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podcast production tips

by Dr. Phyllis Walsh II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

8 Professional Podcast Production Tips

  1. Get a Nice Mic There are crappy microphones, and there are really crappy microphones. ...
  2. Pick a Good Space It goes without saying that a quiet space is essential, but the room you choose to record in can make a big difference. ...
  3. Record Separate Channels If you plan to podcast alone you can skip this one, but for my money the best podcasts are conversations. ...
  4. Stereo or Mono? If you go to the trouble of recording each of your participants separately, you have the option of balancing the voices at different spots in the ...
  5. Compress Good audio editing software (including all the titles mentioned above) will have a compressor feature—and not the kind of compression that makes files smaller. ...
  6. Normalize Once you’ve compressed your audio, you need to normalize it. ...
  7. Export to MP3 Although some podcasts offer fancier file formats, an MP3 version is mandatory, and is often all you need. ...
  8. Tag it!

18 Podcast Recording Tips to Produce High Quality Audio
  • Record with the right equipment.
  • Record in the right environment.
  • Spend a few moments warming up.
  • Mute whomever isn't speaking.
  • Plant audio cues for mistakes.
  • Eliminate background noise as much as possible.
  • Resolve your audio issues early.
May 20, 2022

Full Answer

What are some best practices for starting a podcast?

Podcast Best Practices: Creating an Intro and Outro. The intro of any podcast sets the stage. Your intro will either grab your listener’s attention or lose it. Your outro should always wrap up the podcast and leave a call to action. Keep reading to discover the podcast best practices for creating an intro and outro. The Intro

How do I create a successful podcast?

Podcasting Starter Guide: 7 Tips for a Successful Podcast

  1. Invest in Decent Equipment. While you don’t need to blow a few thousand dollars on state of the art recording equipment or software, you should at least have a ...
  2. Choose the Right Theme. The theme of your podcast will play a huge role in determining its success. ...
  3. Come Out with Quality Podcasts. ...
  4. Find the Balance. ...
  5. Make Your Podcast SEO-Friendly. ...

More items...

How can you make money with a podcast?

  • Reward your higher-tier patrons. In addition to premium content, you could provide higher-tiers with additional benefits like discounts on merch, early access to new content, and exclusive access to bonus ...
  • Keep subscription costs low. ...
  • Keep your fans updated. ...
  • Release podcasts on a consistent basis. ...

What do you need to know about starting a podcast?

Step #7: Prepare and make a recording

  • Preparing a plan. The first thing that you need to do is to figure out a plan for your content. ...
  • Creating an episode script. Podcasters often do not agree on the process of writing a script for a podcast. ...
  • Recording equipment. To record a high-quality podcast, you require the best podcast recording equipment. ...
  • Recording and editing software. ...
  • Getting music. ...


What makes a good podcast producer?

A podcast producer job requires many hats, from director to audio engineer. They are also involved in post-production, including audio editing, distribution of the completed episodes, and tracking analytics for other team members and podcast sponsors.

How do I make my podcast sound professional?

Find a quiet room with plenty of space around you for recording. ... Experiment with indirect microphone placement. ... Be conservative with your input levels. ... Record a high-resolution audio file. ... Work from an outline, and take time to get a great delivery. ... Record remote guests and co-hosts separately, if possible.More items...•

What are the five considerations when producing podcasts?

Here are five considerations to take into account when evaluating if a podcast is right for your brand:Audience: Find Your Focus. Audiences consume content differently. ... Format: Develop a Consistent Approach. ... Material: Curate Compelling Content. ... Frequency: Commit to a Cadence. ... Distribution & Access: Build Your Strategy.

How long does it take to produce a 30 minute podcast?

The length of your podcast As a general rule, after personally overseeing the production of over 50 podcasts, I'd say a good average edit time for a 30-40 minute podcast is about 4-5 hours.

How do you EQ a podcast voice?

0:4213:06EQ and Compression for Podcast Vocals (Podcast Vocal Mixing)YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipNeed some eq and some compression to some extent okay so we've got a vocal recording from theMoreNeed some eq and some compression to some extent okay so we've got a vocal recording from the recruit mentors podcast. Here it sounds good i'm going to hit play in a second.

What makes a good podcast?

To create the most engaging podcast, your topic should be something that you are knowledgeable and passionate about. The creator and host of the podcast, “With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus” came up with the idea for her completely improvised podcast with guests because she is an avid improviser.

What makes a podcast stand out?

Engaging with your listeners is the best way to make your podcast stand out. It provides priceless insights to the audience. It gives them a chance to overcome their pains and struggles. Thus, making you more relatable to them.

How do you structure a podcast?

The Three Act Podcast StructureAct 1: Setup. In the first act of the episode, your goal is to establish a setting, introduce the characters and their relationships, and build the world they live in. ... Act 2: Confrontation. The second act is the part of the story that raises the stakes. ... Act 3: Resolution.

What are the top 5 things to know before starting a podcast?

Your checklist might include:Generate topic ideas.Reach out to interviewees.Research and write podcast outline/script.Schedule interview/recording session.Record sponsored content.Record the episode.Edit episode and prep for publication.Write a description and show notes.More items...•

Is editing a podcast hard?

Hisses, noises, and overall poor podcast production will take away from both – the content and the authority of the show itself. For that reason, editing audio is one of the most critical processes in podcasting. It's also one of the most challenging.

How many podcast episodes should you launch with?

Launch with 3 episodes or more Because sharing more content when you launch gives more value to your audience. When you start sharing your podcast online and ask listeners to follow the show, it's important to give them multiple episodes that they can binge to see how they like the show.

Does podcasting needs to take a lot of time?

Just to begin, Podcasting can take as much time as you allow it. The range of podcasting styles, formats and production quality is as wide as the number of podcasts there are out there in the world. There are people out there who spend weeks producing just one 20 minute episode.

How do I start a podcast checklist?

The Ultimate Podcast Launch Checklist (15 Things You Must Do Before Launching)How To Start A Podcast.The Podcast Name.The Podcast Cover Art.Prepare Your Podcast Equipment.Submit To Podcast Directories.Create Shownotes.Record And Edit Your First (Or First Few) Episodes.Decide On A Publishing Date And Launch Your Podcast.

What are 3 reasons podcasts are so popular?

Why are podcasts so popular now?Podcasts allow for multitasking.Listening to a podcast is an easy way to catch up on the latest news and events.Podcast are entertaining.Podcast adaptations will grow in numbers.Smart speakers will push the boundaries of podcasting.More items...•

What should be in a podcast?

Podcast Script Tips for BeginnersKeep it conversational. The biggest challenge of writing a podcast script is keeping it conversational. ... Use delivery notes. ... Allow for some riffing. ... Describe the scene. ... Maintain a reasonable pace. ... Be yourself. ... Show introduction. ... Guest introductions.More items...•

Stages of Production

Podcast production refers to the process of piecing together your series and bringing it to life. This covers three primary steps involved with starting your podcast: pre-production, production, post-production .

Podcast Production Tips

We’ve produced hundreds of podcast episodes over the past few years and gotten the opportunity to work with some of the biggest and most well-known brands on their company podcasts. Through this, we’ve gathered some key tips and tricks and will be sharing nuggets of podcast wisdom with you from our team of expert audio producers.

2. Give Yourself Runway

Give yourself runway. Podcast runway basically means always staying a few episodes ahead. So if you’re releasing episode 10 of your podcast one week, you’re not actually editing episode 10, you’re editing episode 13 because you finished episode 10 a few weeks ago.

3. Podcast Equipment

The next step in podcast production is equipment. Investing in good podcast equipment will be beneficial to the overall quality of your show.

4. Recording Software

Since we’ve all had to adapt to remote work, we’re assuming that you’re also conducting your interviews remotely rather than in person. Because of this, you’ll need to pick a recording software to use.

5. Best Sound Quality

Quality matters. With over two million podcasts on Apple, there are a lot of shows for listeners to choose from. If your show stands out for having poor audio quality, potential listeners will move on to different shows.

6. Slow Down

Podcasting is a marathon, not a sprint. We watch so many podcasters jump in at hyper-speed and expect to see amazing results because of that.

What is a successful podcast?

1 – Define a Successful Podcast. First thing's first: success means many different things to many different people. For some, it's about the big download numbers. Others dream of earning a full-time living from their shows. Many business podcasters see success as getting regular sales enquiries because of their content.

What happens when you run a podcast?

When you run a podcast, things don't always go to plan. Life can get in the way, hardware and software can break, files can vanish, and there's really no shortage of things that'll test your patience in the long run. When things go wrong, you really need to have a solid core reason for wanting to podcast. One that's big enough that it'll ...

How long does it take to build an audience for a podcast?

One podcast tip that many aspiring podcasters don't like to hear is that it can take years to build an audience. And in order to make a successful podcast you need to be prepared to turn up consistently and regularly over the next few years. That doesn't mean that you can't have short-term goals though.

What is the common mistake that podcasters make?

A common mistake many new podcasters make is to build their shows around an audience that doesn't yet exist. If your episodes are built around answering listener questions, or doing live shows, then I'd recommend going back to the planning stages. In the early days it falls on you and you alone to create your content.

Is it a good idea to run a podcast?

It's definitely a good idea to break down your main ambitions into smaller achievable aims. This can help give you a sense of progression. But hopefully you just enjoy the process of running a podcast. If you do, then you'll stand the best chance of sticking at it and growing an audience.

Is it easier to start a podcast?

After all, it's never been easier to actually launch a podcast. You don't need to spend a lot at all, and there are countless tools out there that can make things really easy for you. Once you've recorded a piece of audio and uploaded it to your media host, you can find your very first episode proudly sitting in places like iTunes ...

Do you care about your podcast before it goes live?

Another uncomfortable truth about your podcast before and during its launch, is that – unless you're famous before your podcast goes live – nobody really cares about it.

How to write a podcast script?

First, you need to decide on what information you want to cover and in what order. Then, list all the points you want to make in each section and determine how you want to close the episode. TIP: Revise your outline at least once before recording.

How hard is it to do a solo podcast?

A solo show is, by far, the hardest one for a new podcaster to pull off. For many people, spending even 15 minutes talking into the microphone by yourself is really hard.

What is an interview podcast?

Interview-based podcast. Interview podcasts share the same energy as co-host shows. However, the major difference is that at least one person on the show is a guest rather than a regular host. Because of that, the show revolves around that person who shares their experience and expertise on a specific topic.

What is a narrative podcast?

Narrative podcasts. Narrative podcasts are very much story-driven shows. Unlike the other types of shows I mentioned above, narrative episodes do not follow a linear structure. Instead, they rely on editing various content pieces together – interviews, audio files, music, and so on – to create a story.

What is a solo host podcast?

This means that the responsibility to engage and entertain the audience rests entirely with you.

Can you talk about a topic for 20 minutes?

For example, they might be accustomed to listening to interviews. Or they might prefer you alone at the mic. But also, you may ( or may not) feel comfortable talk about a topic for 20 minutes on your own.

Where are the podcasts from?

Notice the natural dynamics and balance among the voices of hosts Bob Boilen, Robin Hilton, and their guests. Originating from NPR’s studios in Washington, D.C., they have the advantage of carefully designed and well-appropriated studios as well as a staff of top-shelf engineers who help engineer their live music recordings and broadcasts from venues all over the world. TechHive author Mark Sullivan gives some good tips for podcasters on equipment you might look at for capturing that “NPR Sound” at home.

What is this American life podcast?

This podcast, an offshoot of the hugely successful (and great-sounding) This American Life, has garnered record-breaking listenership in its first season. Its cinematic storytelling and engaging content combine with careful production, editing, and mixing with the help of composer and engineer Mark Henry Phillips. Employing skills from forensic audio restoration to composition and sound design, he helped ensure every element of the story is able to be heard by listeners, and reinforced with underscoring and sonic painting that brings extra dimension to the story.

Do you need to set input level for microphone?

Most audio interfaces and recorders need you to set an input level for your microphone. Since the advent of high-quality digital recording, there’s really no reason to set input levels too “hot.” You can always make things louder later on.

Can you script an interview?

Obviously, you can’t script interview segments and co-host interaction. But having a solid outline with your introductions, questions, transitions, and closings prepared can help make for a smooth podcast, and show your guests that you’ve done your homework and are prepared and professional.

Can you make your podcast louder?

After compressing these louder sounds, you can turn up the overall sound of your voice, making everything seem louder overall. This can be helpful when people are listening to your podcast in noisy situations like a subway, car, or bus. This is another effect that shouldn’t be used to extremes.

How to start a podcast?

When looking to start a podcast, consider where you are going to record. If you work from home, find a quiet space where you are away from anything that can make noise. Find somewhere that will allow you to shut the door and block outside noise. If you have a podcast in your office building, find a quiet room as well.

Why are podcasts important?

Podcasts are great tools for your content marketing strategy. From building an awesome brand for yourself or company to connecting with other experts , podcasts have the ability to bring awareness to content. Something that can be overlooked though is the quality of a podcast and how the audio is recorded. If not done right, your message could easily be missed or unheard.

What to consider when making a podcast?

A few things you’ll want to consider are your host (s), intro/outro, segments, episode length, and release cadence.

What is the format of a podcast?

One popular podcast format is interview-style, which depends on booking guests for your show. Once you have your guests locked in, there are a few easy ways you can set them, and yourself, up for success when it’s time to hit record.

What are segments in podcasts?

Depending on the premise of your podcast, your segments could be anything you cook up that makes sense. For example, The NPR Politics Podcast has a segment called “Can’t Let It Go,” covering topical news and current events; Brand Party Podcast has a segment sharing listener feedback from social media; and SaaS Breakthrough has a game segment called “Lightning Round Questions.”

Is it important to be comfortable with podcasts?

Finally, to help you settle any nervous jitters about getting started with podcasting, we want you to know that, unlike video, with podcasts there’s less focus on being “perfect.” Being comfortable and connecting with your audience is more important than getting a flawless take. And remember, you can always edit out imperfections or craft your story to your taste in post-production. Instead, focus on making sure your message and story are as compelling as possible.

How to record podcasts on laptop?

1. Record with the right equipment. While it’s technically possible to record a podcast episode with your laptop’s built-in microphone, your listeners won’t appreciate it. You need a few pieces of gear to get started. Don’t worry: They don’t have to be expensive.

Who wrote the podcast 2021?

Mar 06 2021 8min read. Written By Dennis Hammer. It’s no surprise that podcast listeners prefer shows with professional and clear audio. Nobody will sit through an episode that’s full of crackles, echos, and distracting noises. As a podcaster, you won’t be successful unless you publish episodes that sound great.

Why are podcasts ruined?

Many podcast episodes have been ruined by audio issues that no one was aware of during recording. The podcaster opens the file and finds the clanking from their heating unit, the buzzing of traffic outside, or some reverb from their office door.

Why do podcasts use phrases like "yes" and "right"?

These interruptions are often considered polite because they exhibit your involvement in the conversation, but they can be distracting and confusing for podcast listeners.

How can sound effects add personality to a show?

Sound effects can add personality to your show, but only if they’re done well. It’s very easy to make your show seem cheap and lowbrow with extra elements , especially if you use loud and obnoxious effects. Use these elements sparingly and only when the content calls for it.

Can you be successful as a podcaster?

As a podcaster, you won’t be successful unless you publish episodes that sound great. But producing great sound is challenging, especially if you’ve never worked with audio before. If you’ve ever produced an audio file that’s simply unusable, you know how frustrating this can be.

Do you hear your own voice?

When you speak normally, you don’t actually hear your own voice. You hear a version of it from inside your own head. You don’t hear the version that everyone else hears. (This is why we all hate to hear recordings of our voices – it doesn’t sound right.)


1 – Define A Successful Podcast

2 – Have A “Why”

  • When you run a podcast, things don’t always go to plan. Life can get in the way, hardware and software can break, files can vanish, and there’s really no shortage of things that’ll test your patiencein the long run. When things go wrong, you really need to have a solid core reason for wanting to podcast. One that’s big enough that it’ll never be overshadowed by any of the above. …
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3 – Play The Long Game

  • One podcast tip that many aspiring podcasters don’t like to hear is that it can take years to build an audience. And in order to make a successful podcast you need to be prepared to turn up consistently and regularly over the next few years. That doesn’t mean that you can’t have short-term goals though. It’s definitely a good idea to break down your main ambitions into smaller ac…
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4 – Make It Sustainable

  • A big part of enjoying the process of podcasting, is that it isn’t a complete battle to get new episodes done and out. In the planning stages it’s easy to have big plans about the time you can dedicate to your show each week. It’s also easy to create an episode template in your head that’s going to take a lot of work to produce on a regular basis. ...
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5 – Don’T Get Stuck on “The Launch”

  • I’ve already said quite a bit on the long-term nature of making a successful podcast. Unfortunately however, it’s the concept of a big explosive “Launch” that many aspiring podcasters choose to focus on instead. Another uncomfortable truth about your podcast before and during its launch, is that – unless you’re famous before your podcast goes live – nobody really cares about it. It shou…
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6 – Take Control

  • Long term, you’ll want to check in regularly with your audience and seek feedback from them. This is the difference between a podcast surviving and thriving. In the very early episodes though, you won’t have an established audience at all. These early listeners haven’t fully bought into your podcast yet, and with each episode, they’re weighing up whether or not to stick with you. So, on…
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7 – Don’T Rely on Audience Participation

  • A common mistake many new podcasters make is to build their shows around an audience that doesn’t yet exist. If your episodes are built around answering listener questions, or doing live shows, then I’d recommend going back to the planning stages. In the early days it falls on you and you alone to create your content. Anything else is only going to lead to disillusionment and disap…
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Looking For More Podcast Tips?

  • Hopefully you’ve taken a lot from these podcast tips, all aimed at helping you create a successful podcast. These are beyond the usual “What mic should I get?” and “What media host should I use?” questions, and show that you’re constantly looking to improve and take things to the next level. That’s not to say those mic and hosting questions aren’t valid or important, though. I’ve link…
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