Podcast FAQ

podcast project plan

by Dr. Tyrel Dooley Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Planning a podcast

  1. Find a niche. Before you even think about starting your own podcast, you need to research what’s already out there.
  2. Episode format. After finding a topic to focus on, you need to consider your episode format. ...
  3. Music and art creation. Once you’ve got the practical stuff out of the way, it’s time to move onto the bells and whistles. ...
  4. Equipment you’ll need. ...

Full Answer

How to plan a podcast in 10 steps?

How to Plan a Podcast in 10 Steps: 1. Brainstorm Podcast Topics: Make a list of subjects that you’re both passionate and knowledgeable about, take a look at what’s already out there, and determine how your podcast will function as an extension of your content strategy. 2. Decide on a Podcast Theme: Although your conversations will vary ...

How do you write a good podcast episode?

Main things to consider when planning a podcast episode are: Plan for length. Use three act structure. Plan for pacing. Have an episode’s theme. Introduction, back sell and greeting. Raise early questions. Promote other content. Reach closure, satisfaction and have the end in mind.

Is your podcast business plan ready for success?

But when it comes to your podcast, you’ll want to make sure that you’re prepared. Writing a podcast business plan will not only help you prepare but outline where you see yourself heading in the future. Many podcasters get started without taking this step, but if you want to set yourself up for success, I highly recommend it.

Why is it important to have a planned structure for podcasts?

Having a planned structure will help you recognize where you need to start finishing and wrapping up your story. 4. Plan podcast episode pacing Problems with pacing occur when events driving the narrative are incorrectly planned on the timeline of the episode.


How do you structure a podcast plan?

To plan a podcast structure, follow these 6 steps:Identify Your Goal.Decide on a Format.Identify Your Primary Themes.Write Your Intro.Outline the Main Content.Write Your Outro.

What should be created on a podcast project?

Sample ideas and uses for a podcast:Weekly classroom news broadcast.Document a field trip.Record a class discussion.Share book reviews.Conduct interviews.Review curricular content.

How do I make a podcast project?

If you're considering starting a podcast show for the new school year, here are five easy steps to follow:Step 1: Create the Topic Of Your Podcast. ... Step 2: Determine the Right Equipment You Will Need. ... Step 3: Find The Best Software To Record and Edit Your Podcast. ... Step 4: Publish Your Podcast Live.More items...

What are the 5 steps to start a podcast?

Five step podcasting plan:Structure your show.Frame your episodes with an intro and outro.Decide on including an interview.Practice hosting skills.Upload your podcast to the internet.

What is a podcast format?

What is a Podcast Format? Podcast formats are ways to organize your show's content. They are delivery methods that give your podcast a structure. The right format will keep your content organized and make it accessible to your listeners. Without a strong format, your show will seem disjointed and messy.

How do you outline a podcast?

Create a visual outline to guide each podcast episodeFirst, map out the key topics. Start by laying out the major topics or questions you know you want to cover. ... Add talking points. ... Get the sequence right. ... Add imagery or video. ... Share with your co-host or guest.

What are podcast elements?

5 elements of a good podcastFocus on a central idea.Play to an audience.Regular schedules.Show structure.Authenticity.

How do you write a podcast script?

Here are a few tips that will help you craft an engaging podcast script.Keep it conversational. The biggest challenge of writing a podcast script is keeping it conversational. ... Use delivery notes. ... Allow for some riffing. ... Describe the scene. ... Maintain a reasonable pace. ... Be yourself. ... Show introduction. ... Guest introductions.More items...•

What makes a good podcast?

To create the most engaging podcast, your topic should be something that you are knowledgeable and passionate about. The creator and host of the podcast, “With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus” came up with the idea for her completely improvised podcast with guests because she is an avid improviser.

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How much money do podcasts make?

Assume you're a podcaster and you do the following each month: 1.00% of your audience purchases through your link, earning you $15 for each sale. 0.05% of your audience buys an online course per month for $99. You release about four episodes of your podcast each month.

How does a beginner start a podcast?

The Steps of starting a podcast:Work on podcast name and niche.Get your podcast cover image.Get Podcast intro + outro music.Get Podcasting equipment.Create an environment and process.Record your first podcast.Get Podcast hosting.Upload & publish your first podcast.More items...

What should be in a podcast?

Podcast Script Tips for BeginnersKeep it conversational. The biggest challenge of writing a podcast script is keeping it conversational. ... Use delivery notes. ... Allow for some riffing. ... Describe the scene. ... Maintain a reasonable pace. ... Be yourself. ... Show introduction. ... Guest introductions.More items...•

What are the top 5 things to know before starting a podcast?

Your checklist might include:Generate topic ideas.Reach out to interviewees.Research and write podcast outline/script.Schedule interview/recording session.Record sponsored content.Record the episode.Edit episode and prep for publication.Write a description and show notes.More items...•

How do I start a podcast checklist?

The Ultimate Podcast Launch Checklist (15 Things You Must Do Before Launching)How To Start A Podcast.The Podcast Name.The Podcast Cover Art.Prepare Your Podcast Equipment.Submit To Podcast Directories.Create Shownotes.Record And Edit Your First (Or First Few) Episodes.Decide On A Publishing Date And Launch Your Podcast.

What makes a podcast successful?

Keep the topic simple. A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

Why podcasts?

If you are here, chances are that you already know how much potential podcasts have in a business’ growth. Podcasts have been growing at a steady pace and people now expect all credible businesses in certain categories to already be on the podcast bandwagon.

The ideal process: How to plan a podcast effectively?

A podcast consists of a lot of moving parts. The free-flowing conversation you hear depends on a lot of planning, pre/post-production processes, and a few retakes (in some cases). A proper plan will give you more clarity and improve your ability to deliver excellent content with consistency.

The ideal length and structure of a podcast

As you plan a podcast, an important decision you’ll be required to take will be regarding the length of your episodes. Predictability is essential when it comes to the length of your episodes. You can’t have an hour-long episode one week and then come back the next time with a 20 minutes snippet.

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Because of how podcasts are created and distributed, the things you need to do are interdependent and have little to no room for mistakes. That’s not all! Podcasts are not supposed to be of a single episode. After each upload, you’ll be back to square one and will need to come up with a way to maintain consistency.

What is a project plan?

A project plan is a document which details how the project will be managed, delivered, monitored, controlled and closed down. The project plan is a document that lays out everything the team needs to know about how the project will be managed.

What is the purpose of project plans?

The main purpose of project plans is to document what is going to happen so everyone knows what is expected of them. But plans change. As the Agile Manifesto says, responding to change is valued. Experienced project managers will tell you that as soon as you start the work you’ll find you need to make adjustments.

What is a project plan template?

Project Plan Templates. Even if you don't have a plan from an old project to start from, you can still speed up the process by using a document template. Templates include all the relevant headings and topics that should go in the plan.

Why do we need a project overview template?

A project overview template will help because it covers all the processes the team needs to follow so that everyone understands the steps to take. Your project plan is a critical document. It sets out how you will execute the project and the processes and practices for running the project.

Why is it important to have a project plan?

A good project plan saves you a lot of time because it removes uncertainty and provides a structure to follow for the whole project life cycle. It also removes a lot of the debate and discussion about whether the project has met quality criteria or how something should be done – because you’ve already documented and agreed what needs to happen.

What is project planning process?

The project planning process is not the time to create a very detailed project schedule, but you do need an idea of how long the project will take, key dates and milestones.

Why is planning important?

With your objectives clear, another reason why planning is important is because you get to have a conversation about what's in scope. And, conversely, what is out of scope. You'll use the scope management process to define exactly what the project is going to deliver and what hasn't made the cut.

What is a podcast business plan?

Generally speaking, business plans help you in three big areas: 1. Better Understand What You’re Doing. Creating a podcast business plan before you get started can help you to better understand what you’re doing before you get too deep into it. There’s a lot more to podcasting than simply uploading a new episode .

Why is it important to plan before recording a podcast?

Taking the time to plan before you start recording helps you think beyond listener numbers, episode titles and equipment. It gives you the chance to dig into what already exists, who you plan to make your podcast for , where you’re going to fit in and how you’re planning on growing.

Do podcasts need external funding?

I’ll start out by saying that not every podcaster seeks external funding. But with the rise of podcasting as a business function and the podcast-as-a-business model, external funding is becoming more popular. Funding means you need funders—whether that be through a financial institution or private investors.

Is podcasting a business?

Podcasting is just like any other business venture you’ll undertake. It takes time, money and resources to get it done. Even if your end goal isn’t to run a million-dollar podcast and you simply want to have fun, driving down podcast highway with no destination in sight will get old very fast.

What to do when planning a podcast?

When you plan a podcast episode make sure that what you started talking about, all the questions you have raised in the beginning and promises you have made to your listeners find a satisfactory conclusion at the end of an episode.

Why is it important to plan a podcast?

When planning a podcast, you ensure that you deliver a coherent story before you even hit the record button. This allows to maximize engagement, boost the subscription rate, and deliver a high-quality audio experience. Good podcast structure also makes sure that your target listener leaves satisfied and expects another episode. 1.

What is a theme in podcasts?

A theme is more than a topic idea for a podcasting episode. A topic is a subject or general idea dealt with within the episode. Your theme will be the specific idea or a lesson you, as an author, are trying to pass.

How to make a good podcast?

Good podcast structure also makes sure that your target listener leaves satisfied and expects another episode. 1. Plan for the length of your episodes. The length of an episode is one thing where the audience likes predictability. If you have only one format of all the episodes keep them to the same length.

What happens when you listen to a podcast?

The worst thing that can happen when you listen to a podcast episode is a total lack of structure. If you don’t want to come off sounding on your show like random rambling, you need to plan podcast episode structure, from the intro, through the middle section, until the final closing words and a call to action.

How to promote your other content?

Promote your other content during the episode – make references . As your goal is to reach wider audiences, you want to promote your content. During the episode, mention your other work. When you are promoting your other content, it is extremely important to plan where they fit best in the structure of an episode.

What should be the start of an episode?

A start of an episode should have a familiar and recognizable formula, just like a favorite tv episode with key information. Good components to have in your introduction are: Musical intro – at the beginning have a memorable quick intro. It grabs attention and is a signal that the show is about to start.


Know Your Target Audience and Create A Theme

  • This is perhaps the most important task as it determines the approach your podcast needs to take. You should have as much information as possible about your ideal listener if you want to connect with your audience. Understand what people that you want to reach are passionate about. This will help you design your podcast according to their requireme...
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Create A Set of Goals

  • Once you know who you are targeting, the next step is to figure out why. Having a clear goal allows you to keep an eye on the bigger picture and ensure coherence in all your episodes. The goals you have determine many decisions such as the type of guests you’ll invite, the structure you’ll adopt, and much more. Many podcasters plan excellent episodes and execute them but th…
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Study The Competition to Identify Opportunities

  • You can’t have a clear idea of what needs to be done without understanding the current situation of the market. Analyzing the competition to identify opportunities is an age-old tactic used in every industry. Podcasts especially require this step because the audience requires something unique. When you plan a podcast, you’ll need to spend a lot of time studying the competition if y…
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Generate The Topics You Want to Cover

  • Create a list of topics you want to cover. The best approach is to identify your strengths and match them with your target audience’s pain points. This will allow you to make your brand relatable to the consumers and market new products. However, you need to be careful while selecting a topic. A podcast is not an advertisement. You need to ensure that the topics focus o…
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Decide The Tone, Voice, and Other Technical Details

  • By this stage, you’ll have a fair idea of your podcast’s general outlook. This is the time for you to decide the tone, structure, and other technical details. The sign of an effective podcast is that it leaves a lasting impression on the listener. For that, it’s extremely important for you to ensure that the audience relates to you. For instance, you’ll need to adopt a certain tone and style for a podc…
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Work on Your Content

  • The next important planning step is to perfect your content as it is the actual product your audience is coming for. Before working on the script, ensure that you have all the required knowledge about the topic you’ve decided to cover. It’s also important to ensure that you have all the latest updates regarding a related event, personality, or incident. You’ll lose all your credibilit…
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Stay Connected with Your Audience

  • An important element for any podcast is the connection with the audience. If your audience is enjoying your content, they’ll leave out suggestions, criticism, and other feedback for you. Acting on that feedback will allow you to further improve your content and gain a regular audience. Similarly, staying connected with the audience through surveys, engagement in the comment se…
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Spread Your Creative Wings

  • Finally, the hardest part. When you plan a podcast, you need to ensure that your audience sees the real you through creatively sharing personal experiences and connecting them with the focus topic. Podcasts are popular because people prefer to gain knowledge and information in a conversational manner. Meticulous planning sometimes takes all the life from the podcast and l…
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