Podcast FAQ

podcast tips and tricks

by Emie McGlynn Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

List Of Podcast Tips And Tricks 

  • Make Your AIms And Objectives Clear. Why are you starting a podcast? ...
  • Choose A Niche You’re Interested In. Numerous niches exist in the wide field of podcasting. ...
  • Be Unique. It is not enough to just create a podcast; there are numerous others out there. ...
  • Create Your Brand. ...
  • Format and Schedule. ...
  • Conclusion. ...

The Top Podcast Recording Tips
  • Use the right equipment. You can record a podcast with your laptop's microphone, but we don't recommend it. ...
  • Don't forget to warm up. ...
  • Record in a small, quiet room. ...
  • Create a brief noise profile. ...
  • Adopt proper microphone techniques. ...
  • Watch your volume levels. ...
  • Watch your breath. ...
  • Keep your body still.

Full Answer

What are some best practices for starting a podcast?

Podcast Best Practices: Creating an Intro and Outro. The intro of any podcast sets the stage. Your intro will either grab your listener’s attention or lose it. Your outro should always wrap up the podcast and leave a call to action. Keep reading to discover the podcast best practices for creating an intro and outro. The Intro

How to make a successful podcast?

On this Dying to Ask:

  • How Bruce developed a plan to stay sane during his Olympic quarantine
  • The logistics of teaching mountain rescues to people with a major language barrier
  • His advice for anyone who finds themselves in a strange place in need of a new routine

How do you start a podcast?

Way before you ever get into the actual production and technical work, figure out what your podcast will be about. Also, choose an appropriate title, topic, and format right at the start. Each episode of your show will be a separate audio file that can be made available in various formats.

How to start podcast?

How to Start a Podcast

  • Step #1: Choose a topic you love. Just like blogging, you need to select a niche for your podcast that provides information that is in high demand with listeners.
  • Step #2: Pick a podcast title. A podcast title can help the listener anticipate the content and purpose of your podcast. ...
  • Step #3: Write a sound description. You should write a descriptive paragraph about the contents of your show to entice listeners. ...
  • Step #4: Get your artwork created. The podcast will require some artwork or a square image that represents your show and the niche it belongs to.
  • Step #5: Pre-plan your episodes. Pre-planning is an essential part of podcasting since creating them can be a very stressful process.
  • Step #6: Pick your podcast hosting provider. To make your podcast visible in the digital space, you need to sign up with a hosting company. ...
  • Step #7: Prepare and make a recording. Recording high-quality podcasts require effort and preparation both for the content and to set up audio/video for a podcast.
  • Step #8: Publish an episode. Publishing episodes means uploading audio files after editing them and providing all the necessary details with them.
  • Step #9: Submit to directories. After you publish your podcast, you need to select a podcast directory that helps listeners discover, listen, and subscribe to your podcasts.


What makes a good podcast tips and tricks?

9 Tips for Improving Your PodcastCreate a podcast template. ... Improve your audio quality with the right recording equipment. ... Record in a quiet environment. ... Explore free recording and editing software first. ... Include intro music. ... Include eye-catching cover art. ... Include helpful show notes.More items...•

What are 5 elements of a podcast?

5 elements of a good podcastFocus on a central idea.Play to an audience.Regular schedules.Show structure.Authenticity.

How can I improve my podcast skills?

If you are into podcasting and want to be successful in this craft, here are the skills that you need to master.Audience and niche. ... Speaking skills. ... Listen with empathy and address your listeners' pain points. ... Use voice to convey emotion. ... Time management and flexibility. ... Organization and tasks delegation. ... Grow your audience.More items...•

How do you sound good on a podcast?

Podcast Voice Training Tips – How to Sound Good on a Podcast?Think about your podcast voice – apply a narration style suitable for your podcast's theme.Experiment with enunciation – record, listen, modify.Communicate emotions and feelings through your podcast voice.Stand while you are recording.Practice breathing.More items...

What makes a podcast bad?

Bad audio quality. Too many ad reads or annoying/irrelevant ad reads. Lack of preparation or planning.

What makes a podcast stand out?

Engaging with your listeners is the best way to make your podcast stand out. It provides priceless insights to the audience. It gives them a chance to overcome their pains and struggles. Thus, making you more relatable to them.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How do I record a podcast like a pro?

The Top Podcast Recording TipsUse the right equipment. You can record a podcast with your laptop's microphone, but we don't recommend it. ... Don't forget to warm up. ... Record in a small, quiet room. ... Create a brief noise profile. ... Adopt proper microphone techniques. ... Watch your volume levels. ... Watch your breath. ... Keep your body still.More items...

How can I make my voice sound more professional?

10 Ways to Make Vocals Sound Modern & ProfessionalTop-End Boost. ... Use a De'Esser. ... Remove Resonances. ... Control the Dynamics with Automation. ... Catch the Peaks with a Limiter. ... Use Multiband Compression. ... Enhance the Highs with Saturation. ... Use Delays Instead of Reverb.More items...•

Set Your Target Audience

Before committing to any particular growth strategy, try to niche down your target audience.


Now, you will need money to invest in the tools and team to grow your podcast. And for that, you will need to land sponsors (6).

Create A Website For Your Podcast

A website is very important to optimize your user experience and market your podcast to sponsors and listeners.

SEO Blog

Each of your episodes will have its show notes, and a blog will offer you an opportunity to pitch your episode to potential new audiences. Use hooks from the episode as teasers and encourage people to listen to your podcast to get the full story. If relevant, a blog will also give you a chance to add additional resources to your episode.

Booking Guests

In the beginning, you can do much of the guest outreach yourself. However, as your channel grows, you can hire interns or part-time employees to help you with it. It will allow you to completely free yourself from guest scheduling and focus on other matters.

Why are Guests Important?

A guest can be excellent to expand your audience. Your guests can be your friends or families, experts in your field, or someone you idolize. You can also encourage them to promote the podcast episodes they are on so you can tap into their followers as well.

Editing and Distribution

Once you are done recording a new episode, you can get one of your employees to listen to it, pull out notes, resources, key takeaways, and at least five quotes.

Why do podcasts have captive audiences?

You have a captive audience, because people often listen to podcasts while they’re doing something that keeps them from reading or watching videos, like driving in their car or running on a treadmill. You are quite literally inside your audience’s head, and they feel like they know you.

Why do people listen to podcasts?

Why? Because first, you are in someone’s earbuds. They are listening to you and if you create great content and deliver it with sincerity and en thusiasm, you will make a remarkable connection with your listener. That is the power of podcasting.

What is the fourth step in a marketing plan?

The Fourth Step is to make sure they align with your audience by reviewing their speciality.

Is podcast on business plan for 2013?

Podcast is on business plan for 2013! Thanks for sharing these great tips and ideas- Sophie well done :)

Is it hard to be a podcaster?

Podcasting doesn’t have to be difficult, but you must be committed and consistent if you want to grow your audience and have an impact. You can have the best equipment, intro music and website, but those things alone don’t guarantee success.

Can you click a sound on a podcast?

A podcast is great, but nobody can click a sound – you MUST get people to come back to your website or blog from your podcast.

Is it hard to get started with a podcast?

Actually ‘getting started’ with a podcast is the toughest part – and it’s not a tech thing. We all have the ability to entertain, provide value and be engaging – however, a lot of the time we believe that nobody will listen in, or pay attention to what we have to say.

What to do when you have a cold podcast?

If you have to podcast with a cold, a touch of hot pepper or some horseradish can clear you up for some time. Ron Eastwood

How long should a podcast opening be?

Be unique as quickly as possible in your podcast opening. Don't make your opening any longer than 30 seconds. Daniel J. Lewis from The Audacity to Podcast

Who said don't be afraid of background noise?

Don't be afraid of background noise when it can add a great ambiance to your podcast. John Wilkerson from The Wired Homeschool

When picking music for your intro or outro, what should you consider?

When picking music for your intro or outro music, consider your listener's environment and how it will sound where they are listening. Brad Bruce

Do you shave before a podcast?

Shave before you podcast so your stubble doesn't scratch your pop filter (unless you're a lady). Host Chiaki from Metal Moment Podcast and Japanese Metal Head Show

Can you have guest cohosts call from a wireless phone on a moving train?

Don't have guest cohosts call from a wireless phone on a moving train. Max Flight from Airplane Geeks Podcast and Podcasting Passion

Who produces PayPod podcast?

I had the distinct privilege of appearing on the PayPod podcast, which is produced by SolarPay. This podcast explores the ever-changing world of online payments and current trends that you NEED to adopt into your business. If you do any kind of sales... Read More | Share it now!

What is Zencastr and Cast?

Zencastr and Cast are two online applications that you can use to record a podcast when you have two remote guests. There are some great reviews of each online. I wrote about Zencaster a while back going through how podcasters can use it to record... Read More | Share it now! Read More. tips.

Who is Mia from We Edit Podcasts?

Mia is the Content Manager at We Edit Podcasts.

How to get the best audio quality?

A few easy tips you can give them include: keeping their phone on silent mode, removing pets from the room, and asking their spouse/ children not to interrupt during the recording session. Zencaster or similar software can be used to achieve the highest quality audio. By recording your guest’s audio locally and uploading it to the cloud, you will get far superior audio than by recording the processed signal on your end. Implementing these strategies on both your side and the side of your guest can make a world of difference in getting that great audio quality you desire.

How to make sound clearer?

Avoid an empty room bigger than a bedroom with high ceilings. Every sound you make will bounce off the walls and make it harder for you to achieve great audio quality and will demand more editing during post-production. Sound deadening material can also be used to improve the acoustics of a room and reduce reverberation. These include foam pads that can be added to the walls or even a portable sound insulation booth


1 – Define A Successful Podcast

First thing’s first: success means many different things to many different people. For some, it’s about the big download numbers. Others dream of earning a full-time living from their shows. Many business podcasters see success as getting regular sales enquiries because of their content. And for others, it’s simply a case of havi…
See more on thepodcasthost.com

2 – Have A “Why”

  • When you run a podcast, things don’t always go to plan. Life can get in the way, hardware and software can break, files can vanish, and there’s really no shortage of things that’ll test your patiencein the long run. When things go wrong, you really need to have a solid core reason for wanting to podcast. One that’s big enough that it’ll never be overshadowed by any of the above. …
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3 – Play The Long Game

  • One podcast tip that many aspiring podcasters don’t like to hear is that it can take years to build an audience. And in order to make a successful podcast you need to be prepared to turn up consistently and regularly over the next few years. That doesn’t mean that you can’t have short-term goals though. It’s definitely a good idea to break down your main ambitions into smaller ac…
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5 – Don’T Get Stuck on “The Launch”

  • I’ve already said quite a bit on the long-term nature of making a successful podcast. Unfortunately however, it’s the concept of a big explosive “Launch” that many aspiring podcasters choose to focus on instead. Another uncomfortable truth about your podcast before and during its launch, is that – unless you’re famous before your podcast goes live – nobody really cares about it. It shou…
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6 – Take Control

  • Long term, you’ll want to check in regularly with your audience and seek feedback from them. This is the difference between a podcast surviving and thriving. In the very early episodes though, you won’t have an established audience at all. These early listeners haven’t fully bought into your podcast yet, and with each episode, they’re weighing up whether or not to stick with you. So, on…
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7 – Don’T Rely on Audience Participation

  • A common mistake many new podcasters make is to build their shows around an audience that doesn’t yet exist. If your episodes are built around answering listener questions, or doing live shows, then I’d recommend going back to the planning stages. In the early days it falls on you and you alone to create your content. Anything else is only going to lead to disillusionment and disap…
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Looking For More Podcast Tips?

  • Hopefully you’ve taken a lot from these podcast tips, all aimed at helping you create a successful podcast. These are beyond the usual “What mic should I get?” and “What media host should I use?” questions, and show that you’re constantly looking to improve and take things to the next level. That’s not to say those mic and hosting questions aren’t valid or important, though. I’ve link…
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