Podcast FAQ

podcast on youtube

by Rosanna Botsford Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Start A Podcast On YouTube. Unfortunately, you can’t upload MP3s to YouTube. The video site requires video files, so you’ll need to convert your audio files to MP4s. This also means you need some kind of video element in order upload a podcast to YouTube. It can be as simple as a static image, but there has to be something “playing” in the background.

Full Answer

How do I start a podcast on YouTube?

With podcasting the following skills are required:

  • Interviewing guests and asking good questions
  • Knowing how to get the best sound out of a microphone
  • Editing your audio with software like Garageband
  • Marketing the show and episodes. Getting good guests

How to start a podcast on YouTube?

“So a content farm is where you’ve got 50 or 60 stations all filming video at once pumping out just hundreds of videos a month, all to just gain the algorithm to get heaps of views.” “They’re well produced, so they look like they should be real, and a lot of people have that misconception of ‘why would anybody fake this?’”

Why you should turn your podcasts into YouTube videos?

Why You Should NOT Publish Audio Podcasts on YouTube – TAP332

  1. The supporting reasons are mostly misunderstood and short-term. To make your content discoverable on Google and YouTube—Maybe true, at first, but it will soon be demoted.
  2. It's abusing the platform. YouTube is a video platform. ...
  3. The “view” stats are meaningless. ...
  4. Engagement rates are horrible. ...
  5. Your channel's and videos' rankings will be demoted. ...

More items...

Should I start a YouTube channel or podcast?

The four most popular ways to start and upload a podcast to YouTube are:

  • Convert your audio files into video
  • Present a podcast on your webcam
  • Use external cameras to record the show
  • Use screen capture to record the show


Can you start a podcast on YouTube?

All you have to do is connect your YouTube channel to Castos, and upload the background image you'd like to use for your video files. After that, every time you publish a new podcast episode, Castos will automatically convert the audio file to a video, add your background image, and publish it to your YouTube channel.

Is it better to podcast on YouTube?

Video Content on YouTube is Much More Engaging Than a Podcast: Although podcasting has been a game-changing method of disseminating information, a video on YouTube is far more engaging. This is why many individuals prefer to watch videos on other platforms on YouTube rather than searching for videos on other platforms.

What are the best podcast channels on YouTube?

Here are 25 famous youTuber podcasts worth checking out:Jenna & Julien Podcast. ... Ear Biscuits. ... Psychobabble. ... The Morning Toast. ... Just a Tip. ... Dear Hank & John. ... Not Too Deep. ... Adventures in Roommating.More items...

What is more profitable YouTube or podcast?

If you are not great at on-camera, then you may find that podcasts work better for you. However, if you are better on-screen, or your content is better when visualized, then YouTube may work for you. On the flipside, both can make a substantial amount of money, but neither will be an automatic income source.

Why are YouTubers doing podcasts?

And while the motivations likely vary from YouTuber to YouTuber, many of those YouTubers who are making podcasts are doing so because they understand the power of diversifying their creator platforms.

What is the #1 podcast in the world?

Top podcastsPodcast Industry RankingTop 20 PodcastsRankPodcastPublisher1The DailyThe New York Times2NPR News NowNPR20 more rows

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

How do I grow my YouTube Channel podcast?

Share Full Video Editions of Your Podcast Episodes This is one of the best ways to grow your podcast. It involves recording your podcast sessions and uploading them to YouTube. However, there is a catch. Your podcasts recordings have to be interesting to watch, not just listen to.

Is it better to vlog or podcast?

So, if workload and complexity is a major consideration, podcasting is a better bet. When evaluating the best platform, it is good to take into consideration that people are “time-starved”. People's calendars are really full, there's always so much to do, and podcasts are generally longer than video content.

Do podcasts use less data than YouTube?

How Much Data Does Music Streaming Use? Music and podcast streaming uses far less data than video streaming, but it can still add up.

Should I start a blog or podcast?

There are benefits to blogging, which podcasting can't achieve. Blogging is easier and quicker to do, it has better SEO benefits, and is more easily shareable. No argument there. In fact, a company shouldn't necessarily disregard blogs, newsletters, videos or any other form of content.

What's the difference between a podcast and a vlog?

The key difference between podcast and vlog is that the content of a podcast is based on audio while the content of a vlog is based on videos. A podcast is a digital audio file, whereas a vlog is a social media account or a personal website that has video content.

Why put a podcast on YouTube?

Putting your podcast on Youtube can help you find new listeners and grow your audience. There are a range of options available if you'd like to put a podcast on YouTube. One approach is creating micro content, based on your episodes. Another is to create an audiogram, which is artwork and audio combined. A final option is to record video too, and ...

What is audiograms in podcasts?

Another enhanced version of this approach, is what's known as “audiograms”. Audiograms are basically a combination of visual and audio elements, and they can be great for promoting and sharing your podcast.

Can you use a webcam to film a YouTube video?

This is where you actually film yourself recording your episodes, and upload the visual content as a YouTube video. If you're recording locally, you can use a webcam to film the episode. You can also use multiple cameras and mix up the different angles and shots, if you want to get fancy.

Is YouTube a podcast?

If you're a content creator, it makes sense to publish your stuff on there. It isn't actually a podcast hosting provider though, so how do you put a podcast on YouTube? First up, there are a few things to consider.

What is the Art of Manliness podcast?

The Art of Manliness Podcast is aimed at helping men become better and have a deeper understanding of their lives, culture, and being. They bring on expert authors and deep thinkers to the show, conducting in-depth interviews to recapture the traditional principles of manliness. The show spans several aspects, Including history, self-defence, parenting, physical training, social, professional skills, and literature.

What is H3H3H podcast?

The H3H3H Podcast is one of the top YouTube podcasts you will find around. Hila and Ethan Klein are the producers, the same producers of the H3H3 YouTube channel. They focus on something different on their YouTube podcast, in contrast to their YouTube channel. While their YouTube channel uses a funny approach to analyze videos, their YouTube podcast is from a non-comedic angle, with discussions around politics, movies, music, writers, YouTubers, and comedians. The entire podcast takes between two and three hours.

Who is the host of a conversation with?

The show includes interviews with different authors, various experts, internet stars, musicians, politicians, and every other type of individual that the host can find. The host tends to make his guests feel at home through his easy-going conversation style. This helps him to get juicy and controversial conversations from them.

Can you record podcasts with an external camera?

If you use a well-arranged room to record your podcast, you can consider setting up an external camera on your desk to capture you while you speak into the microphone. Several podcasters do this, and one of them is the popular podcaster, Gary Vee.

Can you capture audio and video at the same time?

If you use a remote podcast/video tool like Zoom or Squadcast, you can set it to capture video and audio at the same time. To achieve this, you will have to enable video while using the software.

What is a podcast on YouTube?

Podcasts are, by definition, downloadable audio files pushed to directories by an RSS feed, and they no longer fit this description when uploaded to YouTube. Before we dive in, let's clarify what a YouTube video podcast is, and what it isn't. Video podcasts feature footage of your show as you're recording it.

Why do people put podcasts on YouTube?

Putting podcasts on YouTube began as a way for podcasters to reach a new audience they wouldn't have access to on podcast directories. People who prefer to watch video content might not seek out podcasts, so podcasters decided to bring the content to them.

How to use YouTube to supplement podcast?

It's best to think of YouTube as a way to supplement your podcast with additional material or highlights of your show. Try breaking your show up into short clips that are more accessible to your audience, so it's easier to listen to all the way through.

Why do podcasters need to see stats?

Podcasters love to see their show's stats. The right data helps show hosts grow their podcasts and tailor it to meet the needs of their audience. Podcast data is limited, though, in what statistics it can (accurately) provide when a listener downloads or streams your show.

What is a video podcast?

For the purpose of this blog, a video podcast refers to footage of a podcast as it's being recorded.

What is the most popular way to listen to podcasts?

YouTube is the most popular way of listening to podcasts, according to a study done last year by The University of Florida in partnership with Futuri Media. Podcasters have strong feelings on the topic of video podcasts since YouTube is a video platform not intended for audio content. Some think publishing audio content on a video platform is not ...

How long does it take to watch a podcast on YouTube?

While YouTube analytics can be helpful for podcasters, they can also be deceiving and distracting. A viewer could watch your video for 30 seconds, and it would show up as a view.

Why Upload Your Podcast to YouTube?

If you use it right, YouTube can be amazing for growing your audience. It’s great for helping new people discover your content, and it reaches many more people than any traditional podcast platform. Here are our top 3 reasons why you might want to upload your podcast on YouTube

Ready to Start Your Podcast?

YouTube is also the second most powerful search engine in the world, beaten only by Google. So it’s a good place for new people to discover your content. Making a great podcast is all well and good, but discoverability has always been a problem in the industry.

How to Upload Your Podcast to YouTube

First thing’s first, let’s get you up to scratch on how to use YouTube as a creator.

5 Examples of Great Podcasts on YouTube

All this advice makes putting a podcast on YouTube seem kind of overwhelming. But the list of example channels below should help you see how you might put it all into practice. Check them out for inspiration when creating your own video podcast on YouTube:


YouTube can be a real help in building up a podcast audience. It’ll help you reach more people than would be possible otherwise (even people who aren’t usually into podcasts!).

Why do people have podcasts?

It may seem like everyone has a podcast these days, but it’s for good reason: podcasting is a cost-effective way to deliver content to an audience and develop brand awareness for yourself or your business. And since YouTube is one of the biggest places for audio content on the web, it makes sense to include that platform in your plans.

How to keep your YouTube channel organized?

To keep your content organized, you can create separate YouTube channels for your content. For example, you might upload entire episodes into one channel and highlights or clips in another, or you could divide your content into channels by topic categories.

How long does it take to upload a video on YouTube?

Keep in mind that if you choose to upload videos over 15 minutes, you’ll need to verify your Google account with YouTube. Thankfully, though, the verification process is quite simple. Once you’re a verified account, your upload file size is limited to 128 gigabytes or 12 hours, whichever is less.

Can you use Feedburner to create separate YouTube channels?

While this step is optional, it makes sense to direct your website or blog audience to your YouTube presence. Feedburner should provide a subscribe link for you, or you can use the standard format for YouTube feeds. To keep your content organized, you can create separate YouTube channels for your content.

Is YouTube a podcast?

First of all, it’s essential to understand what exactly “having a podcast on YouTube” means. YouTube is a search engine, not a podcast hosting platform. If you only upload your podcast to YouTube, it wouldn’t really be a podcast anymore; it would simply be a YouTube channel.

Is YouTube a search engine?

Since YouTube is a search engine , your search engine optimization (SEO) is key to appearing in your intended audience’s search results. With a long-form podcast episode, it’s hard to encapsulate the entire contents of the episode in one title that’s SEO-friendly. People may not want to sit through a long video.

Is it hard to start a podcast?

Beginning a podcast journey can be difficult at first, but it can also be extremely exciting and rewarding once you start building a loyal following. As with any venture, it’s important to invest in the right equipment and prepare well for the best chance of success.

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