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podcasts like last podcast on the left

by Chadd Homenick Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The 9 Best Podcasts Like Last Podcast on the Left

  • The Dollop. Although The Dollop is more of a history podcast, hosts Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds capture the same...
  • Astonishing Legends. If you’re a fan of the spookier side of LPOTL, you’ll want to check out Astonishing Legends, which...
  • Dark Poutine. This true crime comedy podcast is a great way to dive into the...

Similar podcasts to Last Podcast on the Left
  • Similar podcasts to Last Podcast on the Left.
  • The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds. 104. ...
  • Astonishing Legends. 17 22 121. ...
  • Behind the Bastards.
  • My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. ...
  • Crime in Sports. ...
  • Small Town Murder. ...
  • Those Conspiracy Guys.

Full Answer

Which podcast should you listen to?

Listen. Stuff You Should Know. You should know more stuff. Lucky for you, there’s something really easy about that! SYSK is long one of the best podcasts — its back catalog at this point is crazy.

What is the best podcast episode of all time?

The best true crime podcasts are the ones that ... returned to its roots for season 3 where each episode covers an individual criminal case. Want more? Make sure to check out the best horror movies of all time.

Do people really listen to podcasts?

Various sources agree that podcast consumers listen to at least 80% of each episode. According to a 4,000-person survey, a great deal of podcast listening happens at home, with 90% of participants...

What podcasts to listen to after serial?

Now into its sixth season, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Breakdown podcast meticulously dissects true crime cases in near-real time. To truly appreciate this podcast, go back and start listening from season 1. Breakdown’s presenter, Bill Rankin, is a seasoned court reporter and it shows – he and his team delve deep into the facts and critically analyse what can be concluded from them.


What happened to the last podcast on the left?

Comedy-horror program “Last Podcast on the Left” announced Tuesday it will no longer be exclusive to Spotify, becoming the second podcast to exit such a deal. as audio streaming sites work to draw larger audiences.

Is Marcus Parks still on last podcast on the left?

The Last Podcast on the Left is a weekly podcast on the Last Podcast Network featuring comedian and podcast host Ben Kissel, podcast producer and researcher Marcus Parks, and comedian and actor Henry Zebrowski, all of whom are longtime friends.

When did Henry Zebrowski join last podcast on the left?

2011In 2010 he had a role in the drama White Irish Drinkers. Since 2011, Zebrowski has cohosted the horror/comedy podcast The Last Podcast on the Left alongside Marcus Parks and Ben Kissel.

Where does the last podcast on the left live?

Last Podcast on the Left: Live in New Orleans 2019 Last Podcast on the Left covers all topics mysterious and macabre and their live show is no different: The boys are BACK IN THE HABIT, exposing elaborate conspiracy theories, elusive cryptids, slippery serial killers, and MORE.

What does hail Gein mean?

Hail youself! Megustalations!" Gein is a reference to the infamous Ed Gein, a man who's use of human remains as furniture and fashion inspired the Hitchcock film, Psycho (1960) as well as Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs (1991). Megustalations is a portmanteau or blending of "me gusta" and "congratulations".

How old is Henry Zebrowski?

38 years (May 1, 1984)Henry Zebrowski / Age

Who is Henry Zebrowski married to?

Natalie JeanHenry Zebrowski / Spouse (m. 2018)

How much money does last podcast on the left make?

Last Podcast On The Left has 11,290, which equal $53,958 per month. Tiny Meat Gang has 10,638 patrons, which equals $51,199 per month. Between ads, YouTube revenue, and Twitch revenue, The H3 Podcast makes just under $500,000 per month.

How did the guys from last podcast on the left meet?

We'd all met in the comedy world when Ben Kissel had moved in with my writing partner, Holden McNeely, into this little hole of an apartment. We sort of turned that into a rehearsal studio for our first sketch group, Murderfist. Ben and I were on a radio show that Marcus hosted and we all started hanging out.

How tall is Ben from last podcast on the left?

6'7 tallBen Kissel is the 6'7 tall lead host of The Last Podcast on the Left. Proud of his Germanic heritage, Ben regularly takes vacations with immediate family who, for no reason other than the climate, live permanently in remote areas of Argentina. He currently owns two dogs named Puffin and Jerry.

Who is Marcus Parks?

Marcus Parks is an actor and writer, known for Last Podcast on the Left: Live in Chicago (2018), Last Podcast on the Left Animated: Ladies Love Son of Sam (2018) and MacLeod: There Can Be Only One (2021).

What are Spotify exclusive podcasts?

But Spotify Exclusive Podcasts enable Spotify to retain 100% ownership of some of their most-streamed content. This allows them to forgo making a payment to the owner of the content every time it gets played.

What is the last podcast on the left?

In many ways, the Last Podcast on the Left is in a league of its own. It’s one of the original true crime comedy podcasts , and still reigns supreme for its perfect combination of in-depth, well-researched stories and hilarious banter between hosts Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks, and Henry Zebrowski. But luckily, LPOTL paved the way for many other great podcasts that are definitely worth a listen. From dark history to true crime to spooky paranormal stories, check out this list of podcasts like Last Podcast on the Left, curated with recommendations from Podyssey’s community of podcast lovers.

What is the small town murder podcast?

In each episode of Small Town Murder, comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman zoom in on a small town, detailing its history and a grisly murder that happened there . This unique format means that the podcast offers true crime comedy fans a plethora of little-known murders to dive into. You can also check out James and Jimmie’s other podcast, Crime in Sports, which has been described as a combination of TSN’s 30 for 30 and America’s Most Wanted.

Is Dark Poutine a true crime podcast?

But it’s not just a true crime podcast — Dark Poutine investigates everything dark and creepy, from historical events to legends to folklore. Like the Last Podcast on the Left hosts, Dark Poutine’s Mike Browne and Scott Hemenway are longtime friends who have great banter and chemistry. If you’re looking for podcasts similar to Last Podcast on the Left, you’ll definitely want to check this one out!

BBC Documentary Podcasts are so good - the Lazarus Heist is another classic

BBC podcasts really are fantastic if you want documentary / investigative shows.

Gimlet's "Chompers" podcast going Spotify exclusive. Only a matter of time...

I enjoy listening to Chompers every morning and night with my son to brush our teeth. Today they announced it will become a Spotify exclusive on July 1. I use PocketCasts and do not use Spotify, and I will not download it just to listen to exclusive podcasts.

Exit Scam is very good

If you are looking for a good series to binge - I am very impressed with this one and even a little conflicted about what happened (sign of more balanced reporting?)

Podcasts on the Xinjiang concentration camps?

Buzzfeed just won an award on their investigations on the camps and I read the articles and was wondering if you guys knew any podcasts that also did a deep dive on the subject?

Slate's Decoder Ring returns for a six part summer series

For those of us who enjoy the 'solving minor mysteries' types of shows (your Mystery Shows, your UnderUnderstoods, your Reply Alls), Decoder Ring is probably not far from our lips when recommending similar shows. And today, Slate releases a six part summer series:

Starting to become picky with what I listen to

I get stuck in this mindset that I need to listen to all of these podcasts that everyone loves and listen to a bunch of educational podcasts the point where I don’t even enjoy what I’m listening to. I’ve literally narrowed it down to one lately. Song Exploder. I’ll add a few more overtime but I’m trying to only keep ones that I enjoy listening to.

Was David Berg a manipulator?

Cultist David Berg was a magnificent manipulator of the hippies. It’s unclear if that had to do with their taking too many drugs and being susceptible already, or if he was really just that good. Well, since it begged an investigation, LPOTL took up the mantle and examined the profits of the prophet of the Children of God. This episode is gross. And raucous. And creepy. So creepy.

Does comedy work?

As the listener, you want the LPOTL material to be so farcical, so absurd, that any attempt to find reason fails. But that isn’t the case.

Who is the host of Last Podcast on the Left?

Last Podcast on the Left barrels headlong into all things horror — as hosts Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks and Henry Zebrowski cover dark subjects spanning Jeffrey Dahmer, werewolves, Jonestown, iconic hauntings, the history of war crimes, and more.

Where was the last podcast on the left filmed?

In 2018, after touring the US with our Last Podcast on the Left stage show, we filmed it at Thalia Hall in Chicago. And then we made an entirely different show in 2019, toured that across the US and Europe and the UK, and then filmed that show in New Orleans.

Weird question-- When re-listening to a podcast, can anyone else remember exactly where they were originally at each part of the podcast when they listened to it originally?

I don't re-listen to podcasts often, but whenever I do, I get flashbacks to exactly where I was/what I was looking to when I hear parts/lines that I remember from listening to it originally.

Podcasts without banter?

It's hard to describe what I mean, but I'm looking for podcasts that aren't just a bunch of friends shooting the shit. Podcasts like Freakonomics, The History of Rome and Strangeville where there's almost a narrative and the podcast is structured end edited.

I just got rehired at my pre-pandemic job. That means I get to listen to podcasts all day again. What are some of your favorite podcast series or episodes of the last year and a half?

I haven't been paying attention to new podcasts since I lost that job in March 2020. I like stuff like 20,000Hz, Radiolab, Darknet Diaries, and anything that tells a story. I'm open to all suggestions though! Even if I don't like the sound of your suggestion, someone reading this thread might.

If there was just ONE podcast you could erase from your memory....

Im fairly recently getting into podcasts. I've often thought about being able to clean my mind of memories of my favorite shows (Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, etc) so I could go back and rewatch them.

In case anyone may have missed it, HBO Max have released a Band of Brothers podcast

I love the complimentary podcasts HBO puts out for some it's shows - Chernobyl and Raised by Wolves were great audio experiences in addition to being awesome tv shows IMO.

Suggestion for comedy podcasts

Going through tough phase at college, can y'all suggest some podcast to have a good laugh to deviate mind. Like a story telling so something. Thanks!

Podcasts like My Dad Wrote a Porno?

Almost constantly listen to MDWAP on a loop but want to take a break. Anyone any suggestions of something in a similar vein ? Thanks !

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