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podcast vs radio

by Letha Jacobs Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Three differences between podcasts and radio

  1. On-demand vs. live shows (pre-recorded vs. live spontaneity). Podcasters record and edit their episodes in...
  2. Appeal to different generations. Speaking of convenience, the ability to download podcasts and listen to them...
  3. Newsworthy vs. niche content. Broadcast radio usually covers topics that appeal to the masses...

Radios usually pick what's trending and talk about it, making the general public relate to the show's content. Podcasts, on the other end, don't have to be bound to newsworthy topics. Podcasters choose their topics based on the interests of their niche audience.Jan 21, 2022

Full Answer

What is the difference between a radio and a podcast?

Podcasts can take on the following types:

  • FM Radio/NPR- There’s some podcasts that have that close mike/first person feel where the host comes on and talks for hours about some issue or idea.
  • Experimental Background- There’s some podcasts that are more like leaving your tape recorder on when your friends come over for a party. ...
  • Talk Radio- Much like #1 but with a more fiery purpose.

What makes a podcast different from a radio show?

“Broadcast radio is a multi-billion dollar industry, compared to the entire podcast space which only generates slightly over $300 million, so of course there are great, new revenue opportunities ...

Is podcasting the same as radio?

While podcasting and radio are not “the same” they are part of a larger whole defined by audio, where any of the audio elements within that whole can be shaped to fit the more narrowly defined platforms.

How are podcasts different to radio?

Steve Goldstein: 6 Ways Podcasts Are Different Than Radio

  1. Radio is lean back. Podcasts are lean-forward. ...
  2. On radio, the show is always “on.” Podcasts start at the beginning. ...
  3. On radio, the clock is always ticking. Podcasts are free from time constraints. ...
  4. Radio must appeal to wide audience. Podcasts can focus on niches. ...
  5. Radio is a button push away. Podcasting requires opt-in. ...
  6. Radio content is perishable. ...


Is radio or podcast better?

radio, podcasts trumps radio. This benefit is because podcasts have extremely engaged listeners. After all, the audience chooses podcasts they like. Since radio shows discuss general topics, it cannot engage the audience as much as podcasts do.

What's the difference between podcasts and radio?

Radio is the art of broadcasting programs for the public to listen to by radio waves. Podcasts are, in a way, remediated radio content focused on a particular topic or theme and presented as a series of digital audio files for the listeners to download and listen.

What is the difference between podcast and live radio?

Live vs Pre-Recorded. A large difference between podcasting and live radio is the fact that live radio cannot be edited after it has been broadcast, whereas podcasts are pre-recorded so they can easily be adjusted after recording.

Are podcasts replacing radio?

To answer the original question, “Is Podcasting Going to Replace Radio,” the answer is “MAYBE.” However, podcasting is going to take a BIG market segment away from traditional radio. In fact, it has already started. That is why many, smaller radio stations, have gone out of business.

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Are podcasts more popular than radio?

Popularity among listeners Besides, podcasts are tied to specific, usually younger listeners, who consume and trust unconventional media more than the traditional one. So, as of today, radio has more power over the larger public than podcasts. The picture can soon change, though.

How are radio and podcasts similar?

Both are media outlets that have audio and voice at their core (although - for a brief period of time - video podcasts were also a thing, before YouTube killed them). It's also easy to see that both are not exactly the same. A radio show can be turned into a podcast, split into small pieces to listen to on demand.

Why are podcasts so popular?

The first clue to the popularity of podcasts is that many of them (certainly the most popular ones) focus on storytelling. And we are innately connected to the power of a good story. The one genre of podcast that has been the most popular are the true crime series.

What are some advantages of podcasting?

Advantages of PodcastingConvenience.No restriction on time.Personalized content.Podcasts are portable.Podcasts have Direct connect with audience.Podcasts cut cost.

Is the radio dying?

Traditional AM/FM radio is still around, but with a dwindling audience. The graph below, from online statistic site Statista, shows the average daily media use in the US over the past four years. Radio usage, represented by the green trend line, has been steadily declining.

Will podcasting affect radio broadcasting?

The disruption that altered the recording industry is covered in Chapter 6. Podcasting did not disrupt radio broadcasting. In fact, podcasting in some ways revives radio traditions, such as the successful radio personality, the for-profit news and talk show, and shows with a deep appreciation for niche music.

Is podcast considered radio?

Simply put: a podcast is an audio programme, just like Talk Radio, but you subscribe to it on your smartphone and listen to it whenever you like.

How long is a podcast?

While a radio show might have to fit its content within a paid 30-minute slot, podcasts can be five minutes long or the length of an audiobook. In podcasting, the most important thing is to make the length of your show only as long as it needs to be. 5. Radio still has more listeners.

Which generation is listening to podcasts the most?

Especially among Millennials, who happen to be the largest demographic listening to podcasts in 2020. So what generation is listening to podcasts, and who's listening to radio? Generation X (born between 1965-1979) listens to radio more than any other demographic.

How long do podcasts stay relevant?

Podcast episodes stay relevant for a long time and can still get downloads years after an episode airs. 4. Podcasts have more relaxed regulations. Podcasts are not currently governed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) like radio broadcasts are.

How do podcasts measure success?

Because podcasting is primarily a niche-based medium, hosts can measure success by how their show is received rather than by audience size . As a podcast host, you have the freedom to pick the format, length, and topic of your show.

What is radio show?

Radio - a live show produced by a station or an individual that broadcasts over an airwave. Podcasts - pre-recorded, edited audio files pushed out to various directories via an RSS feed and listened to on-demand.

What is broadcast radio?

Broadcast radio usually covers topics that appeal to the masses like music, news, and pop culture. Show topics are typically decided by what’s currently trending in the news and media and, as a result, hosts often follow an “editorial line” that dictates allowed themes and topics.

Does radio have more listeners?

Radio still has more listeners. Every day, radio has roughly twice the listenership of podcasts . 90% of the U.S. population listens to the radio every week, and only 51% of Americans have ever even listened to a podcast, according to Podcast Insights . But more listeners don’t necessarily mean a more engaged audience.

What is the difference between live radio and podcast?

A large difference between podcasting and live radio is the fact that live radio cannot be edited after it has been broadcast, whereas podcasts are pre-recorded so they can easily be adjusted after recording .

Why do podcasts appeal to a niche audience?

Podcasts try to appeal to a more niche audience, due to their focus on individual topics, for example, there's an entire podcast devoted to dogs! Your target audience for a podcast is more likely to stumble across your content as they will be actively searching online for the information that your podcast is covering.

How many hours does a radio show have to be live?

Let’s say you have a breakfast show on your radio station that is advertised as going live every weekday morning between 6am and 11am; That is your time slot and everything must be timed within those 5 hours. While radio can include pre-recorded content, many shows are usually live broadcasts.

What happens if you tune in halfway through a radio show?

If your audience tunes in halfway through a show, there is an entire other half of the show that they have missed. This is why, as a live radio presenter, you will often have to re-introduce yourself, the show, the station and the topic of conversation.

Can you record a 5 hour show?

If you record your shows then you will, of course, have that as a copy of it, but a listener is unlikely to go back and listen to an entire recording of a 5-hour long show, including advertisements and interviews that may be outdated by the time they start listening.

Can you record a podcast?

In a podcast format, you can record and re-record sections as many times as you need to. You can also edit sections of content out if, after listening back to them, you decide they don’t quite fit in. By doing this, you can get rid of any mistakes made and make everything sound very clean and polished.

What is the difference between radio and podcast?

Summary: Difference Between Podcast and Radio is that Podcasting is another popular method of distributing audio. A podcast is recorded audio, usually an MP3 file, stored on a Web site that can be downloaded to a computer or a portable media player such as an iPod. While Radio is introduced and used since early 1900.

How does radio work?

Radio is specially used to transfer binary data or voice wirelessly. Radio technology is also used in Wi-Fi to connect computers wirelessly.

What is the best way to distribute audio?

Podcast. Podcasting is another popular method of distributing audio. A podcast is recorded audio, usually an MP3 file, stored on a Web site that can be downloaded to a computer or a portable media player such as an iPod.

What is radio technology?

Broadcast radio is a wireless transmission medium that distributes radio signals through the air over long distances such as between cities, regions, and countries and short distances such as within an office or home.

What is cellular radio?

Cellular Radio Cellular radio is a form of broadcast radio that is used widely for mobile communications, specifically wireless modems and cell phones. A cell phone is a telephone device that uses high-frequency radio waves to transmit voice and digital data messages.

Can podcasts be downloaded automatically?

Podcasters register their podcasts with content aggregators. Subscribers select podcast feeds they want to be downloaded automatically whenever they connect. Most smart phone users who subscribe to a wireless Internet service provider can listen to streaming audio and podcasts.

What is the difference between radio and podcast?

– Another major difference between podcasts and radio is the audiences they appeal to. Radio is a medium of mass communication that uses several different types of content to appeal to a mass audience. The content focuses on a variety of topics while keeping the interest of the listeners in mind. Radio attracts a loyal audience and mostly involves the rural population in mainstream media. Podcasts, on the other hand, through its tailored and feature-rich content, appeal to a more niche audience. One great advantage of podcasting is that you can actually see how many people have downloaded the podcast.

What is radio podcast?

Radio is the art of broadcasting programs for the public to listen to by radio waves. Podcasts are, in a way, remediated radio content focused on a particular topic or theme and presented as a series of digital audio files for the listeners to download and listen.

What is medium radio?

Medium. – Radio is a bind medium which strikes everyone, broadcasters and listeners alike. Radio communications are the most popular entertainment medium till date and the radio networks have expanded into vast organizations over the years, touching every corner of the world through affiliations with local stations.

What is a podcast?

Podcast is a blend of broadcast and iPod. Podcasts are a series of digital audio or video files presented as episodes for users to download in order to listen. The proliferation of portable devices that play audio and video and are often Internet-supported, has led to the development of a new form of media called podcasts.

What is radio used for?

Today, radio is used in technologies such as cellular phones, GPS, television, radar control and more.

What are the advantages of podcasting?

One great advantage of podcasting is that you can actually see how many people have downloaded the podcast.

Do podcasts have a time limit?

There’s a fixed schedule to when the stories are told or when there is news time or when it’s time for daily weather reports. With podcasts, there is no time constraint as listeners can download and listen to the content anytime they want.

How long can you listen to a podcast?

Of course, some contain content that is evergreen, while others tend to be more ephemeral. But unlike radio, they can all be listened to weeks, months, or even years later. In fact, some podcasts don't gain traction until long after their first episodes were published.

Why is knitting podcast so successful?

While it makes no sense to launch a radio station that focuses on knitting in Los Angeles, a knitting podcast could be successful because it has the potential to attract knitters from around the globe. Moreover, when people go to a “podcatcher” (a podcast listening app) to find a new podcast, they often search by topic.

Why do radio stations use the morning zoo format?

Radio stations do this because the audience they reach is already limited by two factors: the station format and geographic reach.

How long can you host a radio show with no music?

No Time Constraints. On a radio show, you've got time constraints. If you're hosting a morning show with no music, you may have 45+ minutes per hour to fill, while the host of a music-driven show may have only a few minutes. With a podcast, you can make your episodes as long or as short as you want.

Can you talk more on a podcast than on the radio?

This means that in a podcast, not only can we talk more than most of us do on the radio, we actually have to. When it comes to podcasts, broadcasters who don't host talk shows probably don't create enough on-air content to repurpose it as a podcast, so they'll have to create some new audio content. 5.

Podcast vs. Radio

Podcasts, unlike radio, are intended around evergreen material. Podcasts have the advantage of engaging listeners from the beginning and keeping them engaged until the very end.

Mass Appeal vs. Niche

The goal of radio is to appeal to the public. Some stations cater to a younger audience while others cater to an older demographic, but they all strive to keep huge listeners engaged for as long as possible.

Opt-In vs. Live Broadcast

Another difference between radio and podcasts is that most radio is broadcast live, whereas podcasts are recorded beforehand. For advertisers, each style has its own set of benefits and drawbacks.


Both podcast and radio advertising are effective tools to execute your strategies, depending on your target audience and the context of the ad message. After all, dynamically placed advertising allows advertisers to target specific audiences at certain times and in specific areas or demographics.


On-Demand vs. Live Shows

Podcasters record and edit their episodes in post-production. Radio shows, however, are live broadcasts, and although they can have pre-recorded segments, the show does not go through an editing process. In contrast, podcasts are on-demand, allowing listeners to download episodes at their convenience. A podcas
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Appeal to Different Generations

  • Speaking of convenience, the ability to download podcasts and listen to them whenever you want is a big part of their appeal. Especially among Millennials, who happen to be the largest demographic listening to podcasts in 2020. So what generation is listening to podcasts, and who's listening to radio? Generation X (born between 1965-1979)listens to radio more than any other d…
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Newsworthy vs. Niche Content

  • Broadcast radio usually covers topics that appeal to the masses like music, news, and pop culture. Show topics are typically decided by what’s currently trending in the news and media and, as a result, hosts often follow an “editorial line” that dictates allowed themes and topics. By producing shows based on what’s newsworthy at the moment, content is only relevant for a shor…
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Podcasts Have More Relaxed Regulations

  • Podcasts are not currently governed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) like radio broadcasts are. While still protected by freedom of speech, the FCC prohibits obscene, offensive material from being aired. Podcasters are not under the same regulations, however, and can publish explicit content as long as the episode is tagged so listeners are aware. Both mediums a…
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Radio Still Has More listeners

  • Every day, radio has roughly twice the listenership of podcasts. 90% of the U.S. population listens to the radio every week, and only 51% of Americans have ever even listened to a podcast, according to Podcast Insights. But more listeners don’t necessarily mean a more engaged audience. Listening to live radio programs tends to be a more passive experience than listening …
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