Podcast FAQ

podcast sponsorship proposal template

by Grace Ratke Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to ask for sponsorship for a podcast?

Rather than ask for sponsorship outright like you do in a sponsorship proposal, your letter is a request for the sponsor’s time. If the podcast sponsor responds in the positive, what usually follows is the discovery session, which I’ll talk about a little later in this guide.

What does a sponsorship proposal include?

It outlines what your sponsorship services entail, pricing and some background on your business and previous work completed. It also provides some detail on your client to demonstrate why they need your sponsorship. Why use Qwilr to create a Podcast Sponsorship Proposal?

How to pitch a sponsorship deal for an event?

This Sponsorship Proposal Template was prepared for those who are looking to pitch a sponsorship deal for an event. When preparing an event proposal, it is essential that the proposal resonate with the prospective sponsor (s) and explain why their product (s) or service (s) should be associated with your event.

Should you add a video to your sponsor proposal?

Sometimes words and pictures just can’t do justice for what you can offer to a sponsor. This is where you may want to add a video. Videos are a good way to keep the text portion of your proposal short, while still providing a prospective sponsor with a lot of informational content about your event and how they can benefit from it.


How do you write a proposal for podcast sponsorship?

Ahead, I'll elaborate on each of these seven pointers so you can write proposals that will entice podcast sponsors!7 Steps for Writing a Winning Podcast Sponsorship Proposal.Focus on Audience Data.Be Ready to Talk Less About Yourself Than You'd Think.Take the Time to Create Great Assets.Include Case Studies.More items...

How do you pitch podcast sponsors?

How To Secure Podcast SponsorsStep 1: Consider your niche. The most important part of sponsorship is finding sponsors that fit your niche. ... Step 2: Search for potential sponsors. ... Step 3: Create your sponsorship proposal. ... Step 4: Send your pitch. ... Step 5: Follow up with potential sponsors.

How do I write a sponsorship proposal template?

How to Write a Proposal for an EventBriefly Introduce Your Organization, Event, & Goals. The first step is to let your potential sponsors know about your organization. ... Explain How Your Potential Sponsors Will Benefit. ... Offer Sponsorship Levels. ... Lay Out Your Terms & Conditions. ... Close With a Persuasive Call-To-Action.

How do you write a podcast proposal?

But before you get started, you need to decide who will see your plan when it's done....You'll want to write up:A quick overview of what your show is about and how it's presented.Outline the hosts, producers and other personnel involved.Create the mission, values and goals of the podcast.

How much should I charge for podcast sponsorship?

Most commonly, it will be a fixed rate or calculated using cost per mile (CPM). For a 30-second ad, the cost per mile (or cost per 1,000 listeners) is $15-18. For a 60-second ad, the cost per mile is $25-30, but it can be as much as $40. There are also a couple of factors that will impact an ad spot's price.

How much do podcasts make from sponsors?

How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn. Sponsors pay on a cost per mille basis (mille is Latin for “thousand”). Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more.

What should a sponsorship proposal say?

How to write your event sponsorship proposalDescribe the event in a nutshell. The event is the meat of the delicious meal you'll serve potential sponsors as you court them for investment. ... Present your target audience. ... Demonstrate your track record. ... Outline your process. ... Suggest some sponsorship packages.

What should a sponsorship proposal include?

Write a preliminary proposal to your potential sponsors and be sure to include these five important points.Demographics. ... Traffic. ... Sponsorship Exposure. ... Location of Sponsorship Material. ... Cost and Benefits. ... Testimonials From Past Sponsors. ... Sample Activations. ... If you liked this blog post, check out:

How many pages should a sponsorship proposal be?

The document may be 4-5 pages long with each page having a separate section. An attractive cover page that present a professional image is also useful.

Should I make my podcast an LLC?

Is an LLC good for a podcasting business? Yes. An LLC will give you personal liability protection against potential business risks as well as give your podcasting business more tax options and credibility. It is relatively inexpensive and simple to form and maintain an LLC.

Is there a template script for podcast?

The simplest intro template looks like this: “Welcome to [podcast name], where we discuss [podcast topic or tagline]. I'm [host name], and with me is [co-host name]. Today, we'll be talking about [episode topic] with our special guest, [guest name].

How do you structure a podcast plan?

How to Plan Podcast Episode Structure in 10 Easy StepsPlan for the length of your episodes.Have a theme for an episode.Use three-acts for engaging podcast episode structure.Plan podcast episode pacing.Introduction, back sell and greet the audience.Raise some early questions you want to address.More items...

How do podcast sponsorships work?

Affiliate Sponsorship Another model of podcast sponsorship is the affiliate commission route. Here, you run ads in the same manner as above. Instead of being paid per episode, or per 1000 downloads, payment is based on how many people actually buy the product or service.

How do I sell my podcast ads?

There are three ways that you can run your sponsorships: (1) By finding the advertisers through your podcast host, (2) By selling the ad spots yourself, or (3) Waiting for advertisers to come to you. Podcasts hosts such as Libsyn and Blubbry often contact shows hosted on their service with advertising opportunities.

How do I advertise my podcast?

Here's the big list of podcast promotion strategies we're keen to try.Leverage your guest's audience. ... Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways. ... Release at least 3 episodes on launch day. ... Convert the audio to a YouTube video. ... Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators. ... Transcribe the audio.More items...

How do you price a podcast?

Pricing is based on length (60 seconds or 30 seconds) and whether you select mid-roll or pre-roll placement. Dynamically inserted ads, which are pre-produced, pre-recorded and scheduled to be inserted into podcast content. Pricing is based on the average number of downloads in the first 30 days.

Is a Podcast Streamed Live?

Before being released, podcasts are recorded and edited. However, some people do hold live podcasts, especially if they are between fans. But, unli...

Why Is a Podcast Proposal Necessary?

A podcast proposal sponsored by a company or group requires a more official podcast proposal. This is since there are more financial concerns invol...

Are Podcasts Popular?

According to a study conducted by stastista, the number of podcast listeners in the United States surpassed 75 million by 2018. Which may easily fa...

Focus on Audience Data

If you read my guide on what to charge for podcast sponsorship, then you might recall the quote I mentioned pertaining to audience data. That quote is that the riches are in the niches.

Take the Time to Create Great Assets

If there’s one takeaway I want you to get from this guide (besides that audience data is everything), it’s that advertising is far from the only asset you can offer a sponsor.

Include Case Studies

Think back to the history of your podcast. Surely, between those terrifying but incredible early days and now, you’ve worked with somebody else or even a company. Even if no money changed hands as part of the deal, the details of this arrangement can be added to your case study if it produced positive results of any kind.

Provide Experiential Marketing Ideas

No sponsorship proposal is complete without activation opportunities. Activations are a form of experiential marketing. If your podcast is ever involved in physical or digital events or livestreams, then the floor is open for activations.

Make It Very Easy to Contact You

My last podcast sponsorship proposal tip is this: spend some time on the last page of the proposal.

How to sponsor a podcast?

If you like the idea of introducing guests to your podcasts, an easy way to offer sponsorship is to have a representative from your sponsors participate in your show. They might be there to field questions from listeners, or you might use an interview format. You can take things further by working in partnership with a sponsor to create a pop-up event of some kind, or contribute financing for you to do a live podcast from a relevant site like a trade show, popular mall, or even a bar or café if your podcast is a little edgier. In other words, the sky’s the limit.

How Do Podcast Sponsorships Work?

Not to sound flip, but how a podcast sponsorship works is between you and your sponsors. It provides you with an opportunity to explore your options and see how far you are willing to go with what you are willing to sell. For some, sharing the spotlight is not an appealing idea as it might steal their thunder. In this case, sponsorship might be more limited to things such as explaining to listeners why they should be pumped about a certain product or service. In other cases, you might look for opportunities to allow a sponsor to reach your audience in other ways such as via your email list or on social media.

What is the Difference Between Sponsorship & Advertising?

There really is quite a bit of difference! Podcast advertising is an out and out paid marketing tactic that can include:

What is CPM in podcasts?

CPM (cost per thousand): This is based on the number of downloads for your podcast but can also be applied to other sponsorship opportunities such as views of a video or livestream, social media impressions, etc. This is an easy way to put a dollar value on your audience so to speak. It also provides a measurement for ROI. Higher audience shows that don’t depend so much on engagement will usually make more money with this method.

What is podcast advertising?

Podcast advertising is an out and out paid marketing tactic that can include: Pre-Roll “spots” that appear as a sort of intro ad before the podcast begins. Mid-Roll ads that tend to annoy listeners as they are inserted mid podcast. Post-Roll which as you can guess appears at the end of the podcast.

Why do sponsors take advantage of audiences?

As with any form of sponsorship opportunity, sponsors take advantage of audiences to help meet their goals. Commonly sponsors are looking to either sell more products, find more customers, or increase brand awareness for a specific purpose or just in general.

How to reach out to a sponsor for a podcast?

Mention your name, the title of your podcast, any accolades you’re received, and what your show is about. That’s it.

What is a podcast sponsorship?

A podcast sponsorship is based on a transactional relationship between an independent content creator and a company or other individual who provides the host with some form of compensation (usually financial) in order to leverage the show’s audience as potential new customers.

What is the goal of a sponsor?

Sponsors typically have two goals that drive them to seek out content creation: either they want to directly sell their product to a consumer or, as is the case for most marketing campaigns these days, to gain a beachhead in the incessant roil of brands competing for space in the finite headspace of the consumer.

Why do people use podcast networks?

Part of why people use podcast networks is that these institutions will often do a lot to get their podcasts in front of various advertisers, as well as offering a myriad of other services such as analytics and negotiations.

How much should a midroll be in a podcast?

Midroll formats have a little more flexibility in terms of how you incorporate them into your content. These can be inserted anywhere between the 40-70% mark of your show, and allow for the host to take more time to incorporate the ad more organically into the podcast script.

How to monetize podcasts?

Whether you just want to subsidize some of the start-up cost for your podcasting equipment or forge a career of full-time content creation , podcast sponsorships are one of the easiest and most common ways to monetize your show. Make sure your ads flow organically into the episodes you are producing so that you don’t jeopardize your listener base with these practices.

What happens if you don't use a podcast hosting service?

Podcast hosting services. If you’re not using a podcast hosting website, you’re missing out on some serious opportunities as a content creator. One of the many benefits you get alongside the near-ubiquitous subscription fees is advertising programs that you can apply to participate in.

What is a podcast?

Podcasts as sales tools. Podcasts are an intimate medium and as such are fantastic platforms for selling stuff. The relationship that is organically built between the audience and the host is not to be underestimated and results in product recommendations feeling more intimate and authentic.

How Do I Start a Podcast and Get Paid?

When you’ve got a podcast (or you’re thinking about starting one), getting paid to do what you love is an exciting prospect. But you’re probably wondering: how can you get money simply from publishing audio content? New podcasters commonly ask whether podcast platforms themselves (like Spotify or Apple Podcasts) pay you for podcasts.

How do Podcast Sponsorships Work?

More and more brands are realizing that ads are extremely effective on podcasts. In fact, a poll of highly engaged podcast listeners conducted by Edison Research found that not only do these listeners not mind hearing ads in their podcasts, but:

Types of Podcast Advertisements

When you sign a podcast sponsorship deal, the brand is likely to prefer that you read a scripted ad and insert it into the audio of your podcast episode. This type of host-read ad is most common. Some sponsors will want you to read the script verbatim, while others give you an outline and don’t mind if you add your own twist.

How Do I Get Sponsors for My Podcast?

Once you’ve established your podcast and gained a decent following, you may feel ready to start looking for ways to get sponsorships for your podcast. The methods listed below are the most reliable ways to find paid sponsors for your show.

How Many Followers Do You Need for a Podcast Sponsorship, and When is the Right Time to Monetize?

It’s the eternal question: do you need to wait until you’re in the tens of thousands of followers range before seeking an income? Thankfully, not necessarily.

What is podcast sponsorship?

Podcast sponsorship is the most traditional method of monetisation in the medium. But it can take many different forms, and it's not necessarily the right approach for everyone looking to monetise their content. Here, we'll take a look at the various ways podcast sponsorship can work. We'll also cover how to reach out to potential sponsors – should ...

How Do I Create a Good Podcast Advert or Sponsorship Slot?

Doing the ads yourself is going to make them more effective. Your audience turns up to hear you , after all.

How Much Does Podcast Sponsorship Cost?

There's certainly no one-size-fits-all answer here, and lots of variables to consider.

How Do I Find a Sponsor?

There are media ad agencies and podcast hosting platforms that can work with you to help set up a sponsorship agreement for your show. This is the “middleman” approach, which can be easier to get off the ground, but less fruitful in the long run.

Why do podcasts have pre-recorded ads?

Pre-recorded ads are easier to run a ‘Mid-Roll' ad during a podcast interview.

What does it mean to be successful in podcasting?

Most podcasts that “succeed” focus on a certain topic or niche. That means the audiences they build around them generally share a common interest. That could be anything, from losing weight, to breeding gerbils, to collecting stamps, or brewing coffee. Straight away, this gives podcasting the strength of targeting.

What is a media kit for a podcast?

A media kit is basically the essential information about sponsoring your show, packaged up in an easy-to-read manner.

What is Sponsorship Contract?

This [Event.Name] Sponsorship Contract (the “Contract”) states the terms and conditions that govern the contractual agreement between [Client.Company] having its principal place of business at [Client.Address] (the “Sponsor”), and [Sender.Company] (the “Host”) who agrees to be bound by this Agreement.

What is a Pandatip sponsorship?

PandaTip: This Sponsorship Proposal Template was prepared for those who are looking to pitch a sponsorship deal for an event. When preparing an event proposal, it is essential that the proposal resonate with the prospective sponsor (s) and explain why their product (s) or service (s) should be associated with your event. Customize your cover page for free, like the one above, within the PandaDoc application to fit the theme of your event.

Can you add a video to a proposal?

Sometimes words and pictures just can’ t do justice for what you can offer to a sponsor. This is where you may want to add a video. Videos are a good way to keep the text portion of your proposal short, while still providing a prospective sponsor with a lot of informational content about your event and how they can benefit from it. Just remember to keep your video as succinct as possible.

What is the podcast "She tells you how to"?

My name’s Johanna and I host ‘She tells you How to…”, a weekly podcast that teaches women the truths and myths about starting your own airbnb listing, as a way to fight misinformation and potential serious debt. I have been following Company Candle-Y through social media since 2001 and I love that you are providing 5% of your profits to helping women in impoverished areas learn art programs to break the cycle of poverty.

What if the brand has spent all of their marketing and influencer budgets?

What if the brand has spent all of their their marketing and influencer budgets? If they liked you, they will consider you for the next campaign/budget, so make sure that you always lead with kindness and politeness - think about these are potential long-term successful partnerships!

Is social media responsive?

Most brands are quite responsive through social media, sometimes providing quicker response times than via email. But before you send them ‘a quick message’, STOP! Take time to create a really solid pitching strategy!

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