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rough translation podcast

by Nya Cremin Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is rough translation?

Rough Translation Rough Translation is a podcast about cultural mistranslations and what we can learn from them. Usually, we're heading to far off places to bring you stories that hit close to home. This spring, with the help NPR's Veterans Correspondent Quil Lawrence, we're taking on a cultural divide that's closer to home.

What is rough translation by Gregory Warner about?

Gregory Warner tells stories that follow familiar conversations into unfamiliar territory. At a time when the world seems small but it's as hard as ever to escape our echo chambers, Rough Translation takes you places. When Naira calls her parents back home in Russia to talk about the war in Ukraine, they treat her as an outsider and a threat.

What is rough translation's School of scandal?

We're back with a special series, Rough Translation's "School of Scandal," stories about people around the world calling each other out and taking each other down to change the status quo. One man's mission to get hundreds of his fellow Venezuelans back home from Ecuador in a pandemic, even if it means walking all 1,300 miles.

What's a sorry podcast about?

Along the way, she had to work out: what a sorry is, who it's for, and what makes it stick. The award-winning podcast returns with five original stories about people trying to cross a bridge from one worldview to another, even when everyone's telling them you can't get there from here


What is rough translation?

Rough translation is based on meaning-equivalent sentences that have the same main meaning as the input sentence despite missing some unimportant information. The retrieval of meaning-equivalent sentences is based on content words, modality, and tense.

Who hosts rough translation?

Gregory WarnerGregory Warner Gregory Warner is the host of NPR's Rough Translation.

What is rough translation?

Rough Translation is a podcast about cultural mistranslations and what we can learn from them. Usually, we're heading to far off places to bring you stories that hit close to home. This spring, with the help NPR's Veterans Correspondent Quil Lawrence, we're taking on a cultural divide that's closer to home. One many Americans might not know is there.

Who taught people to speak "perfect" English?

Heather Hansen used to teach people to speak "perfect" English. Until she realized that so-called "bad English" might be a better way to communicate.

Where is the place where for decades you weren't supposed to talk about someone's blackness?

France is the place where for decades you weren't supposed to talk about someone's blackness, unless you said it in English. Today, we're going to meet the people who took a very French approach to change that. (Note: This story contains strong language in English and French.) 44 min.

What is the school of scandal?

We're back with a special series, Rough Translation's "School of Scandal," stories about people around the world calling each other out and taking each other down to change the status quo.

War Poems Revisited

As the U.S. pulls out of Afghanistan, we look back at a time when Taliban poetry and a local cooking show became part of the war. And the U.S. had the perfect person to fight on that front.

How To Speak Bad English

Heather Hansen used to teach people to speak "perfect" English. Until she realized that so-called "bad English" might be a better way to communicate.

Liberté, Égalité, French Fries... And Couscous

Our favorite McDonald's in Marseille, France has reached its afterlife. It took court cases, spray paint, and the slogan you know turned upside down (literally) to get there.

Welcome To The Vaccination Club

Two very different approaches to wooing vaccine skeptics. And how a little FOMO can go a long way.

Rewriting The Travel Guidebook With Nanjala Nyabola

What happens when your guidebook isn't written with you in mind? Nanjala Nyabola on her new book: Travelling While Black.

Our Boxes, Ourselves

From Montréal to Edinburgh, and from São Paulo to Taipei: your stories about belonging, or longing to just be.

We (Still) Don't Say That

France is the place where for decades you weren't supposed to talk about someone's blackness, unless you said it in English. Today, we're going to meet the people who took a very French approach to change that.

What is rough translation?

Rough Translation is a podcast about cultural mistranslations and what we can learn from them. Usually, we're heading to far off places to bring you stories that hit close to home. This spring, with the help NPR's Veterans Correspondent Quil Lawrence, we're taking on a cultural divide that's closer to home. One many Americans might not know is there.

Who taught people to speak "perfect" English?

Heather Hansen used to teach people to speak "perfect" English. Until she realized that so-called "bad English" might be a better way to communicate.

Where is the place where for decades you weren't supposed to talk about someone's blackness?

France is the place where for decades you weren't supposed to talk about someone's blackness, unless you said it in English. Today, we're going to meet the people who took a very French approach to change that.

Who taught people to speak "perfect" English?

Heather Hansen used to teach people to speak "perfect" English. Until she realized that so-called "bad English" might be a better way to communicate.

What happens when a journalist goes missing in Iraq?

When a journalist goes missing in Iraq, his friends and family have to figure out a rescue plan. * Note: This story contains strong language and sounds of war.

Where is the place where for decades you weren't supposed to talk about someone's blackness?

France is the place where for decades you weren't supposed to talk about someone's blackness, unless you said it in English. Today, we're going to meet the people who took a very French approach to change that.

What is the school of scandal?

We're back with a special series, Rough Translation's "School of Scandal," stories about people around the world calling each other out and taking each other down to change the status quo.

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