Podcast FAQ

podcast questions list funny

by Dr. Loraine Hauck Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What makes a great podcast interview question?

But the ultimate goal of a great podcast interview question is the same: what will get your guest to reveal something about who they are, how they think, or what they know that provides value to your audience?

What makes podcasts so interesting?

One aspect that makes podcasts so much more interesting than other forms of informational media is the interplay between interviewer and guest. Don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions if your instincts are telling you there’s more to be uncovered. You don’t need to stick to your script the whole time!

What is the most difficult part of starting a podcast?

One of the most difficult parts of hosting and starting a podcast is finding ways to make your remote interviews unique. After all, it seems like everyone has an interview-style podcast these days.

How long should a podcast guest be for a podcast?

Agree on an end time upfront with your guests and stick with it, If you don’t know how long you need, then produce a topic list and assign 10 minutes per topic. 40 minutes works as a strong starting point. Are podcast guests typically paid for their appearance? No. There are cases where you can pay a podcast guest.


What are some great podcast questions?

What are three movies you'd recommend to my audience and why? What are three other podcasts you'd recommend to my audience and why? What's one question you wish I'd asked you, and how would you have answered? Where can listeners find you online?

What are some fun questions to ask?

9 Fun, Random Questions to AskIf you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be? ... Who would play you in a movie of your life? ... If you could shop for free at one store, which one would you choose? ... What's the worst thing you did as a kid? ... If you could marry a fictional character, who would it be and why?More items...

What are the weirdest questions?

Weird Questions to AskWhat would you do if you found a dead body in a hotel room?If bald people work in a restaurant, do they still need to wear a hairnet?Which one would you prefer: have no nose but have really good smelling fingers or be blind but have a really nice smile?More items...•

What are some weird interview questions?

Examples of Weird Interview QuestionsHow many basketballs can fit on a bus?What two things, aside from food and water, would you want on a deserted island?How many pizzas are ordered every night in the United States?What would you do if you won the lottery?Blue or green?More items...•

What are 10 good questions?

Break the ice and get to know people better by selecting several of these get-to-know-you questions.Who is your hero?If you could live anywhere, where would it be?What is your biggest fear?What is your favorite family vacation?What would you change about yourself if you could?What really makes you angry?More items...

What are 50 questions to ask?

“What's Your Favorite…” QuestionsWhat was your favorite food when you were a child?What's the #1 most played song on your iPod?What is one of your favorite quotes?What's your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?What chore do you absolutely hate doing?What is your favorite form of exercise?More items...

What are the most interesting questions?

Here are 5 interesting get to know you questions:Do you have any ridiculous goals in life? ... What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done? ... What cartoon do you still like to watch? ... What personality trait do you wish you had? ... What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone to get back at them?

What's an unanswerable question?

adjective. If you describe a question as unanswerable, you mean that it has no possible answer or that a particular person cannot possibly answer it. They would ask their mother unanswerable questions. Synonyms: insoluble, unexplainable, unresolvable, unascertainable More Synonyms of unanswerable.

What are uncomfortable questions to ask?

What's the most embarrassing thing you've said or done in front of someone you like? What part of your body do you love, and which part do you hate? Who is your celebrity crush? If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be?

What are the 5 hardest interview questions?

Learn how to answer five of the toughest interview questions here:"Tell me about yourself." This is not the time to share your life story. ... "What do you think is your greatest weakness?" ... "What did you like least about your last (or current) job?" ... "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" ... "Tell me about a time you failed."

What are nonsense interview questions?

Cue ridiculous interview questions…If you could be Batman or Robin, which one would you be?What football team do you Support? ... Do you prefer cats or dogs?Why on earth are you here today?What was the most traumatic experience to happen in your personal life?Sing a song that best describes you.More items...

What are the best podcast topics?

Find a topic you, your audience and your guest can resonate with. You are best to focus on a niche, For example rather than food, you could concent...

What is the ideal length for a podcast interview?

Agree on an end time upfront with your guests and stick with it, If you don’t know how long you need, then produce a topic list and assign 10 minut...

Are podcast guests typically paid for their appearance?

No. There are cases where you can pay a podcast guest. Generally, if they are an expert on a special episode. The majority of podcast guests are un...

How to get interviewed on podcasts?

Start reaching out to smaller podcast/podcast hosts that you share interested with. Once you start to build up a portfolio you can then share this...

50 Podcast Interview Question Ideas for 2022

Depending on your niche and the kind of guests you interview, the best podcast questions to ask may vary. Do you interview celebrities? Experts in your chosen topic? Authors? Friends and family?

How to Come Up with Better Questions

Hopefully this list of podcast questions to ask has gotten your mind into gear. But odds are good that at least a few of your questions need to be a bit more specific to your niche and your interviewee in question.

Podcast Questions to Avoid Asking

While asking the best questions is paramount, it’s also important to know which types of questions to avoid. Keep the following in mind:

Should I Send Podcast Interview Questions Upfront?

While sending a list of interview questions is generally up to you, it’s considered polite to give your guest at least a heads-up of the topics you’ll want to cover. And some guests (especially the high-profile ones) even insist on seeing the podcast questions in advance.

A Great Interview Question Provides Value to Your Audience

For many remote interview podcasts, the episode is only as good as the questions (and, of course, the audio quality ). Finding the right balance of informative and entertaining usually starts with the host’s ability to put their guests at ease, converse with them naturally, and spark intriguing, dynamic conversation.

What is the key to an inspiring podcast interview?

Preparation and research is the key to an inspiring interview. Asking questions about the guest’s expertise and their background will often provide the best content for your listeners. View our guide on conducting a great podcast interview.

What to do when guest is regularly interviewed?

If the guest is regularly interviewed you do your research to avoid asking common questions. You risk getting a canned answer that does not resonate with your audience. As a matter of curiosity, you should avoid asking any deeply personal right away.

How to answer podcast questions?

To glean authentic, helpful answers from your expert guests, remember these takeaways: 1 Use the list of 25 revealing podcast interview questions 2 Prepare for the interview with a pre-interview 3 Focus on asking POV questions and follow up with what/why/how questions

What is POV question?

A POV (Point of View) question is meant to draw out a distinct perspective from your guest. Its objective is to turn a high-level topic like ABM or content marketing into a unique conversation around the guest’s specific experiences.

Here are 81 Funny Questions to Ask at Work

Playing Question of the Day is best way to have hilarious conversations with your friends, family or colleagues.

Do you like this list of fun questions to ask?

Asking questions fun questions is such a great way to lighten the mood and create a jubilant atmosphere. I hope you enjoyed this like of fun questions to ask, and if you do, then I've got a bonus below!

What are the stupidest questions?

Funny questions are great for generating a laugh and breaking the ice, and sometimes they can be downright silly. Here are a list of stupid questions that are actually brain teasers:

What's a deep question to ask a guy or girl?

Asking deep questions is an important way to get to know your friends or colleagues on a closer level. If you want to switch things up a bit, try asking some Deep Would You Rather Questions:

10 Fun Conversation Starting Questions to Ask

There’s nothing more awkward than meeting someone new and panicking to find something to talk about.

10 Best Fun Questions to Ask

What are some fun questions to ask? Well, the best fun questions to ask all have a few things in common: they focus on positive ideas and memories, they are great segues for fun stories, and they show your interest in the person you’re speaking to.

5 Fun Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather questions are like the multiple choice section of a test. You still have to think about your answer, but you have options to choose from.

7 Incredibly Funny Questions to Ask

There’s something about funny people. They’re magnetic. They lift the moods of everyone around them. They make great first impressions.

10 Fun Questions to Ask a Girl

There is a time for deep questions, there is a time for serious discussions, but there is also a time for fun.

10 Fun Questions to Ask a Guy

Men’s minds work differently than women’s. We can argue whether or not that’s a good thing, but the truth is that we tend to think about different things in different ways.

9 Fun questions to ask a new friend

Asking questions to your new friend shouldn't feel like an interview. You should also have some fun questions to ask a new friend to give a more relaxed environment for your friend.

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