Podcast FAQ

podcast vs youtube

by Antwan Mueller Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Difference between Podcast and YouTube

  • Power of Podcast and YouTube. – YouTube is a video-sharing community and one of the dominant social media platforms in the world that makes it easy for almost anyone to ...
  • Accessibility with Podcast and YouTube. – One of the main features that make podcasting so popular is its accessibility. ...
  • Podcast vs. YouTube: Comparison Chart. ...

Podcasts also require a subscription to access the content. YouTube is free to use, and many videos are freely accessible. Podcasts are harder to access than YouTube channels because they are not as popular. Podcasts are also harder to reach an audience because they do not have the same wide reach like YouTube.

Full Answer

What is the difference between podcast and YouTube?

Youtube has over 480 million viewers and that doesn’t include all the other video sharing sites out there. How is podcast different from youtube? Podcasting is normally audio-based only although there are a few podcasters that live stream their podcast interviews. Youtube is more of a visual engagement platform that requires peoples attention.

How is podcast different from YouTube?

With podcasting the following skills are required:

  • Interviewing guests and asking good questions
  • Knowing how to get the best sound out of a microphone
  • Editing your audio with software like Garageband
  • Marketing the show and episodes. Getting good guests

Should I start a podcast or a YouTube channel?

  • You don’t need a lot of equipment or knowledge to get started
  • It’s ideal for business owners that don’t feel comfortable in front of a camera
  • Podcasts can be uploaded to YouTube
  • People can listen wherever they are, accessing your podcast episodes via phone or computer

Should I podcast or YouTube?

Round 2 – Content Production and Discovery

  • Podcast Content Production. It’s no secret that there is less editing needed to get a podcast ready than you’ll need for a highly-polished YouTube video.
  • Podcast Content Scheduling and Discovery. ...
  • YouTube Content Production. ...
  • YouTube Content Scheduling and Discovery. ...


Is it worth putting podcast on YouTube?

If you upload a podcast to YouTube, you can more than double the size of your show's digital footprint. It will give you exposure on a platform that billions of people browse every day. It's a key way to let your audience consume your content wherever they are.

What's the difference between a podcast and a YouTube video?

Overnight, the video goes viral. That's the power of YouTube because it hosts all kinds of videos irrespective of the genre. Podcast, on the other hand, is an audio or video recording often focused on a specific theme or topic which users can download and listen to on their mobile devices.

Are podcasts better than video?

A video podcast can intimidate your podcast guests It can also make them feel self-conscious. Most people, unsurprisingly, don't feel relaxed in front of a camera. And since you'll always get more out of a guest the more comfortable they feel, it might be a good idea to choose audio rather than video.

What is more profitable YouTube or podcast?

If you are not great at on-camera, then you may find that podcasts work better for you. However, if you are better on-screen, or your content is better when visualized, then YouTube may work for you. On the flipside, both can make a substantial amount of money, but neither will be an automatic income source.

Can u make money off of podcasts?

So is it even possible for new podcasts to make money? The answer is yes. By setting up a few automated revenue streams, new podcasters can accrue passive income that grows alongside their audience, giving them time back to focus on podcasting.

What is the benefit of podcasts over YouTube videos?

You can get your audience's attention on the go. A great benefit of having a podcast is that your listeners can download and listen to it at a time that is convenient for them. This may be while they're driving, grocery shopping, walking their dog, or anywhere else they are looking to pass the time.

Do I need to film my podcast?

If you film a video podcast, you'll have extra footage you can cut into short, sharable segments. You'll also have behind-the-scenes content to share. Creating variety in your marketing can increase engagement and keep people interested. Another benefit of doing a video show is that you can do a live recording.

What can I do instead of a podcast?

Memoirs, essays, book reviews, interviews, all presented with a flourish that makes you appreciate the artistry of writing and storytelling. The Atlantic, though it has less of a creative focus, presents stories that open your eyes to new things in the world.

Is a podcast voice only?

Most Podcasts today are audio-only, even though video podcasts do exist. Podcasting has really grown out of a need for background content. That means something that can entertain you, educate you or inspire you in the background of other boring or rote activities.

Can I start a podcast on YouTube?

YouTube is a search engine, not a podcast hosting platform. If you only upload your podcast to YouTube, it wouldn't be a podcast anymore; it would simply be a YouTube channel.

Do podcasts use less data than YouTube?

How Much Data Does Music Streaming Use? Music and podcast streaming uses far less data than video streaming, but it can still add up.

Can we monetize Google podcast?

An easy way to squeeze some cash out of what you've already created is to publish your podcasts to YouTube as videos. This is a quick process. All you have to do is enable monetization in your account settings and Google will handle the ads and distributing your money.

What is the difference between YouTube and podcast?

The main difference between YouTube and Podcast is the camera and sound divide. Both may work well and create great results, but it’s completely up to you which type you want to work with. You need to compare one vs the other and decide which platform may be best for your business!

Why do people use podcasts?

Podcasting is a great way to share your expertise through storytelling and interview-based conversations. You may find that auditory storytelling is the most efficient way to start recording your business growth and marketing your business.

Why do businesses join YouTube?

Businesses join YouTube’s highly trafficked platform because they know users are searching for content they’ll love and don’t have to commit to. YouTube attracts users looking for short content that fulfills their free time, whereas podcast platforms attract people looking for a series to spend hours enjoying.

Why do podcasts feel personal?

Podcasts Feel Personal to Listeners. A podcast is a personal way to reach people and get them to like what you’re offering. A website and blog posts don’t build the same level of trust. However, your website, blog posts, and even social media content should work to support your podcasting rather than replace it.

How does podcasting help your business?

Podcasting will really help your online business grow because listeners will get attached to your hosts, and therefore your brand. The more new content you record, the greater the number of people will type your podcast into search engines. If listeners enjoy what you’re saying during an episode, they will want to return.

What do you need to know when starting a podcast?

When you start a podcast, you need to remember that podcasting reaches people who love stories. If you talk about relevant topics, you will attract people that want to listen to similar stories. Several podcasting hosting platforms can help you to get started.

What do you need to do to be a good YouTube producer?

You need to use an interesting subject matter, but you’ll also need to do the following: to engage your audience effectively

How much does a podcast make?

On average you can earn about $25 per 1,000 listens for a mid-roll advertisement and $18 per 1,000 for a pre-roll advertisement.

How to be a podcaster?

With podcasting the following skills are required: 1 Interviewing guests and asking good questions 2 Knowing how to get the best sound out of a microphone 3 Editing your audio with software like Garageband 4 Marketing the show and episodes. Getting good guests

How long do podcast listeners stay?

According to my own podcasting statistics, listeners on average are staying around for the majority of a show, which is about 45 – 60 minutes long. That’s a very long attention span compared to YouTube.

How does CPM fluctuate on YouTube?

In contrast, the CPM that you experience on YouTube will fluctuate based on the content that you produce and the demand for those viewers by advertising dollars.

How to optimize podcasts for SEO?

While you can make the overall podcast show SEO optimized by including key words in your show title or subtitle, you aren’t likely to receive much iTunes search engine traffic to your individual episodes.

What is the best lighting for a video studio?

The best lighting that you can use is natural lighting. You can also purchase lighting for your studio, like a simple lIght box setup. I use this lighting set occasionally for my videos.

Is it cheaper to start a podcast than YouTube?

It’s going to be cheaper to get started with podcasting than YouTube. But what about the skills that you need to master in order to get good?

When you compare Youtube to podcasts, are they both equally beneficial?

When you’re comparing Youtube vs podcast, they’re both equally beneficial.

What does it feel like to be on YouTube?

Being on Youtube feels like an equivalent of being an artist. You’re consistently expected to produce a certain type of content that performs really well.

Why is Youtube important?

Because it allows you to build more like and trust, and easily gain traffic. The most important thing is it’s easier to build your email list via Youtube.

When starting a YouTube channel, do you have to be careful?

When it comes to starting a Youtube channel, you still have to be careful about the types of videos that you are doing and what titles you are giving them.

Can podcasts coexist?

But at the end of the day, both platforms can co-exist with one another because they both serve a pretty similar purpose and that is to drive traffic to what you offer.

Is it better to start a YouTube podcast or a YouTube channel?

So, when it comes to comparing Youtube vs podcast , it depends on your goals. If your goal is to target certain types of audiences, then starting a podcast is highly recommended.

Start with little equipment

Since you only need to create an audio file, you need fewer pieces of equipment compared to creating a Youtube video. For a podcast, you just need a good microphone and a laptop. Over time, you can add more equipment like an audio recorder, a boom arm, a pop filter, and a shock mount.

Multiple platforms mean multiple audiences

With podcasts, you can choose from several platforms to share your content. Some heavy hitters include Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Alexa, and many more. Choose one that best suits your needs and would reach your target audience. But, to get a wider reach, leverage as many platforms as possible.

Versatility works to your advantage

One of the most significant advantages of a podcast is that your audience can easily stream or download podcast episodes and listen to them at almost anywhere and anytime - while cooking at home, driving or commuting to work, during a workout, or when merely killing time.

Friction between recording and publishing

The recording and editing of your audio file may be quite easy, especially if you have the skills and the right equipment. However, the challenge starts in setting-up.

No visuals

The fact that podcasts are only audio may also pose a disadvantage, especially for those who have a short attention span. Since there are no visuals, there’s a high tendency that the listener will suddenly tune out because of distractions.

Accurate tracking is difficult

Since a podcast needs to be downloaded to the listener’s device, exact metrics are difficult. Downloads are a great measure, but how can you convert that metric into engagement and revenue? You can’t tell which part of your podcast resonated with the listener.


Since Youtube is already in most devices and you may even access it directly in an internet browser, you would surely reach your target audience no matter what age they may be or what device they are using. YouTube receives hundreds of millions of views a day, so you have a built-in audience raring to go.

Why is keyword research not important for podcasts?

This is because podcasts are mostly story-driven. Most new listeners are not finding shows via an algorithm. It’s also just not as competitive.

How many YouTube channels are there?

It’s also just not as competitive. Jonathan said there are around 31 million YouTube channels, while there are around 1 million podcasts.

How long does Marko take to edit a video?

This has enabled him to cut a lot of time in the editing process. Marko said he can take a video from the idea to the finished product in 3-4 hours.

How much did Marko spend on his camera?

Marko said he spent about $1,000 on his camera and lighting equipment. Obviously, this number can skyrocket depending on the types of videos you’re making.

Where did Marko start recording videos?

Marko just decided one day to buy a good camera and pick up a whiteboard from Craigslist and start recording videos in his living room.

Why did Jonathan leaned more towards affiliates?

He did this because affiliate commissions are typically higher than ad revenue per the number of listeners.

Which streaming services have their own ecosystem?

Platforms like Spotify and Overcast.fm that have their own ecosystem and listener base are much more likely to bring in new listeners.

Getting Started

Chances are you already have a YouTube account because you already have a Google/gmail account. You also probably already have the app on your phone.

Getting Paid

This is really what you care about with a side hustle right? In this section we’re just going to talk about the main method of monetization with each platform. Then we’ll take a look at some other options that can apply to both formats.

Which Has the Higher Rate of Pay?

In the business, revenue is measured by CPM, which stands for cost per mille. It’s a little confusing for English speakers who associate “mille” with “million,” but as speakers of Romance Languages know, it’s the Latin word for “thousand.”

Other Ways to Get Paid

It’s important to remember that you can make money in a variety of ways.

A Matter of Style

In many ways, the difference between these two side hustles comes down to personal preference.

Combining the Two

Of course, who says you need to pick just one? Why not have a video podcast? You record a podcast episode while looking into the camera, upload the video to YouTube and the audio goes to the podcast feeds.

Keys to Success

Now is the best time to get started. As Tim Ferriss said in The 4-Hour Work Week “‘Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.”


YouTube CPM vs. Podcast CPM

Without a doubt, Podcasting has a higher CPM than YouTube. On average you can earn about $25 per 1,000 listens for a mid-roll advertisement and $18 per 1,000for a pre-roll advertisement. This mean you’d be making about $43 per episode if you were getting 1,000 downloads per episode. This is for just one sponsor. You can …
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SEO vs. Novelty

  • YouTube is a search engine. Every minute of every day, people are typing keywords into the YouTube search engine in order to discover content. Those searches could look like: “Funny cat videos” or “flirting with a hot chick.: However, they could also be more serious terms like: “How to grow a business” or “Best microphones for YouTube” No matter what niche you start your busin…
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Attention Span and Consumption Habits

  • The attention span of a piece of content and the overall consumption habits are going to be different for an educational vs. an informational show. For example, you can watch a 2 hour long movie and come out of that feeling ecstatic and emotionally recharged. If you were to come out of a 2 educational hour lecture, you’d likely feel tired and emotionally drained. In general, YouTube …
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Equipment and Skills Required

  • The resources that you’ll need to start a YouTube channel are different from that of a podcast. I want to give you a clear idea of what you’ll need to get started and the skills that you’ll need to improve if you want to have a successful channel. Of course, you can film YouTube videos with a simple smartphone camera and a cheap lapel microphone. It’s not ideal, but it will work. When y…
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Who Do You Want to Be in 10 years?

  • YouTube and podcasting are both a great source of leads for your business. You can generate traffic, interest, and new email subs with either medium. The main difference comes with your role in the process and what skills you want to improve on. Which do you enjoy more? What do you want to get good at? Only YOUcan answer this. In 10 years, I want my personality to be out there…
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