Podcast FAQ

poor man's pinball podcast

by Pat Pollich Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the pinballers podcast?

The pinballers favorite podcast. News, rumors and the best industry interviews with the movers and shakers of pinball. Featuring pinball artist Christopher Franchi and Christian "Dr Pin" Line.

What is the PinHeadz podcast?

Recorded in Australia’s national capital, the Pinheadz PODcast is a uniquely Australian look at the pinball industry – past, present & future. Host Jeff Parsons talks about playing pinball both causally and competitively and interviews pinball players to hear their stories about their love of pinball.

Who are the hosts of the Triple drain pinball podcast?

Triple Drain Pinball Podcast Episode 14: Robert Byers Jumping Off The Top Rope Hosts: Joel Engelberth, Tom Graf, & Travis Murie Special Guest/Extra Ball: Robert Byers, 2022 INDISC Classics I Champion In this episode we discuss our thoughts on playing RUSH, how Zach Meny could not be more wrong on Competitive Pinball Finals (yet kind of right) an...

Who are the hosts of the Pinball Show?

The Pinball Show Interviews Episode 6: Marco Specialties' Kyle Spiteri & Krystle Gemnich Host: Matt Morrison Special Guest: Marco Specialties' Kyle Spiteri & Krystle Gemnich TPSI host Matt Morrison sits down with part of the Marco Specialties team to discuss the evolving pinball industry, routing games, parts management, pinball tech talk, and m...


Sports & Recreation Podcasts

2 incredibly average middle class guys talk about the joys of loving an incredibly expensive hobby! We talk industry news, Other Pinball Podcast news, and of course Pinball machines themselves! Listen now!

BONUS Thank You Episode

I read listeners messages and notes. Thank you to all who support our show!!

Episode 112

Tribe Member Jon Hall joins me as we get a little drunk and he narrates a conversation between my wife and I. I also challenge Ed Robertson to email me! ENJOY!

Pinball Junk Drawer, Episode 7

Martin talks about a few different subjects pertaining to pinball this week.

Episode 111

In this one we discuss women in pinball, death of a pinball icon,rising prices and so much more! We also drink in the new studio and induct a NEW tribe member ENJOY!!!!

Tribe Multiball with Rachel and Tim, Episode 21: Dammit I'm Thirsty

Mike joins us to talk about pinball, drinking, and one of his major contributions to society!

Episode 110: Rush First Impressions and 2021 Review

In this quick episode, I am thankful for 2021 and my 1st impressions of Rush!

Pinball Podcast – Lite

Poor Man’s pinball podcast is not the number #1 pinball podcast, but they are worthy of six cheese slices. Listening to the Boy’s discuss pinball is a lot like drinking light beer all day. First, you have to get accustomed to the flavor. Then you rationalize since it looks and smells like beer, it must be beer.

Drinking, Dad Jokes, Ribbing, and oh yeah Pinball

They are the Bo and Luke Dukes of Hazard in pinball. Just two good ol’ boys looking to have some fun, never meaning no harm while sharing their thoughts on pinball, pounding a few drinks, and stirring it up with their followers. Sloppy at best on a good night! On a cheese scale, I would give them 73 slices.


I’m not one for sloppy seconds, but these two guys don’t have any shame, which is what makes them entertaining and keeps me coming back. They present pinball topics, news, and personal reviews in a manner that’s hilarious and that the common man and woman can all relate too. Keep it up, fellas .

Sock watch

The most relatable and entertaining pinball podcast out there. Love the new Facebook live format on Monday nights. Drew and Ian are killing it! Keep it up buttholes!

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