Podcast FAQ

podcast structure examples

by Ms. Elyse Nitzsche Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Here are just a few examples:

  • Play your episodes – Make it easy to listen to all of your podcast episodes. ...
  • Episode list – Display your episodes in a list on the main page or on a dedicated page for your podcast episodes for example, and include an option to listen ...
  • Podcast description – Share some info about your podcast right above the fold. ...

More items...

Your Guide to 8 Popular Podcast Episode Formats
  • Solo Episode. Strong connection to listeners, Keeps things fresh. ...
  • One-On-One Interview. More exposure, Meet more people. ...
  • Panel Interview. More perspectives, More exposure. ...
  • Co-Host Conversational. ...
  • Non-Fictional Storytelling. ...
  • Fictional Storytelling. ...
  • Repurposed Content. ...
  • Hybrid.

Full Answer

How do you structure a podcast for success?

A Podcast Structure for Success 1. The Topic Outline The first part of your podcast structure is an introduction which takes the form of a topic outline. 2. The Theory This is the detail. Here's where you cover the real meat of the topic, and you'll have outlined this in... 3. The Context Next, we ...

What is the first part of the podcast structure?

The Topic Outline The first part of your podcast structure is an introduction that takes the form of a topic outline. A lot of people think they do this already – “Welcome to the show, I'm blah-de-blah-de-blah…”

What are the 8 podcast formats to consider for Your Show?

8 Podcast Formats To Consider For Your Show 1 The interview podcast format 2 The solo/monologue podcast format 3 Conversational/co-hosted podcast format 4 The panel podcast format 5 Non-fictional storytelling podcast format 6 Podcast theater podcast format 7 Repurposed content podcast format 8 Your own podcast format

What does a podcast script look like?

An example of a hosted format podcast script looks like this: 2. Conversational or cohost format If you want more structure and detailed notes, a cohost format may be better for you. Your final product will be a detailed outline, somewhere between quick notes and a verbatim script.


How do you structure a podcast?

How to Plan Podcast Episode Structure in 10 Easy StepsPlan for the length of your episodes.Have a theme for an episode.Use three-acts for engaging podcast episode structure.Plan podcast episode pacing.Introduction, back sell and greet the audience.Raise some early questions you want to address.More items...

What are 5 elements of a podcast?

5 elements of a good podcastFocus on a central idea.Play to an audience.Regular schedules.Show structure.Authenticity.

What makes a good podcast format?

Pros of conversational podcasts: It's a relaxed format that can make your audience feel like they know hosts more personally. Co-hosts can ask each other questions to clarify topics for themselves and the listeners. Each hosts brings their own perspective and ideas to make episodes well-rounded.

What are the 3 types of podcasts?

Panel. Nonfiction narrative story-telling. Fictional story-telling. Hybrid.

What makes a bad podcast?

Bad audio quality. Too many ad reads or annoying/irrelevant ad reads. Lack of preparation or planning.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

What podcast format is most popular?

Interview1. Interview. Probably the most popular podcast format, the interview is pretty much exactly what it sounds like - an interview. Usually there is one host that's interviewing one guest but there can also be multiple hosts or multiple guests on the episode.

How do you storyboard a podcast?

Creating a Narrative Podcast: A Step-By-Step GuideStep 1: Develop the podcast season's focus and episode topics. ... Step 2: Write a detailed storyboard for each episode. ... Step 2.5: Start keeping track of your production cycle. ... Step 4: Write the first episode script. ... Step 8: Add music and FX, and normalize the podcast audio.

How do you plan a podcast script?

Here are a few tips that will help you craft an engaging podcast script.Keep it conversational. The biggest challenge of writing a podcast script is keeping it conversational. ... Use delivery notes. ... Allow for some riffing. ... Describe the scene. ... Maintain a reasonable pace. ... Be yourself. ... Show introduction. ... Guest introductions.More items...•

What should be the content of podcast?

The most engaging podcast content helps readers explore further and gives them ways to learn more. For each episode, think about relevant resources you can direct listeners to later. Examples include relevant articles, YouTube videos, or books that dive deeper into the topic.

What are the contents of a podcast?

In a little more detail, a podcast is a series of spoken word, audio episodes, all focused on a particular topic or theme, like cycling or startups. You can subscribe to the show with an app on your phone and listen to episodes whenever you like on your headphones, in the car or through speakers.

What is a one sheet in podcast?

The podcast one-sheet is a simple one or two page document that you send to podcast hosts, along with your pitch email. It is extremely similar to a media kit for your business or blog.

What are production elements in podcasts?

Elements of Podcast ProductionEpisode Introduction. First part of podcast production is the introduction. ... Episode Outro. The outro should tell the audience what to do directly after they are done listening to the podcast. ... Topic. ... Voices. ... Audio Quality. ... My Top 5 Podcasts.

What makes a podcast a podcast?

A podcast is a program made available in digital format for download over the Internet. For example, an episodic series of digital audio or video files that a user can download to a personal device to listen to at a time of their choosing.

What are some podcast techniques?

Here are our top seven tips to launch a successful podcast.Invest in Decent Equipment. ... Choose the Right Theme. ... Come Out with Quality Podcasts. ... Find the Balance. ... Make Your Podcast SEO-Friendly. ... Get Great Guests – and Be a Great Guest. ... Be Consistent.

What is the main idea of podcast?

It focuses on a central idea Every podcast has a message to convey—this can be anything from providing information about a specific topic or sharing a certain viewpoint. This primary idea is the main reason for your podcast's existence.

What episode is Crafting the Narrative?

In episode 3, Crafting The Narrative, on Audience we talked to storytelling experts about crafting the perfect podcast episode. Listen now to discover how to best tell your story.

What is the purpose of resolution?

The purpose of the resolution is to give your listeners a pay-off. It’s a satisfying end to reward them for following the story. If you fail to resolve your story, at best they’ll consider your podcast unmemorable. At worst, they’ll feel cheated.

What is the nice part about the three act podcast structure?

The nice part about the three act podcast structure is that it bends to any topic.

Why do people love stories?

People love stories. Stories don’t just entertain us. They’re powerful ways of transmitting emotion and information between one another. In order to tell the best stories, you need the right podcast structure

Why is it important to have a first act on a podcast?

The first act must grab your listener’s attention. This is why it’s a critical element for podcasters. Movie-goers and book-readers will wait through a weak beginning because they’ve paid for the experience, but your listeners don’t pay for your content, so there’s nothing lost by closing their browser tab.

What is the second act of a story?

The second act is the part of the story that raises the stakes. It’s when the characters deal with ever-worsening challenges and obstacles. There’s usually a point where the main characters attempt to solve the problem, but fail and find themselves in a more dire position.

Why are stories with ups and downs so captivating?

Stories with ups and downs are captivating because they’re more like real life.

Why do podcasts have order?

It gives your show some order , and the audience can predict what to expect , this enables listeners to build your podcast into their listening habits, increasing their level of engagement with your show .

How long should a podcast episode be?

There are no written rules in place on how long your show episode should be. The length of your podcast episode is dependent on the genre, your preference, frequency of episode release, and the time you commit to creating each episode.

Why is it important to have a podcast script?

Podcast scripts vary in how detailed they are, but the vital part is having an idea of how you want the show to flow before you record.

Why is it important to set a limit for podcasts?

It is good to set a limit for each podcast episode, as it gives you the basis to build around. When you decide how long each of your show episodes will be, it will provide you with the chance to add structure and segments to your show.

Why do we need a structure for episodes?

Whilst this may seem like unnecessary extra work at first, forming a structure for your episodes will save editing and production time down the road. This structure allows creativity to flourish within...

Is it easy to structure a podcast?

Structuring a podcast isn’t always easy. However, this guide will set you on the road to becoming a podcast producing weapon and your episodes will start getting better and better.

How long are detective podcasts?

These highly popular podcast series often run between 8-10 episodes of 45-50 minutes in length each. Most involve a narrator who interviews a detective, some family members and other “witnesses” emblematic of the nonfiction genre. The stories unravel in a part-audio-memoir-part-investigation-manner.

Who is the reporter for the Caliphate podcast?

An exemplary piece is ‘Caliphate,’ a podcast that follows New York Times reporter Rukmini Callimachi as she tracks former ISIS members and the fall of Mosul, asking the question: Who are we really fighting?

Is podcast an open canvas?

After studying the formats and structures of different podcasts, it became clear that podcasts remain an open canvas for creators. More than a third of marketers say podcasts are avenues of content they’d like to explore.

Who wrote the growth goals podcast?

December 7, 2019. by Elizabeth Chey. 4 min read. Written by Elizabeth Chey. #GrowthGoals: One content creator’s forage into the podcasting space. A blog series exploring the well-intentioned attempt of a content creative to learn about a new trade.

Does Spotify have astrology podcasts?

In discovering new podcasts, she’s also looking for innovative formats. Spotify recently started an astrology podcast that offers horoscopes every day in short segments and signed a daily show of hot takes that make up a seven-minute podcast.

Why do podcasts have a structure?

Using a simple podcast structure makes it a lot easier to keep them on board and following along with what you’re saying .

Why is it important to have a podcast structure?

Having a standard podcast structure you always follow can also help you make your actual content better. Instead of spending all your time figuring out how to put your episode together, you can put your energy into coming up with ideas for your content.

Why is storytelling important in podcasts?

That story … makes a huge difference, because people can see it working, they can imagine it in their heads. The way you tell your story will depend on your podcast format. But no matter what your podcast is about, the fundamentals of storytelling can help you make it more engaging and useful for listeners.

What to tell a podcast about?

For example, if you're trying to teach listeners about chemistry, you could tell a story about the ‘relationship dramas’ of hydrogen and oxygen trying to ‘pair off’ with each other. That’s definitely going to be more memorable than a bunch of long technical words or explanations. The fancy explanations are fine to include too, but translating things into stories with relatable narratives is crucial if you want listeners to remember things.

Why is the end of a podcast important?

The end of your podcast is crucial if you want to build up a loyal audience. It’s an opportunity to explain how people can support the show, point them towards any relevant next steps, and remind them how they’ve benefited from listening.

What is the beginning of a podcast?

The beginning is where you’ve got to hook people into your episode, and the middle is for the main content of your show. The end is where you remind listeners exactly what they’ve gained and where they should go from here.

How long should an intro be for a podcast?

As a rule of thumb, if your episode intros run longer than 4 - 5 minutes, you might lose some impatient listeners. If you record an interview-based podcast, all you need to do is introduce your guest summarise the key points you covered in the conversation.

Why is it important to give your podcast a structure?

Giving your B2B podcast a structure based on your larger business goals makes the whole show’s premise 1000x stronger. People will look forward to you releasing new episodes because they know they can count on meaningful content.

How many podcast formats are there?

There are eight episode formats you can ultimately choose from. But, if you’re starting a B2B podcast, we suggest going with one of the following formats:

How to create demand for your brand?

If your goal is to create demand for your brand or to pass on organizational information, try either solo or co-host conversational episodes. If you want to build relationships or reduce churn, it’s best to focus on interviews.

What is the goal of a podcast?

ABM: The goal with your podcast is to meet potential customers.

Why is it important to plan out your podcast?

Planning out the structure of your podcast will make your show stronger and save you a ton of time in the end.

How to grab the listener's attention right away?

To grab the listener’s attention right away, introduce the main topic in quick succession to the guest. Also, go through the list of talking points that you plan to cover in the interview. This way, listeners will know immediately if they want to keep listening.

What should your show's main themes be focused on?

Driving Demand: Your show’s main themes should be focused on your ideal customer’s challenges and interests.

What Type of Content Structure?

In the last chapter, I talked about how to break down your content idea. That's one type of structure that brings a whole lot of benefits. In that case, you're creating a bullet-point list that outlines the topic of your series, the subtopics within, and then the points you want to hit as you explore each subtopic.

What is the structure I want to cover?

The structure I want to cover is a plan you'll use for EVERY episode you create. It's the overriding structure that guides how you create each blog post, each podcast and each video that you produce.

How to teach scaffolding?

There's an educational term for this: scaffolding. You give the learner an outline – the big picture really – with no details, first. Do that, quick and simple, so they can hold the whole thing in their head at once. Then, when you break down the detail, they can hang that on the scaffold. If you do the alternative, jump right into the detail, then people struggle to piece all of the little details together. They have no way to tie it all together. That's when they get lost.

How to make your own story count?

Your own story counts – talk about how you've put this into practice yourself. But, try to include someone else too, someone completely normal. If you can bring in some real listeners, representatives of your audience, then all the better. It's even more likely, then, that the rest of your audience will identify with them.

Is podcast structure good?

I've covered why a podcast structure is a great thing for your audience, and, of course, that's good for you. It'll start creating fanatical fans for you along the way.

How to make a podcast?

Brainstorm Podcast Topics: Make a list of subjects that you’re both passionate and knowledgeable about, take a look at what’s already out there, and determine how your podcast will function as an extension of your content strategy. 2.

What should the first segment of a podcast be?

The first segment should be the most interesting in order to sustain listeners’ attention. This segment should appeal to the entire audience. Broad content is encouraged to serve the majority. News and current events related to your podcast subject matter are often of interest to an entire audience.

What is a podcast script?

Podcast Script (Template) 1. Opening: A quick musical jingle or your brand’s sonic logo. 2. Introduction: A monologue-style intro outlining your guests and what you plan to talk about on your show. 3.

How long should the intro be for a podcast?

In other words, your listeners will hear it a lot, so it’s likely best to keep it short, say 10 or 15 seconds. That way, the podcast intro won’t get skipped over with the +30 skip setting on most podcast players.

What to say in an outro for a podcast?

In the outro of your podcast script, you will want to make sure you thank all of the guests that were on your show and recap a bit about what was discussed.

What is a topic break in podcasts?

These topic breaks are typically described as bumpers or sweepers, giving your listeners the time they might need to digest the content you just presented. Since each podcast is inherently different, each show should have its own themes, topics, and lengths to set episodes apart from each other.

How to write a good show?

Your writing style should be conversational and friendly, limiting the use of jargon or industry-specific words in order to accommodate your listeners (you can use our sample scripts for inspiration).

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