Podcast FAQ

podcast show notes format

by Mr. Jamaal Hackett I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Keep it under 700 characters (about 105 words).
  • Start with a hook.
  • Introduce the guest.
  • Give a short but intriguing summary.
  • Include additional resources mentioned.
  • End with a call to action. How Long Should Podcast Show Notes Be? Good podcast show notes are no longer than 700 characters or about 105 words.

How to Write Podcast Show Notes (w/ Examples)
  • Keep it under 700 characters (about 105 words).
  • Start with a hook.
  • Introduce the guest.
  • Give a short but intriguing summary.
  • Include additional resources mentioned.
  • End with a call to action.

Full Answer

How to write great podcast show notes?

How to maximize your podcast show notes in 5 easy steps

  1. Write a loose content outline before recording. If you’re a little nervous about recording your first podcast episodes, don’t worry. ...
  2. Have your guests help you with the work. Now, this doesn’t mean you’ll ask your guests to edit their own episodes–that wouldn’t be good. ...
  3. Translate main ideas > transcribing. ...
  4. Share the podcast show notes on social media. ...

More items...

How to format Your Podcast show notes?

These critical podcast structure elements include:

  • The intro telling listeners what your show is about, and presents a hook to get them to continue listening.
  • The content of the episode. ...
  • The outro closing each episode, and including a call to action, a promise of what’s coming next in your show, and also, asking listeners to rate, review and subscribe to ...

What to include in podcast show notes?

The first two serve existing listeners:

  1. To offer a summary of the show content – either to persuade someone to listen, or to remind a previous listener what was covered.
  2. To offer links to resources, people or products that were mentioned. You can't link within the show itself, so you offer the links on the show notes. ...
  3. To attract new listeners through search traffic.

Why do podcasts need show notes?

  • Convince new (or busy) followers to listen. Someone who’s not an avid listener of your show might need a little convincing before they click play, and the episode’s notes are ...
  • Provide listeners with useful resources. ...
  • It gives you a chance to monetize your podcast through affiliate links. ...
  • Get new listeners thanks to SEO. ...
  • Promote. ...


How do you write podcast show notes?

Summarize the main points of the episode without giving too much away. Include the main topics that listeners might search for to entice them to listen, but don't reveal so much that they don't feel the need to tune in! Save time by writing your podcast show notes while you plan the episode.

What format of show is a podcast?

Podcast theater podcast format. Also know as Fictional Storytelling podcast format, these are fictional stories told across multiple episodes, similar to dramatic television. Some are narrated by a single voice. Others use multiple voice actors, sound effects, and other audio elements.

Is episode description the same as show notes?

They are both parts of the same toolbox, but they are two different tools. A description is an overview of the episode, but show notes are much more. While you are required by most hosting platforms to provide a description to post your episode, show notes are something you have to decide to do.

What are the three types of podcast formats?

Read on to learn all about podcast formats and which one is the ideal fit for your next show.Narrative-style podcast. Narrative-style podcasts tell the stories — stories of people, businesses, or brands. ... Solo Podcast. ... Co-hosted podcast. ... 1:1 interview podcast. ... Panel podcast.

What makes a good podcast format?

Pros of conversational podcasts: It's a relaxed format that can make your audience feel like they know hosts more personally. Co-hosts can ask each other questions to clarify topics for themselves and the listeners. Each hosts brings their own perspective and ideas to make episodes well-rounded.

What should be included in show notes?

First and foremost, your show notes must include all your episode basics. This should include that great episode title, the episode number, the date the episode aired, as well as including the names of any guests appearing on the episode.

What is an episode note?

Episode Notes A list of topics/themes discussed in the episode. Additional information about any guests and where listeners can learn more about them. A list of links/URLS to anything mentioned in the episode that listeners might want to check out (websites, podcasts, books, products, etc)

How do I summarize a podcast episode?

How To Write A Podcast SummaryGet to the point right off the bat. ... Remember, it's a podcast summary, not a blog post. ... A strong description should include all the major topics covered in the episode. ... Allow the most important information to stand out. ... If there's a guest on that episode, introduce them.More items...

What is a storytelling podcast?

A storytelling podcast is any show where episodes are structured as narratives. Each episode could be its own complete narrative, but in some cases, multiple episodes (or entire seasons!) are strung together to form a broad, cohesive narrative.

What is the most popular type of podcast?

ComedyComedy is the most popular podcast genre in the US 22% of respondents to a Statista survey about podcasts said that comedy was their favorite type of podcasts to listen to. News and true crime were also popular, with sport and health & fitness taking joint 4th place.

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

How do I make a video podcast?

How To Create A Video PodcastCapture the episode on video. If you plan to just use a static image for your video, your first step is to create that image. ... Edit the video. ... Design a thumbnail image. ... Upload the video to Castos. ... Share the YouTube link on social media.

Why is it important to have a good podcast format?

The right format will keep your content organized and make it accessible to your listeners. Without a strong format, your show will seem disjointed and messy. Podcast formats also create consistency for your listeners. When you stick to a format, your listeners will know what to expect when they open each new episode.

How many stories can you tell on a podcast?

You can tell one story per episode or span your story across an entire series. Or you could simply report the news. This is an excellent podcast format for listeners who like to learn more about our world. You have the opportunity to expose people to new ideas, concepts, and events.

What is repurposing content?

Repurposing content is when you take content that already exists and transform it in a way to get more value out of it. You might add to it, split it up, or transpose it to a new medium. Some bloggers simply take existing written content and repurpose it into a podcast for an audio experience.

What is panel podcast?

A panel podcast is similar to an interview podcast, but with more people. Each episode has a single host and a group of guests. For your listener, it feels like overhearing an organic conversation between friends.

How to make your show better?

You’ll constantly look for ways to make your show better, produce better content, and engage with your audience. You’ll care enough to put in the extra effort to land that tough guest, explain that complex topic, or boost your show’s production value. Don’t choose a format that’s completely out of your wheelhouse.

How long does it take to talk on a podcast?

It’s a lot of talking. Speaking for 30 to 45 minutes is tiring. And that’s only if you record it perfectly the first time. Realistically, you’ll talk for an hour or more for each episode.

Who is on the Gabfest podcast?

Stephen Colbert says “Everybody should listen to the Slate Political Gabfest.” The Gabfest, featuring Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz , is the kind of informal and irreverent discussion Washington journalists have after hours over drinks.

What is podcast note?

Podcast show notes are one of those tasks that you KNOW is essential, but you can never bring yourself to love it. After all, you've done the fun stuff: planning content, playing with your kit, recording a show.

What is the purpose of podcast notes?

Podcast show notes serve three main purposes. The first two serve existing listeners: 1. To offer a summary of the show content – either to persuade someone to listen, or to remind a previous listener what was covered. 2. To offer links to resources, people or products that were mentioned .

How to write a show notes?

Here's a best practice show notes format we often use, and which you can build from: 1 Episode Summary – paragraph or bullet points 2 Episode Player – embed from your host 3 Timecode guide – list highlights and timecodes to skip to 4 Full Topic guide – a blog post, essentially, covering the same topic 5 Resources mentioned – summary & links to all resources

How much does it cost to have a transcription of a show?

If you're really short of time, it might be worth considering transcriptions. You can pay around $1 per minute to have a full transcription done of any show. If you're doing quite short, focused episodes, these transcriptions can be very useful and readable for your listeners.

Can you set up podcast notes?

Don't want to set something up only to have to re-do it. The short answer is, yes. Podcast show notes are nothing more than a blog post with an audio file attached. But, they're also so much more than that.

What is podcast note?

Podcast show notes are an in-depth written account of what happened during an episode and additional resources that take the content one step further. The additional resources include links to articles mentioned during an episode, guest bios and social channels, videos, and relevant calls-to-action. On the other hand, an episode summary is one ...

What to include in podcast notes?

Charts, visuals, and videos. If you refer to any specific chart, graphs, images, infographics, videos, or other visuals during your episode, it’s helpful to include them in your podcast show notes. They grab the reader’s attention, support your content, and give your audience something to share.

How to write show notes?

Since one of the purposes of your show notes is to appease search engines, it’s important to follow SEO best practices. This means every page should target a specific keyword. The keyword should appear in these key locations: 1 Your page title (the <title> tag) 2 The page’s URL. As close to the domain as possible. 3 The main heading (the <h1>) 4 A few subheadings (<h2>, <h3>, etc.) 5 The first 100 words of text on the page. 6 The last 100 words of text on the page. 7 Sprinkled throughout the copy in reasonable places. 8 Your image ALT attributes.

What is the purpose of show notes?

SEO friendly title and copy. Since one of the purposes of your show notes is to appease search engines, it’s important to follow SEO best practices. This means every page should target a specific keyword. The keyword should appear in these key locations: Your page title (the <title> tag) The page’s URL.

How to start a podcast page?

Start your page content with a brief summary of the episode. Your goal here is to convince the reader to hit that play button. Hook them with a story, a provocative statement, a thought-provoking question. Don’t be afraid to create suspense or debunk conventional wisdom. Keep it under 100 words.

Why do you put transcriptions at the bottom of your show notes?

Include this at the bottom of your show notes so readers only have to scroll through it if they want to. A transcription does wonders for your SEO by adding a ton of content to the page for search engines to read. This is a great way to attract people to your website who may become listeners.

Why do podcasts have show notes?

Show notes also offer the opportunity to re-promote older episodes. Most podcasts are centered around a specific topic so referencing previously published episodes is bound to happen. Including a link to past content helps both current and new listeners to consume your back catalog, likely creating more loyal audience members.

What is show notes?

Simply put, show notes are a preview or an overview of your podcast episode for your listener. Like the commercial for a business or a trailer for a show or movie, they help the listener understand the point, the purpose & what to expect.

Why do you need a podcast player?

First, it lets people listen to your podcast easily while they are reading the show notes. Second, it collects analytics of how your listeners are interacting with your show. Third, it adds to the visual experience of your podcast website by including the podcast cover art.

What to include in your episode description

An episode description is one of the first things people will see in their listening app, even before they hit play. Because of that, your main goal with the episode description is to build curiosity and get someone to hit play, not to give them a full summary of the entire episode.

What is the goal of expanded show notes?

Simply put, the goal of podcast show notes is to share more information with your listeners. That information could be related to the episode, but it could also mean more information about your guest, your business, or how they can keep in touch with you.

What to include in your podcast show notes

Determining what to include in your show notes can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Don’t spend a lot of time stressing about what specific items to include. If in doubt, keep it simple. You can always go in and add more later.

How to write show notes

One common question I’m asked is, “ How do I write show notes?” And my best tip is to create formulas or templates for yourself so you aren’t starting from a blank page each time.

Where to build your podcast show notes

For some reason, show notes seem very mysterious to new podcast hosts. So I don’t know who needs to hear this, but show notes are literally just blog posts with one embedded player at the top .

Final thoughts on how to write the best show notes for your podcast

Podcast show notes are used to share information with your listeners and further your relationship. And even though it may add a few extra steps to your workflow, creating dedicated show notes on your website will expand your marketing options, since you’ll be able to try strategies like SEO or Pinterest to build your podcast audience.

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