, good probing questioning that can develop into dialogic questioning, is probably the defining feature of strong teaching to the top.

How does podcasting enhance the learning experience?

Means of enhanced comprehension The role of podcasts for future learning lies in improving the listening comprehension skills of students at any level. Â Many students are able to absorb more information when they listen than if they read content, in some cases up to three grade levels higher.

Should students listen to teachers?

Teachers typically give direct instruction and then provide clarification as necessary. Students who listen keenly to directions and lectures -- rather than simply hearing them -- have distinct advantages. Efficient listening in the classroom saves time and results in improved academic and social skills.

What are the educational benefits to having students and teachers create their own podcasts?

Podcasting in Education: What Are the Benefits?Flexible Availability – 24 Hours a Day. ... Students Listen for Longer Than They'll Watch or Read. ... Student Created Content. ... Podcasting in Education: Lecture Review. ... Make up for Missed Classes. ... Consistency of Student Experience. ... Benefits for Mental and Visual Impairments.More items...•

How do podcast help in teaching and learning process especially in this time of pandemic?

Producing a podcast episode provides students an opportunity to learn new digital skills, or to apply skills they already have, that they might not expect to experience in a classroom. In this way, podcasting not only engages students' interests, but also builds new skills applicable outside the humanities classroom.

What are the disadvantages of podcasts?

The list of the disadvantages of podcasting is time consuming, not searchable, accessibility problems and limited audience. Podcast consumes a lot of time especially if the file is larger. It is not usually easy to search in podcasting.

What is podcast example?

The definition of a podcast is a multi-media digital file distributed over the Internet to be watched and listened to on a computer, iPod or other device. A radio program distributed exclusively over the Internet and listened to on people's iPods is an example of a podcast.

Do podcasts increase intelligence?

Listening to podcasts *period*, in fact, makes you smarter in the exact same way that reading does. Canonical American writer William Faulkner once said, “Read, read, read. Read everything — trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it.

Should I listen to podcasts while studying?

Try listening to podcasts when you're studying. A podcast that is relaxing and funny can help you focus on the task at hand. Any podcast episode can expand creative thoughts for your mind and make your process of learning more exciting.

Are podcasts as good as reading?

Podcasts or Books: Deciding Which Is Better for You If you want engaging, informative, and long-form content, and you're physically able to hold a book, go for a book. If you want short-form easy listening and the ability to multitask and do other things at the same time, a podcast is better.

How do you promote student growth?

Ways to Promote Student DevelopmentSet high expectations for student achievement.Make sure that students perform at or above expectations.Solve problems so students will receive services.Use up to date research and technology.Plan instructional strategies.Apply higher-order learning skills.More items...•

How do you start a school podcast?

If you're considering starting a podcast show for the new school year, here are five easy steps to follow:Step 1: Create the Topic Of Your Podcast. ... Step 2: Determine the Right Equipment You Will Need. ... Step 3: Find The Best Software To Record and Edit Your Podcast. ... Step 4: Publish Your Podcast Live.More items...

What are the disadvantages of podcasts?

The list of the disadvantages of podcasting is time consuming, not searchable, accessibility problems and limited audience. Podcast consumes a lot of time especially if the file is larger. It is not usually easy to search in podcasting.

What is radiolab podcast?

Radiolab is a nationally syndicated radio program and podcast hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich. The show investigates a range of scientific and philosophical topics in a wonderfully accessible way. The show is masterfully produced and its rhythm and style – in large part due to the strong narrative focus and creative sound design – make it entirely unique. You’ll never be able to predict what the next episode might cover; standouts have explored how we see colour and an unpacking of the concept of blame. The quirkiness of the topics, combined with Abumrad and Krulwich’s magic touch, make for an immersive, educational and unforgettable experience.

Who is the host of the MPR show?

The show is hosted by MPR’s Chief Meteorologist Paul Huttner, who is often accompanied by knowledgeable and impressive guests, including political figures such as Al Gore as well as experienced researchers and academics.

Who is the host of the podcast "Stuff You Should Know"?

Hosted by Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant and published by Stuff Media, Stuff You Should Know (or SYSK) is an award-winning video series and podcast with millions of followers all over the world. Clark and Bryant are former senior editors at HowStuffWorks.com

What is smart people podcast?

Smart People Podcast is very straightforward in communicating its goals: to help people improve their lives while expanding their views of the world. Brought to you by Chris Stemp and Jon Rojas, this podcast will satisfy your insatiable curiosity about things that matter.

What is radiolab?

Radiolab features topics that are mostly scientific and philosophical in nature. As its tagline puts it, it is devoted to “investigating a strange world.” It aims to use radio as a means to make science accessible to all types of audiences.

What is Dan Carlin podcast?

But we aren’t talking about your typical academic history. Instead, it consists of a unique blend of masterful narration and high drama. Some of its most notable episodes are The Celtic Holocaust and Blueprint for Armageddon.

How long is the Encyclopedia Wommanica podcast?

Each episode of this podcast is around four or five minutes long, but they tackle the lives and adventures of exceptional women from throughout history. Some of these women include Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Cleopatra. Encyclopedia Wommanica is hosted by Jenny Kaplan, and is a favorite among podcast listeners.

What is the show "McRaney" about?

Later, the blog expanded and became a podcast. The show is simply a reflection of the blog, relating psychology and science to self-delusion. It revolves around the human mind’s ability to reason, judge, and decide.

Who is the producer of the ear hustle podcast?

Ear Hustle. This podcast is produced by former inmate Earlonne Woods and current inmate Antwan Williams at the San Quentin State Prison located in California. They collaborate with Nigel Poor, an artist who volunteers at the prison to help with reformation.

What is mission team podcast?

Podcasts are The Mission Team’s go-to for all things health, wealth, and wisdom. There’s nothing more inspiring than learning from the world’s best teachers during your commute, your lunch break, or even on the weekends. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 30 of our favorite education podcasts.

What is school psyched?

This is a great podcast for teachers, parents of students, and those interested in psychology. Anna, Rachael, and Rebecca frequently interview top psychologists to give you an in-depth look at today’s education system.

What is Freakonomics Radio?

Freakonomics Radio is an award-winning podcast that packages up all things economics and delivers it in the most entertaining way possible. Start here: The Stupidest Thing You Can Do With Your Money.

What is podcasting in education?

Podcasting offers the opportunity for lecturers to easily broadcast engaging audio content, which students can then listen to at any time and wherever they are. A student only needs to subscribe to a podcast feed and suddenly you can push educational content to them, rather than wait for them to come.

Why do students listen to podcasts?

Students can use the podcast for reference purposes or when preparing themselves for upcoming examinations. Any student who had challenges understanding a topic in the classroom can listen to this podcast. They can study the content and understand the topic at their own pace.

Why are podcasts important?

Educational podcasts are appealing and may encourage students who don't like reading. Many students may struggle with reading through mental impairments, such as Dyslexia, and podcasts can be a big aid in this. Podcasts are equally useful in cases where a visual impairment makes traditional learning methods arduous.

How long does a podcast run?

While text and video struggle to attract 2 or 3 minutes of viewing, podcasts routinely run an hour or more . One of the most popular shows in the world is a history podcast that can run for 3+ hours!

Why do we use podcasts?

Podcasts can easily be used in schools, universities or colleges to engage students, and improve your teaching and learning practice. Many learning institutions which have incorporated podcasting in their education system, have reported really positive results. This can be attributed to the ease of creating and consuming podcasts as well as ...

What is the best way to record a lecture?

This makes them easily accessible to students and creates invaluable study aids. If you're recording lectures in-person, then a wireless mic system might be your best option.

Why do we need lecture recordings?

Lecture recordings can help a teacher or professor to ensure that they always cover any given topic in the best way possible. This comes in handy when the lecturer in question teaches multiple sessions of the same class. It helps the teacher to ensure that every student gets the same experience, the same information , and that the sylla bus is covered uniformly.

Who is the Edleader podcast?

Rob Jackson. Educational leadership is an ever-evolving opportunity to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of students, parents, and the community. Listen for conversations and reflections on improving educational leadership from the classroom to the boardroom and beyond.

How many people listen to podcasts in 2020?

Podcast listenership has grown steadily in the past decade, and this year proved no different. According to Podcast Insights, 55% of the U.S. population (155 million people) listened to a podcast in 2020, which is up from 51% in 2019. With new listeners comes new shows, and we’ve been doing our best to keep track of them.

Where Emerging Ideas Take Flight podcast?

First in Future: Where Emerging Ideas Take Flight is a podcast by the Institute for Emerging Issues at NC State University. The show hopes to connect you with people thinking big thoughts about the future of North Carolina. Each week, host Leslie Bonney talks with business leaders, elected officials, researchers, and people working bottom up and top down to make North Carolina great.

Who is the president of the Hunt Institute?

This show, hosted by president & CEO of The Hunt Institute Dr. Javaid Siddiqi, will feature conversations with some of the best known names in politics and education to get to the “real” story.

What are the best educational podcasts?

NPR: National Public Radio has an entire section of educational podcasts that highlight current education news and events that happen around the world. 2. TED Talks: I have yet to listen to a TED talk that didn’t inspire or ignite new energy for an idea or topic.

What is ISTE podcast?

ISTE: The International Society for Technology Education is a trusted source for educational podcasts on how technology is changing the classroom. Podcasts cover various topics from blogging to mobile learning.

Do podcasts force you to find more time?

Podcasts don’t force you to find more time in your day; they give you the opportunity to capitalize on all the dead time that already exists in your day by simply downloading the .mp3 or syncing a podcast to your iTunes account on your smartphone.

What is the Pedagogy to Practice podcast?

The Pedagogy To Practice podcast is for teacher candidates and teacher candidates at heart.

Where is the podcast Pedagogy Matters?

Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom About Podcast Pedagogy Matters is a podcast series from College Development Network (CDN), hosted by Jonny Rees. The episodes shine a light on pedagogy, breaking down the key aspects and how these can be realized in current practice, whether that be online delivery, face-to-face delivery, or a mixture of both. A conversational format with professionals from the FE sector across the UK, sharing their views, experiences, and insights across different elements of pedagogy, what it means to them, and how they can be integrated within daily practice. Frequency 2 episodes / month , Average Episode Length 38 min Since Jan 2021 Podcast cdn.ac.uk/pedagogy-matters-p..#N#Facebook fans 828 ⋅ Twitter followers 4.3K ⋅ Domain Authority 37 ⓘ ⋅ Alexa Rank 6.1M ⓘ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

What is podcast pedagogy of integrity?

About Podcast Pedagogy of integrity is a brave space for educators, teachers, trainers, and facilitators. With this space, we are hosting meaningful and authentic conversations. From teaching-learning practices to collective knowledge production, from decolonizing educational spaces all the way to transferring to virtual spaces. We speak about all the aspects of education. Diba is an award-winning Postcolonial Pedagogies Researcher, Educator, and Systemic Coach. Frequency 4 episodes / year , Average Episode Length 42 min Since Apr 2020 Podcast anchor.fm/pedagogy#N#Domain Authority 81 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.1K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

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