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podcast to get over heartbreak

by Beulah Schultz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Best Podcasts for Getting Over a Breakup

  1. Breakup BOOST: Listen to it here “Trina is your best friend after a breakup” Breakup BOOST is hosted by Trina Leckie,...
  2. Just Break Up: Listen to it here Just Break Up podcast is a great podcast for those who are going through a bad...
  3. Terrible, Thanks For Asking: Listen to it here For some people dealing with a...

12 podcasts to get you through a breakup
  • " Modern Love: The Podcast" ...
  • " Terrible, Thanks for Asking" ...
  • " Dear Sugar" ...
  • " Crybabies" ...
  • " Mortified" ...
  • " The Heart" ...
  • " Strangers" ...
  • " Death, Sex, and Money"
Oct 18, 2017

Full Answer

What is the Heal Your Heartbreak podcast?

Every Tuesday I have a new episode of the Heal Your Heartbreak Podcast where I talk about a different topic as it relates to break ups, healing your heartbreak, growing in your single life, and moving into happier and healthier relationships. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! Listen and Subscribe Below!

What is the Best Podcast for breaking up with someone?

Heal Your Heartbreak on Apple Podcasts Heal Your Heartbreak with your Break Up Bestie is a weekly podcast where each week I walk you through a topic as it relates to healing your heartbreak and helping you move through your break up. Topics include breaking up, healing, dating, and moving into happier and healthier relationships.

What is the dreams&heartbreak podcast?

Welcome to the Dreams&Heartbreak Podcast podcast, where amazing things happen. "Heartbreak Kids" is a podcast where we explore the meaning of “why” we show up to yoga how it helps us into our lives. I believe the practice of yoga brings about huge shifts in people's lives.

What is the Just Break Up podcast about?

The hosts put forward stories where people have gone through a harsh breakup and discuss strategies to completely get over the past and move on with their lives. In the Just Break Up podcast, listeners can associate with people who had a tough time after a breakup.


How do I get over heartbreak podcast?

The Best Podcasts for Getting Over a Breakup1.1 1. Breakup BOOST:1.2 2. Just Break Up:1.3 3. Terrible, Thanks For Asking:1.4 ‎4. Dear Sugars:1.5 5. The Heart:1.6 ‎6. Death, Sex & Money:1.7 7. Alone- A Love Story:1.8 8. Love Me:More items...•

How do you fill a void of heartbreak?

Feeling Empty After Breakup? Fill That Newly Empty VoidTake a walk and admire the beauty of the day.Watch your favorite movie or TV show.Read a good book while drinking a favorite beverage.Spend time with family or friends who support you.Pray and/or tap into your spiritual side.More items...•

How do you accept a relationship is over?

How to Accept Your Relationship Is Ending1 Let yourself grieve.2 Write down your thoughts about your relationship.3 Talk about your feelings with someone you trust.4 Keep busy with other activities.5 Get into some self-care habits.6 Prepare for life after the breakup.7 Have the conversation soon.More items...•

How do I rebuild my life after a break up?

Here are some things you can do to help yourself cope and heal.Give yourself time to grieve. ... Let the emotions flow, but don't let the breakup consume you. ... Stop blaming yourself. ... Distance yourself from the source of hurt. ... It's okay to be angry, as long as it doesn't consume you either. ... Be the better person.More items...

How do you fill a void inside you?

How to Fill the VoidAcknowledgment and Validation Must Come First. ... Learn to Recognize if Your Needs Are Being Met. ... Love, Social Acceptance and Belonging, Validation—We Matter. ... Take on Challenges That Allow You to Feel a Sense of Achievement. ... Build Enough Certainty and Security in High-Priority Areas of Your Life.More items...•

What does it mean to fill a void in a relationship?

When a person just wants to fill a void, they may make too many compromises of themselves in a relationship. Hussain explains, “Someone's values and morals may change to match the other person's. So within that dynamic, you change things about yourself…even things that you like or want to do.

What does it mean to fill a void?

“To fill a (the) void” is actually a set expression. It means a feeling of emptiness in one's heart (or soul) you can't fill. Here's another example: He wondered how he would ever fill the void left by his son's death.

How do you know if you're filling a void?

10 Signs You Are Using Relationships to Fill a Spiritual VoidYou need a relationship to be happy. ... Your mood depends on the other person. ... You cannot be away from them for too long. ... You need their validation. ... You seek out new relationships constantly. ... You tolerate being used or abused.More items...•

Who is the coach for Heartbreak?

Heartbreak coach, Claire Byrne, breaks down exactly how you can finally STOP wanting your ex back on this podcast that is unlike any other heartbreak podcast out there! Heartbreak is messy, painful and overwhelmingly daunting at times, but it can also be the gateway to embark on a new journey beyond your wildest dreams if you LET it. You will laugh, you will cry, and have your own mind BLOWN, by how POSSIBLE it will be for you to THRIVE from heartbreak, versus barely survive. After years of ...

What is a podcast about?

A podcast about relationship and consciousness: exploring and sharing wisdom and methods to relate with ourselves, each other and our greater world. Listen to conversations and musings on spiritual philosophy, intimacy, communication, and the many pathways to becoming more free, connected, curious, joyful and fulfilled. Hosted by Olivia Clementine

What is the story of Kat Bonds?

This groundbreaking audio drama follows Kat Bonds as she navigates plane crashes, an unknown mystical world, strange powers, magic, love, and heartbreak. 'Atlantis' is about the bonds of family, navigating relationships (old and new), and determining what's good, what's evil and all the grey areas in between.

What is heartbreak happy hour?

Heartbreak Happy Hour was conceived over a real happy hour we had with friends. We spent an evening discussing the underbelly of life and heartbreak. We noticed the stories flowed like the wine. We thought it would be good therapy for all if we shared!

Who hosts OK Now Listen?

Okay, Now Listen is a bi-weekly podcast hosted by Scottie Beam and Sylvia Obell. They share what’s on their minds, what they're binging and what’s blowing up their timelines. Brought to you by Netflix and Strong Black Lead.

What is Omelet Him Go?

Omelet Him Go is a Podcast about Dating and Relationships. An addition to the Blog omelethimgo.com in which I discuss my different dating experiences, relationships and the challenge of dating in todays society.

What is breakup recovery?

Breakup Recovery is a podcast in which experts come forward and share their and people’s real breakup stories. In this podcast, host Barbara Stevens helps individuals who are facing heartbreak with her tips and ideas on self-love and breakup recovery ideas.

How many episodes are there in the podcast Breakup?

The podcast is quite motivational and helps to drive away from the negativity a bad breakup leaves a person with. The podcast has over 150 episodes and contains several stories, directions, and advice that shall make you feel that you are not alone in this suffering.

What is just break up?

Just Break Up podcast is a great podcast for those who are going through a bad breakup. In this podcast, hosts Riley Billingsley and Eleanor Drakenarrate genuine events in the field of breakup and love.

What is the heart on Apple podcast?

All Heart On Apple podcast is a 100 episode podcast that consists of simple suggestions and advice for people going through a bad breakup. The podcast is based on the idea that one can converse with the heart.

What happens when a relationship ends?

When a relationship ends, both the individuals are hurt and find it tough to move on. Breakups are messy and tough to deal with. You may not feel confident, you may be anxious, and scared to go about their normal routine again without their partner.

How to heal from a breakup?

Sometimes you do not wish to talk about your suffering, and sometimes you just wish someone will listen to you. Letting out your feelings is the first way to heal after a breakup.

Is Modern Love a good podcast?

Modern Love is a good breakup podcast for listeners. In this podcast, listeners can find themselves hearing about stories of love, loss, and redemption written by bestselling authors. The podcast brings light true love and heartbreak stories and uncovers the real truth of all relationships.

Who is the host of Mental Illness Happy Hour?

Smith, M.S., NCC, LPC, suggests checking out the Mental Illness Happy Hour podcast, which was recommended to her from a client. The host is Paul Gilmartin, a comedian who approaches this sensitive topic with boldness and humor. “This podcast is a safe space,” says Smith. “People who spend so much of their time feeling isolated, judged, and misunderstood can feel heard, understood, and cared about by people who have the ‘been there, done that’ perspective.”

Who is the psychologist who recommends Let's Talk Heartbreak?

Psychologist Karin Anderson Abrell, Ph.D., recommends British dating coach Laura Yate’s podcast Let’s Talk Heartbreak, which discusses the ridiculous, motivating, and downright brilliant things people have done to get over a relationship. It’s a listening experience that pairs well with white wine.

Who hosts TED Talks?

Hosted by Guy Raz, it’s great to have a weekly episode to tide you over those difficult times. TED talks will help put your recent experiences in perspective and get you revved up and excited about the future again. RELATED: Check out One Love CEO, Katie Hood, on TED Radio Hour.

What is TED Radio Hour?

TED talks. Need I say more? TED Radio Hour is one of the most effective and inspiring ways to expand your horizons through podcasts. With stories and scenarios from across the globe, TED talks have a really wide appeal and resonate with us all.

What is just the right book?

Just The Right Book! Reading is a really therapeutic way to get over somebody. Immerse yourself in a good book, lose yourself in a great narrative, and then come up for air to discuss what you’ve read and learned with likeminded people. Just The Right Book! is one of the top-rated book podcasts by booklovers, and reading ...

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