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primal potential podcast

by Prof. Bartholome Wuckert Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago


Ever pursue a change by trying to upgrade your habits? I think that's the wrong way to go about it. More often than not, that will be short term. You'll do well for a little bit, but you'll eventually return to your old ways.

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960: When You Want to Give Up

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959: Where You Need to Start

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958: My Thoughts On Intuitive Eating

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Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Primal Potential Podcast is about transformation, not information. So many of us KNOW what we need to do to achieve our goals but we aren't DOING it. There's a continuous gap between our INTENTIONS and our ACTIONS. Primal Potential is a TOOL to help you create massive change in your life and ENJOY the journey!

959: Where You Need to Start

If you feel like your life, your circumstances, time, stress, money or family is getting in your way, this is your episode! Mentioned In Today's Episode: Chasing Cupcakes Primal Potential FB Group

958: My Thoughts On Intuitive Eating

You guys didn't hold back with questions today! In today's episode we're diving into an update on my weight loss journey, intuitive eating, making mindset shifts, things that feel "hard" and more! I'm so grateful for all the topics and questions you share! Please keep them coming! This is very much YOUR show and I want to talk about what you want to hear about! Mentioned In Today's Episode: GBXFit Relief+ Sleep+ (Be sure to use the coupon code BENTON for $10 off your first order!).

957: 9 Ways to Make Behavior Change Easier

If changing your behavior feels hard, today I'm sharing 9 specific ways to make it easier and they are all ways you can implement today! Mentioned In Today's Episode: Chasing Cupcakes Primal Potential FB Group

956: Managing "Off" Days

Someone asked if I ever have "off" days where my choices aren't great or I don't do the things I said I would. Um...YES. I sure do! Today on the episode I'm sharing how I manage those days.

955: What It Takes To Change Your Life

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954: The Link Between Happiness & Progress

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