Podcast FAQ

podcast sponsorship proposal

by Hershel Fisher Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is a Podcast Sponsorship Proposal? A Podcast Sponsorship Proposal is a proposal designed to offer your sponsorship marketing to podcasts. It outlines what your sponsorship services entail, pricing and some background on your business and previous work completed.

Full Answer

How to ask for sponsorship for a podcast?

Rather than ask for sponsorship outright like you do in a sponsorship proposal, your letter is a request for the sponsor’s time. If the podcast sponsor responds in the positive, what usually follows is the discovery session, which I’ll talk about a little later in this guide.

What does a sponsorship proposal include?

It outlines what your sponsorship services entail, pricing and some background on your business and previous work completed. It also provides some detail on your client to demonstrate why they need your sponsorship. Why use Qwilr to create a Podcast Sponsorship Proposal?

How to monetize your podcast to achieve financial success?

This guide will help you monetize your podcast to achieve financial success as well. One means of connecting with a podcast sponsorship prospect is with a script or sponsorship letter. A sponsorship letter shares a lot in common with your sponsorship proposal but isn’t quite the same.

Do I have to sign a contract to run a podcast?

There are no contracts, monthly charges or long-term commitments. You always maintain ownership of your podcast and content. You also always get to choose which sponsors you work with, propose creative sponsorship formats, and set your own prices and schedules. You always have freedom and control.


How do you write a sponsorship proposal for a podcast?

Ahead, I'll elaborate on each of these seven pointers so you can write proposals that will entice podcast sponsors!7 Steps for Writing a Winning Podcast Sponsorship Proposal.Focus on Audience Data.Be Ready to Talk Less About Yourself Than You'd Think.Take the Time to Create Great Assets.Include Case Studies.More items...

How much should I charge for a podcast sponsorship?

Prices for podcast sponsorships are typically based on the number of average downloads. Sponsors pay on a cost per mille (CPM) basis. Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though podcasts like This American Life or HowStuffWorks with millions of listeners can pull in a lot more.

How do you get sponsors for podcasts?

4 Strategies to Get Podcast SponsorsReach Out to Sponsors Directly. The simplest strategy? ... Partner With a Hosting Service. Podcast hosting services give your podcast a home on the internet. ... Join a Podcast Network. Some networks let you list your show (sometimes for free) on their platform. ... Use a Directory.

How much do podcasts get paid for sponsorships?

How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn. Sponsors pay on a cost per mille basis (mille is Latin for “thousand”). Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more.

How much do ads pay podcasters?

Industrywide, the average CPM rate is $18 per 1,000 listeners for 30-second ads and $25 per 1,000 listeners for 60 seconds ads. Podcasts with audience sizes ranging from 500 to over 100,000 listeners charged a CPM rate between $21 to $27 for 30-second ads. For 60-second ads, the CPM rate was between $23 and $37.

How much do podcasts make per ad?

The amount of money a podcast can charge for an ad is charged per hundred thousand listeners (CPM). Advertisement rates can range from $20 CPM to $100 CPM.

How many listeners does a podcast need to get sponsors?

How many podcast downloads do you need to get sponsors? Many podcast sponsors are looking for at least 5,000 downloads per episode, and they often pay based on the number of downloads each podcast episode gets (in increments of 1,000).

How do podcasts get funding?

Advertising and sponsorships are probably the first things you think of when looking for ways to make money from podcasting. There are several different podcast ad networks that can connect you with advertisers. They do all the work of finding advertisers, negotiating rates, getting the script, and more.

How much should I charge for a podcast?

Expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $15,000+ for an episode depending on the type of podcast you are producing (interview-based, narrative or story-driven, or a mixture of the two). Agencies and teams functioning in this space are experts and have the experience and evidence to prove it.

Does Spotify pay you for podcasts?

Streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts pay out for streams, but the payout tends to be very low. Podcast sponsorships are one way, but for new podcasts, the likelihood of finding a high-paying sponsorship is slim unless you're already a well-established figure.

Do podcasts on Spotify make money?

Commissions From Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is another primary avenue for earning money on Spotify podcasts. You quote a unique link in your podcast through which your listeners can purchase products. The seller pays you commissions on purchases customers make through your link.

How do podcast sponsors work?

Many sponsors will pay based on how many downloads your podcast gets, usually in increments of 1000. The amount of money that an advertiser will pay you per 1000 downloads is known as the CPM (cost per mille.)

Focus on Audience Data

If you read my guide on what to charge for podcast sponsorship, then you might recall the quote I mentioned pertaining to audience data. That quote is that the riches are in the niches.

Take the Time to Create Great Assets

If there’s one takeaway I want you to get from this guide (besides that audience data is everything), it’s that advertising is far from the only asset you can offer a sponsor.

Include Case Studies

Think back to the history of your podcast. Surely, between those terrifying but incredible early days and now, you’ve worked with somebody else or even a company. Even if no money changed hands as part of the deal, the details of this arrangement can be added to your case study if it produced positive results of any kind.

Provide Experiential Marketing Ideas

No sponsorship proposal is complete without activation opportunities. Activations are a form of experiential marketing. If your podcast is ever involved in physical or digital events or livestreams, then the floor is open for activations.

Make It Very Easy to Contact You

My last podcast sponsorship proposal tip is this: spend some time on the last page of the proposal.

What is podcast sponsorship?

Podcast sponsorship is the most traditional method of monetisation in the medium. But it can take many different forms, and it's not necessarily the right approach for everyone looking to monetise their content. Here, we'll take a look at the various ways podcast sponsorship can work. We'll also cover how to reach out to potential sponsors – should ...

What is podcast success?

Most podcasts that “succeed” focus on a certain topic or niche. That means the audiences they build around them generally share a common interest. That could be anything, from losing weight, to breeding gerbils, to collecting stamps, or brewing coffee.

How much do podcasters make per ad?

This is a method of measuring advertising based on audience numbers. Typically, podcasters stand to earn around $20 per ad, per 1000 downloads, within 30 days of an episode's release. CPM can work well for podcasts that have download numbers in the thousands. But, many podcasts have much smaller audiences than that.

What is a media kit for a podcast?

A media kit is basically the essential information about sponsoring your show, packaged up in an easy-to-read manner.

Why is voice over less effective on podcasts?

This is a lot less effective because the audience listens to hear the thoughts and opinions of the presenter. Having a random Voice-Over interrupting the content to quickly give you a sales pitch can be jarring, and even annoying.

Can you run ads on podcasts?

Some media hosts and agencies can set you up to run ‘dynamic' ads on your podcast. This means that you can earn from running ever-updating radio-style ads on all of your episodes.

Can you advertise on a podcast?

Advertising on a podcast isn't like putting up a billboard at the side of a road, where 90% of the folks who see it aren't a company's target audience. Granted, targeting isn't exclusive to podcasts. Things like trade magazines and blogs can be very niche and targeted, for example.

What is podcast sponsorship?

A podcast sponsorship is basically a partnership formed between you as the content creator and a company, organization or even another individual who provides you with compensation to leverage your audience.

What is the difference between sponsorship and advertising?

Ads can be produced as something the host presents, or as an actual commercial like you would hear on the radio. Sponsorships, on the other hand, take advertising and marketing opportunities to the next level.

What is podcast advertising?

Podcast advertising is an out and out paid marketing tactic that can include: Pre-Roll “spots” that appear as a sort of intro ad before the podcast begins. Mid-Roll ads that tend to annoy listeners as they are inserted mid podcast. Post-Roll which as you can guess appears at the end of the podcast.

Why do sponsors take advantage of audiences?

As with any form of sponsorship opportunity, sponsors take advantage of audiences to help meet their goals. Commonly sponsors are looking to either sell more products, find more customers, or increase brand awareness for a specific purpose or just in general.

Is sharing the spotlight an appealing idea?

For some, sharing the spotlight is not an appealing idea as it might steal their thunder. In this case, sponsorship might be more limited to things such as explaining to listeners why they should be pumped about a certain product or service.

Does podcast sponsorship include ads?

It offers integration directly related to the podcast as opposed to just mention of a brand via ad spots. That’s not to say sponsorships don’t include ads as part of the sponsorship deal. However, it is not limited to the ad itself.

What is podcast sponsorship?

A podcast sponsorship is based on a transactional relationship between an independent content creator and a company or other individual who provides the host with some form of compensation (usually financial) in order to leverage the show’s audience as potential new customers.

What is a podcast?

Podcasts as sales tools. Podcasts are an intimate medium and as such are fantastic platforms for selling stuff. The relationship that is organically built between the audience and the host is not to be underestimated and results in product recommendations feeling more intimate and authentic.

Why do people use podcast networks?

Part of why people use podcast networks is that these institutions will often do a lot to get their podcasts in front of various advertisers, as well as offering a myriad of other services such as analytics and negotiations.

What happens if you don't use a podcast hosting service?

Podcast hosting services. If you’re not using a podcast hosting website, you’re missing out on some serious opportunities as a content creator. One of the many benefits you get alongside the near-ubiquitous subscription fees is advertising programs that you can apply to participate in.

How long after pitching your show should you send a follow up email?

This is normal! Don’t get discouraged. Best practice in this situation is to send a follow-up email around a week after your initial message.

What is a pitch for a podcast?

A pitch is one of the most common ways to reach out to a prospective sponsor. It is essentially just an email to the target company that discusses your podcast’s topic, outlines the benefits of a partnership, and proposes a price for them to consider in a concise email.

What is the rise of online media?

by Piper Thomson. The advent of online media has seen the rise of an entirely new profession: independent content creator. From YouTube stars to Instagram influencers, there are a plethora of different permutations and platforms one can use to make money off the expression of their ideas.

Different Types of Podcast Ads

Before looking at the different types of podcast ads, you need to know that the majority of podcasts offer three slots for ads. Your ad can appear in the first 10% of the episode (known as a pre-roll ad), in the middle of the episode (known as a mid-roll ad), or towards the end of the episode (known as a post-roll ad).

Average Ad Rates

When it comes to podcast advertising, there are different ways that the pricing can be structured. Most commonly, it will be a fixed rate or calculated using the cost-per-mile (CPM) model.

Information For Brands Looking to Advertise on Podcasts

If you’re interested in exploring podcast sponsorships, you can either manually shortlist a number of shows and reach out to them on your own or use the services of a company that links businesses with possible podcasts. If you pick the latter approach, you can, for example, try Midroll.

Information For Podcasts Looking to Get Sponsors

While there’s no set method for attracting sponsorships, there are a couple of proven strategies. Initially, you’ll find that you’ll need to put in more work to get sponsors, but as your podcast becomes more popular it will become less work and brands will start to reach out to you directly.

Frequently Asked Questions

People love podcasts and they’ve become increasingly popular in recent years. The number of active podcasts nearly doubled in the span of two years, while almost 60% of all US consumers older than 12 listen to podcasts, according to Statista. Thanks to its popularity, podcasts are excellent for advertising.

Realize Your Monetization Potential

You’re more than your number of listens. We value other factors that make your show great such as creativity, quality of content, topical expertise, etc.

Creative Freedom and Flexible Ad Formats

From host-read integrations to brand interviews and product reviews, Podcorn gives you the flexibility to integrate brands natively in a way that fits your unique voice.

Payment Security and Quick Payouts

Don’t wait weeks or months to get paid. Enjoy secure and painless payments typically within 24 hours of distributing approved content via PayPal, or Direct Deposit.

Be Independent and In Control

Browse opportunities, send proposals to brands, set your own rates and schedules, and always choose the brands that you want to work with.

Transparent and Secure Process

We require brands to deposit money upfront for your protection. We only retain a transparent 10% fee at payouts on completed campaigns. No hidden fees or agendas.

Build Meaningful Relationship With Brands

We remove the agency middle man, so you can enjoy direct access to opportunities and direct communication with brands in a secure and safe environment.

How to Make a Sponsorship Package for your Podcast

First, I’m sure you’re wondering, what is a sponsorship package? You’re not alone! I had no idea what it was until a month ago and I’ve been podcasting for 2 years now.

How to Name Sponsorship Tiers

This isn’t that necessary, but when I see creativity like this in a sponsorship package, it shows me that the hosts care about their show and are going to do a good job when it comes to the ad itself.

Why are Brands Sponsoring You?

Another important thing to keep in mind and ask your sponsor is what the goal of their marketing campaign is. There are two main reasons for a sponsorship campaign on a podcast:

Wrap it up!

Put a bow on it and send away! Anyone can design a nice single page sponsorship package now. With Canva or InDesign, it’s easy to do these days. Now, you can start sending it out to local companies, or at least use it if you’re approached by a brand interesting in sponsoring your show.

Happy podcasting!

About the Author — Victoria Fraser is a freelance podcaster and marketer who works with clients around the world. You can connect with on through her website victoriafraser.ca to work together or just say thanks for the advice!

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