Podcast FAQ

revolutions podcast music

by Alicia McClure Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

When did My History Can Beat Up Your Politics start?

My History Can Beat Up Your Politics One of the O.G. podcasts. Since 2006!

Who wrote the New Republic article?

The New Republic Article by David Klion (Hi David!)

What did April 1917 remind us of?

April 1917 reminds us sometimes foreign affairs DO matter in domestic politics.

Will war cause another revolution?

War will cause another revolution? No! War will prevent another revolution.

When did the Rump Parliament dissolve?

In 1653 Oliver Cromwell dissolved the Rump Parliament and then Barebone's Parliament dissolved itself. The Commonwealth was not getting off to a great start.

Why did the Scots revolt?

The Scots revolted after Charles tried to impose the Book of Common Prayer, for cing the King to recall Parliament.

I am finding it incredibly difficult to keep the events, factions and people straight in Series 5

Against some of your advice, I have listened to the seasons out of order, and am currently listening to Haiti. I listened to every Russian episode and have, more or less, been able to keep up. Same with Mexico, but Haiti is confusing the hell out of me.

What were the SR-Peasants up to?

From the podcast I've gathered that the SR's were strong among the peasantry, that the Bolsheviks gave into their demand for land redistribution to small landholdings, and that the Bolsheviks essentially turned peasant soviets into puppet organizations without much peasant representation.

Titles and nicknames

I really like these titles and nicknames given to historical figures and they help theses people feel like some grand narrative. Here are some of my favorite (2 are not from the podcast, and one of those isn’t from a revolution, but it’s on theme, even though it’s ironic) what are yours?

What are Revolutions supplemental episodes?

Revolutions also has supplemental episodes that are special episodes not counted in the normal number of episodes and of varying length compared to roughly half-hour normal episodes – some of them focus in depth on a particular topic or person, while others are verbatim reproductions of historical texts such as the United States Declaration of Independence or the French Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen .

When did the History of Rome podcast start?

Main article: The History of Rome (podcast) Duncan began The History of Rome in 2007, after failing to find any good podcasts about ancient history. The project turned into an award-winning weekly podcast which aired for 179 episodes until 2012 and was downloaded more than 100 million times.

What was the best podcast of 2010?

In the 2010 Podcast Awards, The History of Rome won best educational podcast.

What is the history of Byzantium podcast?

Robin Pierson's podcast The History of Byzantium was explicitly modelled after The History of Rome in style, length and quality and was intended by Pierson to act as a sort of sequel to it. Similarly, Peter Adamson mentioned Duncan as one of the reasons he started his History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps podcast.

How many episodes of The History of Rome podcast?

Duncan published The History of Rome: The Republic, a collection of edited transcripts from the first 46 episodes of the podcast, opening with the founding of the Roman Kingdom and ending with the breakdown of the Roman Republic.

What did Mike Duncan's interest in Roman history grow from?

Duncan's interest in Roman history grew from a "general interest in ancient civilizations." As a child, he would often flip through his parents' encyclopedia set to the entries on Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece, the Maya, and the Inca. The largest and most encompassing of those civilizations to Duncan was always the Romans. Mike became especially interested in Roman history while reading his grandfather's paperback version of Edward Gibbon 's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

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