Podcast FAQ

podcast sponsorship packages

by Mariam Mraz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What’s in a Sponsorship Package?

  • Ad Type. ...
  • Number of Ads in the Show. ...
  • Cost Per Thousand Downloads (CPM) This is one way to come up with a price that your sponsor will pay per thousand downloads. ...
  • Cost Per Action (CPA) Another common method of calculating a price is the CPA, which is the amount a sponsor pays based on how many people take action.
  • Number of Episodes. ...
  • Extra items. ...

Full Answer

How much to charge for a podcast sponsorship?

Podcast sponsorship works because the audience and topics are highly targeted. Podcast ads, when done well, are part of the content, as opposed to interruptions. $25 per 1000 downloads is the typical CPM rate for podcast sponsorship – however, there are no set “rules”. The optimal position for an ad in a podcast episode is in the middle.

How to get your first podcast sponsorship?

Three Approaches to Podcast Sponsorship

  1. Media Hosting The first option is to let your media hosting take care of it. ...
  2. Sponsorship Agencies If you’d prefer to keep your hosting and your sponsorship separate, then a dedicated sponsorship agency might work for you. ...
  3. Do it Yourself!

How and why to sponsor a podcast?

  • Record at least 10 episodes before launching. There are few things worse than an interesting podcast that launches and then makes its listeners wait until the next episode. ...
  • Pre-promote your podcast to your existing audience. ...
  • Create a podcast-specific landing page. ...
  • Once you launch, encourage reviews. ...
  • Consider launching in video. ...

How to get sponsors for a podcast?

Where to Find Podcast Sponsors

  • Small Businesses and Independent Creators. You don’t have to pitch a huge company to get a sponsor. ...
  • Podcast Networks. Podcast networks, like PodcastOne, are a group of podcasts produced and distributed by a single company.
  • Podcast Hosting Services. ...
  • Outside Ad Networks. ...


How much do sponsors pay on podcasts?

Sponsors pay on a cost per mille basis (mille is Latin for “thousand”). Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more. You can price your ads differently depending on where you place them within your episode.

What should I offer podcast sponsors?

Typically, podcasters stand to earn around $20 per ad, per 1000 downloads, within 30 days of an episode's release. CPM can work well for podcasts that have download numbers in the thousands. But, many podcasts have much smaller audiences than that.

Where can I get sponsors for my podcast?

Here are the four main ways to find podcast sponsors:Reach Out to Sponsors Directly. The simplest strategy? ... Partner With a Hosting Service. Podcast hosting services give your podcast a home on the internet. ... Join a Podcast Network. Some networks let you list your show (sometimes for free) on their platform. ... Use a Directory.

How do sponsorships work for podcasts?

Many sponsors will pay based on how many downloads your podcast gets, usually in increments of 1000. The amount of money that an advertiser will pay you per 1000 downloads is known as the CPM (cost per mille.)

How much should you charge for a podcast ad?

Average Podcast Advertising Rates According to AdvertiseCast, the industry average rates for podcast advertising are: $15 for a 10-second ad CPM. $18 for a 30-second ad CPM.

How do podcasts get funding?

Advertising and sponsorships are probably the first things you think of when looking for ways to make money from podcasting. There are several different podcast ad networks that can connect you with advertisers. They do all the work of finding advertisers, negotiating rates, getting the script, and more.

How do I find a sponsor?

How to Get a Sponsorship: 8 Key TacticsResearch potential sponsors. Look at your existing supporters. ... Tell your organization's story. ... Provide sponsor incentives. ... Reach out to established companies. ... Use data to legitimize your pitch. ... Find the right contact. ... Build a connection over time. ... Follow up.

How many listeners do podcasts need to get sponsored?

Sponsorship type It can be CPM, value-based, or affiliate. In the CPM (Cost Per Mille) approach, a sponsor pays for every 1000 downloads or views. If your CPM rate is $30 and your podcast is downloaded or listened to 10,000 times, you get paid $300.

Should I sponsor a podcast?

You can often get even lower prices by committing to, say, a three-month sponsorship. Since a podcast's audience isn't geographically limited, podcasts are a great advertising vehicle for web-based businesses such as e-commerce companies. They may be less effective for companies that rely on a local customer base.

How do I monetize my podcast?

How To Monetize A Podcast DirectlyAsk for donations. The simplest way to monetize a podcast is to ask people for money. ... Create paid membership tiers. ... Sell sponsorships or ads. ... Join an advertising network. ... Sell premium episodes. ... Gate your back catalog. ... Sell repurposed content. ... Syndicate your show to YouTube.

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

How do I promote my podcast?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

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What is podcast sponsorship?

A podcast sponsorship is basically a partnership formed between you as the content creator and a company, organization or even another individual who provides you with compensation to leverage your audience.

What is podcast advertising?

Podcast advertising is an out and out paid marketing tactic that can include: Pre-Roll “spots” that appear as a sort of intro ad before the podcast begins. Mid-Roll ads that tend to annoy listeners as they are inserted mid podcast. Post-Roll which as you can guess appears at the end of the podcast.

Why do sponsors take advantage of audiences?

As with any form of sponsorship opportunity, sponsors take advantage of audiences to help meet their goals. Commonly sponsors are looking to either sell more products, find more customers, or increase brand awareness for a specific purpose or just in general.

What is the difference between sponsorship and advertising?

Ads can be produced as something the host presents, or as an actual commercial like you would hear on the radio. Sponsorships, on the other hand, take advertising and marketing opportunities to the next level.

Is sharing the spotlight an appealing idea?

For some, sharing the spotlight is not an appealing idea as it might steal their thunder. In this case, sponsorship might be more limited to things such as explaining to listeners why they should be pumped about a certain product or service.

Does podcast sponsorship include ads?

It offers integration directly related to the podcast as opposed to just mention of a brand via ad spots. That’s not to say sponsorships don’t include ads as part of the sponsorship deal. However, it is not limited to the ad itself.

Why do podcast sponsors work?

Podcast sponsorships work so well because it is YOU, the host, that is promoting the product or service, and your listeners trust you. That trust will deteriorate if you make it seem more about the sponsorships than the listener. Finally, it’s bad for the host… you!

What is a midroll in podcasts?

Midroll: You have lot more flexibility here. Typically your Midroll is inserted somewhere around the 40 – 70% mark of the podcast episode. During these 60 seconds the host will talk about the sponsor’s product or service, often sharing a personal story if possible and revealing some of the features and benefits.

How long is a postroll on Entrepreneurs on Fire?

Another opportunity for sponsorships is a Postroll, which is typically between 15 – 30 seconds. This is the last call to action your listeners will hear, and on Entrepreneurs on Fire it’s proving to be a call to action that drives results.

How to Make a Sponsorship Package for your Podcast

First, I’m sure you’re wondering, what is a sponsorship package? You’re not alone! I had no idea what it was until a month ago and I’ve been podcasting for 2 years now.

How to Name Sponsorship Tiers

This isn’t that necessary, but when I see creativity like this in a sponsorship package, it shows me that the hosts care about their show and are going to do a good job when it comes to the ad itself.

Why are Brands Sponsoring You?

Another important thing to keep in mind and ask your sponsor is what the goal of their marketing campaign is. There are two main reasons for a sponsorship campaign on a podcast:

Wrap it up!

Put a bow on it and send away! Anyone can design a nice single page sponsorship package now. With Canva or InDesign, it’s easy to do these days. Now, you can start sending it out to local companies, or at least use it if you’re approached by a brand interesting in sponsoring your show.

Happy podcasting!

About the Author — Victoria Fraser is a freelance podcaster and marketer who works with clients around the world. You can connect with on through her website victoriafraser.ca to work together or just say thanks for the advice!

Be heard where it matters

Share your brand’s message in some of today’s most beloved, listened-to podcasts.

Target Your Campaign

Target core listener demographics — age, gender, household income — with a 90% match rate. Tailor your reach with more than 250 targetable behavioral segments against listener attributes such as occupation and interests.

Find the right fit

National Public Media partners with sponsors to elevate their audio strategies for today’s media and advertising landscape. With a range of products, NPM can build campaigns that perform across platforms, from smart speakers to the NPR One app.

Different Types of Podcast Ads

Before looking at the different types of podcast ads, you need to know that the majority of podcasts offer three slots for ads. Your ad can appear in the first 10% of the episode (known as a pre-roll ad), in the middle of the episode (known as a mid-roll ad), or towards the end of the episode (known as a post-roll ad).

Average Ad Rates

When it comes to podcast advertising, there are different ways that the pricing can be structured. Most commonly, it will be a fixed rate or calculated using the cost-per-mile (CPM) model.

Information For Brands Looking to Advertise on Podcasts

If you’re interested in exploring podcast sponsorships, you can either manually shortlist a number of shows and reach out to them on your own or use the services of a company that links businesses with possible podcasts. If you pick the latter approach, you can, for example, try Midroll.

Information For Podcasts Looking to Get Sponsors

While there’s no set method for attracting sponsorships, there are a couple of proven strategies. Initially, you’ll find that you’ll need to put in more work to get sponsors, but as your podcast becomes more popular it will become less work and brands will start to reach out to you directly.

Frequently Asked Questions

People love podcasts and they’ve become increasingly popular in recent years. The number of active podcasts nearly doubled in the span of two years, while almost 60% of all US consumers older than 12 listen to podcasts, according to Statista. Thanks to its popularity, podcasts are excellent for advertising.

Create Your Sponsor Package Now!

Podcast listenership is exploding! AND the podcast boom is still just getting started so there is A LOT of opportunity to tap into that growth by getting sponsors for your podcast…

Tony Guarnaccia

Tony Guarnaccia is a widely recognized authority on business growth, marketing and AdTech. Tony has grown over 10,000 small businesses and a dozen Fortune 500 companies, including Ford, General Motors, AutoNation and ADP. He has managed over $400 million in advertising spend and in 2009 earned the prestigious title of Google Partner of the Year.

Create beautiful proposals in minutes

Use our professionally-designed templates to get started and include video, images, maps and more.

Share them as responsive web pages

Share your podcast sponsorship proposal as a webpage that looks great on any device, or download it as a PDF for sharing the old fashioned way.

Get notified when your proposal is viewed

Get notified the moment your proposal is viewed, and see detailed analytics on who viewed it, what content they engaged with, and more.

Allow prospects to accept and sign online

According to research, digital signatures can reduce proposal turnaround time by up to 80%. Get approval and signoff faster by allowing prospects to accept and sign your proposal online.

Integrate with other tools to drive efficiency

Reduce manual processes by integrating with the CRM, accounting, live chat & analytics tools you use to run your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Podcast Sponsorship Proposal is a proposal designed to offer your sponsorship marketing to podcasts. It outlines what your sponsorship services entail, pricing and some background on your business and previous work completed. It also provides some detail on your client to demonstrate why they need your sponsorship.

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