Podcast FAQ

python programming podcast

by Dr. Rachael Dooley Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Top 9 Python Podcasts

  1. Talk Python To Me. Hosted by Michael Kennedy, this weekly podcast is about the Python industry and the people...
  2. Python Bytes. If you are looking for a podcast that focuses on developer news, this one is for you. You don’t have to...
  3. The Real Python Podcast. Launched in March 2020, this is a fairly young addition to the podcast world.

Full Answer

What is a Python podcast?

A weekly Python podcast hosted by Christopher Bailey with interviews, coding tips, and conversation with guests from the Python community.

Who is the host of talk Python to me?

This week on the show we have Michael Kennedy, the host of the podcast "Talk Python to Me". Michael reflects on five years of podcasting about Python, and many of the changes he has seen in the Python landscape. Wouldn't it be nice to a use a form of version control for data?

How do I contact the real Python podcast team?

Send an email to [email protected], tweet at @realpython, or leave a voicemail from the comfort of your browser. Are you ready to break open the first days of puzzles from the annual Advent of Code challenge? Advent of Code is an advent calendar of twenty-five programming puzzles published each December.

What is the data science community doing with Python?

The data science community does not only use Python as its core programming language but it plays a big role in almost every organization performing data analysis. The following podcasts cover data science broadly and often get specific into Python ecosystem tools.


What do Sean and Kelly teach?

Sean and Kelly teach middle school students Python and share their art and science of teaching Python on their podcast. They wanted to come on the show to talk about the Real Python articles, quizzes, and other resources they use when teaching their students. Play Episode.

Who is the author of Python 3.9?

Python 3.9 has arrived! This week on the show, former guest and Real Python author Geir Arne Hjelle returns to talk about his recent article, "Python 3.9: Cool New Features for You to Try". Also joining the conversation is Real Python video course instructor and author Christopher Trudeau. Christopher has created a video course, which was released this week also, based on Geir Arne's article. We talk about time zones, merging dictionaries, the new parser, type hints, and more.

Who hosts Python podcasts?

A weekly Python podcast hosted by Christopher Bailey with interviews, coding tips, and conversation with guests from the Python community.

Who is Brett from Python?

Brett is a Python core developer and he's been working on a series of articles where he is unraveling the syntax of Python. His series is a fantastic resource for those wanting to learn how Python is structured and works at its core. Play Episode.

What is a django riff?

Django Riffs is a podcast for learning web application development in Python using the Django web framework. Teaching Python is a podcast by two teachers about their adventures teaching middle school computer science, problem solving, handling failure, frustration, and success with teaching Python programming.

What is Python bytes?

Python Bytes is a new podcast from the creators of the above mentioned "Talk Python to Me" and "Test and Code Podcast". Test and Code Podcast focuses on testing and related topics such as mocking and code metrics. Django Riffs is a podcast for learning web application development in Python using the Django web framework.

What is the real Python podcast?

The Real Python Podcast is a weekly podcast with interviews, coding tips, and conversation with guests from the Python community.

What programming language is used in data science?

The data science community does not only use Python as its core programming language but it plays a big role in almost every organization performing data analysis. The following podcasts cover data science broadly and often get specific into Python ecosystem tools.

What is data story?

Data stories is a podcast on data visualization. Partially Derivative was a podcast for machine learning, artificial intelligence and the data community. They finished their last episode in late 2017 but the episodes list contains a slew of existing content. Those podcasts should help you get started.

What is a podcast in Python?

A Python podcast is an amazing tool for people short on time. When you learn the Python programming language, you need to have a trusted source of up-to-date information. But finding the right source takes time and can be hit or miss. Sometimes you think you’ve hit the jackpot – but it turns out it was a dud.

Who hosts Python podcast?

Hosted by Michael Kennedy, this weekly podcast is about the Python industry and the people involved in it. It also covers other related topics like MongoDB, AngularJS, and DevOps. Each episode has a laid-back atmosphere, features a guest, and lasts for about 45 minutes.

How many podcasts are there in the US?

Podcasts are popular. There are currently about 1.96 million podcasts; around 57% of people in the US have listened to a podcast at least once. source: edisonresearch.com. To me, that makes a lot of sense. Throughout the ages, people have been telling stories.

What are podcast hosts telling?

The hosts and guests aren’t ranting about a topic or reading a bunch of facts. They are telling stories: their personal experiences, findings, and ideas. The stories people tell us vary in length and tone. That's why when we find the right podcasts, we tend to stick with them.

What is a test and code podcast?

Looking for a podcast with a broad range? Test and Code talks about software engineering, development, testing, and Python programming. When the story revolves around Python, it goes into implementation specifics. In around thirty minutes, you can learn about Python packaging, Tox, Pytest, and unittest.

How many Python podcasts will be released in 2021?

There you have it: nine Python podcasts you should try in 2021. Whether you are taking a walk, doing the dishes, or doing some other everyday chores, you can enjoy stories from Python developers.

When did the Python Bytes podcast come out?

Listen to Python Bytes here. 3. The Real Python Podcast. Launched in March 2020, this is a fairly young addition to the podcast world. Hosted by Christopher Bailey, The Real Python Podcast offers coding tips, interviews, and genuine conversations with guests from the Python community.

What is Python podcast?

Handful of Best Python Podcasts that can give you a more practical learning experience based on real-world problems. Python is an experiment in how much freedom programmers need. Too much freedom and nobody can read another’s code; too little and expressiveness is endangered. Python is a vastly popular programming language among modern developers.

How long is a podcast?

The podcasts can be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour long and cover a range of domains, such as Data Science, DevOps, Web Applications, Machine Learning, Scientific Research, and much more.

Is podcasting a good source of information?

Most of us listen to music, and for those new to this, podcasts are a very similar experience. Believe it or not, podcasts can be a great source of information for people who enjoy it. Not only does it give them a wealth of information about Python or any other topic in a format they already love to digest, but it also gives them the opportunity to learn at their own pace.

Who is the author of Python Bytes?

Python Bytes is another weekly podcast series from Talk Python To Me, co-hosted by Brian Okken, author of the book “Python Testing with pytest”. The episodes run somewhere around 30 or more minutes and cover newsworthy headlines and the latest happenings in the Python world.

Who is Claire D?

Claire D. is a Content Crafter and Marketer at Digitalogy — a tech sourcing and custom matchmaking marketplace that connects people with pre-screened & top-notch developers and designers based on their specific needs across the globe. Connect with me on Medium, Linkedin, & Twitter.

List of Python Podcasts

It’s a weekly Python podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. The podcast discusses the latest Python developer news saving developers the hustle of going through the internet searching for latest news.

Best List of Django Podcasts

There are a lot of Django podcasts on the internet where programmers can listen and deepen their skills. In this article, we shall be covering a list of Django podcasts that exists on the internet and how you can get them.

Best Data Science Podcasts

Python, an adverse language, has several uses i.e for data science, machine learning, data visualization e.t.c. In addition, several Python podcasts cover data science.


We have discussed the best Python podcasts ranging from Python development, web development and data science. Podcast is like any other form of learning compared to books. The conversations in podcasts are engaging and you will definitely enjoy listening to them to upgrade your skills.

What listeners think

Interesting guests, host does a great job moderating and leading the conversation. Awesome for both advanced and beginner Python users.

Python Bytes Podcast

Do you enjoy Talk Python To Me? We created a second podcast to be the perfect counterpart to the long-form interview format on Talk Python:

Talk Python Merchandise

Support the show and share your Python pride with the Talk Python To Me T-shirt. .

Sponsor or support the show

Are you an individual who loves this podcast? You can commit as little as $1 via our Patreon campaign or one-time via Square Cash or .

Suggest a show or guest

We are always on the look out for exciting topics to bring to you on Talk Python To Me. We could use your help!

What is a Python talk?

Talk Python To Me is a podcast about (you guessed it) the Python programming language and its associated libraries and frameworks. Recently, the podcast featured a group of panelists who discussed the latest developments to the Flask framework and their implications for its utility.

What is command line heroes?

Command Line Heroes is a podcast created by Red Hat — an open-source technology company and subsidiary of IBM. This podcast covers the latest developments in open-source technology, but they also branch into data science, machine learning, and more. In 2019, the podcast won the Shorty Award for Best in Technology.

What is soft skills engineering?

Soft Skills Engineering is hosted by two professional developers who give their listeners advice about the field and respond to their submitted questions. You'll definitely want to check out this podcast if you're considering a career in programming, as it sheds light on the expectations around common roles.

Why are podcasts so popular?

Podcasts are great. They're entertaining. They're informative. They're perfect for when you need help staying awake during your commute to work or when you want a little background noise while you're tidying up.

Who is Lex Fridman?

Lex Fridman is a self-described "AI researcher working on autonomous vehicles, human-robot interaction, and machine learning at MIT and beyond." While many episodes of his podcast focus on programming, you'll also find conversations about machine learning, interstellar travel, physics, and more — often with celebrities and notable figures like Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, and Noam Chomsky.


Python-Specific Podcasts

Favorite Podcast Episodes

  • Here are a list of my favorite episodes from various Python podcasts beforewe dive into entire podcast recommendations in the next section. Dig intothese episodes to get a feel for various personalities and styles inpodcast presentation. 1. SQLAlchemy and data access in Pythonbrought me some much-needed context and understanding for how theobject-relational …
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General Software Development Podcasts

  • These podcasts are not specific to Python but cover relevant softwareengineering topics and often have episodes on Python topics. At thevery least you will become a better general software developer bylistening and learning from them. 1. Software Engineering Dailyincredibly has a podcast every day with a different developer on ahuge range of relevant development subjects. …
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Data Science and Analysis Podcasts

  • The datascience community does not only use Python as itscore programming language but it plays a big role in almost everyorganization performing data analysis. The following podcasts coverdata science broadly and often get specific into Python ecosystem tools. 1. DataFramed is a datascience podcast that often covers Python libraries and other area...
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