Boom Room: Dafna Pleban
It’s what we’ve been waiting literally YEARS for— the guiding light of the Power Rangers line, Boom! Studios editor Dafna Pleban visits the Ranger Danger Boom Room! What surprising similarity do we share with Dafna? What’s her favourite moment from the past 3 years? And what can we expect from the future of Boom’s Power Rangers line? The answers to these questions— and a special guest appearance— await...
Turbo 250: Chase Into Space, Part II
We’re desperately trying to reach escape velocity on the podcast this week, as we watch the Power Rangers Turbo finale—‘Chase Into Space, Part II’! How does location filming make an incredible impact on this episode? What object shattering is like the death of a long-running character? And… can Justin manage to give us The Feelz just before he exits the show? The answers to those questions and more await, on the FINAL EPISODE of the Ranger Danger Turbo podcast!.
Turbo 249: Chase Into Space, Part I
We’re starting the countdown to launch on the podcast this week, as we watch the Power Rangers Turbo episode ‘Chase Into Space, Part I’! Why are we suddenly all about the score in this episode? What extreme, dramatic tactic does TJ employ TWICE like it’s NBD? What Turbo trope is given a fantastic new spin? Find out the answers to these questions and more, on this episode of the Ranger Danger Turbo podcast!.
Patreon Special : Bone Zone II: Bone Harder
Alright ya scalliwags, ya scoundrels, ya… scoundrilwags, you! It’s time for what you’ve been waiting for! It’s time for RANGER DANGER BONE ZONE II: BONE HARDER! Do Mat and Lauren want to feel bat fur between their toes? Can young Lothor’s hotness outshine his problematic older self’s reverse-Bane mask? Is red hair still a goer when it’s made out of foam? Can anyone unseat Ecliptor from the Bone Throne?! Find out—on this Ranger Danger Patreon special, brought to life by our incredible (and incredibly appreciated) Patreon patrons!.
TF 411: Time for Lightspeed
The Time team's faced dangers, now they need more Rangers. We're living the dream, yup-- 'cos they made a Lightspeed Team-Up! That's right, this week on the podcast we're watching the Po…
TF 410: Beware the Knight
This week on the podcast, we're encouraging a healthy dose of armor aversion-- because we're watching the Power Rangers Time Force episode "Beware the Knight"!Hey, where did these knights…
TF 409: Undercover Rangers
This week on the podcast, it’s time to put on your picnic basket disguises (so we can finally catch that damn bear)— because we’re watching the Power Rangers Time Force episode “Underc…
TF 408: Destiny Defeated
This week on the podcast, we're looking for a games-as-service title to knock Bungie's heavy-hitter off its thrown– because we're watching the Power Rangers Time Force episode 'Destiny Defea…
Special: Ep. 40: The Future is The Past
This week on the podcast, all our ups are down, all our Rangers are Sentai, and all our tomorrows are yesterdays— because we’re watching the Gokaiger episode “The Future is the Past”!How mu…
TF 407: Fight Against Fate
This week on the podcast, we're taking the battle to Kent Nelson– because we're watching the Power Rangers Time Force episode 'Fight Against Fate'!How long can Bio-Lab function without a CE…